Dorm Room 12B


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Dean Winchester enrols at a college in a small town called Beacon Hills. His roommate Stiles is very talkativ... Еще

Chapter 1- What the hell is a stiles?

Chapter 2- You're gay?

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Two weeks have passed since I first moved into my dorm. I've been hanging out with Charlie, Kevin, Stiles and his friends everyday ever since we first met. We all get on really well now and I officially feel like part of the group. Stiles and I have gotten pretty close too. Aside from his constant rambling, he's pretty cool and very smart.

Lunch Time

I walked over to our usual table talking and laughing with Lydia, Isaac and Allison. We discovered we all had the same art class. I look around at our usual table to see that Charlie, Lauren, Kevin and Jackson were there.

"Where's Scott and Stiles?" I ask as we sit down.

"They got held behind after their lecture, they wouldn't stop talking" Lauren said breaking out into a laugh.

"Sounds like them" Allison laughs before taking a bite of her sandwich.

We continue talking, laughing and eating. Half way through my sandwich I hear:

"You're so cute! I'd totally date you" As Lauren takes a sip of her drink.

"You're cute too!" Charlie says, blush evident on her cheeks.

I was smiling at Charlie's obvious blush until i hear my phone buzz.

Charlie< Lauren just said i was cute? What does that mean? Is she flirting or joking around? Is she into me?

I can't help but laugh at Charlie's confused ranting. For someone who's usually pretty smooth flirting with girls, she certainly isn't that good at receiving it.

Dean< You know jellyfish have lived without brains for thousands of years, there's still hope for you!

I type laughing to myself. Charlie looks up at me, a fake offended look on her face.

Charlie< How rude!
Charlie< I just mean is she serious or like joking? I don't know if she's gay or straight

Dean< Maybe just ask her

Charlie< Ask her? Yeah sure i'll just face her now and say "Hey Lauren, are you gay because I've been crushing on you since we first met and I don't know if this is friendly banter or if you actually like me"

Dean< Sounds good, off you go

Charlie< No way Dean, i'm not making a fool of myself

I was about to write a reply when I hear two chairs scrapping. Looking up I see Scott and Stiles sitting down.

"Hey guys" Stiles says with his trade mark smile

"So, you and Scott just couldn't resist having a conversation during your lecture huh?" Jackson asks starting to laugh.

"It wasn't anything important!" Stiles says in defence.

"How would you know, you didn't pay attention" Charlie says smiling, causing loud laughter to erupt from the table and a small eye roll but still a laugh from Stiles.

"Now that everyone's here, I can finally tell you our plans for tonight" Lydia announces looking at everyone.

"We had plans?" Isaac asks, putting some chips in his mouth.

"We do now, We're going to have a small party of just us to celebrate our first few weeks in college!" Lydia says smiling brightly.

"Still such a party animal" Scott laughs.

"Always" She replies smirking.

"Sounds fun, It's in your dorm I assume?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah, my dorm room is on the fourth floor, room 10C" Lydia says, taking a few sips from her drink.

"Will there be food and alcohol?" Jackson asks letting a small laugh escape.

"Obviously" Lydia says smiling.

"Count me in!" I say, finishing my burger.

"Great, it'll start around 5pm since that's when i finish tutoring. Come whatever time after that." She says smiling widely

Lydia is incredibly smart, she took up tutoring on her first week here as she always finished assignments early. Thank god our friendship group has a lot of smart kids, it makes studying together fun and useful.

The bell rings for next class and we all get up to head to class. I have a Physics class now, great, but Stiles and Lauren are in there so it won't be too bad.

Two hours later

Stiles, Lauren and I walk out of class together talking about the assignment we were just set. We plan on working on it at the library tomorrow. It feels good to be apart of a much larger friendship group than just Charlie, Kevin and I. Don't get me wrong I love those two they've been my best friends for years, but with a larger group there's more of a chance of being in the same class with a friend. It also makes studying easier, if someone's struggling there's about a 90% chance that someone in the group knows the answer.

Stiles and I headed up to our dorm, deciding to hang out for a bit before going to Lydia's. It was only 3pm so we still had a bit of time.

"So what should we do?" I ask, flopping down on my bed.

"Video games?" Stiles asks.

I agree and get up to grab the controllers. "What game?" I ask holding up Mario Kart and Call of duty.

"Let's do rock, paper scissors on it. If you win we play Call of duty and if I win we play Mario Kart" He says standing up to start.

I nod and get ready. This brings back memories of Sam and I. We often used rock, paper scissors to decide things.

