It comes and goes

By shawmilajourneys

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Life has its ways to push people together at the right moment in time... for better or for worse. More



1.7K 95 45
By shawmilajourneys

Camila's POV

When I planned the date, I didn't think it would end up with us kissing on the Empire State building while watching the sunset, but I figured he could help me scratch that one thing from my bucket list. And boy I enjoyed the kiss. His lips where warm from the coffee and that sent shiver over my spine because of the contrast with the cold weather around us.

When the taxi stopped outside my apartment we both got off and walked to the entrance. We stared at each other until the awkwardness of the moment made us laugh. If this had been any other guy, I would have invited him over and had his clothes on the floor in a matter of seconds, but this was Shawn and today had been special. I was taking this slow because I felt we could have something unique here.

"Thank you for showing me the city today", he whispered taking some strains of my hair between his fingers and twisting them.

"Thank you for helping scratch that kiss from my list".

"I'd love to see that list and help you with the rest", he smirked.

"You'll have to earn that", I told him and he chuckled.

"I should go", he said softly. I almost told him to come inside because my whole body was craving him, but I told myself I could wait. Anticipation is key and this felt good right now.

"Bye", I whispered between my lips.

He put his hand on my neck, his thumb brushing my jaw and bent over to kiss my lips. It was short but nice. He looked me in the eyes before pulling away.

"Bye", he whispered and turned around.

"Wait", I said when he had taken two steps away from me. He stopped and looked back while I walked to him and zipped up his jacket. "It's getting cold".

"Thank you", he smiled almost blushing.


This morning I felt better about the classes, it was like I had finally taken control of this teaching thing. People paid attention, asked questions and nodded at my words. It was a nice feeling knowing that I was doing something right.

"According to Mr. Mendes' calendar, you have two weeks to work on this paper and send it to my email. I have already sent you the guidelines and rubric with which you will be evaluated. This was all done and planned by him, but I'll be the one assessing them since he's isn't available at the moment. Is that clear? Do you have any questions?", I asked out loud and saw many kids shook their heads. "Alright then that's it for to-"

"I have a question", a guy on the fourth row with a blue cap said.

"Ok... Greg, what's your question?"

"How do we know you're capable enough of grading our assignments? Aren't you like just 5 years older than us?"

"My age isn't important here. And yes, your original teacher and the college board think I'm capable enough. Any other questions?"

"Why you?", he asked again.

This guy was getting on my nerves. Why the sudden urge to analyze me and my work?

"Because I was the Teaching Assistant and also soon to be Master graduate on this field. Any questions regarding the assignment, Greg?"

"No", he said flatly and looked away.

"Ok, class is over then. See you next time. Have a nice day", I told everyone and they picked up their stuff and left.

"She's just a girl", I heard Greg complained to another classmate when they were in their way out the room.

I knew Gregory Roden, his name had been mentioned by Manny many times in our meetings. He was taking the course for the second time. Not a very brilliant guy and not the most mature person. I guess my presence was making him uncomfortable but I didn't care, or at least tried no to.

I turned my laptop off and put everything back on my bag, ready to leave. I was grabbing my coat when I heard footsteps behind me.

"I think I'm failing your class and need some extra credits", a seductive voice said and my mouth instantly curved on a smile.

"I'm not giving extra credits for free", I told him raising my chin.

"Hmm, in that case I can think of some things I could offered you". He came closer and placed his big hands on my waist.

"Stop", I said giggling. "Someone can come and see us".

"That's the point", he laughed.

"Shut up, I don't wanna lose the job", I said kicking him softly on my arm but he acted like I had done some damage.

"In that case...", he said mysteriously. "I have something for you".

He took out a key from his pocket and waved it in front of my eyes.

"What is this?", I asked.

"The key to my dad's office. He wanted something from there and told me to give to you after, so here it is", he took my hand and placed in on my palm.

"Wow", I said. "I got an office?", I said excited.

He laughed tenderly and nodded with his head.

I opened the door of the office and I barely had time to put my purse in a chair before Shawn came to me and held my face between his hands and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. I put my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. Wow, this guy really knew how to kiss.

