Ghostly Wish-(BOOK 3 OF SILVE...

By miss_phee

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Kaylee Aubery Skyle hated the past, much rather living in the present and future. When an old ghostly ally re... More

Winds Of Change
Ghost Story
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
The Lloylee Oneshot You Waited For
Curseworld- Part 1
Curseworld- Part 2
Public Enemy Number 1
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
The End
Reversed Time

Stiix and Stones

422 12 24
By miss_phee

We arrive at the docks of Stiix, warily looking around for any signs of Ronin.

"Welcome to Stiix. Watch your step. Oh, I caught one. It's a big fella. Ugh, whoa. Whoa!" The Fisherman's pulled into the Endless Sea. "Ugh. Dagnabbit."

We watch as Kai sits down nervously. "I didn't know you were afraid of heights," Jay says.

"I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate." Kai mutters.

"Didn't seem to have a problem before." Zane comments.

"Didn't you say that-" I start, but Kai quickly cuts me off.

"Before I could make a Fire Dragon at will. Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our powers gone, I haven't felt-Aagh!" A plank breaks under Kai but Cole pulls him up.

"Well, now that we know Ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it." Cole reasons.

"Ugh, what a dump. You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu would have better taste." I stare distastefully at the town on water.

"Uh, this is Ronin we're talking about. He'd steal the sea if it were worth anything. We just have to figure out which rock he's under and get to the Scroll before Morro does." Cole commands.

"Let's split up and start looking." Zane offers. We nod, and go in a pawn shop, and start looking in different areas.

"Wait a minute, this is my dad's Blade Cup trophy. What's it doing in a pawn shop?" Cole asks.

"Selling stolen goods? Ha, sounds like we might have stumbled on the right place." Kai smirks. Ronin walks in, whistling while carrying a vase.

"Ronin." Jay snarls.

"Huh?" Ronin looks up suddenly.

"Going so soon?" Jay asks.

"If this is about our last encounter, it was only business." Ronin defends. Uh-huh. Business.

"You left us in the mouth of a-" Kai angrily starts.

"So you're still upset. Let me make it up to you." Ronin puts his vase down. "Aha!" The Vengestone net trap fails. "Uh, that was a mistake. I can explain that."

"Argh, nothing here is legit, including you." Cole snaps.

"Yeah. I bet your airship's not far either. What do you call it again? Rylo? Ruby?" Jay snaps.

"R.E.X. And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place. As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living." Ronin explains.

"Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?" I scoff.

"The Scroll of Who-whatzu?" Ronin asks, perplexed.

"Airjitzu. It can make a Spinjitzu Master fly." Jay snaps.

"Yeah. So hand it over or we can make you fly." Cole threatens.

"Whoa, cool down, fella. Even if I had such a thing, it sounds pretty old and important. Definitely not something I'd keep on site. And definitely too much for you to afford. Maybe I can interest you in some unique weapons? I've got Jadeblades, obsidian armor..." Ronin starts.

"Have anything that can vanquish Ghosts?" Zane asks.

"Hmm, Ghosts you say?" Ronin looks up.  

"Yeah. They hate water, but we're not looking for water balloons. We need something reliable." I explain.

"Hmm, what you're looking for is an Aeroblade, forged by Deepstone, an aquatic material mined from the bottom of the ocean. Very unique. Even more expensive." Ronin says.

"Ugh, can't you see he's giving us the runaround? We want the scroll, Ronin. What do you want for it?" Kai huffs.

"Two hundred." Ronin says.

"What? Two hundred? We don't have that kind of dough!" Jay frets.

"Come on, you guys once had the Golden Weapons. You honestly telling me you've never pinched anything?" Ronin reasons.

"Excuse me. I never had one dumbass." I seethe. 

"We don't pinch. And we don't even have pockets." Kai snaps.

"We don't? Ah, we don't." I check for pockets. Damnit.

"What if we were to tell you all of Ninjago depends on it?" Cole reasons.

"Well then, that changes everything. Four hundred." Ronin cheerfully said.

"Argh, you can't just double the price!" Jay snaps.

"My shop, my rules." Ronin says. We huddle together.

"All right, so my gut says-" Kai starts.

"What do you think, Zane?" Cole cuts in.

"What, my opinion doesn't matter?" Kai snaps.

"We don't listen to your gut anymore, Kai. Zane's the leader. You just get us lost." Jay retorts.

"Well, I say we give him what he wants. I sense if we won't, Morro will." Zane explains.

"All right, but let me negotiate. Two hundred." Kai says, and we break out of the huddle. This won't end very well.

"Four hundred." Ronin stares.

