CATS: Shades of Fire

By BlurpleBean

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Macavity is out for blood, and he kitnaps Asparagus along with others in an act of revenge. But what happens... More

Part 1: Taken

Part 2: Bruised Not Broken

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By BlurpleBean

Shades of Fire by: BubbleBeanBrit

Part 2: Bruised Not Broken

Asparagus lay there for many days. So many endless days that he lost track. But then one day something very surprising happened. He lifted his head as his cell door was opened. Macavity pushed it open wide and stood there.

"Come on. You're going to help me with my work." Macavity growled, not meeting the elder tom's gaze. Asparagus blinked in confusion but rose and followed Macavity out. The tall lanky tom led him up the stairs and into the main level of the warehouse, where several Hench-cats milled about training. None glanced at them, seemingly unconcerned with their boss's business. Asparagus observed some of the strange and complex battle moves they were doing before Macavity turned walking up some stairs and into a dark dimly lit room that smelled strongly of him. There was a desk by huge windows that were painted over in red. Macavity moved behind his desk and gestured for Asparagus to sit in the chair opposite him. The paler red tom did so and faced the Napoleon of Crime, whom sat riffling through papers and such.

After a long time Macavity slid a small stack of papers towards Asparagus and the tom tilted his head curiously.

"You need to figure these out. It's plans to raid the Pollicle Place. These seem flawless but we are caught and chased out every time. You used to be good at solving problems so solve these ones." Macavity growled. Asparagus read through the plans, his eyes peeled for any fluke that could cost them the mission...then he spotted something.

"Hey Mac? Do you have blueprints for this place?" He asked. Macavity looked up from other paper work he was doing then opened a drawer and pulled out a blue sheet of paper with lines and diagrams on it.

"Here." He grunted, handing it to him. Asparagus looked carefully then he snapped his fingers, his ears perking up.

"That's it! You guys have been going through the ventilation shaft! That is what is costing you the mission." He meowed. Macavity looked up at him.

"How can that be? There are no alarms or traps in it." Macavity meowed. He blushed a little, rubbing the back of his head. "At least not anymore..." Asparagus blinked, his logical mind churning.

"No but there is a minor draft of AC. There are vents over each Pollicle's kennel and some in the main office where they keep the guard dog. Your scent has been blowing straight towards the dogs every time!" Asparagus meowed, clucking his tongue as he used to do when he solved a problem. Macavity snatched the blueprints and smacked his own forehead.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" He growled. He shifted through the papers and jotted down new notes, his face a mask of intensity. Asparagus watched him curiously, then finally blinked and looked at the papers.

"You could try getting in through the sewage system beneath the building...It may be disgusting but it would hide you scent and it would be less loud." Asparagus meowed. Macavity nodded his head, a thoughtful look entering his eyes. He rose to his paws rapidly.

"Come. We are going to speak to the Hench-cats." He meowed briskly, leading the tom from the room, and clutching his precious papers. Asparagus followed, his head tilted to the side...It sort of felt good doing something again...even if it was plotting schemes. He could feel his anger melting away and excitement replacing it.

He followed the fiery coated fiend back down the stairs and winced when the large tom gave a sharp whistle. Immediately scores of multi-colored toms and she-cats appeared and stood before Macavity and this strange new tom at his shoulder. Asparagus could see fear and curiosity flash in their eyes as they observed all the scars on his body and the way Macavity stood next to him as an equal rather than a superior. Asparagus found this rather humorous but held his eerily calm demeanor. He instead met their gazes, tilting his head slightly, and blinked as they looked quickly away. Never before had their boss considered one anything close to an equal so they believed this tom to be dangerous and to be feared.

"Alright. Our plan on raiding the Pollicle Place will be achieved tonight. With the help of my new found ally, I have perfected this plan and we put it into action tonight." Macavity yowled. Asparagus listened to the supportive cheers, and saw an image of this feared and powerful fiend beside him as a tiny kit...He noticed Macavity's ears perked up and he cast a sideways glance at Asparagus. The paler red tom realized that Macavity had a connection to his thoughts right now and had seen the image. Asparagus blinked and spoke in his head.

Your cats seem to appreciate you greatly. Asparagus thought.

Yes. They know what true power is. Macavity replied, his eyes narrowing a bit.

Well I know what true friendship is. Asparagus countered, arching an eyebrow. Mac blinked, and a flash of something briefly lit in his eyes before dying away.

Let's not start this right now. You are coming with us tonight. Macavity thought with a growl. Asparagus shrugged and smirked in amusement.

Hmm...I might have to take a rain check. Never much liked Pollicle's myself. He thought, showing Macavity the image of the time they had been chased all over the park by a small Pollicle pup who had been in heat. Macavity smiled, amusement lighting in his eyes.

Well too bad. You're coming. Macavity said, and chuckled out loud quietly. Asparagus shrugged.

Oh well...I tried. He thought, rolling his eyes...

