Recall |MJ FF| Ongoing

By AppleHeadMikey228

507 20 21

Recall. one word, one story Five words, one question."Can You Still Remember Me?" More

Recall (Author's Note)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

82 2 2
By AppleHeadMikey228


February 7

Via Rosario - event place and resort

Little chats filled the room as hours passed by. Every table has its own topic and the guests seem to get comfortable with each other minute by minute. Some guests are laughing, some were expressing their opinions, some were opening up about their family problems and some of them are even crying. This event seems to be a reunion rather than being a wedding.

The room goes quiet as the groom which is my brother, Maui - I always teased him and sing the song from Moana and he'll throw me a big pillow straight into my pretty face - raised a glass and calls for cheers.

We all raised our glass full of champagne- but mine is grape wine - in the center of each table, "To Maui and Kate!" I shouted raising my glass up. "To Maui and Kate!" they answered in unison.

There we drank on whatever there is in our glass and sat down. I'm still holding my glass, not wanting it to be mixed up with others.

Only our family and Kate's parents are the ones who occupied this circle table place in the right side of Via Rosario - the reception place.

The setting of the reception was somewhat elegant, considering that there's a big chandelier proudly hanging in the middle of the venue, lighting up the whole area. This place has ten tables, five on the left side, and five on the right.

This place wasn't as large as you may think it is but it's somehow big enough to fit all of us in here. The wedding isn't that huge, it's just our families, a few relatives and friends in here. The crowd isn't as large as it is earlier at church cuz some of them left after the ceremony end.

As I look around the venue, the thought of my brother having a family of his own pops up in my head. I'm so proud of my brother that he now has a chance to build a family of his own. He didn't have a good and permanent job though, but he's trying to find some.

Time flies so fast, doesn't it?

You we're just little kids back then but now, one of you were already married. Thinking of this makes me dream of having a family of my own, having a partner that you're willing to be with through ups and downs, loving each other wholeheartedly.

I wonder when will Zack going to marry me? I mean, I would love to marry him but he never opened any topic connected to marriage and whenever I tried to talk about it he just ended up not being comfortable. He hadn't proposed to me yet but he gave me a promise ring and I think it's better than nothing. It's not like I want to rush things, I just don't want myself to be left alone when I get older.

I'm scared that I'll be left alone, scared of having no one to hold on to.

We've been together for almost 3 years now and I'm hoping we'll get married soon because we're not getting any younger. I'm 29 and he's turning 30 this May. At this point of our age, we should be settled by kids then, but like I always say, "If you want something, it will be given to you but just in the right time. It takes patience and trust."

"Hey sis, you okay?" my brother asked, ripping me off of my thoughts. I look up at him and nod. He's holding his glass with his right hand while the other was in his pocket.

"Yeah, of course" I answered while nodding. He looked at me with concern and a little confusion in his eyes. "Really, I'm fine" I said and gave him a smile.

"Are you sure? You're mind seems to be flying out in Jupiter. Tell me, what's wrong?" he asked, pulling the chair beside me and sits on it. He put his glass down on the table and folds his arms in his chest, raising a brow. He really knows me so well. He always reads me like a book.

I looked up the ceiling pretending to be thinking, "Hmm, let's just say I'm going to miss my brother so much" I said and look at him with a smile. He smiled ear to ear and hugged me tight.

"Oh ate, you know I'm not a baby anymore, right?" he asks as he pulls away and hold my hand. I nod in response, "And you know that my biggest dream was to have a family of my own, right?" he asks and I nod once again. "Can you just be happy for me?" my eyes widened by his last question.

"Of course I'm happy and I'm so, so proud of you. I just...I'm going to miss my bunso." I said forcing out a smile. I may be overreacting but I will really miss him. "Don't worry. I'm just overreacting" I said that made him laugh.

"You're always overreacting, what's new?" he said between laughs and I laugh with him too. Our laughter died when my phone rings. I excuse myself, grabbed my drink and purse and walk out of the room while holding my phone up in my ear.

I made my way down the stairs and walked to a place away from all the noises. I follow the stone path that leads me to a garden and sat down in one of the benches. Luckily, I'm the only one in here so I can take my call peacefully.

