fallen for him

By stormy_writer

6 1 0

gyu won is an ordinary farm girl with the dream of getting out of a horrid farm and seeing the world out ther... More


6 1 0
By stormy_writer

"Guy won! "
I groan as I try to shut out the annoying voice belonging to my
guardian by covering my head with the ' very comfortable straw pillow '
note the sarcasm.
"you silly, ungrateful, lazy brat, wake up you have a lot of work to do"
"don't I always... "I mumble under my breath making sure she doesn't hear me as I get out of bed , well if you can call it that, I fold the cloth lying on the ground and sweep the hay back in its place. I look back making sure that everything is in place and head out of the barn,  yes I sleep in a barn, that shouldn't come as a surprise looking at the fact that am a slave here.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't born a slave my life used to be filled with happiness right on this farm. Those days I never imagined that I would one day want to get out of here but here I am wishing for the same thing.
I know this farm is the only thing that connects me to my parents But for the past ten years I've been trying to get it back but that seemed impossible looking at the fact that I don't have the right connections,  or any connections, to do it.
Anyway my goal is to get out of this hell hole I once called home and explore the world, but the question is, HOW?

(somewhere in Seoul)
"as we are all aware of park jimin is going to go for surgery because of his nodes, right? " president MA asks all the bts members
"yes" "we do" "yeah" "of course " "you keep on telling us" "when's this ending" "way to make me feel worse"
They all respond in unison .
"oookay am loving the attitude,  anyway in those six months two songs should be released "
"OK we'll have v and jin sing the songs and I'll compose" namjoon says but it looks like the president has a different  idea .
"Thank you for that suggestion RM but no, the songs need to have all of you in them."
"But how's that's possible if jimin won't be able to sing in those six months" jin cuts in
"Easy all we need is an eighth member!"
More Silence.....
It's becoming weird .
jk starts laughing, then all the members burst out with laughter.
"great joke,  president, that was a great joke, you actually lightened up the mood, now enough with the jokes let's be real. What's the plan"they look at him expecting for a more realistic plan.
"it's not a joke guys, am bringing in a new member but don't worry it's temporal not permanent, you see we just have to find a guy who can hit jimin's notes and we are good to go" he finishes off as he gives them a full blown smile like he just hit the jackpot.
"that's next to impossible, where are you going to find such a guy, president MA , jimin himself was quite hard to find" RM tries to reason with the man
"That's not for me to worry about, manager Kim said he'd do it, isn't that right manager"he turns to the goofy looking man sitting at the far end of the table.
"O-Ofcourse jong" that earns him a glare "I mean president, president ma"
"Anyway manager Kim here has everything covered and aand he said the new member will come in next week  which is six days from now, okay since everything I wanted to say has been said you can all leave"
It didn't take long for the room to clear up clearly not everyone was happy with this news except for manager Kim .

"what do you mean by saying you don't have a replacement! "
"I know I know song joo I am also panicking, please help me"
Right now manager kim was on his knees shamelessly asking for help from his friend, if that's what you can call them, who is failing to believe that he was stupid enough to lie to their boss just to gain more money,  uhrg this man will be the death of her. Placing her hand on her forehead, she started pacing back and fourth trying to think of a way to help this fool,  she is getting a share of the money anyways.
"We can try putting posters around" but even as she says that she already knows how much of a bad idea it is...
"No no no what if the president sees it we'll be done for ...ouch!, what was that for!" He Says glaring at her for hitting him
"Don't you think I already know that" she can't seem to stop pacing back and forth."you know what go.."
"You heard me, Go home , I need time to thing " she drags him out of her apartment and slams the door in his face"urgh I need a drink.

Manager Kim's POV
Am dead am dead am soooo dead what got into me how could I have done something so stupid...oh yes right money, money money money
That's why and now I don't know what to do, the guy who promised to fill in the position bailed out at the last moment claiming 'he had important family issues he had to attend to" he doesn't even have a family, he's  an orphan! Urhg what to do what to do...
Just as all hope is lost my phone rings let's hope this call will solve everything. I check my caller ID and what I see crushes all my hope.
The person calling is not exactly one of my favourites I just keep him around cause he helps me out when I need money but again you can't call it helping cause there's always a condition attached, well I have no choice but to answer the call.
"oh hey Mr Kim how are you"
I would like to tell him how I am but I choose to lie
"am fine Mr Lee how are you and your family"
"oh we are all good. Mr Kim my family is having a celebration this weekend, celebrating my birthday, and I was wondering if you would like to come "
"uhmmm I don't know me L... "
"oh pleaser Kim I won't that much of a big celebration  I and it won't take most of your time "

What he doesn't know is that it will take most of my time but if I want to keep him by my side I guess I just have to go

"sure Mr Lee I'll come"
"that's wonderful  I'll see you there. Alright bye"

I have a feeling this party won't be much of a time waster.

Gyu won 's POV
"gyu won where's my dress! "
"It's here" I hand her the dress I've been pressing.
That was song i Mr Lee's  only child and is treated as a princess literally  she can't do anything I always do everything for her. She has a dream of becoming a famous singer but I doubt that will happen any time soon, don't get me wrong she's very pretty she has the looks but not the voice. Am the one with the voice and that's why she hates me she says am not worthy of my voice and that's why I don't usually sing in public I usually sing when no ones around or before I sleep in the barn. My mother had a beautiful voice too and singing reminds me of her.
"gyu won you need to start cleaning the party hall we are going to have a lot of guests tomorrow coming for my husband's party, so you better clean it properly or else no food for a week understood! " Mrs Lee gets out of the laundry room not waiting for my reply but again there's nothing I can say I just have to do it and if I decide to not obey she might beat me or worse no food and I don't want to go down that road again, so as an obedient child I quickly get the laundry done and head to the party hall to help out the other servants.

As I open the door to the hall I spot an old lady trying her best to clean. That's Mrs Kang she's been working here since I was a child when my parents died all the servants left but she stayed looking after me , she's  like a mother to me and I love her
"oh my dear what are you doing here don't you have other work to do" she says as she hugs me.
"I do but the madame said I should help clean the hall and make sure that it's clean or I'll face the consequences" I shrug as I get a broom and start doing the work "oh that witch I would have taught her a good lesson it's just that am old now and can't do anything" I laugh at her tactics "come on Mrs Kang let's get to work before the witch comes.


Hello thank you for reading my story hopefully you like it. This is my first story so please forgive me for my bad grammar and punctuation. Love you all😘
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