The Adventure Begins - (RWBY...

By Railrider99

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(y/n) (l/n) was your young and ordinary mechanical and technological genius living a quiet life in his home v... More

Prologue - Crash Landing
Chapter 1: Out From the Ashes
Chapter 2: Coming Together
Chapter 3: STARcrossed
Chapter 4: The Dark Room Treatment
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden
Chapter 7: Jaunedice
Chapter 8: Forever Fall & The Meeting
Chapter 9: The Stray
Chapter 10: Black & White
Epilogue: Gravity VS Polarity
Author's Note

Chapter 5: Initiation and The Encounter

156 3 1
By Railrider99

(Y/N's) POV

We walked into Professor Ozpin's office after getting off of the elevator. Bruce and Callie were waiting for us sitting across from Ozpin with Professor Goodwhich standing next to him. Price and I walked up as we knew we had to go through our initiation.

Ozpin: "Glad you two could join us. I take it you had no issues finding the sheds?"

(Y/N): "Yeah it was pretty easy to find. We have the engine parked in one shed and the rest of the train in the next stall over to get it all to fit inside."

Ozpin: "You are free to keep it in there for your stay here at Beacon. I am sure we can find uses for it on future missions."

Price: "May want to rain check that professor. The Southern Cross is beat up pretty bad. Keep in mind we had to fight off two hoards of grimm in a short time."

(Y/N): "I can tell ya its gonna take me some time to gather the parts and resources I need to make the necessary repairs. Just by giving it a quick glance or two I can tell the list is going to be long."

Ozpin: "Well Mr. (l/n) we can cross that bridge when we get there. I can assure you I have a few connections who will be able to help accelerate the process. Right now we should focus on getting your initiation started."

Bruce: "I thought you said Beacon's initiation was done and over with already?"

Goodwitch: "It was Mr. Speedle."

Ozpin: "However, we have made exceptions in the past for late comers."

(Y/n): "And we just happen to show up right when things wrapped up, right?"

Ozpin: "That is correct. Lucky for you all, you won't be too far behind the rest of the first year students that just arrived here recently."

Price: "So if we're already a team, what's the point of having the initiation anyway? And besides, what about Callie? She doesn't exactly have a weapon or anything."

Callie: "I do have some close combat experience from taking a few martial arts and self defense classes."

Price: "But you couldn't try to get break free from muscle boys grip?"

Callie sends him a death glare that causes Price to start sweating. I knew what that look meant. My Mom would give that same look to me and Allie whenever we said something we probably shouldn't have. I step in-between them.

(Y/N): "Okaayyy guys, let's forget about that now that we're past that oh so fun time we had back in Mistral."

Price: "Sorry...."

Callie: *sighs* "It's alright, he kinda does have a point. I don't exactly have a weapon to help defend myself other than my bare hands."

(Y/N): "You a fan of bow staffs, swords, or shotguns?"

Callie: "A little. Why do you ask?"

(Y/N): "Price and I have a few second hand weapons sitting in the baggage coach. We picked them up over time in barter trades when doing jobs for people in Anima. You're welcome to take one or two of them to use as your own if you like. Price and I mainly use our own weapons anyway."

Callie: "That would be much appreciated."

Ozpin: "Now that we have that settled. You may take some time to choose your weapon Miss Anthony. From there, you will meet myself and Professor Goodwitch at Beacon Cliff for your initiation at the cliffs outside Emerald Forest."

We all head down the elevator to grab Callie's new weapon.

(Y/N): "So, Callie, did you choose the huntress life or did the huntress life end up choosing you?"

Callie: *tilts head upward and shrugs* "I'll let you know later after the initiation."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. I can tell I'm gonna have a lot of fun with these guys.

Small Timeskip.....

(3rd POV)

(Y/N), Price, Bruce, and Callie walk to the Beacon Cliff to begin their initation. Callie is carrying her new bow staff that she named: Sky Vault. Bruce is adjusting the settings on his arm while Price is loading a magazine into Maverick Striker. (Y/N) throws some dust infused rounds into both of his revolvers, Heart and Soul.

