Transformers Age of Extinctio...

By LuNavas2103

18.9K 390 94

Ashley Cruz is an honorary member of the Autobots, group of aliens who landed on Earth some years ago. She fo... More

The loss of a dear friend, or not?!
The Gang is back
KSI...and lots of spray paint
Lockdown returns
The Ship
The Plan
The Fight
A New life I
A New Life II
A New Life III
Far From Home
Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy
Way Down We Go

The Dinobots

826 20 7
By LuNavas2103

After a few hours of rest, the ship was ready. I boarded first and placed Rory and Arya in a far corner along with some clothes from the luggage and my own belongings. I sighed, walking out to see where the other three had gone. I was still weary of them, but I was already getting used to them at least.

Though Shane could be a pain on the ass when he wanted to.

Sighing, I looked back at the ship as I walked around to find the trio. I soon found Side instead, so I asked him if he had seen them, replying with a shrug and a shake of the head. Nodding I continued looking for a little while until I found Drift and Bee, accompanied by Cade and Shane.

"How fast could that thing get us halfway around the world?" Cade asked, looking at Drift.

"Very, it's a spaceship," replied the blue Bot

"What's the plan?" I questioned

"Get the Seed before Galvatron," replied Cade, "and restore our lives"

"And how are you planning on doing that? I doubt that son of a bitch of Joshua will believe you"

"We will see about that," said Cade, walking away, "get to the ship, we will be there in five minutes"

"We don't have five minutes!" I exclaimed, watching a police helicopter fly above us.

As Cade and Shane trotted away I rolled my eyes and scoffed, hearing sirens wailing not too far away. Following Drift as Bee went after the other three, we boarded the ship along with Side, who was helping with the last preparations. I stayed at the bridge as I watched Bee, Hound, Cade, Tessa and Shane come our way as Optimus motioned for them to board.

"Took you long enough," I said as Cade rolled his eyes

"Move! We are retrieving the Seed, but then we are done defending the humans," announced Optimus

"Wait, what?" I asked, astonished

"What? Done? What do you mean you're done?" demanded Cade

"It means 'finished', 'see ya', 'goodbye'" said Crosshairs

I rolled my eyes at Crosshairs and boarded with the others, glancing back as the gigantic metal ramp rose up and sealed the ship behind me. I went to my small corner, far from the rest. I sat next to a sleeping Rory as Arya played with some toys that I had found in the abandoned luggage. I looked down at the USB with the archives stolen from KSI. I twisted it around my fingers, remembering the footage that it contains. I placed it on my jeans again, safe as it could be.

"Why steal those archives?"

I looked up and saw Hound with his arms crossed and leaning against the wall. The bulky Bot looked down at me with a raised brow, nodding at where I had placed the USB.

"Thought of exposing them..." I shrugged, hesitant, "but I'm not so sure now...all the world is against exposing them killing the others will probably just make the other humans cheer for it..."

"You are probably right," shrugged Hound

"Why do I felt there's a 'but' coming?" I tilted my head at him

"But you won't know until you do it," he finished, "listen kid, you sometimes gotta take risks in your life, if not, you might regret some of the decisions you make, or don't make"

"I guess you are right," I admitted, "but I am taking risks constantly, else I wouldn't even be here"

"You are right," the Bot smirked, "well I gotta check on the others"

"See you," I said, grabbing a book I got from the luggage and reading it to make time pass quicker.



I opened my eyes and see Tessa peeking from a corner of the ship. Apparently I had fallen asleep while reading. Sighing quietly, I smiled at her.

"Hey Tessa, everything alright?" I asked, mostly out of curiosity

"Yeah just...we heard what happened earlier, are you ok?" She asked with what I could identify a sort of worried tone of voice.

"Uhh yeah, just a scratch, I've had worse hits before," I shrugged, showing her my bandaged arm with a wink and a smiled.

"Really?" Tessa hummed, sitting across me, "you seem to be pretty close with the Autobots"

"Yeah well..." I looked away, watching the Bots talk, "they...are like a family to me"

"That must be nice," she smiled, then tilted her head with a questioning look, "where's your family? Your...human family"

I opened my mouth to speak, then hesitated. I suddenly realized it had been a long time since I knew of my mom and dad.

"I...don't know..." I whispered worriedly

"Oh" Tessa seemed surprised, "I'm sorry"

"It's fine..." I sighed and forced a smiled, "so you and Shane are together? For real?"

"Yeah..." she blushed

"He seems like a pretty good guy," I said

"He is...he's the best"

"I wish I had someone like him" I blurted out before clearing my throat and looking away in embarrassment

"I bet you will find someone someday," Tessa said as she smiled.

"Yeah, I hope..."

"...Could I asked you something?"

