The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

By Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... More

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 3: STARcrossed
Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment
Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black & White
Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity
Author's Note

Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden

144 3 0
By Railrider99

(Y/N)'s POV

We got settled into our dorm room rather quickly. It was actually a lot more spacious than we expected before walking in. Price and I took one side of the room and bunked the beds. Price, showing off his inner child, yelled dibs and claimed the top bunk almost immediately. I didn't mind having the bottom bunk bed honestly. That just meant that I didn't need to do any actual climbing to get in bed. Besides, I don't think I would want to be climbing up and down in the middle of the to use the bathroom anyway. Bruce and Callie took the other side with Bruce taking the top and Callie on the bottom bunk. I used my gravity semblance to manipulate the gravity field around the beds in order to move them around easier instead of lifting them.

Unpacking was quick too thanks to Price's teleportation semblance. Any of our things that we had on board the Southern Cross was back in our dorm room in a matter of minutes. Although the actual unpacking in our room would wait until later cause we were all on the verge of passing out from our initiation and death match with that hooded girl.

Classes are only starting and already I'm half ass stressing about how much time and resources its gonna take me to make repairs to the Southern Cross as well as who the girl that attacked us was.

We woke up the next morning and suffice to say, we were running a tad late.

Callie: "GUYS WAKE UP!"

Bruce wakes up startled and falls out of his bed and onto the floor while Price bangs his head on the ceiling and I hit my head on the bottom of Price's bed respectively.

Price: "Holy crap Callie pipe it down will ya? What happened to our alarm clock?"

Callie: "We slept through it! SEE?!"

I look over at the clock on my desk next to my bed and see the time is 8:55am.

(Y/N): "Crap crap crap. We have 5 minutes to class guys! We gotta move!"

Bruce and Price quickly throw on their respective clothing while Callie is doing her hair in the bathroom. I'm rushing and hopping around trying to get my pants on as we only have 5 minutes to class.

(Y/N): "Price this would be a really good time to flex that semblance of yours."

Price: "I'm gonna need everyone to huddle up to do that."

(Y/N): "I'm all set. Callie and Bruce where are you guys?"

Bruce: "I'm almost done."

Callie: "I'm ready now!"

Price: "Hurry up Bruce we're gonna be late!"

Callie: "You know where to take us to right? We have our first class together."

(Y/N): "Professor Ports classroom."

Bruce: "All right I'm set. Let's go."

(Y/N): "Wow. 9:00am on the dot? No big deal. Price, if you would."

Price: "Huddle up and grab on to me!"

Callie: "9:01!!!!"

Price: "Here we go!"

The four of us lock hands and arms and before we knew it. Price beamed us out of our room as a flash of light engulfs the four of us.

Ports Classroom 3rd POV

Professor Port: "Yes well glad to see everyone has arrived on time. *checks his attendance sheet* Wait a minute, where are our late arrivals? And I'm using he term "late" lightly when it comes to them."

Another flash of light is heard with a whoosh and the members of Team STAR scramble into their seats in front of JNPR. (Y/N) quietly fist bumps Jaune and nods at Price before getting comfortable.

(Y/N): "We're right here teach."

Port: "What?"

(Y/N): "I said we're right here sir. Team STAR reporting for class as huntsman and huntresses in training." *leaning back in his chair with his legs resting on top of the tabletop in front of him*

Port: "How did you even get in here? I would have heard and seen you come in through the doors!"

Price: "What do you mean? We've been here for the last few minutes."

The students in the classroom snicker and giggle at Ports confusion. Some curious to see if Port would ever catch on to how STAR got into class without him noticing.

Port: "But I didn't...? You weren't checked off on the....*sigh* Nevermind. Everyone, I know classes I have just started but we have some last minute additions to our ranks. If you four could come down here and introduce yourselves to the class."

(Y/N): "Awwww and I was just getting comfortable."

STAR walks down to the front of the classroom and stand next to Port before facing the class.

Port: "Everyone, this here is Team STAR. They were last minute additions at the request of our headmaster and if you haven't seen their initiation, I can assure you this team has tons of potential. Go on now lads, introduce yourselves."

Callie: "Hi everyone, my name is Callie, Callie Anthony. I'm a historian and archaeologist at heart. I know just about every corner of Remnant like the back of my hand since I'm very good with maps and navigation. I hope we can all get along and grow together."

Bruce: "Name's Bruce J. Speedle. Gotta say, this place is a lot nicer than Haven. At least to me anyway. Be chill with me and I'll be the same with you. Simple as that. And before anyone asks, yes the arm actually is my weapon. Doesn't mean I don't know how to fight without it."