Macavity snorted and explained the plan in full to the Hench-cats. A few groaned in disgust, but a look from Macavity silenced them. Then the tall lanky fiery tom led the way back up to his office and stuck the papers in the drawer before leading Asparagus back out into the hall and to the next room over. Mac opened the door and Asparagus blinked in surprise. Inside was a huge room literally coated in blankets and such, and all were red. The bed was an old humans bed, round and adorned in red satin. Macavity's scent lingered in here even more strongly than in his office. But the tall tom walked to another door and opened it. It led into another bedroom, smaller, with a smaller bed, but still blankets and pillows all over the place. A huge window was set against one wall and bright sunshine shone through. There were no other doors in this room, the only one being the one Asparagus stood in right now, as he gawked. Macavity smirked.

"Since you are helping out around here now you will no longer be considered a regular prisoner. You still have to stay here, and not run away, but you can sleep in here. Nobody uses this room." Macavity meowed. Asparagus nodded his head.

"Ok then. Thanks." He meowed. Asparagus felt a rush of kitten-like energy and dove head-first into a heaping pile of pillows. Macavity blinked in confusion and walked towards the tower.

"What are you doing?" Macavity growled scornfully. But suddenly Asparagus flew out of the pillows and tackled the Hidden Paw to the ground. Macavity was startled at first, but he felt no claws, and no pain and he realized the smaller tom was trying to play with him. He smirked in amusement and easily kicked Asparagus away. He landed and spun on the spot.

"You are an overgrown kitten, did you know that?" Mac asked, propping himself up on his elbows. Asparagus shrugged.

"I try." He purred. Macavity rolled his eyes in amusement and Asparagus leaped on him again, this time actually trying...and Mac was startled by the power behind the smaller tom. He realized that had Asparagus had fought back he might actually have had a chance of defeating him. Macavity pushed these thoughts aside and tackled Asparagus, rolling across the floor. They wrestled without hurting one another for awhile as they had as kits, before the two slumped against the pillows, and stared at the roof...There were several long moments of silence when the door burst open and a panicked looking guard darted in. Macavity was instantly on his paws.

"What is going on?" He demanded. The guard panted for a heartbeat before he gulped in air.

"The Jellicle's...The Jellicle's have broken in!" He yowled.

"How is that possible?!" Macavity demanded.

"That magic tux is back." The guard panted. Asparagus very suddenly broke away from Macavity and darted out of the room, fearing the safety of his friends.

"Asparagus!" Macavity roared, racing after him. But the small tom was faster. He flew down the stairs and halted at the bottom. There was a full riot ensuing before him...He could see several Jellicle toms, Munk, Tugger, Misto, Skimble, Admetus, Carbuckety, and even little Lyon attacking the Hench-cats fiercely and forcing them back. Panic surged through Asparagus but he stayed calm, mostly. He wore and icy expression and raised his voice above the clamor giving a long and loud yowl seething with authority, and full of anger.

"Enough!" He yowled. Almost instantly the Hench-cats drew sharply away from Asparagus pulling back towards the far end of the warehouse and away from the Jellicle's, as they looked up at him. Macavity was there now and had come to a halt on the stairs above Asparagus, his eyes wide, and the other Hench-cat behind him staring in shock. Asparagus growled low.

"Jellicle cats get out tonight!" He ordered. Munk blinked in confusion and stepped towards him.

"What? Asparagus? We came to free you." Munk meowed. Asparagus glared at him, feeling this was being done for the tribes own good.

"As you can see I do not need rescue. I am perfectly content staying right here. You have not seen trouble in your yard for some time. Now unless you want that to change get out!" Asparagus growled. Munk tilted his head.

"What did he do to you?" He breathed....Asparagus actually felt a real rush of anger.

"Nothing! I decided to stay, and stay I shall. Now get out immediately." Asparagus ordered again. Munkustrap blinked, utter grief in his eyes and he backed away. The other Jellicle's blinked and followed Munk out. Once Misto looked back at him and Asparagus winked once, but then pasted his bitter face on again, and glared daggers. Misto slipped out with a bitter hiss, and Asparagus looked at the Hench-cats.

"Tend to the wounded then go about your business." He snarled. The cats immediately began doing as told and scurried about. He turned to see Mac's shocked face and he shrugged and walked back up the stairs past the tom. Macavity watched him then followed him up. The single Hench-cat went down towards the others.

Asparagus walked back towards his room and slumped down on the bed. He buried his face in it as Mac came up and hesitantly scratched his ears.

"Why did you do that? You could have escaped..." Mac murmured. Asparagus sighed heavily and peered up at him.

"Because I knew you would have let me go." He whispered. Macavity blinked in surprise then lowered his ears.

"You're right." He muttered. Asparagus sighed.

"I don't want to go anymore...Remember that day in the park when you asked me if we were always gonna be best friends? I promised you we would forever, and I don't break promises...For some reason I just can't seem to hate you or fear you or stay mad at you..." Asparagus muttered, his voice tired. Macavity did something he had not done since they were kits. He nuzzled his friends chin and stared at him with wide eyes that were unsure like when they were kittens. Asparagus sighed and hesitantly scratched Macavity's ears.

