bloom. h.s βœ”οΈ

By vanillasoy

1.3M 32.8K 100K

// "Shit Flower, I miss you." // In which a former drug dealer who fell in love with the bosses' daughter fin... More

a flower cannot blossom without sunshine, man cannot live without love
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty seven.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
a shameless promotion

thirty three.

33.2K 747 2.1K
By vanillasoy

"You're going to the Halloween party right?"

I looked away from the mirror and held the mascara wand away from my face just in case and considering I was clumsy I knew it was the smart move as I looked at Lindsee who was doing her own makeup on my bed.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Why?"

"Just wondered." Lindsee shrugged and I watched her for a long moment as she stuck her fake lashes onto her lid before I went back to my make up. "Have you picked a costume?"

"I kinda wanted to go as Vivian from Pretty Woman but Harry said no."

"Harry's a bore."


I jumped as a figure appeared in my bedroom doorway and I looked away from the mirror to see both Harry and Niall standing there and Lindsee blinked rapidly before she looked at me.

"How the fuck did you get in here?" Lindsee demanded as I finished off my makeup, throwing a smile towards Niall in the process before Harry kissed my cheek before he patted Pineapples head and lent against the wall.

"With a key." Harry drawled, "Thought you were supposed to be smart."

"Watch it." I warned Harry, his eyes rolling in response as Lindsee glared at him. "Her over you any day buddy."

Harry raised an eyebrow at me as Lindsee grinned triumphantly and I caught Niall kissing her in the mirror and I looked back at my unimpressed boyfriend and I shrugged.

"Thought yeh' said you were ready to go." Harry said instead of continuing our previous topic and I wondered if he realised I was serious.

I loved Harry and I always would but Lindsee was my best friend. Nothing was going to change that, she was always going to be in my life.

"I've just gotta put some shoes on." I said as I stood up from desk, Harry catching my wrist easily and tugging me into his chest and I watched as his eyes dropped down my body before he kissed me and I smiled against his lips.

"So what are we doing?" Lindsee asked as I pulled on a pair of black thigh high suede boots and ran my hands down my outfit.

"S'surprise." Harry said immediately making me look at him and then at Lindsee as Niall leaned in and whispered in her ear.

"Lins, what are we doing?" I asked my best friend, her eyes growing wide.

"Fuck sake Niall, y'know she can't keep a secret!" Harry snapped and I slapped his stomach half heartedly only for Harry to grab my wrist and hold it away from him and I blinked at him as he raised a challenging eyebrow at me.

"Lins I love you." I tried again making Lindsee press her lips together as Niall looked between Harry and I in something that resembled fear.

"C'mon we're leaving." Harry demanded as he jerked me along by my wrist and I clenched internally as Harry handed me my bag before he pulled me out of my room and I was aware of Niall and Lindsee following.

"Oh no I forgot my coat." I pouted in the lift, the four of us all crammed in and it made me think back to when Lindsee and I moved in back in July.

"Can wear mine." Harry muttered and I glanced at him, my eyes taking in his brown and orange white striped jumper.

Forget his coat, I wanted that jumper.

"You guys didn't drive together?"

I looked between Harry and Niall incredulously as I took notice of Harry's car and Niall's newer model of Range Rover.

"Fuck no." Harry snorted and I rolled my eyes nudging him as Lindsee shook her head at the two of them.

"You're terrible for the environment." I muttered as Harry simply ignored me and pulled me across the street to his car and I waved halfheartedly at Lindsee as she followed Niall to his car and Harry flung his coat at me once I was inside.

"Thanks. Won't you be cold?" I asked as I pulled on the black coat I'd not worn since twenty nineteen and I tried not to be a weirdo about it.

"S'me." Harry shrugged and I rolled my eyes before his hand landed on my leg and I picked it up so I was holding it this time around. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied automatically, "So where are we going?"


"But Lindsee gets to know?!" I pouted making Harry glance at me with pursed lips and a raised eyebrow.

"Don't be a brat Flower."

"Make me." I muttered, squeaking as Harry pulled roughly over to the side of the street and I blinked as my face was grabbed and Harry's lips met mine roughly, one of his hands gripping my hair tightly.

"I will turn this car around and I will fuck you until yeh' can't say anything except my name."

I bit my lip as I stared at Harry, his eyes hard but the smirk on his lips gave him away and I decided to play him at his own game.

"If you say so Daddy."

I heard Harry's sharp intake of breath and I rolled my bottom lip underneath my teeth before my face was roughly brought to his and I smiled against his lips, my lips parting in anticipation of his tongue only for Harry to pull away and I pouted.

