This Time Around (Sequel to A...

By MiddleEarthPixie

42.7K 1.5K 84

Since marrying Loki, the God of Mischief, McKenna Carlin Laufeyson has long since become accustomed to her ne... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty

Chapter Thirty-Four

808 29 2
By MiddleEarthPixie


The next morning, the sun poured in through the east-facing windows because Loki forgot to draw the drapes the night before. He groaned softly as he rolled straight into a brilliant beam and tried to pull the blankets up, but to no avail.

"Damn," he muttered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand as he sank deeper into the pillows. With a flick of his hand, the drapes fell into place, slicing the sunbeam in half, and he rolled onto his side, easing his arm about McKenna's waist. She sighed softly in her sleep, snuggling back against him.

He smiled down at her. Her hair spilled down over her shoulder, exposing a small, although incredibly enticing, patch of her nape. It reminded him of the first time he held her as she slept, back in Bay Head. It was the very same night he told her that their relationship could never go beyond the brotherly kiss he'd placed on her forehead, that he wasn't the slightest bit interested in her beyond what she could do for him in order to keep him alive until he could settle his score with the Other.

But that same night, as he sat on the love seat in their room in the B&B, he couldn't stop gazing over at her as she slept. Just like now, his eyes were drawn to that small spot on the back of her neck, until he could no longer resist her pull. He carefully crossed the room to slip into the bed beside her and cradled her against him.

Of course, back then, they hadn't yet even so much as kissed. Now, he knew every inch of her, knew exactly where her hot spots were, and he smiled now as he bent to press his lips against that bared bit of skin. She sighed in her sleep again, but didn't stir.

His wife.

His Midgardian.

Her body was warm against his. Warm and soft, and she fit so perfectly against him. It was difficult to believe he once thought he could push her away, could keep her at arm's length. Difficult to believe he actually ever wanted to do just that. But he did. When he first landed in her apartment, he wanted only to heal and then go face the Other. He cursed the fates that caused him to land in the apartment of a simple-minded Midgardian. If it wasn't for the fact that he was banged up and exhausted, between the run-in with the Hulk in Tony Stark's penthouse and being impaled by the Kursed's spear, he would have done whatever it took to get as far away from McKenna Carlin as possible. Midgardians were beneath him. He wanted nothing to do with them at all. They were weak, like the fools in Stuttgart, Germany, willing to kneel and be subjugated, just as he always believed they would.

But as he lay there on that brightly colored rag rug that mocked his pain, staring up at a stucco ceiling, a flutter of movement caught his eye. He shifted slightly and there she stood, dressed in a pair of thin cotton pants and a clingy tee shirt (and braless, if his eyes were to be believed.) She didn't cower before him, but instead her eyes widened and she cleared her throat to say, "Who are you and how the hell did you get in here?"

He tried to sit up, which was a mistake, but as he did, his eyes raked her from head to toe. She was pretty. Especially her eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of green he'd ever seen. But that wasn't all. He saw kindness in her eyes. There was a hint of fear, of course, since only a fool wouldn't have been afraid, but her eyes were kind. She was frightened, but willing to help him. Willing to show him that kindness, without asking for anything in return. Well, except that he promise not to kill anyone else.

Then that night at the Winchester, when he pulled her against him for the first time, he knew. He knew he was falling for her and falling hard. He couldn't help it and he couldn't stop it. Falling in love with her was the easiest thing he'd ever done and the one thing he'd never been more sure of, even if the thought did scare him to a certain degree. Surely she would never love him. How could she? He'd brought death and destruction to her realm.

And yet, she did love him. He never once doubted her love.

He let his fingers trail down over her bare arm, down along the curve of her waist, the rise of her hip. Her skin was soft and warm, and as he brushed it, he left a trail of goosebumps in his wake. She sighed softly, snuggling even closer.

They'd come so far since that sticky June evening. Four years of marriage. Two beautiful children. He'd once thought he could want nothing as much as he wished to claim the throne of Asgard; the throne that was his birthright. But now? He knew he already had everything, right there, in the beautiful, tiny blonde Midgardian woman he'd trusted first with his life, then with his love.

"I love you," he whispered, brushing his lips over her shoulder.

"Mmmm..." she murmured back, a smile pulling her lips. "Loki..."

He smiled as he gently nipped the skin he'd just kissed. She shivered and sighed once more as he kissed her again, which made him pull her even closer. She melted against him, her eyelids slowly rising. "What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice thick with sleep.

"Reflecting," he said, giving her a gentle squeeze. "The night before S.H.I.E.L.D. found me, I slid into bed with you and just held you like this."

She gazed at him over her shoulder. "I always thought you did, but you'd never admit to it."