"I never forgot your promise." Macavity whispered. "And I never forgot that day either...." Asparagus sighed and closed his eyes. Sometimes he wished they would...

A year and a several months passed and each day the two friends grew closer and more relaxed around one another...The Hench-cats noticed a change in their boss but none of them complained for they found that their own ranks dwindled less with this new red tom cat around. Asparagus had been doing things to the plans that seemed better that were doing more good than harm now...But if Macavity noticed he never said anything. It was one night after they returned from a heist a little tipsy that more was spoken than should have been.

Asparagus giggled like a dork and crashed into his pillow pile with a purr. His breath smelled of Macavity's best whiskey and his eyes shone with stars. Macavity was drunk too, and he was singing something randomly, when he collapsed beside Asparagus.

"That was epic! You're so good at plans!" Macavity slurred. Asparagus grinned.

"Yeah...I am de bestest!" He snorted then laughed and then the two toms fell silent, staring up at the roof. Then Macavity rolled to face him and spoke quietly, his blue eyes glowing.

"Y'know I remember the day you said you'd be my bestest friend forever..." he slurred. "I remember what else you told me, an y'know what? I like toms too...Queens are overrated." He purred. Asparagus looked at him, through surprised eyes.

"Bu...but Misto ish yer kit." He slurred. Macavity nodded.

"Yeah, but I don't have to like em to...err...produce their kits." Macavity meowed. Asparagus shrugged.

"Have you ever been with a tom?" He asked. Macavity blinked and frowned.

"Actually no..." he meowed. Asparagus blinked.

"I have never been wit anyone." He slurred. Macavity blinked.

"Really? Weird...a goo lookin tom like yer self..." Macavity muttered.

"What?" Asparagus asked.

"What?" Macavity meowed. Then he shook his head and stared at his friend.

"What?" Asparagus asked.

"What you waiting fer?" Mac asked.

-You- Asparagus thought. "Not sure..." He said out loud. Mac tilted his head.

"I think I was waiting for you." Mac whispered very suddenly after a long pause. Asparagus blinked, his eyes going wide, as he stared at his friend who's ears suddenly tilted back in shame.

" were waiting for me?" Asparagus asked. Macavity blinked, looking at his paws.

"I'm sorry....I don't know where that came from..." But he said no more because Asparagus leaned forwards and pressed his warm lips to Macavity's. The fiery red fiends eyes widened in shock before he began to kiss Asparagus back and...Oh Everlasting...Asparagus did not believe he would ever forget the delicious taste of the other toms lips. He sighed heavily and drew back.

"I love you..." Asparagus whispered. Macavity's eyes widened as he stared over at his friend. "I always have."

"Me too." Macavity whispered back. The two toms sighed and curled up side by side on the bed, drifting into sleep.

When they woke up they looked at one another, wondering if this had simply been a dream, but looking into the eyes of the other they realized it was not...Asparagus leaned in and captured Mac's lips with his own. Macavity wrapped his paws around the smaller tom and leaned into his embrace...

It was two night later when the trouble began. That evening the two were simply sitting and talking at Macavity's bed when Asparagus dropped a heavy question.

"Mac?" He murmured.

"Hmmm?" The younger tom replied.

"If I asked you to...would you...Would you consider releasing your army and returning to the Junkyard with me?" He asked quietly. Macavity went rigid, fire lighting in his blue eyes.

"Is that what this was all about? Getting me to stop my crimes?" Macavity snarled. Asparagus drew back and shook his head rapidly.

"No Mac! How could you think that?! You took me remember?" Asparagus growled. But Macavity was backing away from him.

"It was all some scheme?! I hate you Asparagus! I HATE YOU!" Macavity yelled. But Asparagus leaped forwards and pinned him down. He leaned forwards and kissed him, their embrace passionate yet gentle. Macavity's eyes closed but then opened as Asparagus sat up.

"No." He said simply. Macavity sat up and clutched Asparagus's paw, his eyes wide.

"I can't go back." He breathed. Asparagus tilted his head.

"Then use your powers to do good." Asparagus meowed. Macavity blinked, his eyes going out of focus as he thought long and hard.

"But I am not good." Macavity whispered in anguish. Asparagus leaned closer to him so he was nearly touching noses with the younger tom.

"Mac you have always been good...You just forgot for awhile." Asparagus breathed. Macavity hesitated, glancing down then meeting the elder tom's gaze, before he leaned forwards and kissed him.

"OK." He meowed when he had pulled back. "But only if you promise to help me." Asparagus nodded.

"I will...I promise you Macavity." Mac smiled and the two toms went back to their conversation...

Asparagus became a joint leader with the tall lanky tom and no Hench-cat complained. Their status as a couple was eventually leaked into the ranks of the followers and they poked fun at their more docile leader now. Macavity used his powers to prevent crimes now and even forged a truce between his own created tribe and the tribe of the Jellicle's. Asparagus was allowed to visit them when he wished and sometimes Macavity would even grace them with his presence, reforming his bond with his brothers, father, son, and former friends. Everybody lived happily ever after.

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