"Nice try, Buttercup." Harry patted my cheek before he settled back into his seat and took the handbrake off and I was left pouting in my seat as Harry continued to drive away from my flat and through London.

"Why is this a surprise?" I asked a little while later, my eyes watching the city out of the window and my eyebrow raised as we drove past the building Harry and Niall worked in.


"But you said it was!" I glared at Harry half heartedly watching as he shrugged and I shook my head at the lack of an answer. "Oh I have my driving test on Wednesday."

"Yeh' don't even have a car."

"Was gunna get one this weekend." I said shrugging, "Do you wanna come with me?"

I chewed my lip as I looked Harry over, his eyes flicking between me and the road in front of us and I smiled every time he glanced at me. Harry was silent before he nodded and I smiled wider.

"I think Lins is coming as well."

"So why did you ask me to come too?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Because I love you."

"Hm." Harry hummed just as we drove past Tower Hill tube station and I ran my tongue along my teeth.

"Also neither of us know shit about cars." I rushed out as Harry slowed down and I caught sight of the Tower of London through the window.

"I see." Harry clicked his tongue making me roll my eyes as he pulled into a side street and parked his car and I looked around as he turned the engine off and I spotted what I thought was Niall's car further down the road. "C'mon Flower."

I took ahold of Harry's hand obediently as he held it out for me as we walked down the street, Harry's coat swamping me more now than it did a few years ago.

Whether or not it was Niall's car I didn't really know as we passed it, the inside void of my two best friends and I simply carried on walking with Harry. My eyes growing wide as voices and laughter started to fill the air and I spotted the crowds.

The looming figure of the Tower of London coming into view as we got closer to the crowds and I realised the chill in the air was in part thanks to the early October air and the ice rink.

"Are we ice skating?!" I looked up at Harry excitedly, his eyes glancing over me before he nodded and I grinned before I hugged him sideways, Harry's laugh filling the air before he tugged me to keep walking.


Harry greeted the blonde and brunette who were already holding their boots and I grinned at Lindsee who looked equally excited as I felt.

"Harry's idea." Lindsee murmured into my ear as we hugged and I pulled away from her wide eyed making her nod.

I smiled at Harry who was talking to Niall, his eyes flicking to me and I felt my cheeks heat as he raised an eyebrow but smiled back at me.

"C'mon, we need to get our boots." Harry flicked his head and I squeezed Lindsee's hand before I followed Harry to the little booth, a groan leaving his lips as we joined the queue and I nudged him gently.

"I didn't know you could ice skate." I said making Harry look down at me and shrug.

"Can't really."

"So why are we here?!" I looked at him if he was crazy.

"I know yeh' like it." Harry shrugged making me bite my lip as he squeezed my hand making my skin heat. "Ten and a six."

The guy behind the counter nodded as he disappeared to get our boots and I briefly wondered how Harry knew my shoe size, it wasn't something we talked about but whatever.

I thanked him quietly as we were handed our boots and we took a seat to swap our shoes before giving them back to the guy in the booth.

I tried not to laugh as Harry attempted to stand in the boots, the blade not doing anything for his balance and I held a hand out immediately for him to grip, grimacing as how tightly Harry actually held onto me as we went back to Lindsee and Niall.

"Ready?" Niall asked, receiving a nod from both Lins and I.

Harry on the other hand simply groaned and I laughed at his reluctancy, if he was this anti ice skating then why did he decide to come?! It didn't matter if I liked it or not, if he didn't want to be here, then we shouldn't be.

Neither Lindsee or I were actually that good at skating but at least we didn't fall over, I laughed as Lindsee immediately held my hand as Niall hovered alongside the wall and the two of us moved out of the way of Harry who stepped onto the ice slowly.

"Just take it easy." I offered to Harry who glared making us laugh and I looked at Niall in a silent plea.

"Go, I'll look after him Popcorn."

I grinned at Niall before I turned to Lindsee who nodded and the two of us let go of each other and left the two boys alone and skated around the rink a couple of times.

"I mean its not Rockafella..." Lindsee trailed as we slowed down as we came upon Niall and Harry skating slowly, and admittedly the latter was better than the former.

"Nothing here is like Rockafella." I laughed as I skated alongside Harry who looked at me and smiled lazily. "Alright?"

Harry nodded at me and I glanced at Niall attempting to skate further away from barrier with Lindsee's help and I laughed a bit before I looked back at Harry.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked, Harry's eyes following mine briefly before he looked back and nodded. "We'll be back in a while."

Lindsee nodded and winked at me making me roll my eyes as Harry and I exited from the next little gap in the barrier and Harry picked up my hand easily.

"This is really fun, thank you." I smiled at him as we joined the queue for the little cafe stand.


