Bonded | Kylo Ren x Reader |

Galing kay supremexrenx

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Read Warnings: Ever since Luke Skywalker took you to train at his Jedi Temple, you have become close to a par... Higit pa

~Present Day~
~The Race~
~The Interrogation Room~
~Aches & Pains~
~Yes, Commander~
~Ben's Darkness~
~An Agreement~
~Day One~
~Tardiness Is Not Tolerated~
~Broken Promise~
~Hux's Secret~
~Starkiller Base~
~The Dinner~
~The Prisoner~
~Your Present~
~Head or Heart~
~The Supreme Leader~
~Restless Night~
~Late Nights~
~On Your Knees~
~Lights Out~
~The Highest Bidder~
~It's Only Torture~
~Whatever You Want~
~Palace of Gold~
~My Fault~
~Water's Edge~
~Up In Flames~
~The Wreckage~

~Part of the Trade~

13.2K 312 217
Galing kay supremexrenx

"Wake up, whores!"

Your eyes flutter open at the sound of Dorno's voice echoing through the stone room. It wasn't an ideal way to be woken up, but this entire situation wasn't exactly ideal either. As you rise from the bed, you notice the other girls stripping themselves of their nightgowns even with Dorno still leaning on the doorway and watching closely. It seemed as though they didn't exactly have a choice. You sigh and pull the ugly thing over your head, discarding it on the rumpled thin sheets of your rickety bed. You could feel Dorno's eyes trained on your nude body as you change back into the black and gold slave clothes.

The girls fall into a line in front of the door, stepping forward one by one so that they could be fitted with their collars. The collars made it easier and quicker to clasp a chain to a slave in case of something going wrong. You grimace as the uncomfortable, heavy collar is snapped around your neck. You give Dorno the coldest glare you could muster, but he only smirks and chuckles. As you follow the girls down yet another corridor, you keep your eyes down and your arms crossed self-consciously over your chest. All you wanted to do was go home. Tears sting your eyes at the thought of Kylo. You wanted him to burst in and pull you away in his strong arms. You could only hope he was starting to piece everything together.

You gasp as you slam right into Do'lona, not having seen that she had stopped walking. She didn't say a word about it and you could tell that she was nervous. Her dark eyes were trained on Dorno as he placed his hands behind his back. You rock forward on your toes, leaning to see another man stepping through the rusty door. He and Dorno speak silently for a while.

"What's going on?" You whisper to Do'lona.

She shifts and lowers her voice. "That man speaking to Dorno is the Housekeeper. He chooses the type of girls that work in the cantina today. Whoever doesn't make it in gets put through another cycle. If you make that one, you dance. If you don't, you go to the Slave Master for work. It's mostly cleaning. Every seven rotations, all of the girls go to the Slave Master for auctioning. Everyone. Unless Dorno wants to keep them around."

"Shut up!" One of the guards barks, slamming his spear against the ground.

Do'lona flinches and falls silent. Your eyes lift when you see the Housekeeper nod to Dorno. He disappears back through the room as Dorno walks down the line, looking each girl up and down. He stops and pulls Lani out of line, but passes by the rest with no interest. Dorno stops when he gets to you and you suck your breath in. He grips you tightly by the wrist, yanking you out of line to join Lani. The girls look up in confusion when they see that you had been pulled. Do'lona gives you one last look before she and the rest of the girls are ushered back down the opposite way. Dorno beckons to you and Lani with one finger and you unwillingly follow after him. You tag after for a little while before he points silently to a single door. Lani goes first, but before you have a chance to follow, Dorno snatches you by the wrist.

"Be good today, little flower." He sneers. "Or don't. I usually pick the ones that get on my nerves."

You furrow your brow, but he gives no further explanation. Dorno shoves you through the door after Lani and it closes in your face. When you turn, you are surprised to find yourself in a little dressing room with about twenty other girls you had never seen before. They pay no mind to you, but that didn't stop you from staring. You slowly take a seat in the chair beside Lani.