"I couldn't resist." He curved his hand against her belly and swept his fingers lightly upward. "I always felt guilty because I made you cry that night."

She snuggled closer, her hand coming to rest on his wrist, her thumb brushing over the back of his hand. "Well, you've made up for it since then. And you really didn't make me cry, you know. I was more annoyed, really. It sucks when you want to kiss someone and they don't want to kiss you back."

"That's where you're wrong, Midgardian," he replied, giving her a gentle squeeze. "I wanted to kiss you. I wanted you, period. But, I was also still a wanted man, remember."

"Sweetheart," she caught his hand and brought it up to brush her lips against it, "I will never forget that week. Trust me on that one."

"It wasn't all bad."

"No. It wasn't all bad. I got to spend a week at the shore, which is always nice."

He laughed, tightening his arms about her. "Of course. No place quite like the Jersey shore, right, Midgardian?"

She chuckled as she turned in his arms to face him. Her eyes were no longer so heavy-lidded and seemed even more startlingly green. His wife had the most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen and he'd thought so since the first time he saw them.

Right now, those deep green eyes met his and she murmured, "I thought I'd dreamed you sneaking into my bed that night. Especially when I woke up the next morning and you were back on the loveseat."

"I couldn't resist you, darling girl." He brushed her lips with a light kiss, then added, "And I still find doing so impossible."

"So, don't," she murmured, sliding her arms about his waist, her hands pressing flat into his back to pull him into her.

He bent to kiss her, let his lips linger against hers as he carefully eased himself over her. She curved against him, whispering, "Feeling a little frisky this morning, o' God of Mischief?"

"Just a little." He kissed her again. "Are you complaining?"

"Never. I-"

There came a swift rap on the door. "I beg your pardon, my lord?"

Loki groaned, swearing beneath his breath as he let his head drop into the curve of McKenna's neck. "Why? How do they know?"

She smiled. "It's not easy being a prince, huh?"

He groaned again as he lifted his head and scowled at the closed door. "Who is it and what do you want? And it better be important."

"I'm terribly sorry to disturb you, my lord. But the Allfather has requested you join him in the Throne Room. The visitors from Vanaheim have arrived."

This time, McKenna groaned. "Wonderful."

"Tell the Allfather I'm indisposed at the moment," Loki growled, his scowl deepening as McKenna eased out from beneath him. He caught her by the wrist before she could rise from the bed. "I'm not finished with you yet, Midgardian."

"My lord? Are you coming?"

"No. Tell him I'm making love to my wife and I am not to be disturbed." He winced as McKenna gasped and flung a pillow at him.

"My lord, you wish me to tell him what?" Disbelief echoed through the servant's voice.

"Loki, you should go," McKenna said as she broke his hold on her and slid toward the far edge of the bed.

"I'm not going anywhere, love." He tried to grab her again, but she rose from the bed, leaving him to swear beneath his breath again as he flopped down into his own pillow.

"My lord?"

"I'll be there in a minute!" Loki snapped, although the pillow did muffle his words some.

"Yes, my lord."

Loki lifted his head to see McKenna drawing her robe over her shoulders. "Come back to bed, darling girl, and let's finish this."

"Annelie is waiting for you." She tied the robe's belt and padded across the room toward the terrace.

"McKenna, don't do this." He fished his flannel pants from the floor and eased into them, then made his way out to stand on the threshold of the terrace.

It was a cool morning, but that didn't stop McKenna from plunking down on her favorite part of the ledge. The light wind ruffled its way through her hair as she raked it away from her face. "I'm sorry, but I'm not happy about her being here."

"I've noticed." He folded his arms over his chest as he strode over to her and leaned against the same pillar she sat against. "What am I supposed to do, though, love?"

"Go and see what Odin wants, I guess."

With a low sigh, he sank onto the ledge beside her. "I'd much rather pull you back into bed."

"Me, too," she admitted, leaning against his shoulder and gazing up at him with those beautiful green eyes. "But, that's just not going to happen now."

He dipped to brush a kiss over her forehead. "Come join me for breakfast then. I'll send word when I'm finished with the Allfather."

"I hate sharing you, you know."

"You aren't sharing me, darling girl. I'm not spending any more time with Annelie than I must." He caught her beneath the chin with one slightly bent forefinger and lifted her face to his. "I'll meet you in the dining hall, all right?"

She nodded and he bent to kiss her. "I love you, darling girl. And tonight, you and I will finish this."

"I'm going to hold you to that."

"You won't need to." He kissed her again, and then reluctantly pulled away to go dress and deal with the Vanaheim diplomats. The sooner he finished with them, the sooner he could get away from them and that was all he wanted.


McKenna washed and dressed in her favorite pair of faded Levi's and a cozy oversized sweater. If she had to deal with Annelie, she was going to be as comfortable as possible while doing so.

