Dorm Room 12B

Por CiaraGowers3

42 0 2

Dean Winchester enrols at a college in a small town called Beacon Hills. His roommate Stiles is very talkativ... Más

Chapter 2- You're gay?

Chapter 1- What the hell is a stiles?

22 0 2
Por CiaraGowers3

As I pulled into the college parking lot I took a deep breath looking around at all the students carrying boxes, laughing with friends and looking around the school. 'This school is huge' I thought to myself as I parked Baby near the large metal doors to the school. My younger brother Sammy got out first, he insisted on helping me move my things into my dorm. I got out and took in the large campus. There were benches scattered all around and large trees standing tall behind them.

I took another deep breath as I closed the car door and walked to the back to help Sammy get the boxes. As we entered the large building I froze, taking in the vast hallways crowded with students, hearing the sounds of laughter and loud chattering. Sammy nudged my ribs and gestured towards the stair case. We made our way up the first flight and Sam began talking.

"Okay Dean, your dorm room is on the third floor" He said, picking up his pace.

"Great" I muttered under my breath as a low chuckle came from my brother.

"You need to exercise more" He said shaking his head.

We carried on walking until we were in the hallway of the third floor. It wasn't as crowded as the other floors but still had a lot of students scurrying about.

"Okay so...Your dorm room is 12B" Sam spoke up, snapping me back to reality.

"Does it say my roommates name?" I asked, silently praying they wouldn't be as bad as some of the stories i've heard.

"Yes...Stiles Stilinski" Sam said, furrowing his brows.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" I ask, mimicking his expression.

Sam rolled his eyes, "Your roommates name" he said as he carried on towards the room. 'Strange name' I think to myself as I follow after my brother.

I opened the door to find a skinny, pale boy with ebony black hair and big brown eyes sitting on one of the beds. Sam elbowed me in the ribs again and gave me a look as if to say 'introduce yourself'.

"Hey" I say as the boy lifts his head, a wide smile spreading across it.

"Hi!" He says as he jumps out. He walks over and gestures his hand out to me,

"I'm Stiles, you must be Dean" I nod as I shake his hand. He looks towards Sam, still smiling widely.

"I'm Sam, Deans younger brother" The boy, Stiles, nods as he shakes Sammy's hand.

"Well I'll go get the rest of your boxes Dean, you get to know your roommate" He says as turns and leaves the room. 'Dammit Sam' I think to myself as i'm left alone with the stranger.

"So what are you studying?" He asks, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Engineering and art" I say as I walk towards my bed, silently wondering if he's always this cheerful or just excited to meet his roommate.

"Cool i'm also studying engineering, dad suggested it as my jeep keeps breaking down. Apparently I can't always use duck tape" He says chuckling slightly.

I couldn't help but laugh, 'duck tape, seriously?' I thought as i started unpacking while Sam continued to bring the rest of boxes. I felt bad for letting him bring them all up on his own but he insisted I stay and get to know Stiles. Sam enters the dorm room once again with small beads of sweat on his forehead.

"That's the last one" He says as he swipes the swear with the back of his palm.

"Thanks Sammy" I say as I get up to take it from him. He looks down at his phone and murmurs something about having to leave.

"Sorry, gotta run. Nice meeting you Stiles!"

"I'll call you later bitch!" I call after him

"Jerk!" I hear him call, letting out a chuckle i walk back to my bed.

"Your brother seems very energetic" Stiles says, still smiling.

"Yeah, he exercises a lot" I say, a small smile of pride curving up onto my lips.

We spent the next few hours getting to know each other. I found out that Stiles is very talkative.

"I've lived here my whole life, grew up here with my best friend Scott." He says with a large smile.

"I've never been here before, but it seemed liked a good college so I decided to enrol with two of my friends." I say, smiling. My friends from high school, Kevin and Charlie, enrolled here with me. We were always together in high school and always had each other's backs. 'The three amigos' as Kevin's mother used to say.

"So your parents named you Stiles? Bit of a strange name don't you think?" I blurted out, instantly regretting it. I expected Stiles to be offended or defensive but instead he just laughed and replied.

"No they didn't, but no one could ever pronounce my real name so i've gone by Stiles ever since." I nodded feeling slightly better that I didn't just ruin my first meeting with my roommate. That would be awkward.

"So, what is your real name?" I asked looking over at Stiles. He had a mischievous smile on his face as he grabbed a pen and a notebook scribbling something down. He tore the paper out and handed it to me.

"Wow uh...Mie..Miecz...oh my god" I said, my brows furrowing, much to Stiles' amusement.

"Dude I have no idea how to say that" I chuckle.

Stiles simply laughs and says "Mieczyslaw Stilinski".

"Yeah, I think i'll just stick to Stiles" I said as we both started to laugh.

We spent another hour or so talking about school and the campus, Stiles offered to give me a tour of the town. I might take him up on his offer, i really wanna see what the burgers are like in this town.