"You just did"

We both laughed a little before we settled down and smiled at each other.

"Alright yes you could asked me," I answered

"Why does the government blame the Autobots for the battle at Chicago?"

"Oh...that..." I said warily, thinking for a second before replying, "I really don't know...heck, if it weren't for them we probably wouldn't even be here..." I sighed and looked out the giant glass window not far away, "they probably thought that if they hadn't come in the first placed then nothing would have happened...but I don't know..."

"Do you think that things will go back to normal?" She asked

"I hope so..." I said, smiling as I remember the old days

"How was it like in the military bases? Side said that you practically lived there," she said

"Oh that," I chuckled, "that's a long story"

"I think we have plenty of time"

I looked up at her with a raised brow and a grin. No one had ever asked for my time with the Bots, or at least in a good time. I smiled and soon started my tale, starting as logic dictates from the very beginning, when I accompanied Sam to get his first car with his father, about the Bots and how the crew grew before it became what it is now. I submerged myself so much that, before I realize it, I was back at the base, playing with Bee and racing Sideswipe. The more I remembered, the more I smiled.

When I finished my tale, we were at the Great Wall of China. Tess decided to admire the view with Shane, and I simultaneously glanced at Bee, who came walking over to me. Seeing that he was alone and that it would probably be the only time I would catch him alone; I mustered all my courage and walked to him timidly.

"Bee? Could we talk...alone?" I asked as a lump formed in my throat

"Sure," he replied as he guided me to another empty room, with no cages, to my relief

"''s Sam..." I stammered

His optics widened a bit, probably with surprise, as he leaned closer to me, cocking his head a little. I didn't have the heart to look up at him. I glanced down at my own feet, fighting back tears once more and clearing my throat so that it didn't sound cracked.

"He...he is dead Bee...Cemetery Wind killed him..."

I finally managed to look up at my friend, and when I do my heart breaks. His blue optics widened and he stood up abruptly, staggering backwards until he slammed himself against the metallic wall. He fell to his knees and looked down at me as I ran over to him.

"How?" He asked through the radio

"It was an ambush..." I explained, "Optimus...he did everything that he could to protect him..."

"It can't be true..." he insisted...

"It is...I saw everything in KSI's files..."

"No..." is all he could say

He fell to the ground, keeping himself up with his knees and elbows. He covered his face with one of his hands, liquid oozing from his optics. My eyes watered as I buried my face on his arm, tears running down my own face. I hugged his arm, calming down to speak.

"Bee...there's nothing you could have done..." I choked out

"I could have tried to protect...him..." he insisted, "I shouldn't have left"

"Bee, listen to me," I said, pushing his fingers a bit so that he uncovered his face, "if you would have gone...they would probably have killed you too...I wouldn't stand it if we lost you as well..."

He looked at me sadly, but he let out what a soft shaky sigh and nodded, offering me his hand, which I climbed. He wiped away the liquid from his face and slowly stood up. He still looked horribly sad, but he knew that we still have some fighting ahead.

We would have to mourn later.

"Bee? You ok? We heard some commotion," Ratchet poked his head inside

"We're fine Ratch, thank you," I said.

"Good, wait a second, where are those two little beasts?!" He asked, referring to Rory and Arya. I laughed when he let out a high-pitched scream as he looked down to see Rory rubbing his head against his giant metal foot.

"Calm down Ratch," I said between laughs, "he could kill someone, but with cuteness!" I almost choked in laughter

"Just keep it away from me" he said with a frown, "anyway, we are arriving at our destination, get ready"

"Oi, since when do I follow orders?" I joked, "alright, I'll be there in a second"

Ratch rolled his optics and hid a smile as I went back to my backpack and packed everything up, making sure my Motorbackpack was with me as we prepare to descend near a building in a city.

"Prepare to descend," warned Drift

"How many anime cosplays do you think we'll see?" I joked, smirking.

"Ash, it ain't time for jokes," Optimus pointed out

"What? I've never being to China," I protested

"Deploying ramp," announced Hound, from the control room of the ship.

"Let's get the Seed and leave ASAP," muttered Crosshairs, grumpy as usual.

"You always grumpy Greeny boy?" Smirked Side as the ramp slowly started descending.

"You always so annoying, wheel boy?" Crosshairs shot back.

"Enough you two," Ratch grunted.

"Men...they are the same even if they ain't humans..." I rolled my eyes

Soon enough the ramp lowered, and a very frightened Joshua was soon spotted running through the roof, apparently trying to escape us. Optimus changed positions with Hound, as he, Bee and Side as well as Ratch climbed further down the ramp with Cade, Tessa and Shane.

And apparently our bald guy had been drinking some milk, seeing him throw the box away as he ran.

