Neighbors ☹☻ narry ✔️

By Poisonnialler

432K 19.5K 14.9K

"Hi Harry Styles. Is that your real name, or is it actually Harold?" "It's just Harry." "Ok. Is that your fa... More

ⅰ. 3am friends
ii. opening the door for strangers
iii. metophorical chocolate
iv. twinky winky
v. zen, the wizardly manwhore
vi. faking it
vii. how to make friends
viii. breaking bad
ix. cancer stick
x. tell me about it, stud
xi. undeck the halls
xii. tfios
xiii. sleeping with a friend
xiv. dirty little secrets
xv. mentally unstable
xvi. backfire
xvii. cockblock
xviii. a ziam story of irony
xix. when niall met sally
xx. always
xxi. drunk in love
xxiii. goodbye
xxiv. epilouge

xxii. a real anaconda

14.4K 662 516
By Poisonnialler

[ xxii. a real anaconda ]

Harry's smile faded as Niall looked up at him. The look on Niall's face was unreadable, and Harry felt truly nervous. If Niall didn't like it, then what was the point of getting this damn tattoo?

"I'm sorry Niall, I really thought you would like it. I can get it removed?" Harry offered wearily. He knew it would hurt like a bitch to get the tattoo removed, but he was willing to if Niall wanted him too.

Niall on the other hand, was completely speechless. He had been expecting something awful, like a giant banana permantly inked to his forehead. Or something along that line. But the actual tattoos brought spontaneous tears to his eyes.

"Harry, I don't know what to say." Niall admitted, the tears pouring freely down his cheeks. Harry looked down at the silently weeping boy, who seemed to even be genuinely beautiful while he was crying.

"I should have asked you first, but I hadn't really been thinking and-" Suddenly, he felt something warm pressed against his lips.

Another pair of lips.

"You talk too much." Niall said, pulling back. Harry blushed, and looked down at the small tattoos on his arm.

"So, d-do you like them?" Harry asked. Harry looked like an innocent puppy to Niall right now, so even if he didn't like them, he still would have pretended he did for Harry's sake.

But, it was sort of impossible for Niall not to like them.

"I love them Harry. They're perfect." Niall whispered. The small tattoos gracing the outside of Harry's left wrist warmed Niall's insides. It meant the world to know that Harry really did care for him.

"You think?" Harry asked. He turned his wrist around to look at the tiny tattoos. He had gotten three, but they equaled up to one whole one, in a way.

"Harry, they are all perfect. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." Niall sniffled. Harry's small gesture meant a lot more to him than Harry could ever know.

"Which one is your favorite?" Harry asked, extremely pleased with himself.

"I can't pick babe. Hey, how about we go home, and you can tell me the story behind each one?" Niall asked. He knew that the people working here had been waiting an extra 15 minutes for them to leave, and if he were in their place, he would have been pissed.

"Okey-dokey Nialler!" Harry said, grinning. He was still buzzed from the alcohol, but was sober enough to get the jest of everything happening around him.

"Can I hold your hand?" Harry asked, his voice quiet and shy. Niall turned and looked at Harry as if he had suddenly grown three heads.

"You want to hold my hand? Like, no argument, no freaking out, no reason?" Niall asked, rather bewildered. His Harry, or at least the boy who he had come to think of as his Harry, would never ask to hold his hand without some type of reason or repercussion.

"Of course. Isn't that what boyfriends do?" Harry asked. Somehow, somewhere between two shots of vodka and talking to the bartender, his thoughts jumbled into thinking that he was in a fight with his boyfriend Niall.

"Boyfriends?" Niall nearly choked on the air he was inhaling. Ed blinked rapidly between the two as if watching a Wimbledon match.

"We are boyfriends, right Niall?" Harry asked sweetly, cooing at the purple-haired boy. Now Niall was stuck in a shitty situation. He could either deny, and end up with a pissed off Harry, or agree and end up with a clueless Harry who will most likely be pissed off in the morning anyways for being lied to.

"Of course love." Niall sighed, grabbing Harry's warm hand in his. Harry beamed, the dimple in his cheek setting in adorably as their fingers intertwined.

"Yay!" Harry exclaimed, cuddling into Niall's arm.

"Come on angel." Niall hinted, relishing in the moment. If he could only have this sweet cupcake Harry as his boyfriend for one night, then he would take what he could get.

