Miraculous reacts

By arshblue

9.7K 111 77

One day 3 children come out of no where and kidnap the miraculous class and forces them to see their... More

Freaking out!!!!!!!!
DjWIFi !!!!!!!
In the .....
introducing Le kids

chameleon part 2

1K 13 19
By arshblue

back at the Theater

Marinette :Ladybug has never saved your life!
Lila: I only tell people what they want to hear.
Marinette: It's called lying!
Lila: There's nothing you can do about it, anyway. People can't resist when they hear what they like to hear. If you don't want to be my friend, fine! But soon you won't have any friends left at all. And trust me, I'll make sure you never get close to Adrien in class or anywhere. You seem a little less dumb than the others, so I'll give you one last chance. You are either with me or against me. You don't have to answer right away. I'll give you 'till the end of class today.
(Lila leaves the bathroom; Marinette enters one of the bathroom stalls; Tikki flies out.)
Marinette: I thought Chloe was evil, but Lila really takes
the whole cake! She's like a super villain who doesn't even need a costume!
Tikki: u mustn't let her get to you, Marinette.
Marinette: If I don't manage to expose her lies, she'll ruin my life, Tikki. She'll turn my friends against me, including Adrien! (screams in frustration and punches the side of the stall)

Alya: i can't believe you LILA HOW DARE YOU threaten my BFF you Bitch and the Worse thing she WAS telling the truth all along AND A I BELIEVED YOU OVER HER UGH I FEEL DISGUSTED!!

(alya starts crying and Nino hugs her)

NINO: YES how dare you threaten our Mare bare ugh i can't do anything you ..YOU threaten our MARE BEAR

Lila: guys you don't believe the video right , u know this is to turn you guys against me and think about it why would  i need to lie to you


Alix: because of you she left this room and now we have to make it up to them  . UUUGH now we have to make it up to them cuz we didn't believe her!!!!!!

class: never talk to us again !!!!!!

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: Yes! I can feel it. The anger's about to emerge!

Scene: The bathroom. Marinette begins to cry.

Tikki: (sees the akuma) Marinette, look out!
(The akuma approaches Marinette)
Marinette: Aah! an akuma!

class except miraculous holders) : whats that red thing floating and talking???

miraculous holders confused and dumb

Adrien and Marinette returns to the theater , Marinette look at the screen and the class and saw their questioning glances . marinette saw wayzz and saw him nodding 

MARINETTE: oh umm that's just a robot like Markov but her name is Tikki

Tikki: marinette it was supposed to be a secret and you know that (whispers from bag)

marinette (whispers back) : its time!!

marinette : Tikki you can come out now!!

Tikki: hi i am Tikki !! and this is my friend marinette its nice to meet you all (thinking : this is weird , i don't know what to say)

Adrien's thoughts: wait isn't that Ladybugs Kwami??? , but during Kwami buster Marinette was multi-mouse so it can't be possible right ??? no no no bad Adrien you don't want to disappoint ladybug by knowing who she is now do you.......

Emma : guys the movie !!! 

Scene: College Françoise DuPont, locker room. Lila is walking to the exit when suddenly Adrien barges in.

Adrien: Hey, Lila.
Lila: Adrien, we'll have to figure when you're gonna help me catch up on all the schoolwork I missed. I also heard you play piano, my uncle's the great pianist Chuch Borough chuck. He wanted to teach me when I was little, but I had to stop playing because of . But when my wrist gets better, I'd love for you to give me some lessons.
Adrien: Lila, I'm perfectly happy being friends with you, and I'll gladly help you catch on your schoolwork, but please don't lie to me like you did last time with Ladybug.
Adrien: (in flashback) So I'm guessing you're not a descendant of a superhero, either.
Ladybug: (in flashback) She's more like a super liar.

Lila: Ladybug's the liar.                                                                                                                                        Adrien: I'm not judging you, Lila, but instead of making friends you're going to turn everyone against you. You can tell me if there's something bothering you. I can help. But you need to be honest with me.

Lila: Are you trying to be some superhero lecturing me just like Ladybug did? Well thanks, but no thanks. Ugh. (storms off)
Adrien: I'm still here if you need help catching up with your schoolwork. (walks away in a dejected manner)

Scene: The bathroom.

Tikki: You can resist it, Marinette. Hawk Moth's power only effects people who think there's no solution to their problems, and you always find a solution.
Marinette: You're right! You won't get me, I'm proud, I'm confident, I'm Marinette!
(The akuma flies away.)

Rose: there she is again wow you are really cool Tikki you are a moral life helper !!