Selig was already in lessons with Miss Elke, but Aislinn was in her room, standing in her crib and calling. "Mama!" as McKenna came into the room.

"Good morning, little bit." McKenna swept her up from the crib and to the changing table. "What did you do with Tyra, sweetie?"

"I'm right here, Lady McKenna," Tyra called, coming through the door. "I am so sorry I'm late. I overslept."

"It's not a problem, Tyra. It happens."

"Not to me, it doesn't. Eir will not be happy when she finds out."

McKenna shook her head as she changed Aislinn and dressed her in purple fleece pants and a white shirt. "It happens, as I said. Eir doesn't need to know."

Tyra exhaled, blowing a wayward auburn curl out of her eyes. "Thank you, my lady. I promise you, it won't happen again."

"It's okay. Everyone's allowed an oversleep." McKenna set Aislinn on her feet and held out one hand. "Want to walk with Mommy, little bit?"

Aislinn, however, held up her arms. "Mama."

"Very well." McKenna scooped her up. "We're going to get breakfast, Tyra. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts."

"Thank you again, my lady."

"You're welcome. Now, this little lady and I are going to grab some breakfast, so we'll see you later." McKenna bent to blow a raspberry against Aislinn's cheek. Aislinn let out a shriek of laughter as they made their way down the hallway in the direction of the dining hall.


"Dada is in with Bestefar," McKenna told her. "A group of diplomats from Vanaheim are here. And one of them is an old girlfriend of his, so if at all possible, throw some of your food at her, okay?"

Aislinn laughed and nodded. "Mama."

"Good enough."

The dining hall bustled with activity and McKenna sighed as she cast a glance up at the dais where she usually sat with Odin and Loki. It was empty, of course, and she didn't feel like being the only one up there, so she looked around for Sif and smiled when she spotted her across the room-with the Warriors Three, of course.

"Morning, everyone," she greeted them, shifting Aislinn to one hip as one of the servants brought over a high chair. "Thank you, Magdalen."

She set Aislinn in the chair as Sif said, "So, I take it the party from Vanaheim has arrived?"

"Loki was already summoned to the Throne Room." McKenna buckled Aislinn into the seat. "And I'm sure Annelie is already plotting."

Fandral grinned. "She was most likely plotting from the moment she learned they were coming here."

"Well, she can plot all she likes, it won't matter." Sif rose from the bench. "Sit down, Lady McKenna. I'll bring you and the baby some fruit."

McKenna smiled. "Thank you, but stop calling me Lady McKenna."

Sif grinned. "I'll be right back."

Volstagg shook his head. "That woman doesn't know the meaning of the word 'quit.'

"Sif?" McKenna asked.

He shook his head. "Annelie."


"You have nothing to fear, Lady McKenna," Fandral said, shooting Volstagg a look. "She doesn't hold a candle to you."

"Thank you, Fandral, but I think you might wish to have your eyes checked."

Sif returned with two plates, one bearing fruit and the other bearing pastries. "They all looked good and you need to eat a little more, my lady. You're getting skinny."

"I'm fine, Sif, but thank you." McKenna took both plates and set them on the table. Aislinn reached out to take a strawberry from her and nibbled at it. "Good girl," she said, smoothing Aislinn's wispy black bangs away from her forehead.

Aislinn smiled. "Mama."

"Tell me she said this before Daddy."

"I wish I could, Sif, but Dada was her first word."

Volstagg smiled at Aislinn, holding out a blueberry for her. "You have Momma's eyes, don't you, little one? And you're going to make your Poppa lose a lot of sleep when boys begin to notice you."

"I look forward to that," McKenna said, grinning at him. "Payback for when Loki was a boy, I'll bet."

"Most definitely."

Hogun sighed as he gestured toward the doorway with his cup. "Speak of the devil."

McKenna turned and her belly did a quick knot as she saw Annelie strolling alongside Loki as if she belonged there. "And the bitch," she muttered.

Sif patted her hand. "Remember, you're the future queen of Asgard."

"I know. But I don't like her and I don't have to like her." McKenna sighed softly as she fed Aislinn another strawberry and poured some juice into a sippy cup (brought from home. Asgardians weren't big on sippy cups, apparently.)

Odin led Loki and the diplomats up to the dais and McKenna sighed again as Loki looked about the room. Her spirits rose a little when his gaze landed on her-and she knew it landed on her because she felt a jolt course through her-and his eyes widened just a little.

Then Annelie said something and he turned toward her, but only for a moment before he was scanning the room once more. This time, when his gaze fell on her, he smiled and winked. He held up a forefinger at Annelie, then came down off the dais and toward her and Aislinn.