Ozpin: "Glad you could join us. Today you'll be taking your first steps into becoming huntsman at Beacon. Beyond this cliff is the Emerald Forest, from here you will be launched into the forest. Much like the students who participated before you, you must find relics hidden in a temple deep within the forest. You will be facing many dangers such as various kinds of grimm. The first person between you four that you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years at Beacon. Now please step up to the launch pads, I would suggest that you each should have a landing strategy in mind."

Price: "AIRDROP? NICE!" *high fives (y/n)*

(Y/N): "See you guys on the other side."

Price: "Make yours fancy, I dare ya."

The four teens get shot into the sky. (Y/N) is sent the furthest out, he activates his semblance and flies towards the ground. He slows up and stops to take a look at his surroundings. He hears Price yell from overhead, "CHEATER!!"

Price keeps his gun on his back and pulls out a cable. As he nears the top of the treeline, he swings it down to hook onto some branches. He holds on tightly as we swings back into the air by a few feet from the ground before landing. "Heh, I knew that old thing would come in handy someday" *begins rolling up the cable.

Callie flies towards the same direction as Price. She extends Sky Vault and pushes a button on the side. The bottom end shows a small blaster and fires a few wind dust rounds slowing her descent. A few more shots later and she touches the ground and begins walking into the forest.

Bruce simply free falls to the ground letting gravity do the work. At the last second he grabs a tree branch with his robotic arm and swings onto the ground. "Tch, too easy."

(Y/N)'s POV

I start making my way through the forest towards the temple that Ozpin mentioned. It was strangely quiet so far.

(Y/N): "Wow. I can get used to the peace and quiet. Guess nobody wants to come out and play with me."

I suddenly hear some growling coming from some bushes on my left. I bring out Heart and Soul and get ready to start fighting.

(Y/N): "It's about time some of you fleabags showed up. I was getting bored fast."

I aim Heart and Soul at the bushes and open fire. I managed to kill two beowolves while the rest of the pack jump out and start circling me.

(Y/N): *reloads guns* "Oh ho! I shot the thing into the thing! Wha-What do I win?!?"

Surrounding grimm: *snarls*

(Y/N): "I win rwar?! That makes no sense."

The pack of beowolves jump at me from all directions. I use my semblance to shoot right into the air out of the way before aiming both my guns down and shooting at them, killing a bunch of them in the process. I switch my guns into their katana mode and perform my signature move: Brave Bird. I hold my arms out with both katanas in my hands and fly down at top speed before pulling up at the last second and getting level with the ground. I fly straight at the grimm cutting right through the stomachs of the two remaining grimm in a split second. I get back on my feet and put Heart and Soul back into their gun forms.

(Y/N): "Works every time."

I decide to pick up the pace and begin jogging through the forest. I eventually come across Bruce and we lock eyes with each other.

Bruce: "Looks like we're partners kid."

(Y/N): "Looks that way. Have ya seen or heard anything from the others?"

Bruce: "You're the first person that I have seen since the launch. Although I saw Price and Callie land in about the same area."

(Y/N): "They've probably found each other by now. Let's find these relics and get back home. I'm sure we'll find them eventually."

We find the temple and of course its too quiet for my liking. The temple looks old and run down with nature slowly taking over. Bruce and I walk inside and see that there are what looks like chess pieces sitting on an old pedestal.

(Y/N): "You're serious? THIS is what we came all the way out here for? Why couldn't it be something like, I don't know, a holy grail!?"

Bruce: "Ozpin always has his reasons I'm sure. Now let's grab a relic piece and move out. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to."

We turn around and see Price and Callie walk in behind us.

Callie: "Looks like you guys beat us to it. I told you we went the wrong way."

Price: "Cut me some slack everything looks the same around here."

(Y/N): *sighs* "That's Price for ya with his bad sense of direction."

Bruce: "There's still a chess piece left over there."

Price: "What did you guys grab?"

(Y/N): *holds up chess piece* "We grabbed the black rook chess piece."

Callie: "And it looks like we are grabbing the white bishop piece."

Bruce: "Alright, as I told (y/n) a minute ago, we got what we came for. Let's get out while we don't have a lot of homicidal obstacles coming after us."

(Y/N): "Right. Alright guys we're getting out of here."

