Spiderman/Avengers Oneshots

By pidgeholt084

1.1M 27.6K 9.9K

This one-shot book contains angst, laughter, and a whole lot more. Read if you want to see ships and my thoug... More

A/N #1
Field Trip Oneshot
Prank Wars
Michelle to the Rescue
A/N #2
Poor Wade
Peter's Mistake
I can't believe it!!
Peter's Mistake Part 2
Hurricane Tortilla
Crossover Part 1
Stan Lee
Crossover Part 2
Rest In Peace
Meeting the Family
What'd You Say?
Thank you all!
Incoming Call From Tony Stark
Incoming Call From Tony Stark Part 2
Video Presentations
Starker Sucks
Avengers on Crack
Whoo Hoo!
Hydra's a Jerk
Vampire?! Part 1
Vampire?! Part 2
Vampire?! Part 3
Fanfiction? Me?
Just had to say
Just a Memory
Just a Memory Part 2
Peter's Painting
Sick Day
Thank you! (next?)
Coming Out
I got tagged!
Spidey on the Run
BAd bOy?!
BAd bOy?!
You All Should Be Proud
Did He Lose His Marbles?
BAd BoY?! Part 3
The Unexpected Shot
BAd BoY?! Part 4
Cooking with the Starks🎂
Instagram Update
Peter Johnson? (Not Percy Jackson)
Peter Johnson? (Not Percy Jackson) Part 2
Cover Challenge
Prisoner Part 2
Twins Part 2
quick question/ IMPORTANT
America's Next Top Model
Why Did I Pick Dare?!
Why Did I Pick Dare?! Part 2
Why Did I Pick Dare?! Part 3
Why Did I Pick Dare?! Part 4
It Takes Some Time
Peter Parker?
Endgame Rant
Umbrella Boy
Meeting the Man
All About Me
Stranded Part 2
Best Friend Mayhem
Pride Month!
Its posted!
Pride Parade Appearance!
Dad Clint and Peter
Uncle Fury
AI Part 2
Night Spider
No Wifi? Cell Connection?
Winter Spider AU
Car Wash
Supernatural Crossover
Car Wash Part 2
A Path of Death
Night Spider Part 2
Path of Death Part 2
Path of Death Part 3
Death of a Hero
Like a Child
Addition to the Team
The Parker-Wilson Family
Cancer (alternate plot)
Dancing Queen
A Love Secret
Cancer Part 3
What Comes After?
Important Message
Accidents Can Be Fatal
Peter and the Graduation
A Huge Mistake
quick question
New Book
An Explanation
Dating is Not Allowed
Crack is Wack
particle accelerator
Obsessive Worry
A Spider in Quarantine
Accidental Insta Fame
Come Back to Us
Undead in the Streets
Moments Where Peter is Scared of Bugs
spider undercover
Life Comes in Stages
Missing Piece
Missing Piece Part 2
Quarantine Boredom
bro thats messed up
The Reaper's Glance
School to Duel
School to Duel Part Two
School to Duel Part 3
Asthma's a Bitch
Government Asset
Venom (Rewritten)
Do You Even Lift Bruh?
No Longer Strangers
Team Mom
An Empty Seat
Proof That Peter Parker Has a Heart
Proof That Peter Parker Has a Heart Part 2
An Empty Seat Part Two
Family Life
Innocent Part Two
Addition to the Team Part 2
Bitch, I'm the Babysitter
Sister Margaret's Home for Wayward Girls
With That Ass?
Firework Freakouts
Totally Ripped
Old Friends
Murder in the Blue Ridge Mountains
Gone and Changed
Bad Omen
Captivity Narrative
Caught Underground
Coffee Shop Romance

Detective Parker

4.1K 118 32
By pidgeholt084

I had this idea while I was laying in bed this morning and thought 'omg dude' so let me show you what happens inside of my crackhead brain (no actual crack was used in the making of this I'm just a little crazy). It is a little dark and you've been warned that there is gore and violence (basically cloudy with a chance of murder).

Peter had been first in his class at the New York City Police Academy. After being given a job as an intern at the busiest police station in New York, he had proved his determination and skill as a detective and had shown his strong sense of justice. Having grown up on the bad side of the city he knew what crime looked like and he also learned that he had no room in his heart for hate and revenge but instead for helping others. After revenging Ben's death and getting rid of the killer and covering it up he didn't feel better but instead felt strong regret deep in his heart. So he decided to protect the innocent with his new sense of purpose. 