McKenna didn't miss the scowl darkening Annelie's face as Loki skirted the table and slid his arm about her waist. "There you are, darling girl. I should've just looked for him first." He gestured toward Volstagg, who was busy with the thick slice of ham on his plate.

"I always sit with my friends," McKenna told him as she passed another blueberry to Aislinn. "You know that."

Sif looked up. "So, are we heading back to Vanaheim?"

"No." Loki tightened his arm about McKenna's waist. "I have no intention of setting foot there, to be honest. Christmas is coming and I plan on being right here, watching Selig and Aislinn tear into their gifts while the Allfather bemoans the fact that garlands and Christmas trees are taking over the palace."

McKenna smiled. "I promise not to go overboard."

"Overboard with what?" Fandral asked.

Loki conjured up two cups of coffee and pressed one into her hand. "Christmas. Midgardians don't know when to stop decorating."

"That's not true. We know," McKenna grinned at Fandral, "we just choose to go a little above and beyond. And I'm not nearly as bad as some of the people on Earth."

"Not for lack of trying." Loki gave her another squeeze.

She rolled her eyes at him. "You're one to talk, Loki. You made it snow in our yard two years ago so Selig could have a white Christmas."

"Guilty." He sipped his coffee and eased his arm from her waist to sit down next to Aislinn's high chair. "But your first real Christmas will be a white one without any magical intervention, little one," he told her, ruffling her hair.


McKenna folded her arms over her chest, a smile playing at her lips as she watched Loki peel a banana and give Aislinn a small chunk. Aislinn smushed more of it than she ate, but it took only a flick of Loki's fingers and every last bit of banana was gone from her face and hands.

She leaned over to slide her arms about his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. "I promise not to go overboard and make Odin crazy, sweetheart. I promise."

"Love, he doesn't care." Loki smiled up at her. "He's rather fond of you, you know."

She pressed her cheek against his cool dark hair. "I love you," she whispered.

"I know." He shifted to brush that cheek with a kiss. "And I love you, too, darling girl."

With another sigh, McKenna shifted to sit down beside him. "So, what exactly did the Allfather want this morning?"

"He just wanted to make sure I knew they were here and that my presence will be requested for the next few weeks while we hammer out whatever needs pounding."

"Weeks?" McKenna couldn't keep the dismay out of her voice. It was bad enough that she had to share Asgard with Annelie for the next day, but they were going to be there for weeks? There was no way she'd last that long without knocking Annelie on her ass at least once and Odin would not be happy if that happened.

Loki sighed, popping a blueberry into his mouth. "I know, I know. But it's that or run the risk of war. Between Vanaheim and Jötunheim. Which nobody wants."

She glanced over at Volstagg, who stopped chewing long enough to say, "The Allfather isn't thinking of sending you to Jötunheim, Loki?"

"No. We both prefer my head where it is."

"As do I," McKenna told him, leaning her head against his shoulder.

He kissed the top of her head. "As does my wife. So, regardless of what happens, I will not be going to Jötunheim."

"Well, that's a relief," McKenna said.

"Daddy!" Selig came bounding across the dining hall to launch himself at Loki, who caught him easily.

"Easy, little man," Loki chuckled, settling Selig on his lap and handing him a strawberry. "Does Miss Elke know you're here?"

He nodded, munching on the strawberry. "We're finished for now."

Aislinn held up her arms. "Mama!"

"Coming, Your Highness," McKenna said, smiling as she unbuckled Aislinn to lift her from the chair. "So, when is Miss Elke expecting you back, Sel?"

He shook his head. "She said we're done for today." He looked up at her. "What's wrong, Mommy?"

"Nothing," McKenna smiled as she reached out to ruffle his hair, "unless you know something I don't know?"

Selig shook his head. "Nope. Who's that up there with Bestefar?" He pointed to the dais.

"Visitors," Loki said, covering Selig's hand with his to lower it. "And it isn't polite to point."

"She is pretty, Daddy. Is she staying here?"

McKenna gritted her teeth as she said, "For a while. Bestefar and Daddy have to sit down and talk with her and her friends."


"Because there are a few problems where she comes from and it's up to Bestefar to help solve those problems."

"So why do you have to go, too?"

"I often wonder that myself, Sel." Loki swished his hand and a cup of juice appeared in front of Selig. "Here, little man."

"Thank you, Daddy."

McKenna plucked the last blueberry off the plate. "So, are you going to be tied up in meetings today?"

He nodded. "For a while, anyway. But, tonight, I am all yours, love. Just like I promised."

Just as he said that, Annelie shifted her glare to her, and McKenna couldn't help but smile triumphantly back at her. "I'm going to hold you to that, Jötunn," she whispered, leaning in to brush his ear with her lips.

His soft groan teased her ears as he replied, "I'm all yours, love. As always."

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