Bruce: "Did you guys have any issues getting here?"

Price: "We ran into some run of the mill beowolves and an ursa but that's about it. I found Callie getting surrounded by them before I had to jump in and give her a hand."

Callie: "I had everything under control thank you very much! I just haven't gotten fully accustomed to Sky Vault yet. Thanks for the free staff by the way boys, it's perfect to use for my martial arts techniques."

(Y/N): "Anytime, if ya need any upgrades done feel free to ask. I built a few of the extra weapons we have after all."

Callie: "I'll keep that in mind. I can see light again!"

Beacon Academy...

3rd POV - Ozpin's Office

Ozpin: "They will make fine students here just by seeing them going through their initiation. Plus it seems they are putting on quite the show for the students."

Goodwitch: "Are you sure it is wise to allow Mr. Speedle into this school? He did drop out of Haven after all."

Ozpin: "Everyone deserves a second chance. Given what happened to him before he left, this is the perfect opportunity to help him move on from his past."

Goodwitch: "You do realize that that (l/n) boy will find out about his father sooner or later right? It's only a matter of time. These children are not ready to know what we have been fighting against this entire time."

Ozpin: "All in due time Glynda."

Goodwitch: "I will never fully understand you. Wait, who is that walking up to the temple?"

Emerald Forest Temple...

(Y/N)'s POV

We run out of the temple and run into the clearing. The sunshine bares down on us so it takes a moment to adjust to the change in light. However, instead of grimm, we are met with what looks like a girl staring straight at us.

She is wearing a short silver dress going down from her chest to her thighs with a black hooded cloak. In her right hand is a large white scythe. None of us can make out her face other than the grimm like mask that is covering the left side of her face. She keeps staring at us silently. Price pulls out Maverick Striker and slowly aims at her. I have my right hand ready to pull out Soul from its holster. I lean over towards Price and whisper to him.

(Y/N): "Did I miss something along the lines of Ozpin or Goodwitch mentioning we would be having a fifth person going through initiation with us?"

Price: "No. They never said anything to us."

Bruce: "I smell trouble. Be ready for anything."

Callie's grip on Sky Vault tightens and shuffles a little closer to Bruce. I guess I'm not the only one feeling a bit uneasy by our unexpected guest. I decide to speak up.

(Y/N): "Is there something we can help you with?"

The girl doesn't reply.

(Y/N): "Who are you? Are you a last minute new student like us?

Still remains silent.

(Y/N): "Did you even hear me?"

Still no response. I pull out Soul and aim directly at her.

(Y/N): "I'm done playing games here. We're not looking for a fight. You're either friend or you're foe. If you're the latter, then you're in for a thrashing."

I faintly see the girl grow a small smirk. She swings her scythe and sends a dark energy wave at us. We all jump out of the way by the skin of our teeth.

(A/N): Play music here.

Callie: "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

I land on the branch of a nearby tree and aim both of my guns at her.

(Y/N): "That settles it. Take her down guys!"

3rd POV

Bruce charges at her and goes for a punch but the cloaked girl catches his fist and throws him away. (Y/N) fires several shots at her with a few managing to hit her in the stomach point blank with her aura taking the hit. (Y/N) jumps out of the tree switching both guns to their katana mode. The cloaked girl brings down her scythe and makes contact with Heart and Soul, forcing the two into a brief stalemate before pushing each other back. The girl sends another wave of dark energy at (y/n) which hits its intended target, sending him into the trunk of a tree.

Price opens fire while Callie makes a dash for the side. The girl zig zags towards Price to avoid the barrage of gunfire. Callie manages to sneak up from behind and uses Sky Vault to sweep the cloaked enemy off her feet before landing a few punches. Callie then jumps to the side as Bruce jumps back in and blasts the cloaked girl with a charged energy blast from his arm's blaster.

The four huntsman in training surround the dust clouds waiting for their foe to come out. The girl jumps out towards (y/n) which causes him to fly upward. Heart and Soul once again clash with her scythe. (y/n) uses his semblance to rise higher. After a few blows exchanged between the two of them, he manages to knock the scythe out of the girls hands and slams her down on the ground with a pair of direct hits from his katanas.

