hacked // a newtmas au

De bookara

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the game is the only stable thing in newt's life ,,, after the death of his sister his life changed forever b... Mais



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De bookara

Thomas was wearing sunglasses when Newt picked him up from the train station. He wasn't exactly sure why that was the first thing that stood out but he had black sunglasses on and a hoodie that was too big for him and when he hugged Newt he lifted him off his feet.

"You're an idiot," Newt breathed into his shoulder as he hugged him as tightly as space would physically allow.

He could practically feel Thomas smiling. "Why this time?"

"Because it's almost winter and you're wearing sunglasses."

Thomas let go and gave Newt the biggest shit eating grin he could manage. "But baby you're just too damn hot."

Newt let out something between a gasp and a laugh because how the hell could he be so stupid before grabbing the collar of his stupid hoodie and pulling their lips together. He felt Thomas smile against him before resting his hands on his lower back and kissing him back.

"You wore sunglasses for a stupid pick up line?" Newt asked as he pulled back a bit.

Thomas grinned. "Hell yeah and it worked too, I got you to kiss me."

Newt shook his head but kissed him again because Thomas was back, Thomas was here and Thomas was safe.

Thomas hummed softly against his lips. "Do you want me to yell at you for meeting Brenda alone now or after we go makeout in the backseat of your mom's car?"

Newt rolled his eyes. "Who says we're making out in my mum's car?"

Thomas stuck out his bottom lip.

"Minho and Teresa will be at the house in an hour. We gotta beat them back there okay?"

Thomas' face lit up. "Really? They're gonna be here this early?"

Newt nodded. "Might even be there when we get back if we don't get a move on it."

Thomas smiled wider as he took his sunglasses off. "I didn't know they were getting here so soon, I am significantly more excited."

Newt huffed out a laugh. "Alright ready to go?"

"Once more," Thomas pulled him back in by his wrist and pressed the messiest kiss to his lips which made Newt scrunch up his face.

"Ew you weirdo."

Thomas just winked at him before just casually holding his hand as if it didn't send a million sparks down Newt's arm and make his heart fucking stop.

"Come on, I'm excited to see Minho and T," Thomas said casually as if the way he was softly curling his fingers around Newt's palm wasn't totally killing him.

"Yup," Newt choked out as he fell into line beside Thomas.

"You brought your laptop?" Newt asked as they walked back to the car. Thomas' backpack was a lot bigger than the one that he brought last time.

"Of course, I even brought my mom's old one to see if you can use that one, I mean I know Lizzy probably had one but if that was going to upset you we now have another plan."

Newt's face softened. "Seriously?"

Thomas nodded. "Of course stupid, we wouldn't force you to play on your sister's computer, I mean I'll probably get grounded when my mom founds out I took it but yeah you're smiling and that's pretty worth it." Thomas gave him a lopsided grin and Newt wanted to marry him.

"You're a simp," Newt said cause he really didn't know what else to say.

Thomas clicked his tongue. "Damn right, maybe it'll get me laid."

Newt rolled his eyes as he opened the door to his mom's car. "Just shut up and get in."

Thomas stuck out his tongue but got in anyways. "I call aux again."

"Are you gonna play nothing but the 1975 again?"

Thomas grinned. "Yessir."

Newt pretended not to notice when Thomas put his hand on his thigh.


    Teresa and Minho were in Newt's driveway when they pulled up. Teresa was sitting on the hood of the car and Minho was dramatically laying in the driveway.

"Look what the cat dragged in!" Minho shouted as he hopped up and tackled Thomas in a hug.

Teresa grinned and pulled Newt into a tight hug. "I missed you guys so much."

Newt almost fell over when Minho threw himself into their hug because he just "missed them more than life" and needed to be involved as per usual.

"Is my mum home?" Newt asked as he looked at the house.

Minho shrugged. "I've literally been laying in your driveway."

Newt made a face. "You're so bloody weird Minho."

"You guys took too long," Teresa pointed out.

"I didn't know you were coming so soon!" Newt retaliated.

"We got excited!" Minho shot back which made Newt smile.

"So do we get to take them on the tour of your wonderful home? Or are we just gonna chill in the driveway all day?" Thomas asked.

Newt rolled his eyes. "No need to be a dick."

"It's what you like best about me."

Minho gagged loudly and fake vomited in the driveway which made Teresa laugh way too hard because it wasn't even that funny.

"So are we gonna try and contact Brenda again?" Teresa asked as Newt led them into the house.

Newt shrugged. "I really don't want to see her again, she wasn't too nice to be around."

"Was it the fact that she tried to kill Chuck? That's a big turn off."

Newt made a face. "She wasn't even hot dude."

"That's not what I meant!" Minho yelped as Teresa hit him.

They started dating a little after the first time they all met up but it was seriously like nothing changed which honestly was nice. They didn't act differently and Minho still teased her relentlessly. It was good. Cute.

Newt rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."

"Obviously Teresa is the only gamer girl for me," Minho said dramatically as he clasped his hands over his chest.

She rolled her eyes. "God I hate you."