I was about to start up another conversation with Stiles when my phone buzzed.

Charlie< What's up bitches

Dean i smiled down at my phone seeing a message from one of my best friends.

Dean< Hey guys

Kevin< How are you guys doing

Charlie< Good, my roommates boring though how are your roommates?

Kevin< Mine doesn't talk much but at least that means i can focus

Charlie< You're boring

Dean< Mine does not stop talking, but he's cool

Charlie< Who is he?

Dean< Stiles Stilinski

Charlie< Is he hot?

Dean< Who?

Kevin< Your roommate dumb ass

Dean< Oh

Charlie< Well?

Dean< I guess so

Dean< I don't know why are you asking you like girls?

Charlie< Just wondering

Kevin< Are you thinking about switching teams?

Charlie< Never

Dean< You guys are ridiculous

Charlie< But you love us

Dean< Unfortunately

Kevin< I'm going to bed

Charlie< Night Kev

Dean< Goody two shoes

Kevin< Just cause i'm not sleep deprived doesn't mean i'm a goody two shoes

Charlie< I thought you were going to bed

Kevin< I hate you

Charlie< No you don't

Dean< I'm not sleep deprived

Charlie< I'm going sleep too, got early classes tomorrow

Dean< Night losers

Charlie< If you're talking to us 'losers' doesnt that make you one?

Dean< Shut up and go to sleep

I smiled to myself as i put my phone on charge and left it on the night stand. I look over to say something to Stiles but he's already fast asleep. 'at least he doesn't snore' I thought before going to sleep

Next Morning

I woke up to the heavenly smell of bacon and eggs. In trance like state i didn't notice Stiles drop a large pan on the floor creating a loud bang that made me jump.

"Dammit Stiles" I said as i tried to slow my heart rate

"Sorry dude" Stiles said as he picked it back up

"I don't know if you like bacon and eggs but there's some left overs if you want it" He said walking over to his bed with a plate of food

I got up to get some food and sat back down opposite Stiles. The food was really good, he may talk a lot but at least he can cook.

"I've got maths in room 34 before lunch, if you come and find me you can sit with me and i'll introduce you to my friends if you want?" Stiles said while grabbing his books

"Sure but can i bring my two friends Charlie and Kevin?" I asked

"Sure, i'll let my friends know we're having company" He said smiling before getting up to leave

"Thanks Stiles" I said before getting my phone to text them

Dean< Hey guys, Stiles invited us to lunch with him

Charlie< Who's gonna be there?

Dean< His friends

Kevin< Cool, so how do we find him

Dean< I'm gonna meet him at his last class before lunch

Charlie< Okay cool what room is he gonna be in?

Dean< 34 he's got maths

Kevin< Wait me too

Charlie< I'll meet you guys there, peace out bitches

Dean< Later guys

I put my phone in my pocket and headed out of my dorm trying to find room 24 for my science class.

Two hours later

I had a free period and decided to go back to my dorm and chill out until my next class.

One hour later

I realised i fell asleep and looked at my phone. 12:05pm. 'Crap! I'm gonna be late!' I thought as i rushed out of the dorm running down the halls.

I arrived just as the teacher had started the lecture. Unfortunately, the door ended up slamming behind me causing everyone to turn around and look at me.

"Nice of you to join us young man, what is your name?" The professor asked as I found a seat.

"Dean Winchester, sir" I replied sitting down.

"Well Mr Winchester i hope this doesn't become a habit" He said turning back to the board.

Two hours later

I got up as soon as the bell rang to get to room 34 to meet Stiles and my friends. I cant wait to see what food this school has.

As i walked to the room i saw the familiar long red hair of my friend Charlie and the familiar small figure with short black hair talking and laughing with Stiles. I smiled at Charlie as she waved me over.

"Hey Dean" Kevin said smiling.

"Hey Kevin" I said smiling back.

"The cafeteria is this way. They have really good curly fries" Stiles said pointing in the direction

"I like the sound of that" I said chuckling.

"So Stiles, what are your friends like?" Charlie asked walking beside him.

"They're great. Scott is dating Allison, Lydia, Jackson and Lauren are single" He said while leading us through.

"That pie looks so good" I said while looking at the large selection of food they had.

"Everything looks so good" Stiles said as he stacked random food onto his plate.

When we finished getting food he led us over to a table with three girls and three boys who were laughing and smiling. The redheaded girl was sitting in between two other girls. The girl on her left had long brown hair, she was holding hands with a boy with tanned skin. The other girl on the right side of her had dark brown curly hair in space buns, light green eyes and caramel skin. Next to the boy with black hair was a dirty blonde haired boy. He sat next to a boy with blue eyes. Stiles ushered us over to the table.

"Hey guys this is my roommate and his friends" Stiles said sitting down.

