The Professors (Reader x Char...

By lslytherinl

181K 5K 2.7K

Y/n is a mutant with a bad history, but what happens when you make friends with a waitress and a professor ju... More

1.1 First Class
1.2 Moira
1.3 Erik
1.4 Cerebro
1.5 Recruiting
1.6 Russia
1.7 Home
1.8 Rage and Serenity
1.9 Powers
1.10 Changes
1.11 Cuba
1.12 I Love You
2.01 Days of Future Past
2.02 Prison Break
2.04 Chess
2.05 Paris
2.06 Spine
2.07 DC
2.08 A Better Path
2.09 The School
2.10 Erik?
2.11 Nightmares
3.1 Apocalypse
3.2 Moira...again
3.3 You're Back
3.4 Stryker
3.5 Rescue Mission
3.6 Earlier in Cairo
3.7 The Fight
3.8 Abracadabra

2.03 Charles?

5.4K 160 128
By lslytherinl

"Where did they dig you up?" Erik asks Logan.

"You're gonna find this hard to believe... but, uh, you sent me. You and Charles. From the future." He states and Erik begins to laugh. I have entered the plane, and judged Logan's attitude when he dropped an almost impossible bomb on us.

"Erik he's telling the truth." I tell him and he turns to me. "I just know he is." I say then sit down. Charles enters the plane and sits across from me. He looks like he's fighting for the words to say since our awkward encounter before the plane.

"Hello, Y/n. Nice to see you again-I mean meet you again-For the first time?" Charles barely gets out, extending his hand for the first time.

"Nice to meet you too." I question and shake his hand. "I guess we need some ice breakers before we figure out what y'all want us to do. So how did you and Erik meet?" I ask him. Erik sits down next to me.

"Well this should be good." Erik smirks.

"Well...we met on a pier a long time ago, I was helping him. I saved him from drowning." Charles responds.

"Wow, Erik you must stay out of water, we met the same way!" I marvel at the coincidence.

"Yes a coincidence indeed." Erik shrugs, then gets up and walks towards Logan, leaving Charles and I alone.

"So Y/n," he begins, "do you feel your telekinesis, or psychic abilities coming back?" He asks me. I shrug.

"It's been around an hour since I missed the pill, it should take three for my full powers to return. I can feel some slowly returning. The voices haven't come back yet, but I do think some of the telekinesis returned." I tell him.

"That's wonderful." He grabs my hands, staring into my brown eyes as I look at his blue ones. Something seems so familiar about them. I slowly bring my hands away from him and he frowns.

"How did you know what powers I had?" I question, being very sketched out by this man.

"How did you lose them?" Erik asks as he approaches again.

"The treatment for my spine affects my DNA." Charles responds.

"You sacrificed your powers so you could walk?!" Erik raises his voice. I'm in shock that anyone would do that.

"I sacrificed my powers so I could sleep. What do you know about it?" Charles sasses.

"I've lost my fair share." Erik responds.

"Dry your eyes, Erik. It doesn't justify what you've done." Charles laughs.

"You have no idea what I've done." Erik snarls.

"I know you took the things that meant the most to me." Charles stands.

"Well maybe you should have fought harder for them." Erik responds. I stand up and try to defuse the conversation but Erik steps in front of me in a protective way.

"If you want a fight Erik, I will give you a fight!" Charles steps up.

"Sit down!" Logan demands
"Let him come." Erik whispers as Charles seizes Erik by the front of his shirt, pushing him into me, causing me to fall into my chair.

"You abandoned me! You took her away and you abandoned me!" Charles shouts.

"Angel. Azazel. Emma. Banshee. Mutant brothers and sisters, all dead!" Erik begins. His anger almost causes the jet to decompress and it starts to fall. "Countless others experimented on, butchered! Where were you, Charles?! We were supposed to protect them! Where were you when your own people needed you?! Hiding! You and Hank! Pretending to be something you're not! You abandoned us all!" Erik yells.

"ERIK!" I scream as the plane gets closer and closer to the water.