Thomas cupped his hands around his mouth. "SIMP!"

Newt cringed as he shut the door behind them. "There's no need to be so bloody loud."

"What? You don't like it when Thomas screams?" Minho winked.

Newt rolled his eyes. "Come on Minho that barely made any sense."

"Your existence barely makes any sense."

Newt held up his middle finger.

"Would you stop it," Teresa snapped at Minho. "Leave him alone or he's gonna kick us out."

"I think he likes the bullying more than when I used to ask to blow him every ten seconds...now that's Thomas' jo-"

"Shut up!" Newt shouted as his face heated up red.

Thomas just grinned and fist bumped Minho.

"I hate you both so much," Newt grumbled as he motioned for them to follow him up to his room.

Ever since the fire they never really put a lot of work back into redoing the basement. The burned furniture was hauled away but now it was just empty and quite sad looking. It made Newt feel weird to go down there. It was like another pathetic reminder of yet another thing that he lost. Even his mom kept the door shut most of the time, it bothered her too. Everything was slowly being stripped away from them and it took everything in Newt's power to keep it together, but he did it for the three idiots bumbling up the stairs behind him.

Newt pushed his door open and gestured to the corner where the three could throw their bags.

Minho went to sit down on the bed but paused. "Wait, how many times have you guys fucked on here?"


"Seven," Thomas shrugged.

"He's lying!" Newt yelled as his cheeks flushed red.

Minho looked at Teresa suspiciously. "Do we believe them?"

Teresa rolled her eyes and sat down. "Leave them alone, Newt can do whatever he wants in his bed."

"We didn't even-" Newt started but cut off as Thomas tugged him down on his lap.

Thomas laughed softly and patted Newt's hip. "Calm down they're just fucking with you."

"Yeah don't worry we aren't afraid of the sex bed."

Newt flushed and shoved his face in his hands. "We haven't even had sex."

"Well Thomas what are you waiting for?"

Thomas laughed hard at that and wrapped his arms around Newt's waist. "You're so nosy Minho."

"I'm aware."

"Gotta keep the fans informed," Minho grinned as he threw his arm around Teresa. "Gotta give them the information they crave."

Newt scoffed at that. "You referring to yourself as my fan is fucking terrifying."

"Baby I'm your biggest fan."

"I have no part in this," Teresa said as she tried to squirm out of Minho's grasp.

"Just some light making out and some sappy slow kissing has been done in this bed," Thomas said which made Newt's cheeks heat up again.

"And you two aren't dating?" Teresa asked in almost disbelief.

"We're just vibin," Thomas said as he smacked an annoying kiss on Newt's cheek.

"Can we stop with all this shit and please go back to the child massacre going on now?" Newt asked as he squirmed in Thomas' grip.

"Yeah I guess saving lives is more important than where your dick has or hasn't been," Minho admitted as he got up to grab his laptop.

Teresa smacked his ass and laughed as Minho turned around with the most personally offended look he could muster. "Bitch please, I know you can't resist this, but we have more important matters currently."

Newt carefully slid off Thomas' legs so he could get the two computers. Thomas hair was slightly in his eyes due to the fact that he took his stupid beanie off. Newt had to physically shove his hands under his legs to stop himself from brushing it back. He loved Teresa and Minho with his entire heart but he almost wished they'd just look away so he could kiss him stupidly softly and see that look Thomas' gets in his eyes after he'd just been kissed.

"Hey I think we got a message from Brenda," Teresa said as she was aggressively typing on her laptop.

Thomas gently handed him the extra laptop before opening his own. He sat so close to Newt their legs were touching and Newt never wanted to not be touching Thomas again.

"It's in the garage," Minho said as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

"What's it say?" Newt asked as he waited for the computer to boot up.

"Spark notes version," Teresa started. "She wants us to beat the pack."

Thomas hummed softly. "She wants us to finish it and then meet her."

"There's four of us, we could take her."

"She had guards and guns last time," Newt said as he shook his head. "We have to do what she says."

"You know I'm gonna be okay right?" Thomas asked softly as he studied Newt's face. "If this is about her threat on my life, I'm gonna be fine Newt but we can't let her fuck this up."

Newt swallowed hard and just scooted impossibly closer to Thomas. "She's dangerous, we have to be careful."

"And we will be," Minho reassured him. "We'll be extra cautious but we just need to go about this in a way that we can stay ahead of her."

"I don't like her," Teresa said as she scanned the note again. "We're missing something big and I don't know what it is."

Newt felt his stomach jump as he got the best and worst idea he'd ever had in his entire life. "Guys I think we need to contact Janson."

"What? Are you ballistic Newt?!" Teresa asked as her eyes widened. "This kid has a death wish."

"We're meant to kill him when we see him but if we don't actually see him in person then we're not breaking any rules right?" Newt asked as he started typing away.

"So what do you suggest? We just friend him on the good old facebook and sent him a little chat saying can you stop murdering kids or let us stab you in the neck so Brenda doesn't shove a knife up Tommy's ass?" Minho asked.

"Funny you should add in Min because this plan involves you."


