Into the Light [Completed]

Por Abby_Volleyball09

1.9K 4 4

WARNING: Some chapters may contain the following: -Sexual content (even if just hints) -Blood -Graphic desc... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

104 1 0
Por Abby_Volleyball09

After her little telepathic encounter with Otto, Isa found herself exhausted and unable to move. She had fallen asleep afterwards and was currently laying in bed, with Milo laying next to her. Ever since Isa collapsed back in the living room, Milo had refused to leave her side until he knew she was going to be alright. Milo sighed as he just watched her chest rise and fall with each breath. At one point, he took an arm and wrapped it around her stomach and pulled her back to his chest.

"Please wake up," Milo mumbled to Isa.

As if on some sort of dramatic cue, Isa started to stir. She turned to face him and snuggled up to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck before placing her head in the crook of his neck. Milo grinned as he started to gently rub her back.

After a while, Isa's eyes began to flutter open. She lifted her head off of Milo's shoulder and looked up at him. Milo noticed she woke up and stopped rubbing her back. He gave her a small kiss on her forehead, and she kissed him on the cheek.

"How are you feeling?" Milo asked, cupping her cheek.

Isa yawned before answering, "Better, what happened though?

"You don't remember passing out?" Milo asked in shock.

Isa shook her head, "No, not really."

Milo gave her a confused look, "Okay, what happened? Do you remember anything?"

Isa nodded, "I remember blacking out and then this weird white light blinding me. After that, it was nothing but a black void. Then, I heard a voice calling for me, and I saw a man with a severely cut and bruised up back. Turns out it was one of my old friends from, who knows how long ago. He explained about how him and two other people were taken hostage. Then, he showed me something that was currently happening to the other two. When I tried attacking the person beating them, I swung my sword but it went right through them. My old friend cried out in pain, and before I could see if he was okay, the white light came back. After that, I think I was asleep."

"Weird, but may I ask, what was the friend's name?" Milo asked.

"It was Otto and the other two were Harper and Mevia," Isa answered.

Milo's eyes widened, "Um, Isa. Aren't those the people that Jesse and Jessica asked us to help save?"

"Yes. Wait, is the group still here?" Isa asked.

"Of course, they didn't leave because they were concerned about you," Milo answered.

"Have Reginald send them in. I need to talk to them in private," Isa commanded.

Milo nodded, "Of course, right away."

Milo got out of bed and quickly made his way to find Reginald. He came back and laid down next to her, pulling her close once again. A couple minutes later, Reginald brought in the others and proceeded to leave promptly afterwards. Jesse and Jessica ran up to the side of the bed and jumped onto their bottoms as they sat next to the former leader of Sky City.

"Are you okay?!" the twins asked in unison, giving Isa the same look of concern.

Isa sat up with Milo still clinging to her, "I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"So, what exactly happened?" asked Lukas.

With that Isa began to explain everything. She told the group about how, after blacking out, she had a strange encounter with Otto. She told them about the vision Otto had shown her, and the brutal beatings the three of them were receiving.

"Woah, what the actual heck?" Petra said looking a bit shell shocked.

Isa nodded, "Otto also gave me a warning for you."

"A warning? For what?" Jesse asked.

Isa continued, "Yes, he said something about these Romeo and PAMA figures."

"Not them again," Jessica mumbled.

"I see you are already familiar with them," Isa said.

Jessica nodded, "All too well."

"This is going to be a lot harder than we anticipated," Petra pointed out.

Isa suddenly started to feel a bit faint. She started to lean against Milo so that she didn't collapse onto the bed nd worry everyone again. Milo noticed her sudden faintness and sighed.

"I think we should let her rest a little more," he suggested.

Isa looked back at him almost annoyed, "Milo, I'm fine."

"Well you look like you're going to pass out again. So, I think it would be best if you try to get a few more hours of rest," Milo said.

