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By Some-kind-of-a-idiot

11.4K 391 116

I grew tired of waiting so I just wrote some on my own✌🏻 Mostly Yeong x Gon but there's gonna be Yeong x Shi... More

Thank movies [kinda S]
Thank movies pt.2 [S]
Jealously [S]
Come Back Home [A]
W H Y [A]
Prettily [S]
It was you, it'll always be you [A/F]
I'll Remember [T/A]
Now You've Done It [S]

For you [A]

1.5K 45 42
By Some-kind-of-a-idiot

This gonna be angsty

Yo Yeong, a man who gave all his life to the King and to his country.
Well, the most part for the King.

The man who gave all his heart to the King.
All his childhood on training to protect his King.

He stood by the King, no emotion written on his face. Everyone saw him as cold, unapproachable, empty and emotionless.

"Yeong-ah, I'm going to be absent for a few days. Could you watch over the palace with lady Noh until I return?"

It was nothing new. The King started to disappear and reappear after a few days quite often. Yeong knew his place and what his job was, as a general. But a part of him was curious.

Where the hell does he disappear to?

"Yes, your majesty. "

The King smiled at the general, thanking him with fond eyes. Soon after, he got up and went to the stable where his horse was with Yeong following close behind.

"I'll be off now, take care Yeongie."

"But I need to escort--"

"No, stay here."

Yeong sealed his lips shut, knowing how stubborn the King was.


As promised, Yeong and his group of guards were waiting for the King at the bamboo forest.

They were startled when the King appeared before them out of nowhere. What surprised them the most was the girl who rode the Kings white horse with him. She seemed startled, scared and confused.

Yeong felt his heart slightly clench. He didn't see this coming.

"Guards, take 10 steps backwards."

Instantly, the guards did as they were told. Yeong stayed in his place and looked at the Kings eyes, his sorrowful eyes going unnoticed by him.

"You too, Capitan Jo."

He looked down, swallowing his pain as he stepped 10 steps further from his King.

...my King...

Yeong knew it shouldn't be this way, he knew love wasn't about give and take. Hell, he even knew the King was looking for that girl everywhere. Even so, his heart wasn't listening. It kept beating only for the King, it kept hurting and aching for the King.


He sat in his room. Towel in hand, hair still wet from the shower. He placed a hand over his chest, feeling his heartbeat. For some reason, he always hated it.

Dropping his hand, he bit his bottom lip. The numb pain that spread through his chest every night was suffocating him. The coldness never left him, the emptiness he felt kept him from peaceful sleep.

After all, I'm still just a guard

He felt something drop on the back of his hand. Looking down, he realized that he was actually crying. He chuckled bitterly,

Jo Yeong is actually crying

The emotionless, cold general is actually showing emotions.

A quiet whimper escaped his lips as the pain shot through his chest, his hand clutching his shirt as more tears escaped his eyes. He knew he had no right to wish for love. He knew the best that this was bound to happen. He knew that it was all his fault.

As it was getting harder to breathe, the general choked on his tears, gasping for air and falling onto his knees, a rather loud thumping sound heard from the fall.

Why am I like this

The dark room was feeling colder and emptier than ever, making him remember all kinds of memories with the King.

• Little Yeong was locked inside the dark closet, sitting tiredly inside of it. Tear stained face and a small trembling body. He heard people passing by. In silence, no one answers. He waited for hours. Hunger and the cold catching up to him. Minutes later, he heard someone unlocking the door and opening it. Weakly looking up, he saw the little King looking at him, panting and eyes filled with worry. It wasn't the first time this happened, at the same time, at the same place. "Sorry, I'm late, again." •

Little did Yeong know, a figure was standing behind his door listening to his small whimpers and cries.

Gon looked down at his feet, biting his lips. Thinking if he should open the door or not. Just as he was about to open the door he heard Tae Eoul calling him.

"Yah, what are you doing there? Let's go."

Easily giving up on the broken man on the other side of the door, he walked away.


The next day, Gon was walking with Tae Eoul around the city. Closely behing, a few guards and Yeong were following. The King noticed the capitans red eyes and tired expression. He wanted to ask him and give him comfort throught the day, but he kept focusing on the woman beside him.

They were walking around the capital city, Gon and Tae Eoul chatting happily. Suddenly, a man in black clothing pulled out a gun and aimed at the King. Yeong was the first one to react as he pushed the couple away fastly, making the man miss.

The man started to run and without looking back, Yeong ran after him. He ran after the unidentified man, never losing track of him. Suddenly, the man turned left into an dark alleyway. The general ran after him, but after a right turn he was met with the empty darkness. He looked around quickly, pulling out his gun just in case. Yeong felt another presence behind him. Just as he was about to turn around, he felt a strong hit to his head, falling to the ground and the feeling of strong dizziness overcoming him.

The man towered over him. He aimed his gun to Yeongs shoulder, shooting at it. Yeong groaned in pain, even with the bulletproof vest, it still hurt as fuck. The man seemed to quickly catch on, as he started to shoot at the generals legs and arm.

Yeong lied there on the cold cement floor, now covered in his blood. He felt funny, feeling pain somewhere else besides his chest. But still, it didn't hurt as much as his heart did. He couldn't see clearly and his ears were ringing like crazy.

"Never thought I would have the honor to kill the general of the guards..."

The man aimed the gun to the generals head, but then dropped it.

"Let's not wound your pretty head now...rather..."

Feeling the clothes he had tightly on him become loose, he kind of panicked. He wanted to defend himself, but the weakness held him down. After removing the vest from the generals body, the man smirked as he knew there was nothing to stop the bullets now.

One gunshot turned into two.

Yeong doesn't know how long he layed there in his blood. He doesn't know why he was still waiting for Gon to come. The darkness was suffocating. He closed his teary eyes, letting a few tears escape them down his cheeks. It was silent there.

"Your majesty...will you ever come for me?"

In silence, no one answers, but I still hear your voice.

He placed his hand on his chest, the numbness engulfing him. He sighed, the annoying heartbeat stoping soon after.


The King ran through the dark, out of breath and sweaty from the running. He stopped in his track as he saw someone laying on the ground. Running to the body, he dropped to his knees. Tears ran down his face as he swallowed the lump in his throat.


Silence. No answer.

The King held the younger man close to his chest, crying out when he felt how cold the generals cheeks were.

Gon sat there for a long time with the generals body in his arms, tears never ending to fall down his face. Continuously repeating,

"Sorry, I'm late again..."

"If you'd only stay with me..."

The King knew he took him for granted.


In silence, no one answers
But I still, hear your voice

If you'd hold me
Come hold me
If you'd hold me, come

Let them tears fall
Sorry, I'm late again

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