Chloe: WHAT Did I JUST SEE MAritrash PREvent an AKUMA !!!

hawk daddy thoughts : ohh so this is what happened to my Akuma

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: What's happened? The anger has disappeared. Hmm, but I can feel something new arising.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, second floor.

Lila: I can't stand those super goody-two-shoes. (sees the akuma) Yes, here's my chance!

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, bathroom.

Marinette: We can't let this akuma run loose

(a/n : sorry but i am not revealing her identity right now cuz it would break the tempo of the book that i have decided so i hope you do understand)

skip to Scene: Collège Françoise DuPont, second floor.

Lila: (grabs the akuma) Come here, akuma. (puts the akuma in her Hawk Moth, I am Lila. I know you want to destroy Ladybug and so do I.
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Yes, I remember you.
Lila: Give me super villain powers and I'll give you her and Cat Noir's .
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) With pleasure. I have some new powers for you, Chameleon.
(Black-purple magic engulfs Lila.)

Alya: woah M was right she is a super villain without a costume

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, locker room. Ladybug runs out of the bathroom, but shrieks and runs back when she sees Adrien.

Ladybug: I gotta find another way. (looks up and sees an airduct cover)
Adrien: (sees Lila) Hey.
(Chameleon pushes Adrien into the locker room.)
Chameleon (as Lila): Adrien, I wanted to apologize for what just happened. I've thought about it and you're right. I want us to be friends, so I'll never tell another lie again. Will you make peace with me? (kisses Adrien on the cheek, turning into Adrien and making the real Adrien collapse onto the ground, sound asleep; in Lila's voice) Whoops, I lied. (puts Adrien into a locker and leaves)
Plagg: (floats out) Adrien, Adrien!

Marinette: wait wait wait!!!  hey Tikki isn't that Plagg (whispers to Tikki)

Tikki : maybe I am not sure what do you think ??? (replies nervously)

Scene: Collège Françoise DuPont, roof. Ladybug looks down to see Chameleon (Adrien) approaching Nino and Alya, who are just leaving a classroom.

Chameleon (as Adrien): Nino, I have something to tell you. You don't deserve my friendship or your girlfriend or your cap. (takes Nino's cap and puts it on herself)
Alya: Hey!
Chameleon (as Adrien): You should see your faces, don't miss my performance at the Eiffel tower
Ladybug: What? Not Adrien.

Scene: Parisian streets, rooftops. Ladybug follows Chameleon throughout Paris. Chameleon jumps in front of the bus, causing the driver to swerve and almost hit someone. Ladybug saves the person and stops the bus just in time.

Bus Driver: Hey, thank you Ladybug.
(At the Eiffel Tower; Chameleon is popping Ladybug balloons.)
Civilian: My balloon. Mommy!
(Chameleon laughs and pops more Ladybug balloons, then takes a couple Cat Noir balloons.)
Chameleon: Thank you. (jumps up the Eiffel Tower)
Civilian 2: Oh no, he's gonna fall.

Chameleon: La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la whoa. (pretends to lose her balance) This is so easy, as soon as someone needs saving that stupid Ladybug shows up. La, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Ladybug: Adrien, stop!
Chameleon: Ah, help me. I'm losing my balance, I'm gonna fa– (falls; Ladybug jumps and rescues her)
Civilians : Yeah, woo-hoo!
Chameleon: My princess charming, you saved my life. (attempts to kiss Ladybug)
Ladybug: You are not Adrien!
Chameleon: You're right, I'm Chameleon. You're getting better at this, Ladybug. Which is a good thing. It'll make this fight all the more interesting.
(Chameleon and Ladybug fight until the latter pins Chameleon onto the ground)
Ladybug: I know where your akuma is, Chameleon. Time to de-evil– (rips Nino's cap) uh, but the akuma.

Scene: Collège Françoise DuPont, locker room, inside a locker. Adrien is still asleep, Plagg is hovering over him.

Plagg: If this an enchanted sleep, what can possibly wake him up? (Adrien snores) Oh no, not an enchanted kiss! Please! Nobody will ever know. (prepares to kiss Adrien, but Adrien wakes up)
Adrien: Plagg, what happened? And what are you doing?
Plagg: Oh, me? Nothing I, uh... your friend Lila put you to sleep with an evil kiss. You should be more careful picking your friends.
Adrien: Lila must've been re-akumatized.

Adrien : oh my god Plagg what were you thinking how come you were about to kiss me (bursts out laughing)

Tikki: ok that was hilarious !!! that only happened one time and you were about to repeat history again (whispers to Plagg)

Plagg: you guys are really mean Humph at least I was trying to help !!!!

