issei hyoudou the gaming wiza...

By Titanoii

258K 3.8K 2.1K

issei is a normal teenager well if an extremely perverted person is normal than he is normal. anyway he just... More

the night that start it all
beating the bosses
going into rwby
vs the student coucil
the exiled nun (kinda short)
healing the fall
dance with the wizard
the invasion.
bringing the ORC to shape
breaking the engagement.
return to remnant.
step up the planing
gilgamesh (really short)
return from remnant.
nurturing the demon
getting more power from different world.
truth of the matter.
shark in hueco mundo
raising the flags.
raising the flag part 2
lemon time. (with TAMGG) part 1
lemon time part two. really short.
filler:meeting the original
going to the underworld
saji training
loki (short)
loki fight.
new student
izuku special. part 1.
izuki special part 2.
d**dora astaroth
the party
chapter 37.

proper battle.

5K 83 34
By Titanoii

Just in case you guys want to know my writing schedule. I have non. I just write when an idea came blasting into my head like a hurricane. Back to the story.

Issei pov

I was holding aizen sword to prevent him from hurting tier you could say it was teacher looking out for his student. I was back in kuoh just a couple of days ago to make a magic that allow me to travel between dimension even if i hadnt been there before. I manage to slip into soul society and hustle all 99 kidou technique. I didnt read them yet. When i go back to the world of the living i was in fake katakura town and saw tier in her second releash. How the fuck can she do that i dont know but she was in danger.

Sensing that she was the shark hollow i save in hueco mundo. So i went behind aizen and catch the blade with gig reinfrocement ofcourse. There no way i could stop him without it after all

Aizen sosuke


No wonder why they got slap that easy. With my buff my strength was 9000 just 1000 away from him but it do for now.

Aizen:well this is interesting a being with no reishi is capable of stopping my blade. Moreover you got that weird energy in you more than harribel infact.

Issei:i know.

Aizen:hahaha i see sorry for making an unnecessary talk about the energy then.

He stop trying to move his sword and i told tier to go away. She comply and went to her fraccion. I let aizen sword go and he walk a couple of steps away.

Aizen:now for introduction. Im an aizen sosuke what yours?

Issei:issei hyoudou.

Aizen:issei. You know harribel talk a lot about you. It almost as she was in love.

Issei:that sweet of her. Now answer this aizen.

Aizen:im listening.

Issei:are we going to not do anything or

I pull out zangetsu from void and reinforce it.

Are we going to fight?

Aizen:very well.

Warning you are under an illusion. Due to gamer mind the illusion will be dispel in 5 minute.

His kyokasuigetsu was that strong!!? Jeez no wonder why shinji was still hypnotize. He swing his sword and me and i block with my own. I went and touch his blade but nothing happen.

Issei:(it was not the real him)

I kept fighting the illusion until the time was up. After 5 minute was up the illusion disappear and i heard inchigou screaming on the top of his lungs trying the reach me. I keep fighting the air to let aizen think that i was still in his illusion. When the time was right i teleport infront of him and stab him in the cheast.

Aizen:argg. How did you-

Issei:not get effected by kyokasuigetsu? No i did get effected but i was able to subconsciously free myself 5 minute after.

I pull out my sword and kick him into a building. He kept flying from building to building until the 9th one stop him and collapse afterward.

Ichigou:well look like that was over.

Issei:woundnt bet on it.

Then aizen in silver surfer mode appear behind me and kick me before i even react. I got send to a building and got the same treatment i give him just a moment ago.

Aizen:dont think that you wont just yet.

I teleport beside him with my sword swing in an arc. He block it with his own sword and counter by taking a swing. I open up a barrier and it took the hit. I create a distance between us and he shunpo infort of me and stab me in the heart.

Aizen:now we're even.

He pull out his sword and cut me in two from shoulder to hip.


Ichigou:holy shit.

As my body fall to the ground i use izanagi and went behind aizen and stab him in the back.

Tier:he alive!!


Aizen:arr how did you-

Issei:survive? Well i use one eyes for that.

My left eyes was white after the use of izanagi. But i repair it in an instant.

Issei:and your not the only one with illusion. I just cast illusion on reality to save myself from your attack.

He turn to face me and i open up my ems and use tsukuyomi. It work for a second but then the tsukuyomi was nullify by the hogyoku.

Aizen:splendid illusion you just did. Unfortunately i got the hogyoku and now i wont be affected by it again.

I have no reason to not trust him. He never lie in the series. I mean toshiro thought he didnt use kyokasuigetsu so that was on him. He turn his body breaking my sword in the process and  kick me to the ground. I landed on the ground with a huge dust cloud but knowing where he is

Issei:gran rey cero oscuras.

I shot a beam of gran rey cero and cero oscuras toward him. Which he casually block with one hand.  He shunpo beside me and slash. Using ems i manage to perceive his movent and use kamui. His attack went through my body and i swing my sword at him again. He then caught the blade and cut of my right arm. I sent it to the kamui dimension as he kick me to a building.

Aizen:well that was a great fight.

Then a huge lanze del relampago was shot toward him sending him flying and when he land 50 mile away a huge explosion was heard.

Everyone:what happen!!?

Ichigou:that attack look like-

I emerge from the building done reattaching my arm and having the perfect susano out.

Everyone:what is that!?