"Rock, paper scissors" We both say at the same time. Stiles hand is in the shape of a rock, mine is scissors. Crap.

"I win" Stiles smiles as he goes to put Mario Kart in. I slump down onto my bed with my controller.

An hour into our game I got a text from Charlie.

Charlie< Hey, Lauren and I are about to play Mario Kart wanna join?

Dean< Stiles and I are already on

Charlie< Oh okay, we'll join you guys

"Charlie and Lauren are gonna the join the game" I say putting my phone back on the bedside table.

"Alright, let's beat them" He says grinning.

"Definitely" I say grinning back

An hour later

As it turns out, Stiles and I were in way over our heads. Those girls are pros! They beat us on three rounds. Stiles and I won the first round before Charlie and Lauren started getting very competitive.

"I don't believe it!" Stiles says dropping the controller on his bed. "They beat us again!"

"They've got to be practicing!" I say dropping mine too.

"It's 5pm" Stiles looking at his phone and then gets up.

"We should probably get ready" I say putting the controllers back.

"Lydia's parties in high school used to be pretty crazy, I doubt it'll be as crazy as those since it's just our friend group but never underestimate her" He says smiling widely.

I nod and laugh as I go to find some clothes to wear. I opted on wearing a black t-shirt with a blue open flannel t-shirt on top and jeans. Stiles had a black t-shirt and a red open flannel t-shirt with jeans. We're more similar then I thought.

We headed out towards Lydia's floor and found her room fast enough. Stiles knocked on the door and Lydia answered wearing a knee length floral dress.

"Hey guys" She says pulling us inside.

Scott and Allison were standing in the kitchen having their own conversation.

"Hey" I said as we sat down on the sofa.

Lydia's apartment was more furnished and larger than Stiles and I's apartment.

"Lydia doesn't have a roommate so we'll probably be partying here most of the time" Stiles laughed.

"Plus I love to throw parties" Lydia said as she handed us both a beer.

We started talking about Lydia's high school parties when we heard another knock at the door. Lydia got up to answer it revealing Lauren, Kevin and Charlie.

A few minutes later Jackson and Isaac arrived and the party began. We spent an hour or so talking about embarrassing high school memories and drinking our beers.

"Hey, why don't we play truth or dare?" Jackson asked

Everyone nodded their heads and agreed.

"Okay i'll start" He looked around the room and focused his attention on Scott.

"Scott, truth or dare?" He asked smirking.

"Dare" Scott said smirking back.

"I dare you to put an ice cube in your pants until it melts" Jackson said smiling.

Scott's face fell a little but he still got up and walked over to Lydia's fridge freezer. He opened the freezer door and pulled out a single ice cube. He walked back over and held his jeans and boxers forward before proceeding to drop the ice cube into his boxers. He let out a little yelp as the cold ice cube touched his skin. Everyone started laughing and continued the game.

A few rounds later it started to get pretty interesting.

"Stiles, truth or dare" Jackson asked.

Stiles took a sip of his third beer. "Truth"

"Boring" Jackson said rolling his eyes. A smirk soon crawled up onto his face. "Who is one of your male crushes?"

"Wait you're gay?" I said, surprised.

"Uh, yeah. I'm bisexual" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Maybe we should all say our sexualities to clear some things up" Allison announced. "I'm straight"

"I'm also bisexual" Jackson said winking at me, I couldn't help but shuffle a little in my seat causing a small chuckle from Jackson.

"I'm straight" Isaac said.

"I'm also straight" Lydia said.

"Me too" Scott said.

"So am I" Kevin said taking a sip of his beer.

"I'm a lesbian" Lauren said, causing Charlie to choke on her drink.

"You alright?" She said smiling sweetly at Charlie.

"Yeah, I'm fine it just went down the wrong hole" Charlie said blushing. "I'm also a lesbian" She replied. This time Lauren was the one to blush.

"I'm also straight" I said looking around the room. "I think" I instantly regretted adding the 'I think' on the end.

"That's okay, you don't be have to sure. You can figure it out when you're ready. We're not going anywhere so just tell us whenever you figure it out and you're ready" Lydia said, smiling sweetly.

A few more rounds went by before Jackson, yet again, decided to spice the game up.

"Charlie, truth or dare" He asked.

"Dare" She said smirking.

"I dare you to kiss Lauren" He says smiling triumphantly.

Charlie and Lauren instantly blushed.

"Well, are you gonna lean in or what?" Lauren said laughing slightly.

Charlie smiled and then leaned in to kiss Lauren, causing the group to erupt into applause and 'whoops' and cheers.

They broke apart, both blushing hard. Everyone settled down and continued the game.

