The Boy On The Mend ✓

By -cynicaloptimism-

144K 9.6K 6K

[SEQUEL TO THE BOY ON THE SECOND FLOOR] Benjamin never thought he'd get away from Taylor alive. He never thou... More

i. A New Beginning
ii. Official Meetings And Accidental Outings
iii. Changing Scenery
iv. Settling In
v. Making Commitments
vi. Nightmares
vii. Stolen Goods
viii. Birthday Cake
ix. Flashing Lights, Drunken Nights
x. Pete Is A Unicorn
xi. Feeling Unworthy
xii. To Be Found Guilty
xiii. Another Birthday To Remember
xiv. Unprepared
xv. Fall All Over Again
xvi. Coming Home
xvii. Parental Problems
xviii. Caroline's Baby Obsession
xix. Mama Caroline Knows Best
xx. Late Night Gaming
xxi. Date
xxii. Not Alone
xxiii. Stumble...
xxiv. It's Not You, It's Me
xxv. Wearing Green
xxvi. ...And Fall
xxvii. Knowing Pete
xxviii. In A Different Light
xxix. Between A Rock And A Hard Place
xxx. Speaking Of Parents
xxxi. Pete's Knight In Shining Armour
xxxii. A Thanksgiving Away
xxxiii. Emma
xxxiv. Back Home
xxxv. They Miss You
xxxvi. Paisley's First Christmas
xxxvii. New Year's Kiss
xxxviii. Mobile
xxxix. The Stattons
xl. Catching Up
xli. Jake And The Past
xlii. Bottle Cap Confessions
xliii. Pink And White
note. Thank You

extra. The Drunken Adventures Of Sam, Ben, And Pete

2.6K 148 87
By -cynicaloptimism-

This chapter continues the events of  ix.Flashing Lights, Drunken Nights, except in third person.

extra. The Drunken Adventures Of Sam, Ben, And Pete

The club was bustling with people, drunk and sober, tipsy and trashed, wearing a shirt and shirtless and many of them were having the time of their lives while dancing to upbeat music. Pete was one of them while Benjamin wasn't.

Benjamin stood in the dance floor, trying his best not to lose his balance as he watched his friend dance in a way that made him wonder if he should turn around and look for Samuel. He wasn't feeling too well; the alcohol was making him feel nauseous and more paranoid than before while he was surrounded by a sea of people he didn't know. He needed to get out of this, but he didn't want to leave Pete alone, not when he was even more drunk than he was.

"Pete," Benjamin slurred, trying to get his short friend's attention. After he didn't succeed the first time, he spoke louder, this time getting the man to face him.

"What?" Pete asked loudly, still dancing to the booming beat of the music, his hips swaying as he moved.

"I'm not feelin' well, can we get off the dance floor?" Benjamin asked, his speech coming out slow and hard to understand. Pete groaned before nodding, and the two men stumbled towards the bathroom.

"You know, a lot of people probably hook up in these stalls," Pete said, leaning back against the sinks as Benjamin splashed water on his face. Benjamin looked blankly at the other man through the mirror. "I'd bet someone is probably getting a blowie in that stall right now." Pete pointed at a stall behind them where, from the gap under the door, it was obvious that someone was kneeling down.

"I'd rather not think about that," Benjamin mumbled, thinking about how gross it must be to do that in a dirty bathroom of all places. It wasn't the most appealing place for that, but he couldn't judge people.

"Oh, so it turns you on?" Pete teased in his naturally loud voice, making the person in the stall groan.

A strangled cough could be heard before a voice spoke from the stall. "Pete, can you please not do this right now? I'm already dying here," Said the voice, making Pete's eyes widen before he rushed to the stall door and knocked on it.

"Samuel? Baby are you really dying?" He slurred out in a high pitched voice.

"Maybe? I don't know how much I've thrown up at this point," Samuel said, his voice sounding sad.

"You know what will fix this? Alcohol," Pete sang, making Benjamin turn around. He was fully intending on denying Pete's suggestion, but before he could say anything, Samuel's voice spoke from the stall.

"Great idea. Let's go," He said, getting up off of the floor and opening the stall door so he could get out. When he was out of the stall, he grabbed both of his friends and stumbled out of the bathroom.


Drinks, drinks, drinks, and maybe some more drinks. Samuel had no idea how many he'd had by now, but he knew that there was no way he was walking anything over ten feet without tripping at least once. He looked around at his friends and the group of guys who had joined them in drinking and were at least equally as drunk as they were.

"I like your pants," One of the guys mumbled to Samuel. He looked like he was a bit more than just drunk, and there was a big chance that he was. "Can I have them?"

In his drunken haze, Samuel thought nothing of the stranger's offer and shrugged. "If you give me yours, then sure," He said, not thinking about how the man in front of him was obviously a size or two smaller than him.

"Okay!" The man said, and the two disappeared into the bathrooms so that they could trade their pants, leaving their friends behind.

"I think I've had enough to drink," Said Pete, leaning into Benjamin's shoulder. "We should leave when Samuel comes back."

Benjamin didn't say anything, he just nodded before downing the rest of his drink. The world around him was spinning and the music felt just a bit too loud, so he was glad to get to go soon.

Yawning, Benjamin watched as Pete had one last drink even though he'd said he'd had enough. Samuel showed up moments later, now wearing a pair of white jeans that were too tight on him, a fact that both Benjamin and Pete commented on while sniggering drunkenly.


"Oh we should go there," Pete said, pointing at a store before stumbling towards it. Samuel and Benjamin followed closely behind him, chuckling as they realised what store they were walking into.

Inside, there were sections of products ranging from lingerie, condoms and lube, various phallus-shaped objects, to the weirdest possible things that, if it was given to Samuel and Benjamin without anyone telling them what it was, they wouldn't know what it was used for.

Pete led them to the dildoes - which seemed to have a magnetic pull on the short man, and as he looked at them, amazed, the shopkeeper stood not far from the men with an amused grin on her face.

"What do you guys think about this one?" Pete asked, pointing at a neon green one that seemed to have a suction cup on one end of it.

"I mean, the colour's nice," Benjamin said softly, a bit unsure about what he was supposed to say about it.

"What do you think, Sam? It glows in the dark," Pete said with a grin, turning to the two men who instantly seemed more interested, their thoughts made hazy by the alcohol that circulated in their blood.

"It glows in the dark," Samuel said, astonished that anyone would make such object. He wanted to know why, and somewhere in his drunk mind, he also wanted to have one stuck to his ceiling.

"I'm sold," He said, making both of his friends giggle while the shopkeeper who stood in the shadows simply let out a small puff of air through her nose. At least she was making a sale.


The guys stumbled into the apartment, two of them having discarded their shirts on the way there because it had been hot.

Pete, suddenly having no energy left, thoughtlessly took off his shoes, shirt and pants while his friends watched him, confused. He then fell into the couch and as soon as his face hit the cushion, he was out.

Benjamin looked down at the small bag in Samuel's hand and smirked. He took the bag and walked to Pete's side, nearly tripping on the way there. Samuel watched as Benjamin took the dildo out of the bag and pressed it against Pete's forehead, hoping it would stay on, and it did.

Samuel chuckled quietly at the sight of his friend before yawning. He needed sleep, and so did Benjamin. The two men made their way into Benjamin's room and fell into the bed, neither of them sober enough to think about how Samuel was sleeping in the wrong room, right next to Benjamin.


October 3, 2020

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