Price: *nervous* "H-Hey guys. Price Thompson at your service. I'm not very good with this stuff so i'll be quick. I'm kind of the weapons specialist between the four of us. You've never truly lived until you've fired a .50 caliber off the side of an armored battle train. That's all I got for now."

(Y/N): "Well I guess that leaves me. Howdy all, names (Y/N) (L/N), leader of team STAR and the main engineer and pilot of the Southern Cross. Sorry about the mess in the courtyard by the way. It's nice to meet you all and I hope we can all have some great times while we're here. Hit me up for a spar sometime!"

Port: "Thank you. Please take your seats again and we can begin class."

(Y/N): "Of course sir."

Small timeskip....

Port: "Monsters! Deeemoonnns. Prowlers of the night! Yes the creatures of grimm have many names. But I merely refer to them as prey! HAHA!"


Everyone quietly stares back at Port clearly bored out of their minds. Callie is fighting to stay awake while Price passes a note over to (y/n) saying "please shoot me now."

Port: "Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses..." *winks over to Yang which she groans at*

Bruce: "Did he seriously jus-?"

Callie: "Can I kick his teeth in?"

(Y/N): "Guys....let it go and relax please.... I'd rather not get detention on day one."

Port: "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!"

Random student: "Ayyyy-yep."

Everyone looks at him strangely before sitting back down embarrassed.

(Y/N): "Class clown of the year ladies and gentlemen."

Port: "That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy..."

(Y/N) proceeds to put his head down.

(Y/N): *waves hand to Price sitting next to him* "Wake me when he's through or when something good happens."

Price: "Have a nice nap."

Port proceeds to preach about his youth. Bruce raises an eyebrow and notices a white haired girl being clearly annoyed and seems to be getting even more annoyed watching a red/black haired girl with a red cloak getting up to some antics.

Bruce: "You might get your entertainment sooner than you think."

Price: "What do you mean?"

Bruce: "Front row closest to Port. White hair in ponytail, can't miss her."

Price looks down towards the front of the classroom and sees a frustrated Weiss getting angrier and angrier by the second as she looks towards Ruby as Port continues to ramble.

Port: "The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!"

Callie: "Is that?"

Bruce: "Yup."

Port: "A true Huntsman must be dependable!"

Price: "Who's that?"

Bruce: "Tell ya later, just watch."

Port: "A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!"

Price: "She looks like she's about to lose her shit."

Callie: "Shut up! I want to see what happens."

Price elbows (y/n) awake.

(Y/N): "Okay okay I'm up what's going on?"

Price: "White haired chick sitting up front about to flip her shit."

(Y/N): "Free entertainment already? I should have brought my popcorn and lawn chair to watch."

Port: "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss: "I do sir!"

Port: "Well, then, let's find out!"

Port turns and gestures to the cage and whatever inside begins to growl.

Bruce: "Boarbatusk."

(Y/N): "Okay. Now I know this is gonna be good."

Yang: "Goooo, Weiss!"

Blake: "Fight well!"

Ruby: "Yeah, represent RWBY!"

Weiss: "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!"

Ruby: "Oh, um... Sorry..."

Port: "Alllllllright! Let the match... begin!"

Port swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk. It immediately charges at Weiss. She deflects its attack and rolls to the side, readying herself for its next attack.

Bruce: "Should have seen that coming."

Port: "Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?"

Ruby: "Hang in there, Weiss!"

Weiss speeds towards the grimm, pointing her blade straight at its skull until they make contact and her rapier is trapped in its tusks. Weiss continues to hang on and gets tossed around as she struggles to get her rapier back.

(Y/N): "This brings the old bucking bull carnival ride to a new meaning."

Port: "Bold, new approach. I like it!"

Ruby: "Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!"

Weiss glares at Ruby before losing her weapon as it is yanked out of her hands.

(Y/N): "Don't get distracted don't get distracted..."

Port: "Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?"

The grimm charges again and Weiss jumps out of the way. She slides for her rapier and picks it back up again.

Ruby: "Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-"

Weiss: "Stop telling me what to do!"

The grimm jumps and launches itself at Weiss. She activates one of her glyphs and blocks the roll and stabs the grimm in the stomach killing it.

Port: "Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss glares at Ruby before turning and walking away, exiting the classroom quickly.

Jaune: "Sheesh, what's with her?"

Bruce: *looks at Jaune* "I have a few ideas but I'm gonna keep those to myself for now."

Price: "So did that help kill off your boredom (y/n)?"