"What is this?" You whisper in confusion.

Lani picks at her dirty nails. "We got chosen for the cantina. It's the luckiest job you can get. All you have to do is follow around the sleazebags who come visit and look pretty. They might try to touch you, but they can't do anything else to you unless they buy you. I never get chosen for cantina unless my regular shows up."

You bite your lip. "Why did the other girls look at me like that when I got chosen?"

"Well," she swallows. "It's an odd case. The new girls never get chosen for the cantina. They usually work with the Slave Master for a few weeks. Most of them get sold before they ever see the inside of the cantina. You're the first I've seen to get chosen so soon."

You still had two more questions. "Who are all of these girls?"

Lani gives you a look and you put your hands up defensively. She sighs. "Did you really think it was only the six of us? There are hundreds of poor souls who go through the same thing. The only reason they're not looking at you funny is because they don't know who you are. Try not to talk to them. The girls don't usually like talking to people they don't know outside of their rooms. Anything else?"

"Dorno pulled me aside. He said he usually picks the ones that get on his nerves. What does that-"

She freezes, eyes widening. "Don't. Whatever you do, be on your best behavior today. Don't talk to anyone."


"Dorno is sick, alright? You've probably seen how twisted he is by now. He likes the girls that put up a fight and they usually last longer around here because of it. Dorno owns this place. Of course he would pick a few girls to pleasure him. That sicko likes them feisty so he can crack their spirits and beat them until they're silent." Lani winces softly. "I knew this one girl... she was only fifteen. Dorno... did what he always does and then when she fought back again he had her killed. I know because he forced me to clean her blood off of his floor. I watched them drag her naked body out. She had so many bruises..." her voice breaks.

You didn't know what to say. Unable to respond, you look up into the cracked and dirtied vanity mirror. Although you were still you, you couldn't even recognize the person in your reflection. You shakily reach for the brush laying before you--among other things--and begin to run it through your matted hair. Every time it leaves your head and comes down again for more knots, more tears fill your eyes. Was this really going to be your life? Would you suffer the same fate as that little girl? If Kylo couldn't find you, this is what you were going to be doomed for. A horrible place that sold off girls no matter their age so more men could do horrific things to them. There was no way of escaping this place, that much you knew. Even if you had a lightsaber, there was only so much you could do. There were guards crawling everywhere you looked.

As you try to fix yourself up as much as possible, your mind begins to wander towards the other girls. The girls that suffered the same fate as you, only ten times worse. That little girl was only fifteen when Dorno took her into his bed and slaughtered her in cold blood. You couldn't imagine what some of these other men were capable of. How could they endure this kind of life? And poor Lani that had been taken in by the same man that took you. If the Order never found out it was Kess, there was nothing stopping him from going back and bringing more.

"Lani," you say softly, setting down the mangled brush. "If I get taken out of here... I'll take you with me. Back to the Order if that's what you want."

Lani shakes her head. "I'm done with doing someone else's bidding. If I ever get out of here, I'm going to live a normal life. I've always wanted to live on Coruscant. That's where I'd go." Her little daydream is interrupted by another man you recognized at the Housekeeper, bursting into the room.

He clasps his hands together and rubs them greedily. "Alright, ladies, it's showtime." As the girls rise and move to the door, he tells them one by one who they would be serving for the evening. Your heart leaps as his hand shoots out to grab your wrist. "You're coming with me."

Lani, who was standing behind you, gives you a look of confusion and worry as you are dragged away from the rest of the girls. Your wide, frightened eyes take in the cantina in all of its scumbag-filled-glory. Nearly everything was made of dark red velvet. Thick curtains with golden tassels adorned the walls, hanging in between the dim lights. Tables and booths were spread out around the entire room, each made of fine leather and dark wood. A bar stood in the corner with a Rodian polishing glasses behind it. An empty stage was sat between the two flights of stairs leading the guests into the cantina. You assumed it would later be filled with singing and dancing slave girls. Men had already begun filling the room up with smoke as they puff on cigars, hookahs, and anything imaginable. Each one had a glass of some sort of alcohol in one hand and was meeting the arriving slaves.