"Hey baldy!" Hound called.

"Couldn't believe we're saving him of all humans...of all creatures..." I muttered as I hung on to Ratch, helping Shane and Cade not slip off the ramp.

"Bring it over, now! Let's go!" Cade yelled.

"Or we could get the Seed and leave him here," suggested Crosshairs.

I was about to reply when I suddenly spotted multiple metallic bipedal creatures moving on the base of the building. I frowned as I kept a steady grip on Ratchet, while also making sure that Cade didn't fell off as Joshua began to pass the Seed.

"Looks like we have company!" I yelled, my foot almost slipping.

"Looks like it!" Hound exclaimed.

"Come on hurry!" Cade yelled at Joshua.

" Come on you bald dumba-"

I was yelling when out of nowhere two minor explosions hit the side of the ship. I cried out as Cade lost his grip on my hand and fell, as well as Tessa, Shane, Bee and Hound. Crosshairs stumbled back and Side rolled into Drift's back inside the ship. I couldn't hear what Hound yelled as he tumbled down the ramp. Ratchet barely managed to keep his hold before he fell too, and so did I. I would've fallen into the roof if he hadn't shoved me up into the ramp's edge. I screamed and yell for help as my hands slipped on the smooth and cold metal, trying to keep a hang on the edge of the ramp as the ship whirled around in circles. I felt we hit something and I bounced up, almost losing my grip.

"SIDE! DRIFT! OPTIMUS! RATCHET!" I screamed when I felt a second hit.

I closed my eyes, scared that it was the end as the ship kept whirling in uncontrollable circles. Finally I felt a giant hand pull me in and cover me as we crash, and I passed out.



I groaned...

"Ashley, wake up!"

"Five more minutes doesn't start until 9 am..."

"I'm not your father, I-"

"Stop treating her like a baby an' make her move!" barked someone else.

"I'm not!"

"Splash her with some water!"

"That's just mean Crosshairs"


I opened my eyes slowly and blinked a few times, my vision unfocused and my head throbbing with pain. I held my head in pain as I managed to sit up, feeing some blood in my forehead.

"What...happened..?" I asked, my vision still blurry as I felt someone purr and rub their head against my knee...I couldn't tell whether it was Arya or Rory...

"We crashed and split," Drift informed, "the other three humans along with Bee, Hound and Ratchet are in the city".

"Wait what?!" I exclaimed, attempting to stand up but due to the dizziness falling back into...grass. "mierda (shit)..."

"Easy hit your head pretty badly..." Side said.

"We...gotta get to the others...the...copies...Galvatron...the Seed..." I mumbled weakly, as I attempted to stand up again but failed.

"Optimus, what are my orders with these humans? Could I squish the bald guy?" Asked Hound through the communicator.

I closed my eyes and tucked my knees closer to myself, trying to think straight as the pain very slowly faded away. I winced, my whole body sore and most of it in pain. My left wrist felt like it was sprained, my side was bruised and I probably had a broken rib or two; my jeans were ripped and my knees bleeding a bit. I rubbed my temples and sighed unsteadily as I asked Side for an explanation as Optimus, Drift and Crosshairs talked.

"I managed to catch you before you fell, and pulled you back into the ship. You hit my chasis and fainted. I tried to keep you as safe as possible, but the force of the impact made you hit my hand pretty hard," Side sighed.

"Al...right..." I stammered out. Everything continued to swirl around me.

Rory purred and licked some of my cuts and bruises, which even though it did not heal them, it eased the pain slightly. I laid down entirely as I waited for the dizziness to wear off, my vision now clear and focused.

"It's time for reinforcements," said Optimus, as he started to walk towards the ship.

"What did I miss...?" I mumbled.

"Crosshairs just admitted he is just like a dog," Side grinned

"I did not! I said that we were treated that underdogs, and that underdogs suck!" Crosshairs exclaimed angrily. "And this ain't our fight anyway! Let 'em get what they deserve!"

"It IS our fight, you brainless idiot! Earth is our home now! And we have to defend it till the last drop of Energon!"

"Oh really? You call this planet full of ungrateful bugs home? What have they done for us?! Aside from KILLING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US TILL THE POINT IT'S ONLY SIX OF US?!"

"Calmense los dos (calm down you two)..." I muttered

"...Sorry Ash..."

"I ain't apologizin', I stick to what I say," barked Crosshairs

I rolled my eyes and sighed, drifting into a state of semi-consciousness as we waited for Prime to come back. Worry started to slip under my skin as a shiver ran down my spine. I was scared for Bee, Ratch and Hound...what if something happened to them? Something bad?

" my Motorbackpack somewhere nearby?"

"I already scouted the terrain and no, I think it fell off in the roof..."