Price and Bruce hesitantly approach their opponent now stunned from the impact. She looks unconscious until her eyes suddenly open again. She grabs Price by the leg and pulls it forward knocking him down. She jumps up and begins engaging Bruce in close combat with her slowly beginning to overpower Bruce. Callie launches herself at the girl using Sky Vault and knocks their adversary away from Bruce.

Bruce: "You can't keep this up forever!"

Price: "We don't want to hurt you! Tell us who you are and what you want and maybe we can help you!"

The girl shakes her head before jumping back to grab her scythe and begins charging up a dark ball of energy around it.

???: "You can help me by letting me kill you."

Price: "Sorry but no can do."

???: "I was gonna be merciful and try to make this as painless as possible. But I guess you have made your own choice. Prepare to be sent into oblivion."

(Y/N): "Think again!"

The cloaked girl whirls her head around only to see (y/n) flying at her at full speed with both katanas out ready to slice into her. He dives to the ground and flies just high enough above the ground to strike his target. The girl tries to dodge but is too late as (y/n)'s blades make contact with her face and mask.

???: "Aaaaggghhhhhh!!"

(A/n - End Music here.)

(Y/N) lands back on the ground and runs over to their would be killer. He points one blade at the girls face while Bruce and Price flank him from behind with both rifle and arm blaster aimed at her respectively. Callie jumps and lands behind the girl with Sky Vault's small bottom blaster pointed against the girl's back. Their attacker looks up with her left hand covering her face while her mask lay on the ground sliced in half from (y/n)'s attack.

(Y/N): "Now will you identify yourself?"

???: "This isn't over. She'll just send me back here to finish you off like how it should have been months ago!"

Bruce: "Who are you working for?"

???: "I would never tell you. My business is with him! *points to (y/n)*

(Y/N): "You know me?" *irritated*

???: "She never forgot about you (y/n)."

Bruce: *cracks knuckles* "I'll ask again before I have to resort to more drastic measures. Who. Are. You. Working for?"

???: "All in due time Brucy... After all, I still have unfinished business with you."

Callie: "WHO ARE YOU?"

???: "Awww, and those buffoons failed at snatching you up. To think that recruiting you would have been easy."

Price: "They asked you a question. I'd start talking if I were you."

???: "Oh but I am my dear Price. My my how you and (y/n) have grown. Too bad you couldn't help your daddy save the rest of your pathetic wittle family."

Price: "What'd you say?"

???: "You all heard me."

(Y/N): "Enough of this nonsense! *points Soul at her head* Surrender now, and start talking. Better yet, keep talking. Cause you just dug yourself deep on this one."

???: "Coming from the guy who was foolish enough to side with Ozpin? You're in a lot deeper than you think."

(Y/N): "Oh really?"

???: "This is far from over. I will be back."

She starts laughing like a maniac and a portal opens up from underneath her, swallowing her completely before closing and disappearing almost instantly.

Everyone puts down their weapons knowing that their confrontation was over with their enemy long gone. Bruce is the first to speak up.

Bruce: "How does that girl know about us?"

(Y/N): "I don't know who she is but she's gonna have a lot to answer for next time I see her."

Price: "She couldn't have known about (hometown). (Y/N) and I were the only survivors. Everyone else is dead."

Callie: "Maybe, we should get back to Beacon. We've all had a long day as it is."

(Y/N): "Callie's right guys, we have our initiation to finish. Let's get out of here."

The group begins walking back towards Beacon Cliff with their encounter with the cloaked girl occupying their thoughts.

Small timeskip....

(Y/N)'s POV

We arrived back to Beacon with quite the welcome some of the student body. Apparently Ozpin decided to live-stream our own initiation for everyone on campus to watch. We ended bumping into a lively team known as Team JNPR. And here I thought we were a colorful bunch. These guys literally take the cake. Jaune, their leader, may be a bit of a dork but he means well. Pyrrha apparently is a famous tournament warrior so I imagine she will be at the top of the combat classes. Nora I can't help but be concerned about cause as adorable as she is when she is energetic, her obsession with breaking legs has pretty much forced me to make a mental note to myself to stay on her good side. Ren is about as calm and collected as it gets. I can't help but wonder how he manages to keep Nora in line half the time.