"Where are you taking me?" You furrow your brow.

"Silence." The Housekeeper hisses. "You're going to be keeping the company of a very powerful man the Black Sun is doing business with. You will not speak unless he acknowledges you. You will do everything that is asked of you."

You press your lips together, now quite nervous about meeting this man. The Housekeeper pushes open a door, leading you into a private room. There were several men gathered around a large, circular booth. They had their own private bar and a slave girl dancing for them. The man guiding you opens his arms joyfully towards the man sitting in the center of the booth.

"Gido Corr," he chuckles. "Pleasure having you back here, as always. You'll be especially pleased with this one." He gives you a push towards the booth. "She's the closest we have to what you want."

Gido looks you up and down with a malicious gaze. It was in that moment when you realized you knew exactly who he was. Gido Corr ran Crimson Dawn. They were one of the largest crime syndicates in the galaxy, with allies dating all the way back to the old empire. You knew Kylo had done some business with him a while back. This man was dangerous and cold and a murderer. If he was doing business with the Black Sun, this couldn't mean anything good.

"Take a seat, sweetheart." Gido gestures to the place beside him.

"She's a pretty little whore, Gido. Let me have a turn later." One of the men smirks. His hand slides up your thigh and you push it away quickly. Before you could react, his hand strikes you across the face. The men around the table laugh coldly.

Gido chuckles. "Don't mark her up too much. Poor little thing." His eyes stay glued on you.

The men rise from the booth to let you pass by, eyes trained on you as you slip past. You felt extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious. Especially in those horrible clothes you were getting forced to wear. You pull your legs under you as you take a seat beside Gido. He wraps an arm around you, but pays no further mind. The men take their seats once more and the Housekeeper bows out respectfully.

"There he is! The man of the hour himself!" Dorno rubs his hands together and grins at Gido as he ducks through the door. "Pleasure doing business with you, old friend."

"The pleasure's all mine." Gido says smoothly.

His voice sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but inspect his face as the conversations between the men begin. Granted, you had never actually seen him in person until now but you had heard about him from Kylo. And they weren't exactly good things. Gido seemed like the type of person who remembered a face no matter how many people he had seen or worked with. Perhaps it was a good thing you never worked with him. His tanned face was pointed and his features were sharp. The dark, close-set eyes he had were often narrowed and assessing. Those were the eyes of a man you knew well. A man who liked to gamble, trade, and buy. You knew this because you had the same eyes. You had the exact same talent for seeing right through a person that he had. Because of this, you knew exactly how dangerous he really was.

You weren't paying attention to their dull conversation and found yourself spacing in and out every so often. The only things that snapped you back into reality were the little touches from Gido that you were sure happened on purpose. Goosebumps rush down your skin as he grazes your thigh and the side of your breast, his fingers lingering a little bit too long on your most intimate areas. Had it been in any other situation, you would have screamed. You would have fought, kicked, and clawed your way out. This was different. There was no room for error here. It was just part of the trade. Then something else catches your attention, but you weren't sure you had heard it right.

"And what of the First Order?" There it was again. Now you were fully attentive and sitting up straighter.

"What about the First Order?" Gido raises his eyebrows, scoffing softly.

Dorno shifts under the man's piercing gaze. "Although you might partake in business with them every now and then, the Black Sun and the Order are not affiliates. We are anything but friendly with each other. There have been numerous issues I've encountered, especially with that new Supreme Leader. Kylo Ren. He's an imbecile, that's what he is. He wouldn't know a good deal if it struck him between the eyes."

At the mention of Kylo, you tense up. Gido's fingers trail along the side of your arm, but his eyes don't leave Dorno. "Why should I care what your allies are up to? I don't give a damn about any of your other transactions unless it concerns or affects me. I will remain an ally to the First Order and that's final. Do you have a problem with that, Dorno? Or does the Order need to be informed of the Black Sun's plotting."

