Eric Coulter Oneshots

By jamesbarnes107th

53.6K 854 41

I'm trying to do more fandoms and Eric is my favorite character from Divergent. It seems I always fall for th... More

{Dragon Slayer}
{Hold Me}
{A Razor's Kiss}
{Cry baby}
{Almost fall}
{Ill take care of you}
{This Mask of Mine part 1}
Authors note (please read)
{This Mask of Mine part3}
This Mask of Mine part 4}
{This Mask of Mine part 5}
{This Mask of Mine part 6}
{This Mask of Mine part 7}
Authors note
{This Mask of Mine finale}
Eric Coulter x Suicidal reader {You dont know}
Authots note
Authors note
❤️Authors note❤️

{This Mask of Mine pt.2}

1.1K 22 0
By jamesbarnes107th

Well this is gonna turn into a Peter x oc x Eric because I can.

Two pieces of metal clanging together awoke me after my first night in the dormitory in Dauntless. Today we would start the initiation process. This part would be the easiest for me. The physical stage I had been able to prepare for. But no one could be prepared for what came after.

Right now we were up on a rooftop once more only this time we had been given guns. Orange targets that were shaped like humans were there along with some wooden targets with circles painted on them in blue. Gravel crunched beneath my feet.

The cold air whipped through my blond hair as it did when I jumped yesterday. Four explained what to do and gave an example. I loaded it with ease the first few shots I missed. I had to hit the target sooner or later. The loud gunshots made my ears ring and my head throb, but all the same I blocked out the noises and tried to focus. I squeezed the trigger. I hit the side of my target! Then again, and again.
I still missed a few but once you got used to it, it wasn't so bad. The clicks of reloading were the annoying part. Just the cli-click noise. It drove me insane. But slowly I grew immune to even that.

Lunch was amazing.

Marlene ran over to me at lunch. She talked about how someone almost got shot because they dropped there gun. "She dropped the freaking gun on gravel and it went off!" "The one boy, umm what's his name Uri?"she asked"It almost shot Macon!" He said just as exited, slamming his fist on the table grabbing attention. "I shot a target. Dose that count?" I ask. They both quiet down to the normal level for this faction. She nodded softly her short blond hair straying about.

The rest of lunch we spent talking about what we would do in the fighting today. Who we would get to fight, where we'd hit them etc. Soon though we had to part once more. I was just glad they hadn't forgotten about me yet.

After lunch we headed to the training room. It could have fit several basketball courts inside it. We leaned about them in Erudite. It was a sport of sorts, they was aimed at shooting a ball through a hoop in order to score. A few abandoned ones lay in the abnegation sector of our city.

The room was large and unlike Most Dauntless rooms this one's walls were made of steel that had been painted black. Large dark orange pillars appeared to hold up the ceiling. Thick white mats laid on the floor and I assumed those were where we would be sparring.

I felt nerves bundle in the pit of my stomach. I was going to get punched and kicked at again. It would be just like my father all over again. But I was ready. I knew they let us practice for a little but then they threw us in the ring and told us to hit the ground running.

I clench my fist as Four walks in. Eric follows soon after once again he showed us the put us at a punching bag. Eric walked towards me grabbing my arm and pulling me away. "Ow Eric!" I say once we get out side the room. "Sorry, needed it to look like you did something." He hugs me. Eric was a hugger but I suspect no one hear knew that. "Okay. How's mom and dad?" I swallow and force a smile determined not to let him think any differently about our parents than when he left. "There great." I say. "Good meet me after dinner in front of the tattoo parlor okay?" I nod quickly before walking towards the room. "Elena I missed you, and don't tell anyone about this, oh and act shaken." He said almost pushing me into the room with a cold face once more. Shoving me off and walking away.

I saw that the others were punching away at orange bags. I walk over next to a girl named Shara. She was from Erudite as well. She glared at me but I choose to ignore it. I get a good job from four before Eric yells for the first jumper to get into the ring and the last jumper as well.

I step up to see the beastly Molly standing there. She was bulky but I wasn't counting myself out. I get into the position that I had studied and the one Four taught us. She punched but to much of her balance was on her front leg. I kicked her back leg which made her fall hard onto the mat. I kicked her in the ribs twice then one swift kick to the face and she was out.