"You abandoned us ALL!" Erik begins to cool down. "And her? You did that yourself Charles. You better fix this mess. I can't stand her like this. She's not herself; hasn't been herself this whole time." Erik snarls then walks back towards Logan as Charles walks up to the front of the plane. I shrug at Logan with confusion in my eyes. After a few minutes I look at Logan.

"What am I like, in the future?" I ask him and he sighs.

"Depends." He answers. "You're dead. You were killed by my friend."

"Were we not on the same side?" I ask him confused.

"No, but now, I'm not so sure." He downs the rest of his glass, I look up to see Charles sit down across from me.

"Hey." He looks sympathetic.

"Where's Erik?" I ask him, concerned.

"He's fine. I need you to do something. You're powers are coming back, so could you try something for me please?" He asks in his nice British voice.

"What?" I ask back as he pours me a vodka soda. "How'd you know that's my drink?" I chuckle. "You seem to know a lot about me Charles Xavier, are you a stalker?" I joke.

"Just a lucky guess." He smiles at me. "Try to make your mind a shield. Blocking it from all telepathic powers. Just close off your mind." He begs as Erik comes back in the room. I look to him for approval.

"It's alright Y/n, you can trust him." Erik sighs, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I-Okay..." I take a deep breath, then focus on what Charles said. I focus on a physical shield around my brain.

"Now Y/n when I tell you things, will you focus on them?" Charles asks me and I nod. "Good." He responds. "A bar in London. Raven's brother. Russia. A mansion in New York. Discovering your powers. Chess. A Cuba." He finishes, and that last word, Cuba, brings back all of the memories I didn't know I was searching for. Everything comes rushing back, Charles, my old memories being taken over by these new, correct ones. My eyes begin to tear up with happiness as a smile overcomes my face. I open my eyes to see Charles looking at me with concern.

"Charles?" I ask him and he nods. I laugh of joy as I put my hands on his face and take in his features. He looks at me with the biggest grin I've ever seen on him. "Your hair, your legs. What? Wait." I stop being happy as all the other memories settle in, as well as everything I've just learned. My eyes dart around until I look up to see Erik, sad. "Erik." I state and he nods too. I hug him as well and he hugs me back.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." He whispers into my ear.

"It's alright." I respond back, kissing his cheek. Then I pull away from him and turn to Charles. He's standing with this look of hope on his face, but right now all I can think about is anger. "You took away my MEMORIES?!" I yell.

"I thought we finished the yelling!" Hanks voice comes from the cockpit.

"You had no right to do that! How dare you Charles, just to send me away? How stupid are you? You can't just take away people's memories as you please. You changed my entire life. Why would you do such a thing?!" I shout at him, he honestly looks a little scared. His eyes begin to tear up as we all stand in utter silence for the next few seconds. These 10 seconds seem like a year. I keep hinting at him to get on with it, the crazy reason for all of this.

"Because I love you." He responds. Everyone's eyes widen, even Logan's.

"You what?" I quietly ask.

"I love you." He answers. I begin to grin but then realization hits.

"Then why did you tell me you didn't want me, why did you send me away?" My voice changes from anger to heartbreak.

"I knew you couldn't have a life with me in a chair." He sighs.

"That is no excuse Charles. And I can't believe you sacrificed your powers for your legs. My powers were taken away from me and you willingly give yours up?!" My voice breaks as tears begin to run down my face. Charles begins to walk towards me and try to comfort me but I push him away. "No Charles. Look at you, you're a mess!! You're a drunk, dirty mess! What happened to you?!" I begin shouting again.

"You happened to me." He weakly responds. "I lost everything." He admits to himself, sitting down from the pain.

"You could've had me!" My voice breaks. "I was never going to leave you." My voice is softer and hurting at that statement. I begin to cry and turn to hug Erik as he comforts me. I can imagine Charles is upset but Erik is home. He's been home for a while and Charles just comes in here making a mess or things. Erik lets me sit on him as he caresses my back and holds me tight. I eventually fall asleep from the pain. Erik sets me down on a couch, sleeping the worries away.

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