Night Disease

By kipekipe

22.4K 1.3K 134

UNDERGOING EDITS/COMPLETED A day can change your life in an instant, just like one decision can change the pa... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's note

Chapter 41

176 16 0
By kipekipe

All the children and elderly left hours ago. Only teenagers and young adults remain in the hangar bay. The musicians still play music but are slowly shutting down. My friends and I congregated over to one of the empty tables leaving the dance floor open.

Tuckered out from dancing we decided to stay to chat not ready for the night to end. A cup of water sits in front of each of us waiting. "Hahaha did you put a frog in your teacher's desk, Sam?" Laughing Sam nods at Kaitlyn.

"Oh yes I did that teacher was creepy I swear he was a pedophile." Shaking her head Sam leans her head on Liam's shoulder.

Jen slaps Sam's arm gasping "Samatha you can't say that about people."

Yawning Sam waves her off "yeah yeah got it, Jenny." Stifling another yawn Sam slowly rises "I think it's my bedtime, night guys." Liam stands up with her holding her around the shoulders, waving to us as they exit the hangar bay.

"Night be safe" we call waving to them. Sam gives us the finger before she disappears behind the door. Laughing Jen, Kaitlyn, and I sit in silence enjoying each other's presents. The original group remains the last one standing.

"So do you want to bet on who is going to be the last one awake? For old time's sake?" Kaitlyn asks a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

Cracking her knuckles Jen grins evilly. "You're on Kait may the longest one awake win."

They turn to me waiting for my answer. Jen holds her hands pleading quietly well Kaitlyn stares at me attempting to keep a blank face. Grinning I hold up my drink "may the longest awake win just like old times." Smiles light up their faces with a childish light clicking their cups with mine.

We stay talking for some time till Jen yawns stretching. "Okay that's it for me I'm going to bed."

"Night" Kaitlyn and I call waves. Jen waves holding in another yawn. Kaitlyn and I sit silently watching the few people left in the hanger bay.

Kaitlyn yawns into her hand. Stopping quickly she grumbles. "Damit why can't I ever win." Sighing she stands picking up her cup as she pushes in her chair.

Following her actions, I stand. "I'll come with you we'll see who wins in our room." She grins at me tiredly. Dropping our cups off in the kitchen we loop around to our room.

Silently I hear footsteps behind us. Subtly I look over my shoulder to keep Kaitlyn from worrying. A shadow dashes out of my vision behind the corner we just took. Looking forward again I plaster on a smile. "I forgot something back in the hanger bay. I'll meet you in our room in a few minutes."

Kaitlyn waves me off too tired to think much. Dropping back I turn around walking back the way we came. The footsteps stop at my approach. Turning around the corner I saw the shadow I wait till I hear Kaitlyn enter our room. "You can come out now" I wait for the person to show themselves.

A dark shadow emerges to my left. Entering the light I hide my shock, there Damon stands dressed in his signature black. His dark eyes flash with hunger at me. "Just the person I was hoping for" he smiles darkly showing his perfectly white teeth.

Turning my scowl to him I glare just as darkly back. "What do you want Damon" I roll his name showing my disgust toward him.

He scowls glaring deeper at me. "I want you to come with me we can have a nice time together." His smile returns to his face walking toward me slowly.

Shaking my head I pers my lips into a flat line. "Nope can't do that buddy."

Glaring at me again he grabs my arm dragging me into the door behind him. Slamming me against the wall he blocks the closed door with his body. Keeping my face set in a flat line I cross my arms leaning against the wall.

"What do you want Damon," I ask flatly.

He stares at me for a good five seconds analyzing me. I was my eyebrow waiting patiently for his answer. Looking back at my face he leans against the door. "I don't get what he sees in you."

Tilting my head I look at him quizzically "who?"

He looks at me with disgust evident on his face "you know who?"

His answer leaves me more confused. Who is he talking about? I know many people from all over their hundreds of possibilities. "No, I do not who are you talking about?"

Shaking his head he chuckles darkly. "And he said you were smart."

Shaking my head I throw my arms up exasperated. "Who are you talking about?"

Looking back at me glaring I urge him on. "Lucifer Kan at least that's what he calls you. Kan is the one that can do almost everything."

My eyes widen in realization. That's why his statement from before sounded so familiar. My friend Lucifer or luci as I called him said that to me all the time. Right as you seem to be Kan. He said that whenever I got something right or to help urge me on.

"You know Lucifer?"

He looks at me again with disgust. "I did just say his name and all."

"Yes yes but not the Lucifer but Lucifer's tall dark skin dark hair black eyes jokes very rarely, that one."


A bright smile lights my eyes "how do you know him?"

Grumbling some not-so-nice words about me under his breath he leans onto the door. "He found me and helped me control my demon. Used to talk about you all the time. I don't see what there was to talk about." Sneering he looks away from me.

Shock lights of the lightbulb in my head. "That's why you have seemed so mean or off-putting to me. You are jealous of me, but why?"

We stand in silence the only sound of the light lightly swaying above us. Slowly Damon's face darkens till his eyes are nothing but black. "Why, why because he talked about you like you were perfect. He never said anything bad about you always telling me what you did. You are the perfect little vampire that he taught and I am his not-so-perfect demon."

His face darkens sucking up all the light in the room. "No, I'm not. I'm not perfect no one is. He said the same thing about other people he helped me too. Always talking about their accomplishments. He did that to tell us that even with the struggles we were going through we could be like them doing good instead of bad.

"He told you about me because I killed a little girl before I gained control. I lost myself after that and he helped me learn to control the dark side that always lurks beneath the surface. I'm not his prized pupil no one is. He finds all of us to be his prized pupils equally. He hoped you would understand what he was trying to tell you but I guess you didn't."

As I finish my long explanation Damon's furry slowly dissipates. "He was trying to teach me that in every struggle good can come of it."

Nodding my head I smile softly "yes he never wanted you to get jealous only to teach you a lesson."

He slumps on the door holding his head in his hands. "What have I done I am such a disappointment."

Walking hesitantly over to him I slowly place a hand on his shoulder. "What do you mean Damon."

He shakes his head rubbing his eyes. "I have done some bad things with what he taught me."
Rubbing his shoulder encouragingly I urge him to continue.

"The group that I came here with wants to kill most of the humans to get the base. The angles and witches here are stopping them from getting it another way. I helped them in wearing some of the humans so that others could kill them."

"Do you know what their plans are?"

He shakes his head dropping it lower. "No, they only told most of us what we needed to know on a need-to-know basis. Only the leaders know the plan."

Sighing I ball my hand into a fist at my side. Why do they have to be so stubborn in letting gout information? Forcing my voice to stay calm I return to Damon" It's okay Damon you did what you thought was right. That's all we ever try to do."

Shaking his head he pushes off the wall pacing in the small space. "Yes but I still did it. I never questioned them and I didn't care what they did to the humans." He pulls at his hair frustrated at himself.

Reaching out I put a hand on his shoulder. "Yes but we all do that when we think what they are doing is right. A mistake is just that a mistake you never took those people's lives."

Grabbing my hand he gives it off his shoulder. "Yes, but I may as well be the one to put them onto the butcher's block." Returning to his pacing he slams his hands into the wall-shaking the shelves.

Grabbing his hands I hold them together as his breathing accelerates. "Damon calm down. You may have done that but you can help stop them now. Help me and the others, together we can get rid of them."

Slowly his breathing returns to normal. His eyes have come back to normal showing all of his internal struggles. "How can I help."

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