"Three hundred." Kai says.

"Four hundred." Ronin repeats.

"Three-fifty." Kai replies.

"Four-fifty." Ronin smirks.


"Ugh." Jay groans, as we facepalm. We walk out the shop. "Nice negotiations, Kai." Jay sarcastically says.

"I didn't see you do any better." Kai retorts.

"Now to find out how to make some money." I sigh. We go back to the docks in search of money offers.

"Oh, glad you five showed up. Even with a hundred coin a head, couldn't find anyone willing to go out there and complete the dock." A Foreman said, as we asked him if there was anything we could do for money.

"Er, I don't know, we have to work over water?" Kai mumbles.

"Ain't the water you gotta be careful of. It's Strangle Weed. Grabs a hold of you, doesn't let go. But I could use a good team. How about it?" The Foreman asks.

"Just remind yourself, after we complete this, we'll be able to buy the Scroll." Zane tells Kai. He turns back to the foreman. "Uh, we'll do it!" We start working. "Keep your eyes on the prize! Let's bring it in slowly. Come on, guys. One team, one dream!" Zane cheers.

"Hey!" Jay, Cole, and I cheer. Kai puts down the poles and wood planks, as I, Jay, and Cole nail them in place. Zane was the leader, and therefore supervised us.

"Let's do it again!" Zane cheers.

"Hey!" We cheer.

"There's nothing to it! Let's do it!" Zane exclaims.

"Hey!" We repeat. We all laugh happily as we work our way closer to rescuing Lloyd. FSM I wish he was here.

"Hey!" Jay and Cole yell.

"Excellent!" Zane cheers. 

"Zane, look out!" I yell, as the wooden planks knock into Zane.

"Enif m'I. Gnikrow trats dna pu tilps s'tel." Zane says.

"What?" I yell.

"Sdrawkcab s'eludom eciov ym. Deew elgnarts eht,eloc! Tuo hctaw!" Zane yells.

"What's wrong with him?" Cole asks.

"I don't know. I think he's talking backwards. Slow down! We can't understand you!" Jay yells.

"Deew elgnarts! Deew elgnarts!" Zane repeats.

"Ah! Strangle Weed! It's got me!" Cole yells. Zane is able to save Cole, but Kai accidentally drops a pole, destroying the whole dock.

"So, heh, how about getting paid?" Kai asks. The foreman groans, and we take that as a no. Jay tries to fix Zane on a nearby bench.

"Ah, his voice mod's on the fritz. I can fix it, but it's gonna take time." Jay groans.

"Ti si, dab taht ton s'ti?" Zane asks.

"Sorry, Zane, you tried to lead, but I guess it just didn't work out." Cole shakes his head. 

"No money, no scroll. And it couldn't have happened at a worse time." Kai sighs.

"What are you, a bunch of quitters? Sure, we can't understand Zane, but did we ever? And Kai's the last person I'd want to follow." Jay says.

"Hey!" Kai snaps.

"But now I'm in charge. We may not have the money to buy the Scroll, but I say we don't need it." Jay declares.

"And why's that?" I ask.

"'Cause we're gonna steal it!" Jay says.

"Jay, we're Ninja, not thieves!" Cole retorts.

"Being a Ninja is the same as a cat thief." I snort.

"Yeah, but we're stealing from a thief. Haven't you ever heard, two wrongs make a right?" Jay reasons.

"Uh, Jay, I don't think that's how it goes." Kai says.

"Thgir a ekam t'nod sgnorw owt s'ti." Zane says.

"Shut it, Mush Mouth. I'm the leader and what I say goes. After Ronin locks up tonight, we steal the Scroll of Airjitzu." Jay commands.

Later that night, Jay reminds us of the plan.

"Remember, I'm in charge. We're not stealing the Scroll, we're returning it to the library after we learn Airjitzu." Jay commands.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I snark.

"And we're Ninja! Let's keep it quiet." Jay whispers.

"Ninja, go!" We whisper.

Jay falls down a roof. "Whoa!"

"Aah! Get out of here, you blue weirdo!" A shrill voice was heard as a women yelled at Jay. He quickly climbs out.

"Let's try to be a little more quiet, shall we? Last I remember, we're Ninja." Jay says.

"That was you, not us." I mutter, as we jump in front of the shop. We try to pick the lock, but it was more of the guys, than me.

"You're supposed to pick the lock, not try to bite it off." Kai snaps.

"Ugh, if I had my powers, I'd zap it, after I zap you!" Jay retorts.

We decide to break in through the window. "Great, now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering." Cole groans.

"I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the Scroll and get out of here." Kai whispers.

"Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain. And if you don't like sneaking around, why become a Ninja? And leave no stone unturned." Jay snaps.

"The faster we find the Scroll, the faster we can work on the next clue that will lead us to the tomb. Then we can save Lloyd." I order. We split up, searching every nook and cranny of this place.

"Ah, I found it!" Cole whispers, and we turn to him.

"You found the scroll?" Jay gasps.

"No, but I found my father's trophy. I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this." Cole says, and I groan.

"Aah! Holy pipes! The organ's got me!" Jay shrieks, as the organ clutches him and squeezes tightly.

"Uh, it's possessed by a Ghost! I forgot what we're supposed to do." Cole yells.

"Water! Water!" I scream, running around to find some kind of water-liquid item.

"I got water! Ugh!" Kai uses a flower vase, but there's no water. "Hey, these flowers are fake!"

"We're on a village built entirely over water. Please, take your time!" Jay yells.

"Well, I'm sorry that THERE'S NO WATER NINJA!" I yell.

"Aha!" Cole throws a water jug at him, but the ghost escapes.

"Sdneirf s'orroM fo eno rehtona!" Zane yells.

"I think he said another one of Morro's friends." Kai says.

"And there's more where that came from!" Morro yells as he summons three more Ghosts.

"We're gonna need more water." I say. We engage in a not-so-epic fight with the ghosts, in which we were running around frantically, trying to find water.

"Try these!" Kai yells, as he gives us Aeroblades. We use them quickly, making the ghosts disappear.

"Haha! Now who's scared of who?" Jay cheers. A vase breaks, and we see the Scroll of Airjitzu.

"The Scroll!" We gasp.

"Only one of us shall possess it." Morro hisses.

"Yeah, me!" Ronin whistles, grabs the Scroll, and escapes on R.E.X.

"Ah, I told you his ship wasn't far!" Jay yells.

"Sorry to leave you hanging, but since this Scroll's so important, I can't just give it away." Ronin says, ever so the thief. Morro uses his Wind on him, making him fall out. Unable to summon his ship again, he runs away. We start chasing after him, until we see Morro with the scroll.

"Ah, no! Morro's got the Scroll. We can't let him getaway!" Jay yells.

"He won't outrun the five of us." Cole declares.

"Aah!" Jay falls down a roof again.

"Aah! Not again!" The woman yells

"Scratch that, guess it's just the four of us." Cole repeats. We use a telephone wire to swing to another building, but Zane is left behind.

"Etanutrofnu s'taht." Zane says.

"Sorry bro!" I yell, jump from rooftop to rooftop.

"Looks like it's just the three of us now." Cole says, but when we jump across buildings, Cole's jump is too short and he falls. "Whoa! Go, guys!" 

"Guess it's the two of us now." I say, as we chase after him. Morro blows some wind, and hits me, and I am blown on a laundry line, hanging precariously with one hand.

"Go you idiot!" I yell, and Kai continues. I make my way down, and meet the others at a table.

"Ugh, so after all this, Morro gets Airjitzu and we're left with zip? I hate being leader, but I hate losing even more." Jay groans.

"Eerga I." Zane nods. We see Kai on Ronin's boat, without a certain scroll. Welp, there goes our chance.

"We didn't lose everything. At least Kai's okay. Tomorrow, I'll command, and we'll figure something out." Cole says.

"Thanks for the pick-me-up." Kai says.

"Remember what I said about second chances, and I'm gonna hold you that deal. So long, and I hope you get your friend back." Ronin leaves.

"Second chances? What did he mean by that?" I ask.

"We may have lost out on the Scroll, but he thinks there may be another way to learn Airjitzu." Kai says.

"We're still gonna fly?" Cole says.

"Really? Another way?" Jay asks.

"Swen taerg si siht." Zane cheers.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a sec, Ronin makes deals in his favor, and you're a terrible negotiator." I stop the celebratory. 

"Kai, what did you give him?" Jay asks.

"I sort of gave shares of the tea farm...along with all of yours." Kai admits.

"You what!?" Jay shrieks.

"Wu's gonna flip!" Cole yells.

"Swen elbirroh s'taht!" Zane retorts.

"Why Kai? Why did you do that?" I ask.

"I did what I had to, and for Lloyd, I'd do it again." Kai reasons, and we sigh. Yup. This is all for Lloyd. You better appreciate us after this Green Bean. 

"You're right. But I have to ask if Morro has the only Scroll, just how are we gonna learn Airjitzu?" Cole asks.

"Let's just say, it's not gonna be easy. We have a ghost of a chance" Kai says. 

This took longer. Like way longer that expected. Anyways, ENJOY!

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