Scene: .

civilian: Quentin! Quentin!
Chameleon (as Quentin): Ladybug, I saw the super villain running away. (points to the merry-go-round)
Ladybug: Thanks! Don't stay here, okay? It's dangerous. (approaches the merry-go-round) Come out of there, Chameleon! (the real Quentin can be seen snoring inside one of the carts)
Quentin's mother: My Quentin! You found him, Ladybug.
Ladybug: Found him?
(Chameleon jumps and tries to kiss Ladybug)
Cat Noir: Ladybug, look out! (intercepts the kiss and gets kissed instead; Chameleon tries to take the Miraculous from the now-sleeping Cat Noir, but Ladybug intervenes)
: It's down to the two of us, Ladybug. !
Ladybug: I'm gonna find out who you really are, Chameleon!
Chameleon: I'll find out who you are first, don't you worry. (attacks Ladybug) Too bad Cat Noir's power is gonna destroy you. (tries kissing Ladybug again.)
Ladybug: If you manage to touch me! (leaps to the Eiffel Tower)
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Get me his Miraculous, now!
Chameleon: No! I wanna get hers first!
(They jump to the top of the Eiffel Tower)
Chameleon: Nowhere to run now, Ladybug.
Ladybug: I don't intend to. ! (gets a ) A T-shirt?
Chameleon: (laughs) That's your plan to defeat me, Ladybug? Make me dress like you? On second thought, such horrible fashion might actually do me in.
(Ladybug tries breaking Chameleon's .)
Chameleon: Failed again. (they fight more) Cataclysm! (tries to kiss Ladybug)
Hawk Moth: (from his lair) Good job Chameleon, become Ladybug, then once you put her to sleep you can simply give me her Miraculous.

(Ladybug uses her Lucky Vision and sees in order: the waitress of a nearby fish stall; a device used for opening clams and a clam. She lets go of Chameleon's cataclysm-activated hand and redirects it to the metal floor paneling. Ladybug and Chameleon fall down, the debris scare the aforementioned waitress off, Ladybug and Chameleon fall where she once stood. Ladybug looks around for a clam, Chameleon stands up and tries to kiss Ladybug, but Ladybug shoves a clam in her face. Chameleon turns into a clam.)
Cat Noir: (wakes up) Ladybug!
Ladybug: (picks up Chameleon (as a clam)) We should be friends, not anemones.
Cat Noir: Wow, you certainly got that supervillain to clam up, m'lady. But we're still not out of the woods yet. Where's the akumatized object?
Ladybug: I think I might have an idea. Waiter?
Waitress: Ahem.
Ladybug: If you wouldn't mind. (hands the waitress Chameleon and the T-shirt)
Waitress: Yes, Ladybug, at your service. (opens the clam) Mademoiselle.
Ladybug: Thank you. We're about to find out what you really look like Chameleon.
Cat Noir: You'll see, it's an old acquaintance.
Ladybug: (breaks the akumatized object; the akuma flutters out) No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma with her ) Gotcha! (releases the purified butterfly) Bye, bye, little butterfly. (throws the T-shirt into the air) !

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, second floor.

Alya: Don't worry, you look good even without your cap.
(The Miraculous Cure returns Nino's cap.)
Nino: Hey! (Nino looks way happier; Alya giggles)

Scene: Eiffel Tower. The Miraculous Cure fixes the hole in the Eiffel Tower, the mess in and around the stall and turns Chameleon back into Lila.

Ladybug: Lila?
Lila: Ladybug?
Ladybug: At least now you can say I saved your life for real. Truce? (holds out her hand)
Lila: Thanks, Ladybug. (shakes her hand) I'd be honored to call you my friend.
Ladybug: Yeah, I'm happy to hear that. Hey, some advice. You don't have to lie and pretend to be something you're not. People will like you just for being yourself.

Lila: You have my word, Ladybug.
Ladybug: Bug out! (leaves with Cat Noir)
Lila: Bye! (begins seething)

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair.

Hawk Moth: I sense a talon like no other in this young Lila. I'm sure that her feelings about Ladybug will serve my purposes well in the end. One way or another.
(The window in his lair closes.)

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont, courtyard. Lila is sitting on a bench, the class is standing around her.

Lila: Of course Ladybug saved my life. She never misses an opportunity to rescue her best friends.
Max: Didn't your tinnitus give you vertigo when you went up the Eiffel Tower?
Lila: Oh no. Ladybug knows me so well that she brought me an earplug to stick in my right ear.
Marinette: (standing at a distance) Right ear?! Did she say right ear?! This morning she said that the ringing was in her left ear! I've got her this time! (prepares to walk up to the group but is stopped by Adrien)

Adrien: Are you going to tell everyone?
Marinette: 'Course I am. Lila is—
Adrien: (interrupting) A liar. Yes, I know. But do you really think exposing her will make things better? If you humiliate her, she'll just be hurt more. Making a bad guy suffer has never turned them into a good guy.
Lila: Ladybug and I are like two peas in a pod.
Marinette: So we just stand by and let her lie?
Adrien: As long as you and I both know the truth, does it really matter?
Marinette: You're right, maybe it's not such a big deal.
(The school bell rings.)