"Oke! Bye Ed! I love you!" Harry shouted as the pair stumbled out of the store, Niall basically carrying Harry. Ed smiled. They were a ridiculously cute couple.

"Love you too mate." Ed called back, earning a snicker from his coworker Max.

The door swung shut between Ed and Niall and Harry, leaving Niall to deal with a overly-loving, very cute and unaware Harry.

"Where did you park?" Niall asked softly. Harry pointed to his right, his finger leading directly into a tree.

"There." Harry exclaimed. He ran over to where the tree was planted in a giant square flowerpot, bordered with wood.

"What are you doing Haz?" Niall asked, holding back a coo as Harry took out his keys and looked for a place to put them.

"Starting my car, sexy." Harry threw in a smirk on the last word, making Niall blush and tug lightly on the collar of his unbuttoned flannel.

"That's not your car though." Niall said, making Harry giggle as if Niall were the one being foolish.

"It is! Listen to the radio!" Harry said, before singing a song that Niall recognized as Sweet Perfection by Nevershoutnever!

"AND OH, PRETTY BOY. I KNOW THAT I JUST MET YOU." Harry began, jumping up from his spot on the bench and running to a nearby light post.

"BUT I MIGHT JUST DARE TO SAY..." He swung around the light post once, before sprinting over to Niall.

"THAT I LOVE YOU!" He smacked a big kiss to the side of Niall's face, leaving a slight trail of saliva that made Niall stick his tongue out teasingly.

"Yuck! Harreh!" Niall squealed, wiping the spit off and playfully chasing Harry with it on his open palm.

"You can't get me!" Harry teased, running across the empty street to the bar that he had been in earlier. Niall giggled, and followed him. He was certain that this was where Harry had parked anyways.

"Really?" Niall laughed, catching up to Harry effortlessly. Harry huffed as Niall pinned him to the outer bar wall.

"Is this your thing? I thought you liked to be manhandled, not to be the one manhandling." Harry laughed. Niall shrugged.

"This isn't sexual though." He giggled. He was having way too much fun with Harry to ruin everything and scare Harry away with intimacy.

"It can be." Harry said, wiggling his eyebrows. Niall flushed.

"Alright babe, looks like it's time to get you back home."


Niall opened the door to his apartment, Harry following close behind.

"Let's have a sleepover!" Harry begged, jumping up and down like a child. Niall grinned.

"Sure. I can sleep on the couch-"

"Don't be silly! Boyfriends share beds! Duh Ni!" Harry said, tapping his forehead suggestively. Niall smiled and grabbed Harry's right wrist, leading him to his bedroom.

"Can I tell you about my tattoos?" Harry asked excitedly. Niall nodded, turning on the overhead light to reveal his freakishly clean room.

"Whoa. Clean." Harry stated. Niall giggled.

"I spend all my time watching TV in the living room when I'm home, so it usually stays relatively clean." Niall admitted. Harry hummed and slipped his shoes off.

"Do you mind that I sleep naked?" Harry asked. Niall assumed that he meant with only boxers on, and nodded. He turned around and pulled off his own shirt and pants.

"Ok done!" Harry exclaimed, jumping into the bed before Niall could see anything. Niall decided to keep the light on so that he could see Harry's tattoos in better detail, and climbed into the bed with Harry, pulling the comforter all the way up to their chins.

"Ok, I want to hear these stories." Niall dec;ared, letting Harry unwrap his arm and lay it in between them.

"This one right here," Harry began, pointing to a small lightning bolt, "is for Grease you know Grease Lighting? Our first date movie. Also, because you are my Sandy." Harry blushed and Niall both blushed as the two looked over the well drawn doodle.

"And this one," Harry pointed to a heart with the cursive word, 'always', written inside. "This one is because you always make me feel better. Do you remember me saying that? Also, because I will always love you. And I will always remember you as my first love." Niall felt the tears pricking his eyes again, but tried to blink them back.

"The last one is my favorite." Harry said, reddened as he turned over his wrist just enough to reveal the small shamrock with 'Ni' written inside. Niall's tears began falling freely.

"H-Harry. You d-don't u-understand h-how much t-this means to m-me!" Niall exclaimed. Harry couldn't have been happier with Niall's reaction. He could finally let all of his worries escape him.

"C'mere." Harry cooed, pulling Niall into his bare chest. There legs entangled, but suddenly, Niall froze. He not-so-subtly lifted up the blanket and shrieked.

"HARRY!" Niall screeched. Harry looked at him confused.

