The Headmistress

By RosielleJackson

23.6K 532 50

Olivia James stumbles upon Miss Peregrines' loop after spending many years of her life isolated in a house wi... More

The Children's Home
Flashback 1
Miss Peregrine
Want to stay?
Save Her
Flashback 2
Secrets Not Told
Flashback 3
I wish I could
She's back
I'm Sorry
The Letters

September 3rd 1943

1.4K 29 1
By RosielleJackson

Olivia's pov:

      Millard was standing in the doorway and was probably concerned that I had come so quickly since I clearly didn't want to be here.

"I'm fine but thank you for asking" 

He just stood there which kind of scared me since I can't see him. He ended up sitting next to me and just sat there. I looked at him and asked him the question that had been stuck in my head.

"Are you guys happy here?"

He seemed offended since he backed up and looked at me.

"Of course we are, why wouldn't we be?"

I started stuttering and I couldn't get the sentence out of my mouth so I just went out of the room trying not to start an awkward situation. Once I entered the bathroom I started crying. I looked like a monster, an emotionless monster to be specific. When I cry it is just tears falling down my face. It was all her fault I'm like this because of HER. I looked at myself in the mirror and I couldn't see anything, I was losing myself. Then came a knock on the door

"Who's in there?" came a sarcastic voice

"Me- so-sorry for taking long"

"Hurry up"

I opened the door and there stood the boy that I had seen under the tree earlier. He stared at me as I walked back to my room hoping that Millard would have gone to the library or something. When I got back thankfully he was gone I sat on the bed and took out the book I was reading. 

                                                                A few hours later

     I had finished the book by the time Miss Peregrine had called us all down for dinner. I went downstairs to find everyone seated at the table. Of course, as I entered they all turned to stare at me which for me was normal. The only chair available was next to Miss Peregrine and once I sat down I started shaking a lot. Everyone started grabbing food and chattering which to me was different since at dinner most of the time no one spoke. I took a small amount of food since I didn't want to be rude and also since I was shaking. Horace, the boy next to me seemed to notice the small amount of food and told me it was okay to get more. I shook my head but ended up just eating the food I had picked up. I would constantly find the others staring at me when I looked up and I thought this was odd until I noticed how I was eating. I didn't use my knife or fork and I ate everything in an odd order, chicken, rice, then salad. I didn't take a sip of the lemonade either and that's when I noticed I had gotten back into the habit of eating how I did back at the headmistress's home.

Horace walked me around the grounds telling me about everything which honestly I wasn't really paying any attention to. By the time he was done, it was time for something called reset which apparently Horace had explained. I stood next to him while we all put on gas masks. Everyone got really excited and Hugh who stood on the other side of me told me that I was going to enjoy it. I knew what was to come though I mean they literally call it reset, Miss Peregrine was going to reset the loop. I heard the planes come in and the sky flash orange and purple, it was beautiful. The plane with the bomb came towards us and for some reason, I wanted to move but I couldn't. I stood there as if my soul had been taken out of me and I watching myself die but of course I didn't. Miss Peregrine clicked her pocket watch and time stopped. I could tell the some of the children were looking at me to see how I would react. I didn't even flinch though I just stood there like a statue and once it was over I took off my mask to see most of them staring at me again. 

"wasn't that amazing?" asked Hugh

"Yeah, I guess" unfazed and looking at the sky. I had many other important things on my mind than the beautiful scenery of reset.

I was grabbed by a force and we headed towards the house.

"What's wrong? and this is the last time I'm going to ask you"

"Nothing," I said in a monotone voice and as per usual emotionless. 

"Are you serious?" asked the grouchy boy named Enoch. "You literally stood there like a stick I would at least expect you to gasp or something. No one would react that way if a bomb was coming towards their house, I wouldn't even react like that."

I stared at him and I could tell he started getting uncomfortable. The other children were staring at us while they walked back to the house and once I saw Miss Peregrine I started shaking again. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes and I just rushed back to the house but Millard grabbed me again.

"What's wrong with you?" He said between concerned and offended.

Those words hit me like a brick and that's when Miss Peregrine put her arm over me which I immediately shrugged off. She accepted that I didn't want to be touched and scolded Millard for being sassy.

"Polite persons do not question our guests Mr.Nullings," she said even though there was something wrong with me. Enoch rolled his eyes as he went inside and Millard followed close behind him.

