Life with Twice

By why_not_kpop

125K 4K 730

Y/n L/n, born in America, a huge Kpop fan, going into her 2nd year of high school (freshman in Korea). Her fa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Special Ch ~
Special Ch ~skipping

Chapter 32

1.7K 61 15
By why_not_kpop

Y/n's POV:
My Korean lessons with Min are going so well, but it's hard to concentrate when I have a crush on her. I also finished the 3rd lesson with Auntie Sana and she has been scolding me to focus, but it's going well.

Me and Auntie Momo found a song, so we've been working on our dance a lot, and we're about halfway done with the choreography which I think is looking cool.

Me and Auntie Mina are stuck in a cave, but it's actually a pretty useful cave in the Minecraft world. Auntie Nayeon wanted to go shopping and that's not my kind of thing, but I went so I could spend time with her.

Me and Auntie Jeongyeon met with her sister and we played with her dogs and cat, so that was actually really fun. Auntie Jihyo, Daniel, and I went to watch a movie and eat out, but third wheeling isn't fun. Besides I spent most of the time on my phone avoiding their constant affection, but it was fun either way.

Auntie Dahyun, mom, Auntie Tzuyu, and I went to the Han River to have fun. It was basically eating, walking around, talking, and doing my own thing, still fun though. Anyways, that has been my time with everyone, and I just got information that they will have a tour next month. I want to stay but at the same time I want to go. I'm going either way, but it's just that I hate being behind on work, I hate school in general actually except for Min.

Today is Friday, it's after school and Min came over because her mom is busy, so we were in the car heading to the dorm. When we got there, we went into my room and just sat there.

"So anything you want to do?"

Min nodded and pulled out her clothes, "I'm gonna change, then we can play games or I can teach you Korean"

I nodded and she left so I quickly got changed and waited for her to come back. Maybe if I tell her that I like her, she could like me back, but there's a chance she might be uncomfortable.

When Min came back, she sat down next to me and I decided to watch a video with her before we played games. It's fine, the video was okay, and we played racing games on our phones through multiplayer.

She looked up at me "So uh, you're doing really good in Korean, within your 3 week progress, and I'm proud of you Y/n"

I smiled, it felt good to be praised and I felt this confidence rise in me "Well why don't you test me on what I know?"

She nodded and we faced each other as we were sitting down on my bed "Introduce yourself"

I introduced myself, but there was something in me that just gave in, I leaned forward and kissed her after I finished talking. I felt her respond and I don't know what to think

I gave away my first kiss, and I don't regret it.

Min's POV:
We headed to Y/n's house, and I can tell she's thinking quite a lot, but I guess that's kinda normal, she does get distracted easily. It's starting to get a little harder to teach her Korean, mainly because the more I look at her, the more I stare at her lips, and at any moment I could kiss her, but I don't want to risk our friendship.

Mom says she has a crush on me, but I don't think so, it could just be how she is, and she actually doesn't like me.

Y/n: "So anything you want to do?"

Yes, Kiss you.

Instead I just nodded and pulled out my clothes "I'm gonna change, then we can play games or I can teach you Korean"

She nodded and I left really quickly, I saw the others sitting in the living room but I headed straight for the restroom and changed. Maybe I should just give up on this crush, that would work to protect us

I sighed then left the restroom and headed back to her room. When I got there she was changed and I sat down next to her. She wanted to watch a video, so we did, then we placed a racing games we liked on our phones

I can tell she's looking at me, so I looked at her and decided to start a conversation "So uh, you're doing really good in Korean, within your 3 week progress, and I'm proud of you Y/n"

She had this adorable smile, and she was thinking for a while, but right before I made a move she said something "Well why don't you test me on what I know?"

I mean I guess it gives us something to do, so we looked at each other, and I swear I have to restrain myself, we're only in high school.

"Introduce yourself"

She introduced herself, but before I could say anything she made her move. She kissed me the seconds she finished talking, and it took a second but I responded because this is all I've wanted.

We kissed, she stole my first kiss. Should I be mad? But I don't hate it...I don't know anymore.

No one's POV:
Min and Y/n shared a kiss with each other, they were ignoring everything. Jihyo went over to Y/n's room to ask them a question, Y/n's door wasn't closed, but she was looking at her phone the entire time.

Jihyo: "So-"

Min and Y/n pushed each other off, which caused Y/n to fall off her bed, looking up at a confused Jihyo. She just looked at both of them

Jihyo: "What's going on?"

Y/n became a stuttering mess "I-I do-n't. Uh yes?" Min's face was completely red, and she looked away

Jihyo smiled "You guys hungry? We can go out to eat"

Both Y/n and Min nodded, so Jihyo walked up until she was out of sight, then she started running to find Chaeyoung.

Y/n stood up "Min...I-I'm sor-uh please don't hate me"

Min smiled, moving closer to hug Y/n "If you didn't do it, I would've"

Y/n stopped and froze for a second "Wait you like me?"

Min nodded "I'm guessing by that kiss you like me too"

Y/n blushed but nodded. They hugged, and Y/n was a little shaken up, mainly for thinking she ruined her relationship but also because she was pushed off her own bed. Either way, they sat down to talk about it.

There's the love you guys ship Min and Y/n?

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