"Milo's right, you need your rest. You can come to our world when you've recovered," Jessica agreed.

Jesse nodded, "And besides, it's not like the portal closes instantly after being used."

Isa sighed, "I guess that's true."

"Good, now lay down and rest," Milo said, playfully shoving her onto the bed.

"We better get going anyways," Jesse said as he lead the group out the door.

Isa sighed as she watched the group leave the room on their way back to their world. Milo laid next to her before wrapping an arm around her waist and covering them both in the sheets. Eventually, Isa had fallen asleep in Milo's arms once again.


Upon arriving home, the group immediately made their way back to the temple. They arrived back at the temple to find the others busy with training. Olivia noticed that they were back and stopped what she was doing before making her way over to them.

"How'd everything go?" she asked the four of them.

"Just fine, well almost," Jessica answered.

Olivia gave her a confused look, "What do you mean?"

"Where are the others? We need to say this to everyone," Jesse said.

"I'll go get them," Olivia said before rushing out to get the others.

She came back a couple minutes later with the old Order, Radar, Ivor, and Axel following behind her. The group was relieved to see the four of them had returned so soon.

"So what's the news?" Axel asked.

Jessica and Jesse glanced at each other before Jesse decided to speak up, "Well as we all know, Hadrian and Cassie have capture Harper, Mevia, and Otto, but there's a new twist on the subject."

Ivor grumbled, "Great, more trouble I assume?"

"You're right about trouble. Hadrian and Cassie have allies now," Jessica continued where her brother left off.

Jesse nodded, "Ivor, you remember PAMA and Romeo, right?"

Ivor sighed, "PAMA was a pain in the ass, and Romeo was just annoying. BUt anyways, yes I remember them." His eyes widened, "Oh fuck."

The twins nodded. PAMA really was a major pain, and Romeo was no better. So, those two along with Hadrian and Cassie was probably going to be pretty tough, despite the fact that they had defeated them all once before.

"This is bad isn't it?" Radar asked.

Everyone else in the room nodded in agreement. This mission was going to be a lot harder than expected, now that they have learned of Hadrian and Cassie's new allies. An admin and a walking computer, this was going to be one doosey of a fight.


Harper sighed as she looked around the cell. She would have talked to Mevia, if Mevia hadn't passed out from an earlier beating. Her head wound hadn't been properly treated, causing blood to occasionally come out and start staining her light blue hair even more. Their bodies were sore from the continuous physical beatings and sexual torture. The chains around their wrists felt as if they were getting tighter and tighter each time someone came into the cell for beatings or to belittle the two women.

Harper couldn't stand this. Her anger blood began to boil with anger and hatred. She couldn't find the strength in her to attempt to defend her best friend. And the woman lying across from her in the cell, ahd been the one person that Harper had been relying on to be her safehaven in this time of need. Harper felt as if she needed to repay her friend for her actions.

A little while later, Mevia started to stir. She groaned in pain as blood from her head had began to drip onto the floor. Mevia's eyes fluttered open as she started to slowly lift her head off of the floor. She looked around the cell and noticed Harper's worried looks.

"H-Harper, what's t-th matter?" Mevia asked as she attempted to sit up without using her injured arm to push her up.

Harper sighed sadly, "Nothing, I was just worried about you."

Mevia sat up against the wall as she started panting.

"Harper, I-I'm fine," Mevia said, wincing when she accidentally put pressure on her injured arm.

Harper's brow furrowed a bit at this, "Mev, you're not okay. You're hurt, and it isn't helping that I'm not trying to defend myself."

"Harper, It's my job to protect you and Otto, but now that I can't protect him, you're the only one I have left to protect," Mevia said to her sadly, "There's no need for you to even try to defend yourself, because you have me to protect you."

Harper bowed her head, "I know you can, but you're getting hurt every single time. I need to step up."

"Harper, I—"

"In fact, I should be the one protecting you right now! But look at me! I haven't done anything for you, and you've been continuously saving me from the harder blows of our beatings!" Harper exclaimed in anger.