(Y/N): "Oh yeah it did. Maybe Professor Peach's class won't be as sleep inducing. Speaking of which, I need to go find her office, I actually have a few questions regarding dust."

Price: "You're planning on going mad scientist to come up with new ammunition laced with new kinds of dust combinations aren't ya?"

(Y/N): "You ask that like I am an absolute madman for considering the idea...."

Callie: "Have fun with that. We're gonna head back to the room and relax."

(Y/N): "Of course you are. Well, later guys, I'm gonna see if I can figure out where Peach's office is."

(Y/N)'s POV with small timeskip

Okay seriously, I am a freaking idiot for not asking the guys how to get to Professor Peach's office. All I'm doing is walking around these hallways in circles. I'm lucky I didn't have another class after Ports. Oum I cannot even fathom how anybody could possibly be able to stay awake during any of his lectures. If anyone has pulled that off successfully they must be gods of some kind.

I continue walking until I come up to a balcony overlooking campus.

(Y/N): "I swear they need to place signs throughout this place. Something like "This way to professor ozpin's office" or "you are exactly 100 feet away from making your next right to the little huntsmans room." I'm amazed we even found Ports classroom."

Port: "I'm curious about that myself."

(Y/N): *turns around surprised* "Oh, Professor Port sir. What brings you here?"

Port: "I like to come out and ponder things while watching the sunset once in a while. And I find myself wondering how you and your team snuck into my classroom?"

(Y/N): "Uhhhhhhh..."

Port: "You and your friends are not in any trouble. I can tell you're quite lost yourself at the moment so I can understand if it takes you some time to get the lay of the land."

(Y/N): "Well, to be fair, we sorta had Price use his teleportation semblance to zap us into the room directly from our dorm room. We thought we could get in without most people noticing and play it off as if we were always there the whole time."

Port: "Well I'll admit you had me fooled at first. But do not let it happen again. Now, where is it you're looking to see yourself to?"

(Y/N): "Professor Peach's office, I have some questions that I was hoping I could get answered."

Port: "I'm afraid Peach is out for the time being but I imagine that Peach will be back for classes soon. I would save your questions for the classroom."

(Y/N): "I guess you're right. Thanks teach."

Port: "My pleasure. Now I must be off. Good luck this semester!"

(Y/N): "Thank you."

Professor Port takes his leave and I look out towards the rest of the academy as the sun begins to set. After a few minutes of solitude, I hear someone walking up.

(Y/N): "Professor-Oh. Sorry about that. I thought you were Professor Port for a second. Got distracted in my train of thought."

The angry white chick from earlier is here. This ought to be good.

???: "Have you seen him actually? I've been meaning to talk to him."

(Y/N): "You just missed him. He left a few minutes ago after asking me about my team's little magic trick."

???: "Yes...I saw that."

(Y/N): "Something wrong? You seem kind of put out. And if I'm gonna be up front here you definitely looked put out in class earlier today."

???: "You saw that?"

(Y/N): "The whole thing. It was like the one thing that kept me from sleeping through the entirety of that class."

The white haired girl gives me a quizzical look.

(Y/N): "Ohh...crap. Where are my manners? Name's (y/n), but you probably already you knew that."

Weiss: "Weiss Schnee.

(Y/N): "Well Weiss what's got you troubled? Maybe ol (y/n) can help."

Weiss: "Well...I think I should have been the leader of Team RWBY."

Seriously? *internally facepalms*

(Y/N): "........okay. And?"

Weiss: "Excuse me?!"

Oh great, she's one of the entitled ones....

(Y/N): "Professor Ozpin is the headmaster of this school, and from what I have heard about him, he knows what he is doing. I even asked a few of the other teachers here if he made the right call making me leader of my team when we got here, and everyone that I asked told me that he hasn't lead them astray once."

Weiss: "So they would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?"

(Y/N): "With all due respect, the only thing that matches your skill on the battlefield is your poor attitude."

Weiss: "How dare you! Do you even know who you are talking to?!"

Called it!

(Y/N): "Not really and I don't exactly care. Thanks for proving my point though. I've only known you for a few minutes now and based on what I have seen in class and from us talking right now, I am looking at a girl who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted."

Weiss: "That's not even remotely true!"

(Y/N): "Oh really now? *raises eyebrow*

Weiss: "Well... not entirely true."

(Y/N): "Okay, let me put it to you this way. So the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision?"

Weiss looks away in thought for a second then faces me again. I should do this for a living or a side gig.

(Y/N): "So instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you DO. Take that part from someone who had to nearly lose it all once whether it was his choice or not."

