Blud In My Veins (Yungblud X...

By YungbludsHandcuffs

36.9K 671 374

Hi! YUNGBLUD X READER. This is way different to everyone elses X Readers, but I hope you really like it! 🖤🖤... More

Welcome back sexy beasts


7.2K 94 151
By YungbludsHandcuffs

January 2nd. You're sat in a bar, drinking vodka, Without You by David Guetta and Usher blasting over the speakers.

"Hey, look, he's totally checking you out!" Your roommate Skye says, pointing at a guy across from the bar. He was sat with two others, clearly glancing at you and checking you out.

"I cant believe that you're forcing me to get a boyfriend. Why do I need to have one? Because of society?" You ask.

"Trying to change the subject, are we?" She says.

You mimick her, taking a sip of your drink.

"Alright, will you see if you can go out with him?" She begs. "I don't want you to be alone."

"Well fuck you, but okay, I guess I will."

You glance at him and he winks back, smiling at you.

"Oh my God! Y/n - L/n, go up to him!" Skye elbows you.

"Well, I don't know." You shrug.

"You're kidding. Go on, get a boyfriend. He's cute too, lucky you." She practically pulls you off the chair.

"Okay, okay!" You say excitedly. "Give me a second though, I'm really nervous."

"Nevermind, it seems like he's coming over to you." She whispers as he walks closer to you both.

"Hey." He says, sitting on the other side of you.

"I'll leave you two alone." Skye whispers, walking off. You sharply kick her in the ankle and smirk.

"Hi." You smile. "I'm y/n l/n."

"Dominic Harrison." He shakes your hand.

"So, my friend said that you were checking me out?" You say, trying not to giggle.

"That's a bit embarrassing. Yeah, I was." He smiles.

"I was kinda checking you out too." You say nervously.

"Y/n, you dont have to be so nervous. You're really cute. What's your accent? I love it."

You smile at his compliment.
"I'm from Gwynedd. Wales. And thanks, you're cute too."

"No problem." He glances over at his friends, who are trying to eavesdrop on your conversation.

"Those your friends?" You ask.

"Mhm. They're dickheads." He smirks.

"Then they're clearly not like you, Dominic." You look at him, resting your head on your hand, making him smile. Your phone starts ringing suddenly.

"Shit, sorry." You say, searching around for it.

"Language." He smirks.

You smile at him and answer the phone.


"It's Skye. Just letting you know that I'm going home, so I'm taking my car."

"Ugh, okay fine. Talk to you later." You hang up the phone.

"Sorry, that was my friend." You sigh.

"It's fine. You don't have to apologise just for being a person." Dom says.

"Sorry- Uh, you're sweet. Granted, I only just met you." You smile.

"I'm not sweet, I'm just a little drunk." He sips his beer.

"Me too." You say, making him smile.

"So, what are you doing here, y/n?"

"I'm twenty one years old and I've never done shots, so that is my one and only reason to be here." You reply, setting down your drink.

"Well then, we are gonna resolve that right here, right now." He says, signalling his friends over to you both.

"We're really gonna do shots now?" You ask incredulously.

"Yep. Y/n, this is Tom and Adam, guys, this is y/n." You all exchange greetings as Dom introduces you all.
"And we are doing shots, because y/n has never done them before."

"Jordy! Four shots."

You smile, anxious to have your first shot.

"Okay, everyone get ready. She's about to have first shot ever." He smiles, pushing one towards you.

You tip your head back and pour the liquid down your throat. You cough, feeling the burning sensation at the back of your mouth.

The guys yell, congratulating you.

"Jesus." You laugh. "I did my first shot!"

You all take a few more shots by 3 AM and you end up a little, or a lot, drunk.

"You're really cute when you're drunk." Dom giggles.

"Nope, you're just drunk enough to think I am really cute." You smile.

"Hey, the bar's closing, let's go." He takes your arm and guides you out just behind Adam and Tom.

"Wait Dom, where are we going?" You shiver as the cold wind hits your face.

"I don't know. Do you want me to walk you back to your apartment?" He asks, holding you up.

"I would love that." You smile, looking up into his eyes.

"You have really beautiful eyes." He breathes.

You lean in and kiss him. His tongues slides across your teeth and your bottom lip. You bite his bottom lip and pull away.

"Come on." You take his hand. 20 minutes later, you finally get there.

"This is my place. Thanks for walking me." You smile.

"No problem." He says, letting go of your hand. "You want this?" He gives you a slip of paper with his number on.

"Fuck yeah. Sorry, I've just never got a cute guys number before." You giggle shyly.

"Hey, stop apologising! You dont have to say sorry for anything, alright?" He kisses your forehead.

"Okay. I'll see you here tomorrow?" You ask.

"Sure. Bye." He smiles and starts walking back.

You close the door and watch him walk away through the misty glass.

"So, you had a good night, huh?" Skye asks, making you jump.

"Jesus. Yeah, I did. I did my first shots, I kissed Dom-"

"WOAH, YOU KISSED HIM?" She almost yells.

"Yes and I got his numberrr." You say in a sing-song voice.

"Hey, good for you!" She messes up your hair.

"I'm gonna go to bed before I pass out on the sofa." You sigh.

"Okay. G'night y/n." She says as you walk up the stairs carefully.


956 words. (I know, I'm a terrible writer.)

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