Mevia sighed, "Harper, that's just how I am. You can't help that you freeze when you're afraid."

Harper looked back up at her, "I just feel horrible about not helping you. I promise, I'll start trying to defend myself and protect you."

Mevia sighed in frustration. She knew how stubborn Harper could get when she put all her focus and energy into something. Maybe it was about time that she saw that she wasn't the only one who could protect those around her, without the fear of failure.

Just then, Cassie walked into the cell, diamond axe in hand. The axe looked sharper than it had been orginally. Mevia started to worry. If Harper stuck to her word, she could end up either end up being injured to the point where nothing would be able to heal her or dead. Mevia didn't wat her friend to try, but Harper was determined. Mevia's heart sank to her stomach as Cassie started to approch her.

"What's wrong, ocelot got your tongue?" Cassie said teasingly as she got down her Mevia's level.

Mevia was still too weak to fight back and found it pointless to even show any attitude towards Cassie's bitter words. Harper, on the other hand, was not afraid to show how she felt. Harper hadn't been half as weak as Mevia was and could easily defend both herself and Mevia.

"Leave her alone, Cassie!" Harper shouted at the younger female.

Cassie glared at Harper, "And why should I? She's already weak, easier to take down. Her meat is already tender and soft."

"Why don't you pick on someone who can actually put up a good fight?! Or are you too petty to do that?" Harper asked, a teasing tone starting to show in her voice.

Cassie got up and made her way towards Harper. Harper's expression was blank, and it was impossible for even Mevia to read what she was planning. Cassie got down to Harper, grabbed her by the chin, and lifted her axe up to Harper's neck threateningly.

"What's stopping me from killig you and that pathetic sack of meat right now?" Cassie asked angirly.

Harper chuckled, "Well, your little 'sugar daddy' didn't give you the command to. You wouldn't want to lose his trust would you?"

Cassie let out a low growl, "This was such a buzz kill, call me when you actually decide to cooperate."

With that Cassie put away her axe and stomped out of the cell. The slam of the iron door rang throughout the small, dark cell. Harper too a deep breath before looking at a very shaky Mevia. Mevia was in utter shock, just the other day she had seen a very scared and defenseless side to Harper. She hadn't thought Harper had it in her to just completely blow off the fact that she could have died just to force Cassie to leave the cell out of anger. Even with an axe to her throat that was threatening to slice right through and kill her almost instantly, Harper still found the courage to stand up for her and Mevia. Though it had been a bit odd in the way she executed her plan.

"Harper, how did you just do that?" Mevia asked still a bit shell shocked.

Harper shrugged, "I really have no clue. Although, that was a bit scary."

"I bet it was. You know I didn't think you had it in you," Mevia said.

Harper gave her a curious look, "What do you mean?"

"I just didn't think the Harper I saw a day or two ago could do that. I guess I underestimated you," Mevia answered.

Harper sighed, "I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have done that."

"No, Harper. I think it's actually a good thing. We didn't have to suffer another beating thanks to you," Mevia reassured her friend.

Harper's borw furrowed a bit, "I hope you're right."

"Harper, you need to trust me," Mevia said softly.

Harper nodded. She had always had a few trust issues in the past from the time she left withe redstone heart to seeing her old friends in a condition where she thought there was no return from. She pushed all those thoughts away into the back of her mind.

"I trust you, Mev," Harper said, her brow softening just the slightest bit.

Mevia sighed in relief, "Don't worry, we won't have to deal with this much longer. I can feel it. They're coming soon."

With that, Mevia let out a pained cry as her arm and shoulder begna to ache. Her head was throbbing and bleeding out onto the floor. She fell onto her side and started to pant. Her chest rising and falling fairly quickly. Mevia was out seconds later, leaving Harper all alone in the cold, dark cobblestone cell.

*~To be continued~*

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