𝙁𝙄𝙉𝙀 𝙇𝙄𝙉𝙀 ⟿ vinnie ha...

By cr00k4d1l3

256K 5.7K 4.9K

❝ put a price on emotion looking for something to buy. you've got my devotion but man i can hate you sometime... More

opening !
( oo1, act one)
( oo3, act one )
( oo4, act one )
( oo5, act one)
( oo6, act one )
( oo7, act one )
( oo8, act one )
( oo9, act one )
( oo1, act two )
( oo2, act two )
( oo3, act two )
( oo4, act two)
( oo5, act two )
( oo6, act two )
( oo7, act two )
( oo8, act two )
( oo9, act two )

( oo2, act one )

19.3K 389 473
By cr00k4d1l3

-- fine line.

"PROM NIGHT TONIGHT" Rory Simons asked his daughter as she sat down at the kitchen island for breakfast. "You excited?"

"Who said I was going?" Josslyn replied, pouring the milk into her bowl of cereal and shoving a large spoonful in her mouth. She had just returned from one of her magical adventures a few days prior, and was planning on going on another tonight. The idea of going rouge for the summer appealed highly to her, but if he father had his way, which he probably will, she'd be stuck here in Seattle all summer surrounded by people she couldn't stand.

"Come on, Lyn, it's a big night! Nicole left her engagement party dress here, maybe you could wear that?" He said, sitting opposite Josslyn and sliding her a cup of coffee, freshly brewed. Nicole was her sister in law, and was way way taller than her, so there was no way that dress would fit.

"The green one?" Josslyn asked, her father nodding and pointing towards the ceiling.

"It's in the loft, I could get it out if you want?" He took a sip of his coffee and stood up to wash some of the plates from their dinner last night. "You could send some photos to your Mom, she always wanted to see you in a prom dress" This caught Josslyns attention, her head flying up at the mention of her mother.

"Really?" Josslyn asked, slightly shocked that her dad even remembered her mom existed. "I mean, maybe"

"I'll get it down, anyway, you can try it on" Rory quickly dried his hands and exited the kitchen, his heavy feet heard ascending the stairs all the way from the kitchen.

Last time Josslyn saw her mom, she was eleven or twelve. To her current knowledge, she was currently living somewhere on the other side of state with her new husband, Jack, and son, Xavier. Josslyn had always wanted to meet them, but she would never admit that. She grew up the youngest child, and never got along with her older brother, and always prayed for a younger sibling so she could be the role model Hunter never was, but her parents split up before that could ever happen. Anyway, her dad was happy in a new relationship with a women named Michelle who was set to move in with them in a few days, one of the main reasons Josslyn was looking to go again tonight.

"Also!" Her dad bellowed from the top of the stairs. "Maybe you could speak to Esmerelda again? What even happened between you two".

That's it. Josslyn thought. I'm leaving tonight.

"OW!" Esmerelda shrieked as her tailor accidentally stabbed her with a pin. "Careful with that!" She was stood on a podium getting the final touches to her prom dress added so it would be perfect for tonight. Her mother strolled into the room, a slight swing in her hips, as she stood beside her daughter on the podium, her hands on her shoulders.

Lucia looked Esmerelda up and down, the smile that graced her botox-filled face slowly slipping off as she took in the sight of her daughter in the mirror.

"What?" Esmerelda asked, catching her mothers eye in the mirror. "Is there something wrong?"

"Darling, have you put on weight?" Lucia asked, the smile on her daughters face completely dropping off. The tailor froze for a second, before pinning a piece of fabric down, automatically feeling bad for the teenager in front of them.

"No?" Esmerelda said, looking herself up and down before looking at her mother again. "No, I haven't"

"Oh..." Lucia said, confusion spread across her face before smiling again. "Well, I shan't be seeing you tonight. Business meeting"

"But, Mom, it's prom night. You always said you'd be there"

"We all make promises we can't keep. See you tomorrow, darling" Lucia patted her daughter on the arm before sauntering out the room and down the hallway.

The tailor tutted behind Esmerelda, causing her to look up and furrow her brows.

"What?" She asked confused.

"That women ought to keep her mouth shut" The tailor said, standing up behind Esmerelda, their eyes meeting in the mirror.