"What?"He looked under the blanket for anything abnormal.

"You're naked." Niall stated. He wasn't unimpressed by what he saw, quite the opposite actually.

But it certainly does scare you a bit when you think your dildo is laying in bed with you and your crush.

And then you come to find out that it's your crush's 11 inch anaconda instead.

"Is that a problem?" Harry laughed. Didn't boyfriends see each other naked all the time?

"N-no. But I just sort of thought it was something else." Niall flushed. He grew up with an older brother, so it wasn't foreign for him to see a penis that wasn't his, but Harry's was gigantic; and he may or may not have been thinking about going under the blanket for a reason other than looking if you get what he's putting out.

"Wait, what else could it have been?" Harry asked, suddenly very interested in what made Niall freeze up like that.

"Possibly a dildo-"

"Niall Horan has a dildo? Has the world come to an end?" Harry bayed dramatically. Niall rolled his eyes.

"Like you don't." Niall huffed. He saw no point in denying it, tons of people do.

"Sorry, I don't like to be fucked in the ass." Harry shrugged.

"How did we go from having a really cute moment to talking about coitus?" Niall asked.

"Good point. Come back." Harry patted the bed. Niall laughed and threw his boxers at him, hitting him square in the face with them.

"Ok, I saw that coming." Harry chuckled, slipping the underwear on. Niall waited for the 'ok', and turned the light out before climbing back into the bed with Harry.

"Let's pretend that we didn't have, basically half of that conversation, and go back to when you weren't being perverted." Niall said.

"I wasn't the one to bring up the dil-"

"DONE!" Niall cut off. Harry bit his lip and opened his arms, letting Niall cuddle into them so that they were facing eachother.

"Goodnight lovely, I love you." Niall whispered.

"Night Angel."


Niall woke up halfway through the night spooning with Harry. He noticed how Harry's body fit perfectly as the big spoon around his little spoon type of body. Niall liked the way this felt, Harry's arms wrapped snugly around him, his head on Niall's shoulder. Niall's head laying in the crook of one of Harry's lanky arms, their legs completely tangled.

Niall snuggled as far into Harry's warm body as he could, wanting to be as close as possible to him. Because right now, in this moment, everything was alright. No aruguing, no tears, no heartbreak. Just pure love and affection shared between two people who need it more than anyone. Niall took a mental picture of this memory. He knew that when they woke up tomorrow, things wouldn't be like this. Harry would go back to his sarcastic, pessimistic self. Not that Niall had a problem with that. He loved Harry anyway that he was or could possibly be; happy, sad, depressed, angry. Nothing changed Niall's affection towards the curly haired lad, not that he could say the same about how Harry felt towards him.

"I love you Niall." Harry suddenly whispered, making Niall jump slightly. He hadn't realized Harry was awake.

"I love you more Harry." Niall assured, once he had calmed his breathing.

"Not possible." Harry argued.

"Very possible." [a/n anyone else watch finding carter?]


Niall woke up about an hour later at 5:00am, and he had sworn he had heard a voice. He opened his eyes, and saw a shadow standing in front of him.

"Alcohol is truth syrup for the 21st century." The voice whispered meloncholy, causing a chill to run down Niall's spine.

"Who are you?" Niall whimpered, his voice quivering.

"A friend." The voice responded. Niall started shaking, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. The shadow was just an out line, shaded in black in the dark of the room.

"H-Harry." Niall whispered, elbowing Harry whos arms were still wrapped tight around his waist, securing him to his chest.

"What?" Harry asked, Niall pointed to the shadow, but when he looked back up, it was gone.

"What the bloody hell?"


[i liked this chapter]

[i was going to have a car crash scene but nahh yall already dealt with all of the ziam drama so no lol]

[200 views, 30 votes, 20 comments for an update {:]

[what did you guys think of the tattoos?]

[how about drunk harreh?]

[who do you guys think the shadow is?]

[comment ship for more narry next chapter]

[comment otp for more ziam next chapter]

[comment sink for more jouis next chapter]

[comment bye for ziam/narry next chapter]

[comment hi for narry/jouis next chapter]

[comment love for all three ships next chapter]

[i hope you guys know that i write the chapters based off of your comments, so whichever one gets the most comments is what the chapter will be about lol. i dont prewrite the chapters usually]

[vote if you love me]

[btw i have a boyfriend now omffffffffg he lives in texas and i live in ohio though so its sad ):]

[all the love, kalesxxx]


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