His hands traveled south and caressed my thighs before grabbing them and carrying me to place me on the desk. I giggled at his move and something tickled in my lower belly. He positioned himself between my legs and his hands roamed around my back, under my blouse.

How did we get here so fast? We were just talking two seconds earlier and now we were fully making out inside an office. It was like something had turned on inside of both of us. When he kissed my neck and one hand cupped my breast, I couldn't help a moan escaping my mouth. He moaned in response and the sound did things between my legs. I loved to hear men moan and he did it n the most most delicious way I had heard it. I grabbed his butt and pushed his hips closer to me and then giggled when I felt the effect I had on him pressing inside my thigh.

"Wait, wait, wait", he said out of breathe, taking a step back.

My skin was on fire and I needed him to finish the work. Why had he stopped? He was just as flustered as me, I could see it.

"What is it?", I asked him.

"Shit, sorry, but I have to go back to the hospital. We have the appointment with the doctor and she'll tell us if my dad can go home tomorrow", he said.

He ran his fingers through his hair trying to pull himself together.

"Ok", I said trying to calm down myself.

I stood up and fixed my clothes. When I looked at him a laugh escaped my mouth. We had completely got carried away and if he hadn't stopped it, I had a fair idea of how this would have ended up.

"That was amazing", he said smiling at me and I blushed.

"Not bad", I replied sassily and he shook his head.

"I have to go now"


"I'll call you later"


"Kiss me", he demanded and I thought of refusing just to give him a hard time but I realized I would've been the one experiencing the hard time.

I grabbed his shirt with my hands and stood on my tiptoes to reach his lips. His smile welcomed me and then he followed my lead. This time it was slower, softer, but also steadier. I didn't let go until air was absolutely necessary in my lungs.

"Wow", he whispered placing his forehead over mine.

"Call me to tell what the doctor says"


He left and I stayed inside the office getting familiar with being on the other side of the desk now. I sat on the chair and looked around, but the only thing I could think about was a tall Canadian guy doing things to my body. I laughed and rolled my eyes at myself. What had happened to me? Couple of weeks ago I didn't want to see his face and now I couldn't get enough of those honey brown eyes and rosy cheeks? There had to be something wrong with me, or something so right with him...


My mom was talking my ear off telling me about a problem at work, nothing too serious, everything was ok by now, but she was so euphoric about it. I wanted to hang up but I didn't have the heart to do it. I murmured every now and then so she wouldn't notice I wasn't really paying attention. I was more concerned about being available for when Shawn calls.

"Right, right", I replied.

"...Everything should be delivered tomorrow, so I hope we won't have more problems".

"Yeah, me too".

"What about you? How's work?"

"It's been good, better every day. Speaking of which, I have some things to do so I'll have to leave, mami".

"Ok, that'd fine. Take care. Love you".

"Love you too, bye".

I opened Shawn's contact to call him but desisted at the last second. Why couldn't I call him? Why was I overthinking this? Never before I'd had problems calling a guy first, but apparently I couldn't do it this time. I paced around my apartment and I was caught with my thoughts when the phone started ringing. I ran to it but took a deep breath before picking up.

"Hi", I said softly and casual.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Much better now". Oh God...

"How did it go with the doctor?"

"Excellent. He can go home tomorrow".

"Oh that's amazing, I'm so happy for you both".

"Thanks. The hardest part is yet to come but we'll do alright".

"I'm sure you will"

"You will still visit, right? He likes your visits"

"Of course", I replied.

"I also like them".

"Will you stay there with him?", I asked changing the topic a bit because of the butterflies in my stomach.

"I don't think so. We both love our independence too much"

"So you'll stay at your place alone?", I wondered and covered my mouth when I realized how that sounded.

"Well... If you want to come over, I won't be alone", he said with a seductive voice.

"That was not what I meant", I said shyly, "...but ok".

"God, you're driving me crazy", he laughed out loud and the sound vibrated inside my body. I was so receptive of all his sounds, it was insane.

"You too", I murmured.

"Maybe you could help me get my dad settled at his place and then come with me to my apartment?", he asked.

"Ok... we could do that"


"See you tomorrow"

"Sweet dreams"


The smile on my face was embarrassingly big and I was ok with that. The effect this guy had on me with just a few words was unbelievable, and maybe I needed some of that magic in my life.

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