Billionaire Love (Frankiana)

By shezafina

15.9K 552 86 like every pages of a book,you were the one who will manage to write every chapter of your story,yo... More

Chapter 1 - New beginnings
Chapter 2 - Meeting
Chapter 3 - News
Chapter 4 - One night stand
Chapter 5 - Drunked
Chapter 6 - Bestfriends
Chapter 7 - The Project
Chapter 8 - Dinner
Chapter 9 - Flowers
Chapter 10 - Jealousy,Hurt and Betrayal
Chapter 11- Resolve
Chapter 12 - Girlfriend
Chapter 13 - Greece
Chapter 14 - Greece (Part 2)
Chapter 15 - Argument
Chapter 16 - Friends
Chapter 17 - Gazini and Maza
Chapter 18 - Family
Chapter 19 - The healing
Chapter 20 - Kiss
Chapter 21- Heartbreak
Chapter 22 - Relationship
Chapter 23 - Forgiveness
Chapter 24 - Phone call
Chapter 25 - Family Dinner
Chapter 26 - Ashley
Chapter 27- Love
Chapter 28 - Girl in the Past
Chapter 30 - The end of us
Chapter 31 - Regrets
Chapter 32 - New life
Chapter 33 - Reunited
Chapter 34 - Reunited (part 2)
Chapter 35 - Truth
Chapter 36 - The older brother
Chapter 37 - Julia Margaret Mackey
Chapter 38 - My Daughter
Chapter 39- We meet again
Chapter 40 - Still love you
Chapter 41

Chapter 29 - Pain

309 18 6
By shezafina

Diana Pov

The most valuable things I've ever had the chance of learning is to never leave anything unsaid. Even if that relationship doesn't work out, and even if it does. Don't keep feelings buried. Say what you feel for them.

Your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend whoever it may be,might become a stranger to you in a year but it's still worth it to tell them that they make you into a better person and that they're an amazing friend.

The future is uncertain, so love them today.

It's been a month since i saw my girlfriend,same goes for my sister. My sister hated me...Well, that's what i thought. It's been a month but i still relieving what happened that night.

When my sister arrived together with my ex. I know hindi magiging maganda ang kalalabasan ng lahat.

"Hi Di... I miss you" my ex said.

I ignored her presence.."I need to go to the restroom.. love.. " i told Franki..

I walk to the bathroom and then when I about to go out,my ex is there waiting for me.

"What are you doing in here Jessy?" i asks calmly..

"Well i just want to do this." she said as kissed me hurriedly but before i could pushed her away,my sister saw us. And she walked out,hinabol ko siya but it was already too late. She already told Franki. And i can see a tears in my girlfriend's eyes..I approached the table.

"Love... I can explain.. it's not what you think..." but she just shake her head and said " Really? How can you do this Diana?!She's the girlfriend of your sister! "..she spoked angrily...

"She kissed me and i pushed her away." i explained helplessly.

"Yeah you pushed me,but i know you enjoy that kiss Di" a voice from behind spoke..

"You're such a liar..Jessy!! Why are you doing this!?? You don't have the right to ruined my relationship.!"

"Well, I still love you and I will do everything to win you back..Diana.. I'm so sorry Ashley I played you, used you to met your sister once again"

And then Jessy left. My sister refuse to talk to me..As for my girlfriend she said she needs some space..

"Love?" she said


"I think i need some space...I mean, i need to think about some things,and for you to think about us..I need you to be sure of what you feel for me"

"I love you Franki. And I'm so sure about that.. Nothing and no one can change that"

"But-" i cut her off..

"You need some space!? Then, i give what you want..I love you too much..All i want is your happiness...If this makes you happy then,be it... Have a nice life...Franki." i said before i walking away from her,from the person that i loved...

Someday you're going to realise that all the hurt and pain weren't for nothing. The heartbreaks you've endured in your lifetime, and the wrong people you've allowed in and out of your life won't be in vain. Because eventually the right kind of love with the right person. Or maybe your the right person at the wrong time and it didn't work out for a number of reasons.

You'll met someone and there'll be no more games, no more playing with your emotions and no more trust issues,because they'll treat you the way you deserved to be treated. They won't tell you about a forever that would only end within a matter of days,weeks or months..They'll want you and only you...

Yes... a person like that exists out there...

I hope Franki knows that..I hope she knows that I love her and I'm willing to wait..

Jessy Mendoza,one of my flings. She fall in love with me and she's obsessed with me.One day, she's gone,because she needs to go back to Italy.