"What do you want?" I asked as I peered at the drinks menu, my hand already going for the clasp on my bag.

"I got it Flower."

"You paid for the skating," I mumbled, "Hi can I have one orange soy hot chocolate please and a..."

"Flat white." Harry grumbled and I smiled at the girl who nodded.

"Any food?" She asked and I blinked before I looked at the menu once more.

"Oh a packet of salt and vinegar crisps please." I said and looked at Harry who shook his head.

"Thirteen twenty please."

I tapped my card easily before the two of us moved to the side to wait for our drinks as I opened my packet of crisps and offered Harry some only for him to turn his nose up and I rolled my eyes.

How could someone not like salt and vinegar?!

"Are you okay?" I asked quietly just as our drinks were brought over and I smiled in a silent thanks before taking a sip and savouring the warmth.

"Course, why wouldn't I be Flower?"

"Dunno," I shrugged, "You're just quiet tonight."

"I love you." Harry said instead of acknowledging my words and I flushed.

"I love you too. This is really fun, thank you."

"Y'know we had our first date three years ago." Harry commented causally making my eyes snap to him.

"We did?!"

I was sure we'd never gone on a date the first time around, surely I would have remembered if we did. Just because it was three years ago didn't mean I'd forget something like that.

Harry nodded before he took a long drink and I frowned.

"I didn't think we went on dates?"

"We went on one," Harry corrected before he looked at me pointedly. "Can't believe yeh' don't remember."

I looked at Harry blankly making him roll his eyes as I tried to rack my brain but I kept coming up empty.

"It was three years ago today," Harry sighed, and I bit my lip. "The aquarium!"

"That was a date?!"

I felt my cheeks heat as Harry looked at me as if I was stupid or as if I had three heads and I wished my embarrassment would kill me now.

"I didn't know you thought that was a date!" I protested.

"Yeh' got that fuckin' photo of us framed!" Harry clicked his tongue at me.

"Yeah because I had a crush on you!" I laughed, shaking my head. I'd just liked the photo of us, I didn't think we were on a date.

"Yeh' had a crush on me?" Harry asked, a smirk on his lips as I looked at him unimpressed.

"You've told me you love me like eight times tonight."

"Shut up Flower."

I laughed as Harry pulled me into him, his head dipping so our lips were being pressed together and I smiled against his lips as I tried to keep a hold of my half empty take away cup as Harry cupped my jaw as our lips moved.

"Oh for fucks sake! Stop eating her!"

I jumped at the sudden Irish accent and Harry pecked my lips once more before he pulled away and punched Niall in the arm making me laugh as Lindsee stole a couple of crisps from me.

"Oh gross!" Lindsee put the handful of crisps back in the packet making me glare at her, "Why do you insist on burning off your taste buds?"

"Shut up you're annoying."

"You shut up." Lindsee mocked me before I rolled my eyes at her, "I'm hungry do you want anything?"

I watched silently as they left us and Harry threw away our empty cups before returning to the table we'd occupied.

"You're pretty."

"Thanks." I blinked at Harry, my cheeks heating as he smiled at me. "You're being weird lately, you know that?"

"What the fuck are yeh' talking about Flower?" Harry huffed and I shrugged.

"I dunno, ever since you went shopping with Niall you've been...weird."

"So I can't tell yeh' you're pretty?" Harry raised an eyebrow and I nudged him.

"No, I just mean...whatever forget I said anything." I gave up, huffing making Harry laugh before he pressed his lips to my cheek as Niall and Lindsee reappeared.

"Aren't you driving?" I asked as I looked at Niall's bottle of beer pointedly.

"Sorry Mum." Niall moaned and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry for having the safety and wellbeing of my best friend in mind." I snapped making Lindsee laugh.

"So cockwarming huh?"

I practically shrieked as the words left Niall's mouth all of a sudden, my eyes wide as I looked at him in compete shock and somewhat disgust before I looked at Lindsee who was as bright red as I felt like I was.

"What is your fucking problem mate?!" Harry grunted making Niall look at the three of us wide eyed.

"Oh don't act like you're innocent Popcorn, I know what you get up to." Niall accused and I gasped.

"I fucking hope you don't." I snapped before I turned my eyes to Harry accusingly who held his hands up in surrender. "Anniversary or not, watch yourself."

"Don't talk to me like that Buttercup." Harry answered back making me raise both eyebrows.

"I'm having a great time!" Lindsee clapped her hands, a strained smile on her face making me forget my annoyance as I laughed at her.

"I love you."

"I love you more." Lindsee replied automatically making me smile at her. "Oh, did you want to come to yoga tomorrow?"