I slowly looked up at Miss Peregrine and she was smiling at me but for some odd reason, I gasped and ran. Shoot. My brain was playing tricks on me and now I had probably offended Miss Peregrine. I went upstairs and didn't come down for movie time which was probably for the best. I fell asleep before anyone could come upstairs to wish me goodnight. 

                                                               The next day

      It was about 2:30 pm when I finally told myself I could trust Miss Peregrine. I went downstairs to find her sitting in the living room reading a book. I was going to ask her if I could speak to her about my current situation but I dipped. 

"Miss James?" she said as I ran out of the room. 

I bumped into Millard and of course he wasn't wearing any clothes

"Sorry" I said

"Wait!" He said before I could run upstairs to contemplate my life. "I'm sorry for being rude yesterday it was in no way my intentions," he said grabbing my hand.

"It's okay," I said my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. I had this feeling in my stomach and honestly, it scared me. I ran upstairs before I could make a fool of myself. 

Emma was waiting for me in my room once I got upstairs. She smiled at me seeing my pink cheeks and blank expression.

"Who's the lucky boy?" She said clearly having fun with her little game

I stood there, emotionless, and just walked past her trying to find the second book to my Harry Potter series. 

"Want to go on a walk?" she said as I turned around cheeks now red.

"su-sure," I said stuttering, a problem I've had since I was a child. 

We walked and I apologized for being rude when we first met. Emma was a really nice girl with good intentions but I could tell she didn't trust me. I was fine with this since I wouldn't trust myself either. There was something in between us though that was blocking us from being friends and I couldn't tell what it was. 

"Miss Peregrines a good woman"


"She's not going to hurt you"

"I- I know"

"Then why did you run from her?"

"I was- I just thought"

She laughed and started walking away back to the house. She looked back at me and finally said what she meant

"You might want to apologize because she didn't seem too happy last night when you didn't show for the movie"

She walked away and I could see Miss Peregrine walking out the back door telling us to head back in for lunch. I started walking towards her when I had the urge to rub the necklace. It was the last thing my mother gave me and of course, that meant it was very important to me. That's when I noticed it was gone. Uh oh. If the man finds the necklace they definitely will know I was here. I ran to the loop entrance as fast as I can ignoring Miss Peregrines calling for all of us to return inside. I left the loop running towards the entrance shaking in terror that I could be found. Once I got there I ran up to the room thankful that no one was occupying it. It wasn't there. I ran to the beach and finally found it sitting on the sand. I reached to pick it up when I felt something against my head. It all went black.

Millards pov:

     Everyone was inside waiting for the last person to come back, Olivia. She hadn't returned yet. Emma said that she was right behind her but somehow she had "gone away."

"Emma probably murdered her," Enoch said.

"Did not!"

"I see how you look at her Emma it's pretty clear you don't like her"

"She could be dangerous I mean what if she's a wight!" everyone gasped at this assumption.

"Miss Bloom! How rude of you to think of someone like that"

"Have you seen her Miss P! She. Is. Emotionless" 

Everyone soon started fighting over if Emma was right or not. Emma had gotten really stubborn and rude ever since Abe left. Miss Peregrine had to calm us all down before it got physical. Olivia was very beautiful and smart but she never smiled or was sad or angry or happy or anything. Ever since she arrived she had been the only thing on my mind. 

Lunch was quiet and it was clear that Olivia had gone missing since she never showed up. Miss Peregrine told us to give it some time but I just couldn't wait anymore I knew something was wrong. I took off my clothes and started heading out to go find her until I was caught by Bronwyn. She told me to return but I just kept walking and I kept walking until I got to the loop entrance. She had followed me all the way there. 

"I'm going to tell the bird where you're going" I rolled my eyes at this comment.

"Can't you tell somethings wrong Wyn? You heard about Horace's dream so maybe something might have come true." Her eyes widened once I said that knowing that Horace said Olivia might not make it. 

She finally agreed to come with me and we went off to the modern world against the bird's rules. We tried to stay as low as we could and I tried to stay out of the mud so I wouldn't be seen. We made it to the priest hole where Bronwyn climbed up a pipe and looked through the window. No one was inside so we walked through the town and no Olivia was to be seen. I was starting to get worried and Bronwyn offered to head back and tell the bird something isn't right. I didn't stop though since I knew there was one last place to check, the beach. Once we got there that's when we found her, the unconscious body of Olivia James. 


A/n: Sorry if you guys are annoyed that I keep saying emotionless but from now on just imaging emotionless doll like Olivia. Thats so you guys dont have to be annoyed. Thank you for understanding :) Sorry that the story also feels rushed. 

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