So... I'm here now in my beach resort, trying to forget all the negative things..Well, tonight is the premiere night of the movie and I don't plan to go. Gazini can handle everything..ohhh speaking of the devil.. she's calling me..

"Hey Gaz.

"Hey Gaz? Really? Where are you Di? You know that the premiere is tonight.. You need to be here."

"No.. I don't need to be there,besides you can handle it..I already call Fourth.He will be there"

"Really Diana? You need to talk to Franki. I know,you can fix this Di..the two of you are meant to be together"

"Well, she needs some space Gaz and I give it to her...Just take pictures and send it to me.. I gonna gonna go now" before she can response i hang up the phone..

Franki Pov..

Did you really think that out of seven million people in this world.. that no one was made for you?

Everything is going to be okay...You may not seems okay right now...But soon, you will..They'll make you realise that it is possible to fall in love again even if you shut you heart out to feelings.

But lets get one thing straight. Love isn't just an illusion..It is real and its out there. Whether you refuse to believe it right now,its out there and waiting for you.The love of your life is waiting for you or maybe they'll just waiting for you to realise that its them.

Whatever it is,don't miss out on the best thing that could possibly ever happen to you.

Love has a lot of consequences,but it worth it in the end.

It's been a month, since I last saw her beautiful face. And its all my fault because i ask her to give me some space.. And I miss damn much..

Tonight is the premiere of the movie..My stylist will arrived any minute now...There's a knocked on the door and that's my cue.

After a few hours,I'm ready to go to..I arrived at the venue.

They say this movie is a success...The director,the production team already knew it. Diana must be really happy right now. I didn't saw her at the venue maybe she's somewhere out there. I supposed to be happy right now because the movie is a success, but I'm not. I need to talk to Diana as soon as possible but she's not answering her phone..

Maza and I are in the car right now to go to the after party. When we arrived I spotted Gazini. I immediate approach her.

"Hi Gaz."

"Hey Franki...Congrats."

"Congrats to all of us...Anyways...where is Diana?"

"Ohh...Diana isn't here... and honestly i don't know where she is.. I talked to her earlier telling me to take pictures and sent it to her"

"Gaz...I really need to talk to's been a month."

"Yeah...I know."

The place of the after party is wonderful. Everyone is enjoying..Dancing..Drinking...

The host appear on the stage calling the main cast of the movie...

"And please welcome...award winning actress.. The beautiful and talented Ms. Franki Russell"

While Gazini and I are having a conversation the host announce my name...

"Gaz.. we'll continue this conversation..later"

"Okay2...Go now.." Gazini said..

Charles and I are in the stage. The host congratulate us. The crowd are cheering,but someone shouted "Kiss Franki.!!" Charles look at me with an apologetic smile. We already friends.  He apologize about what his done to me and now he respect my decision and already accepted the fact that i love someone else. But as actors of this industry we need to play our part.  Charles speak to the crowd. "I don't think that's a good idea"..and then someone replied " Just one kiss... you look great together!.." So... I turn to face Charles and kiss him and when i pulled away the crowd when crazy.

Fourth Pov

Its painfully ironic that we pay no mind to the ones who actually want us, who sees you when no one sees you,who accepts you and thinks you're beyond perfect even thought you don't, who still thinks you're worth it, even though you broke their heart, all because you were chasing someone else...

Sometimes you let go of people even though you don't want to.

Do you think there's a right time for two souls who got it wrong the first time? because life gets heavy, it becomes unbearable when you least expect it. Sometimes its better that way but do you reunite and act as thought nothing happened?

Does the one who loved less at the time have moment where they love more? Does the one who gave up at the time wish they never did and they finally see what they had? Or it is all about one day because they weren't ready then?

It is a better story to tell the future.


I was on my way to my bestfriend/cousin private resort. I decided to pay her a visit,since i know she isn't gonna show up in the premiere tonight. My cousin is heart broken and when she's broken she wants to be alone,but I'm worried about her. It's been a month since i saw her.

After a few hours I reach the resort. I got out the car and immediately spotted her at the bar. I approach her. She's in her fifth glass of her martini when i interrupted her "Hey...Di..that's enough" I said in a serious tone as i pushed the glass away from her. She groaned and said "What are you doing here my handsome bestfriend?" she said trying to reach the glass of martini but stop her... "Enough of this bullshit Diana.! You look like shit.!" I said yelling at her..."Thanks.. I know and you don't have to remind me...just leave me alone Fourth!  I want to be alone!" she replied irritatedly.. "No.. I won't leave you alone...And it's still too early to get drunk...Besides we have a party to attend to my dear cousin. " i said casually..