Weiss continues looking at me, pondering my words.

(Y/N): "Hone your skills, perfect every technique you can, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be."

Weiss: ".....Maybe you're right...."

(Y/N): "Hey, its just how it goes. I sometimes think Bruce should have been named leader of STAR instead of me. I mean, the guy should be a second year right now. But Ozpin named me leader. Whether I like it or not, I have a responsibility for my teammates and those I am fighting to protect. Same goes for your friend down there. What's her name again?

Weiss: "Ruby"

(Y/N): "And you're her partner right?"

Weiss: "Yes."

(Y/N): "Well then it goes right back to what I said earlier, be the best partner and friend you can be."

Weiss: "Thanks...ummm..(y/n)?"

(Y/N): "Yup. That's me. Don't wear the name out."

Weiss: "You said you don't know who I am. What did you mean?"

(Y/N): "I mean I legit don't know you other than I am talking to a girl named Weiss. I just met you. When you spend eight months traveling every corner of Anima and half of Solitas you tend to have a hard time keeping track of everyone you have met. And I have met lots of people in my travels with my friend, Price, before coming here."

Weiss: "Oh..well that's interesting. *slightly blushes*

(Y/N): "I mean, I've been riding around Remnant in an armored battle train I rebuilt myself. There's never a dull moment. But anyways, I need to get going now. See ya around, if you and your teammates want to hang out or something, don't be afraid to knock on our door!"

Weiss: "Yeah...see ya."

I walk out back to my dorm room. I'm sure the guys are gonna give me some crap for being out this late and getting lost of all things. She was alright though, despite her defensiveness.

Weiss POV

Well he seems nice. A bit too up front with what he's thinking but at least he's honest. He's right. If I want to be the best I can be, then I need to support my teammates. Even if they are a bunch of dolts.

I head back to my room for the night. I see (y/n) step through his team's door. Well they're across the hall from us like JNPR so that will be nice. I see him open the door to his room and hear one of his teammates greet him.

Price: "Hey (y/n)! Where have you been man? We thought you died or something."

(Y/N): "I know I know calm down. Can't a guy take a walk anymore?"

Price: "NOPE!"

I can't help but let out a quiet giggle as this happens. (Y/N) walks in and shut the door to his room for the night and I open the door to my teams room finding everyone asleep.

I walk in and head for Ruby's bed. I lift the blanket and find her spread out on her bed snoring away. However, she has her head resting on various notes with a pencil and books open all around her. I guess she is trying after all.

Weiss: *clears throat and shakes ruby awake*

Ruby: "Weiss! I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry-"

I place a hand over her mouth silencing her and gesture to her to be quiet.

Weiss: "How do you take your coffee?"

Ruby: "I... I don't..."

Weiss: "Answer the question!"

Ruby: "Uhh, cream and five sugars!"

Weiss: *sighs* "Don't move. Here."

Ruby: "Um... Thanks, Weiss."

Weiss: "Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have!"

Ruby starts to smile and I can't help but smile too.

Weiss: "Good luck studying! That's wrong, by the way."

I turn to leave the room for a few minutes.

Weiss: "Hey, Ruby?"

Ruby: "Uh-huh?"

Weiss: "I always wanted bunk beds as a kid."

Team STAR's Room 3rd Pov..

(Y/N) walks into his teams room and gets bombarded with questions.

Price: "Hey (y/n)! Where have you been man? We thought you died or something."

(Y/N): "I know I know calm down. Can't a guy take a walk anymore?"

Price: "NOPE!"

(Y/N): "I got lost trying to find Professor Peach's office. But I ended up talking to the Professor Port for a minute. I had to spill it about your semblance Price."

Price: "Eh. He would have found out eventually anyway. No big."

Bruce: "Is that all you did?"

(Y/N): "I may have gave some friendly advice to that Weiss girl in class today. She seemed to take it a lot better than I thought she would at first."

Callie: "You do realize who that is right?"

(Y/N): "Doesn't really ring a bell?"

Bruce: "You can't be serious right now?"

Price: "What was her name again?"

Bruce: *sighs* "Guess they are serious...."

3rd POV

Weiss steps out after giving Ruby her coffee. She walks down the hallway but stops when she hears her name being mentioned in team STAR's room. She quietly stands next to the wall just beyond the door listening in.

(Y/N)'s POV - Team STAR's room.

(Y/N): "Weiss Schnee. Why?"

Price: "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!"

(Y/N): "Someone mind refreshing my memory?"