I was about to speak again, when I felt heavy steps on the ground. I frowned slightly as I managed to sit up slowly, leaning against a rock as I blinked several times, not believing what I was seeing.

" I hallucinating or are those giant robots...larger than you all and look hella creepy...?"

"No...I see them too..." He responded, taking a step back.

"You've got to be kidding..." Crosshairs said

"Legendary warriors, the powers that created us now want us all extinguished." Optimus spoke, as Crosshairs and Drift backed away slowly and Side picked me up, doing the same as the others, "we must join forces, or else forever be their slaves."

Again I tried to stand up and fall back into Side's hand, so I had no choice but to let Side carry me away with Drift and Crosshairs, my eyes wide with awe and fear as they scanned each of the gigantic beings, clearly bigger than my friends. I knew Optimus had a plan...most of the time...but this was fucking insane! What if they turned against us? We would definitely be slaughtered...

"So today you stand with us, or you stand against me," Prime stated seriously.

He wasn't playing around that's for sure.

One of them, the one with a horn and who appeared to be the leader of the group, roared menacingly and slammed his left arm against the ground where Optimus had been not two seconds ago. Prime rolled away as the other Bot attempted another attack, sending grass and mud flying everywhere.

"We'll let Prime figure this one out," Crosshairs said, shoving a leaf out of his way as he walked away.

"Very wise," Drift said, following him.

"Come on Bluebeam," Side suddenly said, turning to leave.

"What? Are we gonna leave him here?! With...those?! I thought we were a team!" I protested

"We either go, or risk getting mauled up by the rest," Side explained

"Yeah, and there's no fucking way I'm staying down here with them," Crosshairs said stubbornly as he climbed up a small waterfall, "No way. No way." He repeated.

The giant beast kept trying to hit Optimus with its huge spiked metal weapons. Prime couldn't do anything other than dodge and roll away, smoke, mud, grass, and sparks dancing in the humid air as we couldn't do anything but watch. My heart beat one thousand miles per hour as the worry and fear grew inside of me, as I couldn't help but felt useless, sitting there in Side's hand. I sometimes felt incredibly stupid for being a weak and useless human, instead of a Bot...most of the time I suppressed these feltings, but in times "or fights" like this, these feelings resurface.

Side seemed to notice my tension as he took another step back when the other creatures looked at us.

"Ash, this is Optimus' fight, he has to gain their trust and make sure they will follow him. There's nothing any of us could do," he said quietly.

"Still...I could help more if I wasn't a human..." I sighed. The truth is I only looked confident on the outside...because on the inside I was insecure and always doubtful of my decisions...and I was lose someone I loved...

I snapped out of my train of thought when I heard Optimus' voice.

"Only together could we survive!" He yelled, as he climbed up the robot's arm, leaped into the air, and punched it straight in the face. "Let me lead you!" Prime exclaimed, rolling away.

"Oooh that must've hurt," Side said

Suddenly, the giant being's metal armor seemed to shift and change, just as the Bots do when they transform into their car forms, only that this one seems to be changing...transforming into something...different. I watched with wide eyes, Rory and Arya now on Side's shoulder and watching as well, but we all seem in a kind of trance to even care, as the being fully transformed...

Into a dinosaur

...That shot fire

"Oh, no," Crosshairs muttered

"Honestly, I was expecting a giant car," Side mumbled

In all honesty...I had no idea what to expect...

"Come here!" Optimus called to the fire-shooting T-Rex, who whirled around and charged at him, roaring as loud as it could as it flared its nostrils and some smoke came from them. I was now standing up with the help of one of Side's fingers, trying to get a better view of what was the outcome.

"We are giving you freedom!" Optimus' booming voice echoed through the place, and with a movement of his shielded arm, he hit the dinosaur's neck, sending him rolling through the grass with grunts and screeches of pain.

Finally it stopped rolling and laid on the grass in defeat, screeching and grumbling as it moved its head and growled. Silence reigned as Optimus approached the dinosaur, stepping on its neck as he pronounced some words that didn't reach my ears. Our leader ran his new sword across its neck, before forcing it to stand as it roared and faced us, with Optimus riding its back.

"Autobots, we're goingto prove who we are and why we're here!" He said firmly, holding his swordup only like a leader would.

"Ugh, you just want to die for the guy. That's leadership. Or brainwashing or something," Crosshairs said as we started heading towards the rest of the giant robots.

"No, that's Optimus Prime," Drift smiled.

The other creatures soon transformed into dinosaurs: A Spinosaurus, a Triceratops, what seemed like a two-headed Pteranodon, and a Velociraptor. Drift rode the Triceratops, Crosshairs the Spino, and I rode the Raptor, despite its huge size. 

"Autobots, we charge, together!"

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