"We gotta get out of this the same way that we got into it," Newt said slowly.

"Which is?" Thomas asked.



    Newt's eyes were burning as he squinted at the screen after they died yet again. "This is fucking impossible."

"How's it going over there with you Minho?" Teresa asked as she huffed in frustration. They'd never died this much while playing anything and it definitely could have been because Minho was trying to multitask by hacking into the game's servers, but they just weren't high enough level and it was fucking hard.

"I'm struggling," Minho grumbled as he smashed his fist on his keyboard. "It wasn't this hard getting into the- wait." Minho's eyes lit up and he scrambled across the bed. "I think I know how to find him."

"How?" Thomas asked as he put his laptop next to him.

"Wait one second," Minho said as he typed furiously on the laptop, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth.

Newt leaned against the wall as he ran his hand over his face. It was exhausting, they were too young to be hunting down a mass murderer.

"You okay?" Thomas asked him softly.

Newt smiled half heartedly and nodded. "Just tired."

"Got it!" Minho grinned. "I tracked back the IP address from the switch over in owners from the game and pinpointed the computer they were using when Jorge switched over who owns it and gave Janson the control."

"How the hell do you know how to do that?" Thomas asked as he scrunched up his nose.

Minho shrugged. "I caused a lot of trouble in school and the CS teacher was my homie."

Newt rolled his eyes. "You're an absolute idiot."

"An idiot who had an address."

"So what do you suggest we just pull up there?" Teresa asked.

"No we hack into his computer and take over the video and audio so we can contact him without really physically seeing him therefore we don't break out contract with Brenda and Tommy can stay alive," Newt added as he sat back up. "We're not putting ourselves in danger for this."

"You can do that Minho?" Thomas asked.

Minho nodded. "Yeah that's quite easy, I just need to basically force a skype call."

"Brenda wont find out?" Newt asked.

Minho shook his head. "Not unless she has Thomas' mom's computer bugged. I doubt she does."

Newt let out a breath. "Okay, yeah let's do it first thing tomorrow."

Teresa yawned. "Yeah I'm tired as hell."

"Me too," Minho said as he closed his laptop.

Thomas stood up and Newt's heart skipped a beat so he grabbed his wrist. "Hey you're sleeping up here."

Thomas laughed softly. "I know, I was just gonna take my jeans off."

"Me and T got the floor!" Minho exclaimed as he basically tackled her off the bed.

"Minho!" Teresa yelped as they tumbled onto the floor.

"We're gonna go brush our teeth," Minho said as he helped his girlfriend off the floor.

Thomas shook his head as he watched them stumble out of the room. "They're idiots."

"You're not gonna go anywhere right?" Newt asked softly as he tugged on Thomas' wrist again.

Thomas hopped back onto the bed next to Newt. "No stupid, I'm gonna be fine."

"I can't lose you too," Newt said quietly as he let Thomas pull him closer and wrap his arms around him.

"I'm going to be fine, promise. Plus you need someone to poorly and loudly sing 1975 covers to you."

Newt smiled as he pushed his face into his chest. "You do sing very poorly."

"Hey Newt can I tell you something before stupid and stupider get back?"

Newt looked up at him. "Yeah what's up."

"I think I like you and it's freaking me out."

Newt felt his chest tighten. "Is that a bad thing?"

Thomas shrugged as he took one of Newt's hands in his own. "Can't really tell yet, all I know is I think about you too much and it's never been like that with anyone else."

"I miss you when you're not here," Newt admitted quietly.

"Maybe after we put a stop to this horrible child massacre we could go on a date?" Thomas asked as he bit his lip.

Newt cocked his head. "You're nervous?"

Thomas huffed out a laugh. "Little bit."

"You actually think I'd say no?" Newt shook his head in disbelief.

Thomas shrugged. "Always a chance, you could be hiding someone much hotter."

Newt scoffed and rolled his eyes. "There's no one but you Tommy, promise."

The smile that Thomas gave him almost melted his heart, it reached his eyes and he just looked so genuinely happy that Newt wanted to kiss him. So he did. He leaned forward and kissed him just because he could. He felt Thomas smile against his lips and reach his free hand up to cup his face. Thomas laughed lightly as his hand brushed through his hair.
"You need a haircut."

"You're insufferable," Newt laughed back before pressing their lips together again.

Thomas didn't even reply, he just kissed him back while he gently brushed his thumb against Newt's cheek.

"This is so fucking gay," Minho snorted which made Thomas groan and pull back.

"You couldn't have walked away for like ten more minutes?" Thomas sighed as he held up his middle finger to the door.

Newt finally looked at them. "Wait Teresa were you recording?!"

Teresa grinned. "What no way, definitely don't check your snap."

"Fuck you guys," Newt rolled his eyes and flopped backwards on the bed.

"Newt said yes to a date with me, I had to celebrate," Thomas smiled as he patted his stomach.

"Finally!" Minho exclaimed.

Newt felt giddy as Thomas pressed one more soft kiss to his lips before getting up to change.

Newt watched him walk out and was sure of one thing.

He wasn't going to let a damn thing happen to that boy.

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