"Oh sure, I don't have any leggings." I chewed my lip, "What time?"

"Oh not early, like one or something. We can get some in the morning if you want."

"We're sitting right here!" Niall butted in making the two of us look at him.

"No shit." Lindsee snapped, "You're both annoying."

I laughed as I finished off my crisps, Harry's hand squeezing my thigh and I glanced at him to see him watching me and I smiled instinctively.

"You're really pretty when yeh' laugh." Harry leaned into my ear and I bit my lip as he pulled away and I flushed.

I nudged him gently as Lindsee put the empty folded crisp packet into her empty cup and I smiled at her in thanks before Harry picked up my hand and I looked at him curiously. My curiosity being satisfied as he dropped it a moment later and my hand landed on the rather large and hard bulge in his jeans.

I looked at Harry wide eyed only to receive a shrug in return and I blinked before I looked back at Lindsee who was talking to Niall about something lowly.

"I'll get our shoes." I announced, Harry already reaching down to pull off his boots before he handed them to me and I wandered away from the table, pausing to undo and take mine off before I handed them back and got our shoes.

I pulled my boots up before I walked back to the table and handed Harry his shoes, Niall getting up and holding a hand out for Lindsee.

"I wanna skate some more." Lindsee said and I nodded, smiling. "Oh P, have you guys sorted your Halloween costumes?"

"Yeah," I nodded, earning a groan from Harry which made Niall laugh. "Have you?"

I kinda felt bad about not going as a joint costume this year with her, but then again we'd both done that for the last two years. Maybe it was time for a break.

"Got it narrowed down to two." Niall said and I raised an eyebrow.

"Can I know?"

"No." Lindsee answered immediately and I pouted, "I want it to be a surprise!"

I held my hands up in surrender before I kissed her cheeks and gave Niall a quick hug before Harry tugged me away and Lins and I waved at each other before Harry tightly gripped my hand and pulled us away from the rink.

"Hey I know you're like super horny right now, but can I ask you something?"


I smiled at Harry's answer, "How come you picked to skate at the Tower of London? And not like Winter Wonderland or the Natural History Museum or something?"

"You're into all that weird history shit."

I pulled a face but didn't say anything about Harry's answer and instead I hugged his arm to my chest as we walked.

"Also m'broke my elbow at the rink at the museum once."

I squealed making Harry jerk away from me and I flushed in response, "Are you serious?! When?"

"A few years back," Harry rolled his eyes, "Was with Niall too."

I couldn't stop the laugh from leaving my mouth as we walked which made Harry grumble about it under his breath.

"Why are you super horny right now?" I asked, my brain jumping from topic to topic.

"Because I love you."

"That's a weird answer." I laughed as the orange lights of Harry's car lit up the street.

"Why?" Harry huffed, crossing his arms once he'd pulled the door open for me and I put off getting inside.

"I dunno, it's just weird." I laughed again and I shrugged, "It's not what I expected."

"Sorry, was I meant to say I was thinking about shoving a plug in your sweet little arse and fucking in the back seat of my car until you can't say anything except my name?"

I swallowed as I met Harry's gaze, the air taken from my lungs as we stood there looking at each other. How was he able to say such things so casually?


The word slipped from my mouth before I realised what I was doing, stepping away from the open door, the slam echoing around the dark street as Harry pulled open the backdoor and I climbed in, his long limbs following.

"I mean I don't have it with me but you know." I waved my hand as I reached for his belt buckle immediately, my fingers undoing it so easily I probably could have done it with my eyes closed.

Harry let out a long and deep groan the minute my lips touched his cock and I hummed around him, knowing the vibrations always got to him as he jerked his hips and the tip slid into my open and waiting throat.


I was pulled off Harry with a pop, a trail of spit following me as Harry looked down at me, one his hands around my neck and I blinked, a pout forming on my lips.

He knew how much I liked sucking him off! Why did he always stop me?

"Can I take a picture?"

I blinked as the words registered in my mind and I nodded, I never understood why he wanted this but who was I to say no to Daddy?

"You still have all those from your birthday." I pointed out.


Harry paused from fishing his phone out from the pockets of his crumpled jeans and I cocked my head as I looked at him.

"From your birthday two years ago," I explained, "The night you told me you loved me. You took all those photos of me, after we, you know..."

"Oh I deleted those."

I blinked rapidly at Harry's words.

"You deleted them?"

"Well yeh'," Harry stroked my cheekbone, "We broke up."

"Guess you better take some more then." I smirked, Harry's eyes widening before I was roughly shoved back down onto his cock and I felt him bulge my throat.

"God how did I get so lucky to get a slut like you, Flower?"

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