"Ohhh really?? " she asks.."Yes,we have and YES you are going whether you like it or not" with a finality in my tone.. She groaned again,frustated is evident on her face.."I can't, I already called Gazini and she can handle everything" she said.. "Of course,she can..but you Diana Mackey is the CEO of the company, you need to be there."

"No.. what's the point?,We all know that the movie is a success kahit na hindi ko pa nakikita ang full movie." she said..

"I just want you to talk to her, work things are so stubborn..I want you to be happy cause you're miserable when you're not with her... this for me...Diana"

"Okay.. Fine.You win. " sabi niya sabay taas sa kamay niya.

I bring Ms. CEO with me..We arrived at the after party. I saw a lot of actors and fans in the crowd. There are some of my friends in the media,who also here to celebrate with us. There some business partners and Diana introduce me to them. And then I excuse myself to go to the comfort room and then when i go back.....the crowd are cheering....I saw the main actors in the stage...Franki and Charles...and then Franki kiss him... I immediately search for my bestfriend..She in the same spot where I left her. She stood there, shocked evident of her face. She not moving...I approach her..

"Diana... are you okay?" i asks her as i look at her...Her eyes are full of tears..."It's going to be okay....Di" as i wipe the tears falling in her eyes...

"No... My relationship is.. is falling apart and the worst part..... I saw it with own eyes.." she said while sobbing.. "I need to go" defeated i walk out the door.

Maybe the reason why we never really understood what love is because we always thought that love made our heartbeats grow faster, butterflies in our stomach, tingling sensations throughout our body. But what if love was never of these things but rather someone who grounds you?

What if love doesn't just make your life bright with excitement but also paints it a gentle shade of blue?  What if the person you love doesn't want you anymore?  Do you still want to fight for it or just move on and forget about her?

Diana Pov

I always knew that looking back at the tears would bring laughter but for the life of me, I didn't think that looking back at the laughter would bring tears.

As we all know, love isn't always flowers and chocolates, it isn't always cuddles in the afternoon or laughing together to some corny jokes. Some times its crying and them to love you one more time.

It sometimes staying up late at nights wondering why you were never good enough for them its sometimes self doubting because you want to know what he had that you didn't.

It's not being able to look at yourself in the mirror because you can't stand the fact that you didn't make them choose you and its drinking until that hole inside of you fades away even just for a little while. Love isn't always fucking romantic.

It's painful and it will sometimes tear you the fuck apart.

Love hurts....

Fourth and I arrived at the after party. Truth to be told I'm excited to see her. It's been a month since i saw her. I miss her.

We invited some famous people in the industry, some media and the fans who supported the main actors,some of my business partner. I introduce Fourth to some of them and suddenly my bestfriend himself to go to the bathroom.While talking to them, the host annouce her name..

"And please welcome...award winning actress,the beautiful and talented Ms. Franki Russell"

I look up and saw her in the stage together with her co-actor. The fans are cheering for them. They really have a chemistry. Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted " Kiss Franki " I saw Charles look at Franki eyes and he spoke to the crowd " I don't think its a good idea"....but someone replied " Just one kiss...You look great together" and just like that Franki turn to face Charles and without hesitation she kiss him and when she pulled away the crowd are cheering for them..

I don't know, but I think the worst feeling in the world is when you're truly, madly, deeply in love with someone and you know they don't feel the same way about you..They claimed that they feel the same but they have a funny way on showing it. You feel like you slapped by the truth and it shattered your world,like all you can see is darkest.

One day we will all turn to dust, and we will cease to exist in the mind of others and the heartbreaks we're feeling right now won't exists... but right now?

Right this very second it's tearing me apart, it gets a little bit worst tonight,seeing with my own eyes that the love of my life is kissing someone that wasn't me....It fucking hurts..

I never wanted to let her go.

I felt like... like our love is real. you know?  That we could've had it all, that we could've made it work if we wanted to.

But, maybe you're not really belong with me or maybe one day we'll meet each other again, relearn each others name and relove one another.... and maybe...just maybe... this time... you can love me more.

It breaks my heart to know that at some point... I did have my love story, but just like every other good thing in my life,it fades away.

I was shocked and felt like i can't breathe... I need to get out of mind shouted..

"Diana... are you okay?" Fourth asks as he look at me. My eyes are full of tears.."It's going to be okay....Di" he said while wiping the tears falling in her eyes...

"No... My relationship is.. is falling apart and the worst part..... I saw it with own eyes.." she said while sobbing.. "I need to go" defeated i walk out the door.

When i reach my car and got inside...I call him.. the only person who really knows me since we were younger...

Dialing and he immediately answer..


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