Looking at the place where aizen was sent to i saw him coming fast. All of the susano pointing finger point at him.

Issei:well infinite mana for the win. Gran rey cero oscuras ametralladora (great king zero dark machine gun)

Then a huge beam of black purple beam of light shot out of the susano fingers rapidly.

Starrk:oh come on now he can use better cero than me. Whos next?

Kyoraku:someone salty.

Then all the cero beam shot out to aizen and quite a lot hit him. But he didnt stop he kept charging and when he got close he took a swing at me susano and did nothing to it. While he was shock i use one hand and karate him to the ground. I raised one foot and stomp on him. After a few minute of stomping i fly up and fire meteoro cero(just a huge ass cero and jeez there and lot of spanish here) toward him. The explosion that happen make the one with lanza del relampago look weak.

Aizen survive and turn into a butterfly aizen.

Issei:fucking immortality.

He fly faster than my ems could react and destroy me susano in one hit.

Issei:fuck it.

I swing his sword at me but it was stop by my majestic armour susano.

Aizen:if the world is a game we are the most annoying boss to fight.


I grab aizen by the face and went to the mountain.

Ichigou:is anyone gonna say anything about that?



When i saw a place that was far enough i throw aizen to the ground and landed a good distance away.

Aizen:let me guess. A battlefield where we could go all out?


Aizen:well then.

He shunpo infront of me and swing his sword i swing mine and our blade impact cause the mountain around us to be destroy.

Aizen:powerful swing.

Issei:you too.

We keep on slashing at one another and this place was fucked. I kick him to my left and chase after him i swing more sword downward while the both of use still moving and he block the sword and counter it. But i block the counter and counter attack him. He dodge this time and slash at me i block it but was send flying. He rush me and try to attack but i dodge to his left and blast him with a cero. Sending him flying and rush him again. I fake a vertical swing when it actually was a horrizotal one.

I slash him across the cheast and he got send flying. I stop chasing him and he stop as well.

Aizen:well that was an interesting experience.


I teleport beside him and swing my sword but he also teleport away.

Aizen:hado 90 kurohitsugi

A torrent of gravity surround me with an attemt to crush me and then a black box starting to form around me. I use kamui and walk away from the attack.

Aizen:so you can just walk out of that. Hado 99 goryu tenmetsu.

The ground break then emerge five purple pillar it shot up to the sky and five dragons was form. The dragons charge toward me but i use kamui to send them away.

Aizen:this is getting annoying.

Issei:this is boring.


Issei:this is really boring you boring me.

Take the bait and turn into monster aizen thing. Also this fight was fun as fuck

Aizen:dont get cocky human!!

Yes. He turn into his final form and shot a small blast of enegy toward me.  I put up as much barrier as possible and barely survive the attack. Also that attack cause extreme devastation around us. He grab me by the neck and flying around the place at very fast speed easily faster than light.

Aizen:well since you survive that attack i must say that you were rather persistent. But

He made a circle around me and was about to fire a blast.

Its time to end this!!

I turn my power up title buff and break out of his grip.


Issei:time to end this. Bankai Kin ni tsutsuma reta kyōdaina ō.

Now i know what you might say. How did you get a zanpakuto? I didnt i just want to sound cool. All i did was switch my sword.

Aizen:what is that!?

I let gilgamesh spin around and then unleash it power. The blast was 100 time bigger than the one i fire on remmant. He was engulf in the blast as he was being destroy. When i stop i land on the ground and was still standing. Aizen was still alive because immortality. His sword was breaking.

Aizen:look at that the hogyoku believe i dont need a zanpakuto anymore.

We were about to fight again but then urahara special kido take effect. And after that it all happen like in the anime. Except ichigou losing his power.

Wizard in bleach.

It had been two day since the fight with aizen and i was on the beach chair reading my earn kido books relaxing.

Apachi:hey get off of lady harribel!!

Except tier was under me so im pratically laying under her with my head in her boobs. I just ignore apachi.

Apachi:dont ignor

Mila:that enough!!

She grab apachi and walk away. Honestly she might be my favourite out of the three. Apachi just annoying and sun-sun really want me to blast gran rey cero oscuras inside her ass so she die. Anyway tier had been following me everywhere i go so i just to her she can come. And right now we're arr back in kuoh since i dont wanna deal with the shinigami. Tier ofcourse know about my situation and was more than happy to join my harem.

Kinda funny when i was pervert i always want a harem but i dont get it now that im not a pervert and getting a harem is the last thing on my mind i got a harem easily. Also tier find out about kinks and wear this

She really like maid role play. And she was also a maid in my mansion she was clumsy at first but the other show her the rope. Now i know how sirzech feel with grayfia.

Oh yeah also in her fraccion only mila rose was the one who 100% ok with me being with tier. While sun-sun and apachi just be annoying. I was busy reading my book until some generic douche bag come and try to 'talk' with tier but was ignore since she didnt care for them. They got agitated and try to be forceful but i show them fear with tsukuyomi. And they ran away crying. Literally.

Tier:enjoying the softness master~?

Yang teach her sexy talk.

Issei:i do.

Tier:thank you~. Also master im hungry~.

I stick my finger into her mouth as she sick my mana. I could never get tired of this.


Tier:hmm hmm~.

I would give her a lot more but this place was public and people was around us.

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