I sat next to Stiles and Kevin while Charlie sat between Kevin and the girl with space buns.

"Hi, I'm Lydia Martin" The redhead spoke smiling at us.

"I'm Allison Argent" The girl with long brown hair said waving a little.

"I'm Scott Mcall" The boy with black hair said.

"Jackson Whittemore" The blonde boy said.

"I'm Lauren Reynolds" The girl with space buns said smiling widely.

"I'm Isaac Lahey" The boy with brown hair said offering a small smile.

Charlie spoke up first out of the three of us "I'm Charlie Bradbury" she said smiling widely.

"I'm Dean Winchester" I said smiling at everyone.

"And i'm Kevin Tran" Kevin said smiling awkwardly.

After the introductions the conversation carried on naturally. Everyone was talking as though we had all known each other for years.

"So has Dean told you about his 'baby' yet?" Kevin said, using air quotes.

"Nope, who's baby" Stiles said before shoving curly fries in his mouth, earning a small laugh from the others around the table.

"His impala" Charlie spoke up smiling. "He absolutely adores it".

"Sounds like Stiles and his jeep" Lauren laughed.

"Hey i will never abandon that jeep. Ever." Stiles mumbled while his mouth was full.

"That's disgusting Stiles, don't talk with your mouth full" Allison laughed.

"Did Stiles tell you about how he used to use duck tape to fix the jeep when it broke?" Scott said smiling at Stiles who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah he mentioned a little something about that" I said laughing a little.

"I tried to convince him all through high school to take engineering" Lydia laughed.

"I refuse to even get in the jeep" Isaac laughed.

"Hey i'm a good driver" Stiles said throwing his arms up.

"Didn't you hit a tree?" Jackson said, causing the group to erupt into laughter.

"You hit a tree?" Kevin asked after he stopped laughing.

"It was one time. One!" Stiles said holding up one finger. Everyone chuckled.

"Dean never lets anyone drive the impala but Sam" Charlie said smiling sweetly at me.

"I'm not that bad, i've let Scott drive the jeep" Stiles said smiling.

"I've fixed that car so many times, i don't trust anyone with her" I said defensively, causing yet another eruption of laughter.
We spent the rest of lunch talking about high school memories, laughing and having a great time. Surprisingly we all got along really well.

After lunch we all exchanged numbers before heading off to our next classes. Charlie and I were walking towards our English Literature lecture when her phone buzzed. She swiftly pulled it out of her pocket and started blushing.

"What?" I asked smiling at my blushing friend.

"Nothing" She replied smiling.

"Okay, but you'll eventually tell me" I smiled knowing she can't keep secrets.

"Okay fine" She sighed "Lauren asked me if i wanted to go to her dorm after my last class and play video games" She said, her face lighting up.

"So it's a date?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow when her blush grew darker.

"No, no it's just as friends" She said still smiling.

"Whatever you say" I say holding the lecture room door for her.

Ten minutes into our English Lit lecture Charlie pulled her phone out, checked it and then put it back in her pocket. I raised an eyebrow but didn't mention it to her and tried to focus on the lecture. She did it again twenty minutes later, a smile spreading across her face.

"What?" I asked her. She put her phone away and looked up at me.

"Nothing" she said trying to hide her smile.

"You keep checking your phone and smiling, somethings going on" I said smirking at the blush now growing on her cheeks.

"Just waiting for a message" She said pulling her hands up to cover her face.

"From?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as her phone lit up. She opened the message and i manage to see the name of the contact.

"Lauren keeping you busy huh?" I asked smiling. She blushed even more.

"You're blushing" I said smirking.

"Shut up Winchester" She said smiling.

Two hours later

We left the classroom and headed towards the stairs. Turns out Lauren was only a few doors down from Stiles and I. Charlie and I walked down the hallway until i reached my dorm.

"Have fun!" I shouted as Charlie made her way down to Lauren's dorm. She turned around and gave me a small smile. I turned around and walked into my dorm.

"Hey Dean" Stiles said while typing on his laptop.

"Hey Stiles" I said, walking to the fridge.

I grabbed some butter, ham and cucumber out of the fridge and started making a sandwich.

"You want a sandwich?" I asked Stiles

"Nah i'm good, thanks though" He said, still typing away

"So what did you think of everyone?" He asked putting his laptop down and getting up.

"They're great" I said putting the items back in the fridge.

"Everyone seemed to get along well" He said smiling.

"Yeah, especially Charlie and Lauren" I smirked.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking confused.

"Charlie's at Lauren's dorm now" I said before taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Oh wow, that's cool" Stiles said, grabbing the milk.

"Yeah, Charlie couldn't stop blushing and kept checking her phone every ten minutes" I said laughing.

"Wait she was blushing?" He asked wiping his milk moustache away.

"Yeah, she looked very excited" I smiled.

"Glad everyone's making friends" He said while going to sit back down on his bed.

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