(Y/N): "Well Jaune it was nice meeting you and your team but we should get back up to Ozpin's office. I take it you saw our initiation?"

Price: "Including the part where we had to fight off our uninvited guest?"

Jaune: "Yeah what was up with that girl?"

Bruce: "Hell if we know. She was just standing there probably waiting for us to come out of that temple."

Nora: "You know what you should have done to finish the fight (y/n)?"

Ren: "Nora...."

(Y/N): " what?"


Ren: "Nora, now is not the time."

Callie: "Technically he broke her facemask but....ya know...minor details."

Pyrrha: "I hope you are going to tell Professor Ozpin about your encounter."

Price: "If he live streamed our initiation for you all, he probably already knows about it."

(Y/N): "Speaking of which, we should probably get going. We also have to get our dorm assignment and stuff."

Jaune: "You guys are welcome to stop by our room anytime!"

(Y/N): "Thanks. I promise we won't crash an armored battle train on your front door first time any of us drop by."

Pyrrha: "You guys did make quite the scene earlier. The whole school is talking about your arrival and initiation."

Callie: "Are they now?"

Jaune: "Yeah they are. You guys landing your train in the courtyard, (Y/N)'s signature move, Bruce's arm, Callie's surprise attack from behind on that masked girl; the whole thing was nuts. We watched it with a few of our friends and even they couldn't believe half of the stuff you guys were pulling off."

(Y/N): "To be fair, we didn't really have a plan going in. We also got lucky in some aspects."

Ren: "To put it simply. You guys seem to have a specialty in pulling off what most would call ridiculous."

(Y/N): "Team slogan everyone?"

Price: "Worry about that later boss man, Ozpin is waiting for-"

"Will (Y/N) (L/N), Callie Anthony, Bruce Speedle, and Price Thompson please report to Professor Ozpin's office!"

(Y/N): "Guess they are getting tired of waiting. See you guys around?"

Pyrrha: "That would be lovely."

Jaune: "Have fun guys. Catch up with us later okay?"

Price: "Damn right we will."

(Y/N): "Come on guys. Let's not keep them waiting any longer than we have to."

Small timeskip....

3rd POV

Ozpin: "Bruce Speedle, Price Thompson, Callie Anthony, (Y/N) (L/N). You four have done well with your initiation despite the unforeseen circumstances that came up. You handled the situation well and stopped a potentially dangerous threat. You collected the black rook and white bishop pieces. From this moment forward you four will make up Team STAR; led by (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): "Sir, are you sure?"

Ozpin: "Mr. (L/N), I have made more mistakes than any man, woman, or child on this planet. I have so far never been wrong on who I appoint team leader."

(Y/N): "Very well then. I'll accept responsibility for the leadership of my team. You have my word that you won't be disappointed."

Ozpin: "I am glad to hear it. Now, here is your team's dorm room assignment. You are actually right next door to Team JNPR, who I believe you have already gotten well acquainted with."

Price: "That's right."

Ozpin: "Classes do not start until tomorrow. I would suggest you unpack whatever belongings you currently have with you and get some rest. You will most definitely need it."

Callie: "But professor, what about that girl we encountered? Shouldn't we be trying to track her down or something?"

Ozpin: "One thing at a time Callie. We do not have any information on your mysterious attacker other than a physical description of what you four saw. We will discuss the matter at a later date I assure you. It is highly unlikely she will try to make a move against you all now that you are staying at Beacon."

(Y/N): "We didn't know her. But she damn well knew us."

Bruce: "I wouldn't fret about it Kid, there are all kinds of wack jobs in this world. Besides, Ozpin is right, we can cross that bridge later. Right now, there's a dorm room and some beds calling our names."

(Y/N): "I guess so....come on then guys. Let's go get settled in."

Price: "If we bunk the beds, I call dibs on top bunk."

(Y/N): "Of course you do."


So it seems there is more to Team STAR's mysterious attacker than meets the eye. And it looks like classes are about to begin. It looks like Team STAR is in for a wild ride at Beacon Academy and they haven't even started classes yet! Until next time.

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