Alix : now that's kindness and our favorite OTP !!!

Alya and Nino: Mari/dudette please forgive us for misunderstanding you i am sorry !!!

class: yeah we are sorry!!!!

Marinette: BUt you guys broke my trust and now asking for forgiveness ............  umm you know i can't stay mad at you guys right so i forgive you all !! 

Adrien: now that i think about it Marinette I guess we should have told them about this !!!

Lila thinks: oh i'll get you all of you who have  

Scene: Miss Bustier's classroom.

Miss Bustier: Good afternoon, everyone.
Class: Good afternoon, Miss Bustier.
(Everyone sits down in their seats; Adrien sits besides Marinette at the back of the class.)
Adrien: Good for you for taking the high road, Marinette. Hey, it's pretty cool back here. (Marinette giggles)
Miss Bustier: Lila?
Lila: Here.
Miss Bustier: Adrien? 
Adrien: Present.
Miss Bustier: Max?
Max: Present.
Marinette: (thinking) Stay focused now Marinette.
Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?
Marinette: (thinking) Don't get distracted.
Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?
Marinette: Otherwise you'll flunk school. And then how are you and Adrien—
Miss Bustier: (muffled) Marinette?
Marinette: —gonna get that house, and have three kids and a hamster named—
Adrien: (interrupting her thoughts) Marinette, Miss Bustier's called your name three times
Marinette: Oh. (looks sheepishly at Miss Bustier)

the girls erupted in laughter

the boys are smirking and grinning at them

marinette is trying to hide her self

Adrien is confused : why my just a friend was thinking about her future ........ oh so she wants to stay in touch with me and show how her life is ..... i wonder who she'll end up with ... hmmmm Luka of course it'll be Luka 

Miss Bustier: Looks like you have trouble hearing after all, Marinette. Why don't you come sit up here in the front row next to Lila.
(Marinette gets up dejectedly saunters off to the front row.)
Lila: Miss Bustier, this is incredible. My tinnitus, I don't feel it anymore. It's gone. it's a miracle. It must be Ladybug's doing, I can sit in the back now.
(Lila stands up and walks to the back.)

Alya: Excuse me, Miss Bustier, can I go and sit next to Marinette? Nino and I can't stop chatting it up. (Miss Bustier nods and Alya goes to sits next to Marinette)
Alya: You didn't think I'd let my BFF sit all by herself, did you?
Adrien: Excuse me Miss Bustier, can I move, too, please? I'd like to sit next to Nino again. (Nino looks ecstatic) Sorry Lila, he's my best friend.
class: Can I have my old seat back, too, please?
class: Can I go back to where I was?
Rose, Max and others: Me too!
(Everyone moves back to their original seats)

Nino: Catch you later, Marinette. Bye. (takes off with Alya)
(Marinette walks off but bumps into Lila)
Lila: I see you've made your decision Marinette. (leans into her ear) From now on, you and I are at war. You will lose your friends and wind up all alone and Adrien will soon be mine. (leans back)
Marinette: We'll see about that, Lila, we'll see. (walks away while Lila gapes surprised at her for a moment before taking off with a huff)


Nino : wow and i thought Lila couldn't stoop lower than before                                       

Alya : i can't believe that i believed Lila over Mari

class: yeah 

Emma: hey guys why don't you guys go and eat after that we will be reacting to Ladynoir and watch some memes

class: yeah !!!

Alya: now did you mention it you said we would get to know ladybug and chat Noir's identity !!

class: yeah she's right !!!

Adrienette: nope nope not happening not now!! (internally thinking)

Hugo whispers to Luis and Emma : wow our mom and dad looks so flush as if they are constipated and have diarrhea ............ (then they started snickering)

Luis: whoa Whoa palm down no need to be Hiss at us

Mari : did you just make cat puns !! (annoyed)

Luis: What my cat puns are pawsome no need to show that  crude cattitude 

Emma : LUIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you aren't supposed to make cat puns in front of them or we will reveal ourselves and they'll know so stay low 

NOW ALL OF YOU SCRAM!!! and eat !!!

all went to eat

hey guys this is part 2 of chameleon i hope you enjoy it 

so keep reading

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