"You can't say things like that" Esmerelda replied, crossing her arms across her chest and raising one eyebrow, giving the tailor a pointed look. The tailor reached across to the table to grab a few more pins before shrinking back behind the teenager.

"What, and your mother can? Blood doesn't always make you family, sweetheart" Their voice was muffled by the heaps of fabric, but their words were clear enough to send a jolt of reassurance through Esmerelda.

Blood doesn't always make you family. Blood doesn't always make you family.

LEO LAY IN BED, scrolling through his camera at all the pictures he had took over his senior year. His black velvet suit was hung up on his wardrobe door, laughing in his face.

Why am I even going? Leo thought. Nobodies gonna notice that I'm there.

Throwing his camera down, Leo pulled himself up off the bed and threw himself down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his mother was cooking up some food for later.

"Hey, monkey" She said, shoving a wooden spoon in his face. "How's it taste?" Leo took the spoon out of her hand and slurped a little bit of the soup up. Disgusting.

"Great! Anyway, I've gotta ask you a question" He put the spoon back in the pot and walked over to the fridge to get a smoothie.

"No, you cannot have a new camera" His mom joked, pouring a little too much salt in the soup and glancing at her son, who forced out a chuckle and took a large swig of his drink.

"No, it's not that. How would you feel if I didn't go to prom?" Leo asked, already preparing himself for a long, long lecture about how 'that suit cost a lot of money and now you're not gonna wear it?'

His mother blinked once. Twice.

"You're not thinking of dropping out are you?" She said, venom laced through her words. "Because if you are, think again mister. What did I do to raise such a disappointment of a child?" She threw the spoon back in the pot and shoved past her son to go to the living room, the sound of the TV starting up just a few seconds later.

Fuck sake. Leo rolled his eyes and walked back up the stairs to his room. I'm not a disappointment, am I? I got straight A's. I have a clean record. I've never gotten a speeding ticket. I'm a good kid, right?

"VINNIE, STAND STILL" His father said, trying to tie his sons tie for his prom suit. He stood back to admire his eldest son in his full tuxedo. "Wow, you're all grown up"

"Ugh, Dad, don't get all emotional on me, it's just prom" Vinnie said, shoving his dad lightly on the shoulder.

"Just prom?! Oh my gosh, don't even talk to me" His dad joked, walking out of his bedroom and into the living room where Vinnie's mother was waiting for him.

Vinnie slowly followed him, watching as his mothers eyes filled with tears. He threw his head back and groaned, throwing his hands in the air.

"Why is everyone crying? Stop" He complained, looking back at his mother who was walking towards him with open eyes.

"You're an adult now Vinnie! Let us have our moment" His mother laughed, pulling away from her sons embrace. "You look so handsome"

"Thanks, mom" He replied, smiling. "Don't have a date though" He joked, his father laughing along too.

"Yeah, fucking loser" His younger brother said, strolling into the room with a bag of chips in one hand and his phone in the other.

"Hey, at least I've actually got a future. What do you have?" Silence. "Exactly., fuck yourself" Vinnie laughed at his younger brothers antics, as he just rolled his eyes and continued scrolling through his phone.

"What about those old friends of yours? Josslyn and Esmerelda? Are they going?" His dad asked, to which Vinnie just sighed.

"Dad, I haven't been friends with them for years, leave it out" He shook his head, snatching up his phone from the counter and putting it in his pocket. "Es is probably gonna be there but I highly doubt Josslyn will be"

"What, why? She always spoke about wanting to go to prom?" His mom but in, wiping her eyes and taking a large slurp of her coffee.

"She's kinda been off the rails recently. I mean, from what I've heard. She's never in school or anything, nobody really knows where she goes" He said, shaking a smile onto his face. "Anyway, photos?"

ESMERELDA STEPPED OUT OF THE LIMO HER FATHER HIRED AND ONTO THE DARK TARMAC OF THE PAVEMENT OUTSIDE OF HER HIGH SCHOOL. The boys from O'Dea would be joining Rydell for their prom, which everyone was exceedingly happy about, the boys being infamous for how attractive they all were. Es was automatically on the lookout for Leo, just so she had someone to stay with for the night whenever she got sick of her friends. The two had been sleeping together for about a month, which is the longest fling she's ever had. Usually she doesn't let them last more than two weeks in fear of catching feelings, but she could't bring herself to let go of Leo yet.