Bruce: "Kid, Weiss is the heirness to the Schnee family fortune as well as her family's company, the Schnee Dust Company. They're the largest producer and distributor of dust in the world."

Callie: "They're also the same company that is widely known for its questionable business practices and treatment of their faunus workers."

(Y/N): "Well that's an oof but she didn't seem that bad when I talked to her."

Price: "That's not the point dude! We had to transport a metric fuck ton of SDC dust on that one job from Atlas to that small town in eastern Anima! Surely you remember? The non stop death defying run we made to Willow Springs? The one we called the "Rolling Thunder Job"?

(Y/N): "Oh yeah... I do remember that. We barely got out of that alive. Those white fang soldiers we're relentless."

Callie: "The White Fang? What happened?"

(Y/N): "About 3 months ago, when Price and I were still traveling around Anima and Solitas on the Southern Cross, we were contacted by an SDC company representative about transporting a high profile dust shipment from Atlas to Willow Springs in Anima. Apparently Willow Springs had a major shortage for their energy needs and needed them as soon as possible. The representative told us that the CEO, Jacques Schnee, heard about our services that we did for a brief period for General Ironwood. For about a two week period, we were hauling military grade weaponry and parts to Argus for some big project they were creating to combat the larger sized grimm. We can only guess he heard about us through some of his wealthy class friends or one of his I assume many connections in Atlas's government and military."

Price: "Through the company contact we had, Jacques hired us to transport the dust shipment to Willow Springs with specific instructions that it get there as soon as possible. Naturally, we obliged since we were the ones being paid. Although personally I think we were underpaid for the trouble we had to go through."

(Y/N): "Moooving on. However, someone caught wind of what we were carrying and must have tipped off the White Fang that we were gonna be running south with Schnee dust. The journey flying from Atlas to Argus was smooth sailing with no issues. However, the minute we were out of Argus, they were hot on our heels."

Price: "We literally had to run at high speeds to get away from them. We couldn't get airborne again because of the storms that were rolling through at the time. And believe me, they were bad all the way to Willow Springs."

(Y/N): "We also damn near crashed the train six different times between fighting off white fang soldiers and any grimm that happened to cross our path."

Bruce: "I remember hearing something about that on the news. The news reporters said something or someone was waking up the whole country side in the middle of the night with artillery blasts, gunshots, and screaming."

Price: "We even left a huge crater in the side of a mountain outside of Willow Springs to deal with some griffons that were trying to dive bomb us."

(Y/N): "After that, I told our SDC contact to never ask us for our services again. We dealt the white fang a heavy blow to their forces that day, and let me tell ya they wanted that dust cargo bad. I'm pretty sure they would have killed us too if they got the chance since we were human and working for the SDC then."

Callie: "That's awful. I'm sorry you guys had to go through that."

(Y/N): "It is what it is. We got out by the skin of our teeth but we were kinda famous for about a week or two. They weren't kidding when they said we were lighting up the whole countryside."

Price: "Moral of the story, anything SDC ends up being nothing but trouble. Another time we had SDC dust smuggled aboard by a blockade runner who hopped aboard with us to Shion on a simple passenger travel job and bandits we're on our asses for that dust faster than you could blink."

(Y/N): "Now you see why we try to stray from dust shipments. It's bad enough we carry a bunch of it for simply operating Triple 7, it gets more dicey when the cargo and storage holds in the ammo car, baggage car, and caboose are filled with crates full of dust."

Price: "We may as well have been holding up a sign that said: "We have enough dust to last you for weeks, so attack us!""

(Y/N): "Look guys can we just get to bed now? I'm tired and talking about something that is old news anyway is becoming a buzzkill."

Callie: "Yeah I guess I'm tired as well."

Price: "*yawns* Night guys."

(Y/N): "Night."

I look over and see the door was cracked open slightly.

(Y/N): "Hehe. Whoops. I guess I didn't close it hard enough to shut all the way."

Weiss POV

Well, it seems Price isn't my biggest fan. But at least (y/n) doesn't hold anything against me. I remember hearing Father talking about that incident with one of his business partners. He wasn't pleased that the White Fang have been stirring up trouble like they did with that shipment. Oh no, he's moving towards the door. I don't want them to see me listening in on them! I shouldn't have even heard all of that anyway. Wait...why do I even care?! This is all so confusing!

I use my glyphs to quickly dart out of sight as quietly as possible.

3rd POV

(Y/N) opens the door and looks around the hallway and shrugs. He then closes the door and gets his pajamas on. He slips into bed under the blankets and quickly goes to sleep.

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