The Professors (Reader x Char...

By lslytherinl

163K 4.6K 2.4K

Y/n is a mutant with a bad history, but what happens when you make friends with a waitress and a professor ju... More

1.1 First Class
1.2 Moira
1.3 Erik
1.4 Cerebro
1.5 Recruiting
1.6 Russia
1.7 Home
1.8 Rage and Serenity
1.9 Powers
1.10 Changes
1.11 Cuba
2.01 Days of Future Past
2.02 Prison Break
2.03 Charles?
2.04 Chess
2.05 Paris
2.06 Spine
2.07 DC
2.08 A Better Path
2.09 The School
2.10 Erik?
2.11 Nightmares
3.1 Apocalypse
3.2 Moira...again
3.3 You're Back
3.4 Stryker
3.5 Rescue Mission
3.6 Earlier in Cairo
3.7 The Fight
3.8 Abracadabra

1.12 I Love You

5.6K 165 197
By lslytherinl

Right now, I am pushing him along in a wheelchair, around the manor grounds.

"It's beautiful, I still can't believe you grew up here. Every time I look at it, I am more and more amazed Charles." I smile down at him as he looks up at me.

"I suppose it is." He coldly replies and doesn't smile back. I soon take him back inside after our conversation goes nowhere. This is the first time he's been out in days and he isn't excited?! Something is clearly wrong, but he's blocked off my mind, and I won't open mine up to him.

"How about a game of chess?" I ask him when we get back inside.

"Sure Y/n." He responds. I wheel him into the library, and telekinetically pull the board over to us.

"Your move." I smile at him. He moves his pawn and we begin to play. "So what's going to happen, with the CIA. Will they know what's happened in Cuba?" I ask him.

"Y/n I don't know. Can we please just have quiet for this game?!" He sasses.

"I'm-I'm sorry." I reply, beginning to get upset. We continue to play and my eyes begin to tear up. Who is this Charles in front of me?

"Checkmate." He slightly grins then looks up at me. He seems my red, puffy eyes with tears in them. I drop the floating chessboard onto the ground, making a pound clang. Charles rolls closer to me and reaches out, grabbing my hands.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asks, his blue eyes full of concern.

"I-You-You're acting very weird Charles. Ever since the accident." I admit and he looks surprised.

"I just went through trauma, I'm not the same." He snaps.

"I know Charles but I didn't expect you to be this...different." I admit and he pulls away from me.

"I'm sorry I don't meet your expectations." He coldly replies.

"No. Charles that's not what-" I begin.

"Hank!" He shouts and Hank rushes in.

"Yes Professor?" Hank asks.

"Please take me to my room." Charles demanda.

"I'm sure Y/n would be more than happy sir." He replies.

"No. Take me." Charles ends as Hank turns his chair around, and begins to push Charles. Right before they exit Hank turns and gives me a look of pity. Once they leave I slam the doors to the library and transport up to my room. I lay down in my bed and cry myself to sleep, wondering what I did wrong.

A few days pass, and Charles has not brought up what we discussed about our feelings since then, but I'm going to ask him. Tonight. Moira leaves today, so I will have all the time in the world. I walk outside on the grounds with Hank.

"This will make a great school Hank. You should teach Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics..." I could go on.

"Oh so only math science?" He jokes and I laugh.

"It is your strong suit. If Alex wants to stay he can do gym, and physical training. I'll be doing history, and psychology. That leaves Charles with English, Biology, and anything else we could-" I stop the charade when I see Moira walking Charles in front of us. He kisses her, and she does not object. "I-uh-will you excuse me Hank?" I ask him and he does not object.

I walk inside and go into a bathroom, breathing very quickly. I try to calm myself down but things begin to shake around me. I have never been this angry or hurt before. I leave the bathroom and head into the library, the place that usually brings me peace. I sit down and just feel the soft carpet. I begin to concentrate on books and make them circle me, I am trying to do anything to distract myself from my pain. Tears begin to squirt from my eyes and I cannot contain them. I feel my anger bubbling inside me and when I can't hold onto it any longer I let it go. Fire, or energy shoots from my body all around me. I finally open my eyes, revealing a mess the walls, with burn marks, the chairs are burnt into crisps, the only thing that remains untouched is the books.

"Y/n I-" Charles and Hank enter the library. "What happened?" He asks me.