He was stood by the front doors, the moonlight glinting in his eyes as they locked upon his sort-of-but-not-really girlfriend as she walked over, slightly holding up her dress as she stepped above the curb. A light blush dusted her cheeks as she felt Leo's eyes on her as she slowly walked towards him.

"Hey" he whispered, lifting her chin so their eyes could meet.

"Hey" she replied, smiling at him and taking his hand, the two walking into the school, all eyes on them.

For the first time in his life, Leo was visible to everyone. All eyes were on him, everyone was talking about him, they all wanted to be him, which was something he'd never experienced before. He just hoped Esmerelda wouldn't leave him to fend for himself half way through the night, because its not secret that he lacks basic social skills. He'll probably end up smoking in the bathroom with his cousin anyway.

VINNIE STEPPED OUT OF THE LIMO HIS FATHER HIRED AND ONTO THE TARMAC OF THE PAVEMENT OUTSIDE OF THE HIGHSCHOOL. A group of his friends tumbled out after him, small flasks of alcohol hidden in their blazer pockets. Vinnie was pretty sure he was the only teenager in the entire city that wasn't looking to get absolutely wasted tonight, which was rare for him, as he was so stranger to a good time.

Looking over towards the school doors, he sees Esmerelda, his ex best friend, and he new boytoy walking in through the doors. He has recently received word from his aunt that his cousin, Leo, was currently in a 'relationship' and all Vinnie could do was pray he didn't get caught up with Esmerelda. Despite the two being long lost pals, Esmerelda has changed and it wasn't any mythical legend that she was way out of Leos league.

"V, you coming?" His friend, Matty, shouted from the group, who had already started to make their way towards the doors.

"Yeah, I'll meet you inside" Vinnie said back, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking up to the sky. The night was clear, each constellation in the sky looking like a billion fireworks. The moon was lighting up the whole night, a faint orange glow pulsating around it. Vinnie didn't really know why he was still waiting outside, the party had already begun and his friends were probably hanging up on him indoors, but something was telling him not to go inside just yet.

JOSSLYN STEPPED OUT OF HER GRANDFATHERS ROLLS ROYCE AND ONTO THE TARMAC OF THE PAVEMENT OUTSIDE HER HIGH SCHOOL. The sleek emerald-green ballgown ended up fitting her perfectly, and she internally thanked her father for convincing her to go to prom.

The car ride there was uncomfortable, an eerie silence falling between herself and the driver her dad hired last minute. He was an odd man, he didn't play any music, he didn't say hello or goodbye, not anything. People that don't talk had never sat right with Josslyn.

"Uhm, thanks for the ride?" She said to the driver, who just pulled away to park for when Josslyn would leave later that night.

Wow. Okay. Rude. She thought as she turned around to face the school doors, flicking her blonde hair over her shoulders and stepping up over the curb.

"Uhhhhh, hi?" A deep voice stopped her in her tracks, one foot on the curb and one on the road. She turned on her heel slightly to face whoever was talking, only to be met with someone she thought would never want anything to do with her again.

"Hi" she said, her voice certain but her brain spinning out of control. "Long time no see, Mr Hacker" Vinnie lightly chuckled, stepping towards his old friend slightly.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that" He replied. "Didn't expect to see you here"

"Why?" Josslyn asked, finally stepping up onto the path and into the light where Vinnie could see her clearly. Her blonde hair was fell at her waist, and her green eyes sparkled beneath her long lashes. To say she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen was an understatement.

"Well, I've heard you're not the most...academically active" He awkwardly replied, swinging his foot on the pavement. "You look really pretty tonight" A crimson blush swept his cheeks as he looked up at Josslyn. She smiled sweetly and tucked a loose golden curl behind her ear.

"Thanks. You too" She said, looking up. "I mean handsome. You look- really handsome"

What the fuck, Josslyn? She thought. Calm down, stop being so flustered.

"Thank you" Vinnie smiled, extending his hand towards her. "You wanna step inside?"

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