People looked astonished. The instructor looked impressed and so did my brother. Then I see the Candor boy staring at me and I walk over to him. "What?" He clenched his jaw. "Little Erudite girl better than your big strong friend." I say in a flirtatious voice, noting some of the Dauntless born has started to watch from the other side of the gym. "See ya Peter." I say and walk back over to the benches that line the room. Peters eyes followed me.

I had a class with Peter. Math I believe. I'd always thought he was funny and attractive, and I was brave now so I took my shot. I think it worked.

"I can't believe that you beat her!" Marlene said in her loud demeanor. The girl next to her, a Dauntless member named Lynn said. "Wow she won a fight. Such a big deal." I smiled. "She gets it." I say. People had been congratulating me all day. It wasn't that huge of a deal. Uriah had also won but he was sitting with his brother Zeke.

The pit was full of people and loud music blaring. By the time I got to the tattoo parlor Eric was already standing outside waiting for me to get there. "What took you so long?" He asked, steering my shoulders towards a bar. "Sorry Eric." I say walking into the bar and sitting down next to him. I sat quietly for a moment as Eric ordered beer. I got water. "Come on. Live a little!" He complained. "I'm sorry if I don't want to be hungover in initiation." He laughed. "Good point." They set the beer on the table and he takes a long sip of his beer. "So what's Erudite like?" He asked more quietly, making sure no one heard. "It's more or less the same except they are focusing on killing divergents." I say drinking my water.

"What about mom and dad?" He asked. This was the question I wasn't prepared for. I bounced my leg and fidgeted with my shirt an old habit I used when I got nervous. Forcing a smile I responded. "There great! They missed you when you left for Dauntless. I think you were there favorite." I say jokingly. However it wasn't a joke. It was so very true. "That's not true. They're proud of me that's all. Sure there proud of you too." He said. He then picked up on my fidgeting.

"What's wrong?" He asked. "Just a lot of people." I lie. He quickly drinks his he rest of his beer. "It's something else." He said as he pushed me out. "I know you better than that Elena." I had bottled up so much anger and pain that he had given me and it threatened to take form in wet drops on my face. "If you want to know that bad I guess you'll have to wait till I'm ready to tell you." I say and I leave him there just like that.

I run into Peter on the way to the bunks. He was alone. Where were his friends? I wondered. I continue to walk to the bunks however. Soon I reach the bunks which nobody was in.

I wipe the tears that have fallen. I missed Marlene and Uriah. Why couldn't I be near them all the time. They were kind and friendly and brave. Oh so very brave. I wasn't. Maybe I chose wrong. No I wouldn't think that. Whatever had happen I was Dauntless now.

I knew Eric would give me space. I didn't know that Peter would follow me.

"Come up here to pout about not having any friends." Peter said walking in the room. I laid down and rolled onto my side. "Come on talk to me, it's not like I have to many friends either. The ones I have are in ether infirmary." He said more kindly. Maybe he had noticed my hurt. Like I noticed his is school despite him acting fine. "You don't have to fake sympathy for me Peter." I said marking my voice as sharp as I could. I feel my bed dip down near the edge as he sat. "I'm not." He said. "I thought Candors didn't lie." He glanced around making sure the room was still empty. "I'm not Candor anymore, plus I'm not lying." He chuckled. "I thought Erudite's were information machines with no emotion." "Not all of them, most of them are like that though." He was probably puzzled at this point. "And I'm not Erudite anymore." He smiled.

"You know earlier you were a little scary." I was now sitting up next to him. "You took her out like it was nothing." I tuck away a stray hair. "That's how I like to be." I responded. "What's your name anyway?" He asked. "I forgot." A chuckle escaped my lips. "Elena Coulter." He looks a little shocked. "Your Erica sister." I nod. "And I wondered why you were so good." He said. "That's because I studied it." He laughed. "And there's the Erudite part of you." I smile "Yep." I make sure to pop the p.

Someone walked in. "I'll go." He whispered and stood up to leave. I grabbed his arm. "We should talk again?" I say as more of a question. He nodded. Maybe he wasn't the mean person most thought he was.

A/n: was this good. The next part will be the end of the first stage and rankings. Oh and more Peter cause I love him too.

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