"Okay, Dean your turn" Isaac said.

"Truth" I said smiling.

"Hottest cartoon character?" He said with a laugh.

"Fred from scooby doo" I said smiling a little.

As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted it. 'Oh my god I did not just say that!' I thought to myself.

"I-I mean Daph-" I said being cut off by Stiles and Jackson.

"Oh yeah Fred was pretty hot" Stiles said laughing.

"Very hot" Jackson said joining in.

A relaxed a little after hearing them both agree with me.

"He's not my type but I guess he was hot" Charlie said with a smile.

"Miles Morales though. He was baby" Lauren said, a few people in the group to agreeing.

About an hour passed before we all decided we should head back to our dorms. It was getting late and we were all getting a little bit tipsy.

Everyone said goodnight to each other before heading out back to our dorms. On our way out I heard Charlie's voice.

"Hey Lauren, uh i'm not really good at this but i like you. Like a lot. I've had a crush on you ever since we met and well finding out that you are also gay made me decide to ask you if you want to be my girlfriend?" She said

I couldn't help but chuckle at my friends rambling.

"I like you too, Charlie. I have ever since Stiles brought you over to our table. I'd love to be your girlfriend." She said smiling.

Charlie's smile grew wider as she pulled Lauren in for yet another kiss. I was so glad that one of my best friends was finally finding someone she likes.

Stiles and I walked back to our dorm room, a little wobbly and giggly on our way in. Still in my tipsy haze I asked

"So how did you know you were bisexual?"

Stiles walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Well it kind of started off as me having crushes on girls, and then I saw this guy at school who I thought was really cute" He said chuckling.

"I guess I kind of knew after my second male crush. I spoke to Lauren about my crushes since she was the only openly gay friend I had, Jackson wasn't out until the end of high school."

I nodded listening to every word he was saying.

"Lauren then told me about different sexualities like pansexual, bisexual etc etc. We figured out after looking at some male models and actors that I actually found a lot of the very attractive" He said, blushing slightly.

"Well, since then I got more comfortable accepting I was bisexual and seeing how my friends treated Lauren no different after she came I got the confidence to do the same" He had his trade mark, wide smile on his face.

"Wow, they all seem really accepting of you guys. Honestly I kind of expected them to flinch or pull a face hearing Charlie but they didn't" I said admittedly. Not many people that Charlie had told were accepting. Some even went as far as bullying her.

"They're great, they've supported Jackson, Lauren and I throughout high school" He said smiling.

"Hey Stiles?" I asked

"Yeah?" He replied

"What actually is bisexual. No ones ever really spoken about it to me so i'm not really familiar with the word or meaning" I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh well, bisexual is when you're attracted to both men and women. Some people lean more towards men but still like woman and vice versa" He says smiling softly.

"Thanks for explaining all of this to me" I say smiling.

"No problem. You know our friendship group is always going to be there for you. Whatever sexuality you are you're always gonna be apart of this group" He says smiling softly and I can't help but smile back. It's been long time since I met people I could actually trust and be myself around.

We carried on talking for another hour. Stiles was telling me about some of his male crushes like Leonardo Dicaprio. I have to admit, some of them are pretty hot. We also ended up talking about more cartoon characters and tv show characters.

"But batman" I said laughing, still a little tipsy.

"How dare you being batman into this" Stiles said, doing his best faked serious expression.

"All i'm saying, is the Joker in every version is horny on main for him" I said laughing harder, Stiles started to laugh to.

We eventually flopped back onto our beds and passed out. However, my dream wasn't pleasant.

A few years ago

"Sammy what do you think of Fred?" I asked my younger brother.

"He's cool" Sammy replied.

"No I mean like appearance. Do you like how he looks?" I asked.

"I didn't really think about it, I was more interested in Daphne and Velma" He laughs. I smiled back at him.

"Do you like how Fred looks?" He asked me.

"Yeah, he's pretty" I said, just as I heard the front door slam and my dad storm into the room.

He grabs me by my arm and shouts at me

"What the hell did you just say?" He asks screaming at me.

"I didn't-" I started before feeling his fist collide into my cheek followed by a sharp pain.

"Dad please don't!" I heard Sam yell, but it didn't change anything. John just continued to beat my curled up figure.

Suddenly the dream froze and I heard Lydia's words in my head

"We're not going anywhere so just tell us whenever you figure it out and you're ready"

It doesn't matter what my dad thinks. I'm away from here, he doesn't have a say in my life. My friends are going to be here for me no matter what, that's all that matters.

I finally drifted off into a much better sleep.

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