"Not at all, sir." Dorno swallows. "I apologize sincerely. I would be honored to have you as an ally."

You gaze at Dorno, watching his actions closely. The slight shifting of his eyes and the way he was carrying himself told you he was nervous. Ah, you think as you narrow your eyes, it seems even slave-masters have masters of their own to obey.

"A toast." Gido raises his glass of amber liquid. "To our new alliance. Don't fuck this one up, Dorno. It will be your last mistake."

"Ch-Cheers to that." Dorno nods stiffly and takes a sip. He rises from the booth. "Enjoy the rest of your time here, gentlemen." With that done and over with, he leaves the room behind.

Your heart drops at Gido's next words to his men. "Leave us."

You were going to be left alone with this monster? Lani had told you customers were allowed to touch you, but they could never go further. What about men like Gido? Surely Dorno and the guards here would let it slip if he did. Your mouth dries open when Gido looks down to you. His eyes take you in and you know he could see right through you.

"So, little raven." His fingers graze the black fabric of your slave clothes. "I hear you're new here. Don't you find it odd that a new girl gets put into the cantina?"

"Yes, sir." You say softly.

Gido cocks a brow. "I agree. I have friends in very high places, whore. I've traveled the galaxy and met everyone there is to meet. I know someone out of place when I see them. And you... you don't belong here, do you?"

You don't reply. You gasp sharply as Gido's hand suddenly locks around your throat. His grip was tight, but not tight enough to make you dizzy. He leans in, his nose inches away from yours. Gido lets out a low, cold chuckle. He was mocking your fear.

"I know you were with the First Order. I felt you tense up. There was no interest within you until he mentioned them. Don't lie to me." His fingers dig into your neck and you wince. "So what are you? Stormtrooper? Officer? Force-user?" He chuckles once more when your eyes widen. "Force-user. That's what these unattractive restraints are for. Interesting. Trained under the mighty Kylo Ren, no doubt. Won't he be surprised to find you here. Are you frightened, little raven? You should be. There's no escaping this place."

Gido's hand moves from your throat to your jaw, pulling a squeak from you. His fingers dig painfully into your skin as he pulls your face even closer. Now your breaths were mingling and moving your eyelashes. His other hand glides down your torso, resting on the curve of your thigh and causing you to shudder.

"You're a pretty thing. I'll be back in about a week... maybe less. I think I'll buy you from Dorno. My slaves are getting boring and you'll do nicely. If you're lucky, I'll let you bear my children and continue my legacy." His words make your stomach churn. "I'm going to instruct Dorno not to lay a finger on you. I know how he is. I want to be the one that gets you first. Tell me... are you a virgin?"

Tears burn at your eyes. Kylo. Please help me. A whimper falls past your parted lips. "N-No."

"What a shame. Those are the fun ones to break." Gido releases you and you gasp as he pushes you roughly aside. "Get out of my sight. I'll come to collect you soon."

You scramble out of the booth, hand clasped over your mouth as you rush back through the cantina. The guards don't even try to stop you as you burst back into the small room full of vanities. Practically falling into a chair, you grip the table before you tightly. Tears begin to stream down your face. This couldn't be how this ended. This wasn't right. You press your lips together, trying with every last drop of strength you could muster to reach out to him. Your fingers twitch as the Force runs through you. It felt as though it was stuck in place and could go no further. Every last drop was draining from you faster and faster. You were drawing power from the place you knew it came from. The dyad.

"Be with me," you whisper, tears dripping down your face. "Kylo... please..."

His eyes flash in your mind and your own fly open. In an act of desperation, you grit your teeth and grip onto the Force-blockers. You wail as they dig into your skin, not budging once. You slam your fist onto the table, causing the contents atop it to jump. Defeated, you bury your head in your arms and begin to sob. Please... help me...

Onboard the Supremacy, Kylo Ren sits up in his sleep, drenched in sweat and heart racing.

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