Peter held the vibrant tape up as he ducked under it and into the crime scene. He felt at place in the crime scene seeing as he had been in them more than his own apartment in the last two years. The familiar, normally bustling sidewalk outside of the crumbling apartment building was stained with a red substance that seemed to sink through every crack. 

There were two bodies. One was hanging from the lightpole with a strand of Christmas Lights. The other was handcuffed to the base of the lightpole and was wearing a Santa hat. 

"Christmas Party in July gone wrong?" He asked Mr. James who was from the coroner's office. 

"They must have drank the wrong person's Egg Nog. This was definitely foul play and it was well done too."

"Any ID on the bodies yet?" Peter didn't recognize either of the victims from around the neighborhood. He'd never seen them at the station either. 

"Peter Stallis and Jackson Morgan. Both were researchers from Stark Industries. We've sent people to inform the families and then ask about their whereabouts."

"Okay. I'll go to Stark Industries and ask around. Thanks." Peter sighed as he hailed a cab. He had a bad feeling about this case. 

Peter arrived at Stark Towers after almost an hour in the cab. He walked in and flashed his badge at the desk operator. 

"I need to talk to the co-workers of two men who work in the research department. Their names are Peter Stallis and Jackson Morgan. I also will need a copy of their files." The desk operator's eyes went wide and her face went pale. 

"Did something happen to Jackie?" Peter felt his heart stop but kept a straight face. 

"I'm afraid I can't give any details about the case until it's been cleared for the media. I'm not allowed to tell you that you should call the station and ask for Mr. William Greyson and tell him Peter Parker sent you about the tea he wanted. I'm sorry that I can't mention it." Peter spoke with a straight face and a low voice. 

The operator's eyes filled with tears and she gave him a small smile. 

"That's alright. I understand you can't say anything," She gave him a subtle wink. She turned around for a moment and then came back with a security pass and the files he asked for. "You'll find their co-workers and manager on floor twelve." He gave her a grateful nod and flash her his perfect smile (successfully dazing her).

He was given many second glances on his ride in the elevator. He couldn't tell if it was because he was the only person not wearing formal clothing or the fact that they had probably seen him modeling on the cover of some magazine. (pic above)

Upon arriving at the management office on the twelfth floor he could hear loud yelling. He knocked on the door loudly and the yelling abruptly stopped. 

"What the hell do you want?" The door was thrown open aggressively. The manager did a double take when he saw Peter standing there holding his badge up. "I'm sorry officer."

"No harm done. What seems to be your problem?"

"Two of my researcher didn't show up again. They've done this three times this month."

"Let me guess. Peter Stallis and Jackson Morgan?"

"How did-" 

"Their bodies were found this morning outside of an apartment building in Queens. I need to ask you some questions about where you were last night." The man's face turned an unnatural shade of white. He nodded shakily while gulping heavily.

After hours of questioning Peter had learned a lot about the two victims. They both liked to go to the bar together after work. They usually spent too much money and were late to work a lot due to hangover and irresponsibility. Their families had to pick up the slack due to the money problems the two drunks pushed upon them. 

They usually went to Drake Ashton's bar that was a couple of blocks from Stark Tower. That left him to question why they would be found in front of that apartment building all the way in Queens. As he went to get in the elevator the door was stopped by none other than Tony Stark. 

"Heard that someone came into ask some questions about a murder. Didn't think it would be the Police Academy Prodigy."

"My name is Peter Parker, sir." Mr.Stark paused deep in thought for a moment.

"You'll get the call soon but I just was given the details of another murder that is very similar to the one your investigating. The victims are more of my employees. I want you to solve this as quickly and as quietly as possible. I don't want to lose anymore employees." 

"I plan on solving this whether you want me to or not anyways. Should I be surprised that you know about the murder before the police department?" Stark just smirked and walked out of the opening elevator doors. 

"By the way, Steve wants to meet you. I'll text you a time and place." Tony gave a small wave and then turned and disappeared into the crowd.

Update: Its a bit later now and I just wanted to let you know that I wrote the intro when I was running on two hours of sleep so don't question it. 

Please comment and leave feedback. 


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