"I uh I got angry." I explain half heartedly. "I'm not really sure what happened, but I'm sure I'll figure it out soon." I sigh. Hank suddenly exits the room, leaving Charles to roll over to me. I am currently on my knees from the pain, so we are at a similar height level.

"Y/n," he whispers, caressing my cheek. I turn away from his gaze.

"What about Moira?" I sass.

"Moira?" Charles asks.

"You kissed her." I state.

"Oh...that, I was erasing her memories of Cuba, so they have nothing on us, nothing on you." He puts his finger under my chin, forcing me to meet his eyes.

"Well that was a pretty crappy way to do that." I answer. "Besides, you don't care about me anyways." I drag his hand away from my face, but he keeps his eyes locked on mine.

"Of course I care about you, what gives you that crazy idea hmm?" He asks me.

"Do you feel anything for Moira?" I ask him. "You can't lie." I switch the neurons in his brain.

"I-I," he's struggling to get out his words. "I do feel things towards her, but it doesn't compare to what I feel for you." He quickly responds.

"I knew it." I stand, turning away from him.

"Did you not hear a word I just said?" He chuckles a bit. "I care about you more."

"Then why have you been treating me like this!" I fight. "Why have you been pushing me away since Cuba? Making my life miserable when all I want to do is help you."

"Because we can't, we shouldn't be together." He mutters.

"Charles you're talking nonsense." I give a pained chuckle.

"I'm serious. I can't provide for you, I can't protect you. I can't be a good this." He finishes.

"Charles it doesn't matter," I say, taking both his hands in mine. "It only matters if we are together.." I smile at him.

"I can't give you children-"

"Oh you don't know that!" I reply.

"I can't be good father, a good husband, I'm trapped like this. Limited in this form. I can't wish this life upon you. You can't spend your days taking care of me like this. You have so much life in you." He squeezes my hands.

"Charles what are you saying?" I ask. "If you want me to leave, I won't!"

"Open your mind to me, let me show you a life." He smiles and I agree. Suddenly my brain is full of images. My wedding, my children running around to play, fighting to save the mutants of the world, my life with a man with legs. A man who protects me against danger, who can be there mentally, and physically. This man doesn't have a face. Then the face appears. It''s Erik.

"Charles what are you doing?" I ask worriedly.

"Erik could give you all these things, and you could love him too." He begins to tear up.

"I love you more!" I argue. "I-I love you Charles." I smile at him, saying it for the first time. "Please just let me love you."

"I don't want you here. I'm sorry Y/n but I do not love you." He tells me as my heart slowly breaks.

"Charles we will get through anything together." I try.

"I don't want to Y/n." He sighs. "I can't have you being a constant reminder of what I lost. You should've gone with Erik. You have no place here." He mutters, that last part shatters my heart. I chose to be here with him, to help him instead of go with my friends to do what I believe could work.

"Charles please." I cry, grabbing his hands but he pulls them away.

"I do not love you." He responds, causing my eyes to water furiously. I stand and make my way to the edge of the library. Upset, confused, and heartbroken. Then I have a thought. Erik. Raven. I can go be with them, where I belong.

"Goodbye Charles." I choke out as I transport myself to Erik and Raven. I end up in a lavish home, I have no clue where I am.

"Hello?" I call out. "Hello?" Suddenly someone runs out of a bedroom, shirtless. "Erik?" I ask as his eyes widen.

"Y/n!" He joyfully exclaims, runs towards me and grabs me in a hug, he spins me around and kisses my forehead. "What are you doing here?" He asks, looking me over multiple times to confirm I'm actually there.

"I came to be with the people I belong with." I smile and he smiles back, his eyes water of joy. I see a blue figure come out of a door behind him.

"Raven?" I ask running towards her. We hug for a decent amount of time then pull away.

"Y/n what are you doing here?!" She asks me. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"I came to be with my family." I smile at both of them. Erik seems overjoyed and goes to introduce me to the rest of his posee. "Charles doesn't love me." I tell her and she pulls me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm so sorry." She rubs my back as I cry into her. Everything will be better here. It will.

~3rd Person POV~

Hank walks into the library to get Charles after listening in on all the commotion.

"Professor?" He quietly asks as he hears Charles softly cry from the inside. He goes inside and take Charles's wheelchair, pushing him to his room. "Why would you do that?" Hank asks him.

"Because I love her Hank. Because I love her." Charles sighs as he is transferred into his bed. Leaving the professor to his own mind, letting his own mind torture him.

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