"Hello?" I asked. I can hear some nurses talking from the other line.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry I didn't make it to the wedding. Mom has been really sick earlier and I don't want to leave her. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, your mom needs you. I'll be there next week, I promise." I said smiling, even though he can't see it.

"I need to go now. The doctors are here to discuss some things. I'll call you later baby. I love you and I miss you." Zack said on the other line.

"I love you too. Don't forget to get some rests, okay?"

"I will. Bye."

"Bye." And there I hang the phone up and sigh. I wish I could be there for him. I'm planning to go there tomorrow but I haven't got any rests since yesterday work and my head's aching still. My poor boyfriend, his mother has been in a hospital for almost three months now. He barely went home to rests because he doesn't want to leave his mother alone. He's such a great son and I know he would be a great dad too, dad of my children.

I looked around the garden and was mesmerized by how beautiful this scene is. The garden's big and has a little fountain on the center. I can say this is an example of perfection. The way it was organized and well-maintained, I could stay here forever!

Looking around, I saw a beautiful, tall, cream-skinned man standing in the corner, his curly hair rest on his broad shoulder and a few curls on his forehead. He's talking on the phone while his other hand's on his temple, clearly frustrated. I look at him confused. He looks so familiar but I can't remember if I met him before or even his name.

Did I just say he's beautiful? Yes, because handsome is not enough.

I kept looking straight at him like an idiot for a few minutes now. He's tapping on his screen, lifting his head to look around and went back to his phone. He turned and his body's now facing me. He looked up from his screen and directly in to me. He covered his mouth and I can clearly see he's about to burst out laughing. He then turned his back on me, his face still buried in his hands. Seconds past and I can hear him laugh.

And oh gosh I can fall for that laugh.

Wait, what the hell did I just say?

I shook my head and frown in confusion. Why is he laughing at me? Is there some dirt on my face? Does my hair look messy? Make-up's ruined?

My brows knit together as I think of something that can make him laugh but my eyes widened when I finally feel a liquid pouring in my dress –my wine!

"Shit" I mumbled under my breath. My wine spilled on my dress and left a stain on it. I put down my glass and quickly grabbed my purse and ran to the nearest bathroom. I put my purse down the counter and dug into it to find something I can use to remove this stain. I sigh in relief when I found a pack of wet tissue. I know this can't help but I at least need to try.

I kept wiping the stain off but it just got messier, panic runs throughout my whole body. It's really impossible to remove this thing and I just can't go out there with a red stain on my side!

I groan and covered my face with my hands. I just stood there crying for a few minutes. I hate my clumsiness. I always messed things up with my stupid hands. My favorite white dress now has a stain on the side that can be seen even if you're feet away.

I slowly remove my hands and saw my face covered with a mess. Mascara all over and my make-up was all ruined. Great!

I washed the make-up out of my face. If I go back there where my family and friends are with my messed up face and this stained dress, I swear I will look like the groom's desperate ex.

And I don't want to ruin my brother's wedding because of my clumsiness.

As I continue to wash the make-up out of my face, I saw a reflection of a man behind me in the mirror. I slowly turn around not bothering to wipe the dripping water from my face. He glances on the stain and back into my eyes.

His big brown eyes were full of concern as he took off his coat and wrapped it around my shoulder. His coat was big enough to cover the stain and I thank him for that.

"I'm sorry I laughed at you earlier. I should have told you that your wine was dripping but I laughed instead. I'm sorry." He said in a soft voice, putting his hand on the back of his neck, still looking at the red stain on my dress.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize," I said nodding. I forced out a smile and look away when his eyes landed on mine. This is sooo awkward.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asked.

"I don't know. I can't go out there with this dress" I said pointing out on the smudge. "I guess I'll just have to go home. Besides, it's a little bit late now and I have plenty of work tomorrow" I lied. I don't really have work tomorrow and I don't want to go but I know I can't enjoy it anymore. I grab a tissue and dry my face.

"Well, can I give you a ride? It's the least I can do"

"Uhm no, thanks. Really, it's not your fault so don't be apologetic"

"Hmmm. Well, I'll give you a ride anyway, whether you like it or not." He shrugged and quickly grabbed my hand. We ran through the exit and to the parking lot.

I can't believe I managed to run that far with these heels on!

We stopped in front of a black Rolls Royce that is quite amazing because I've never been able to ride a Rolls Royce as I don't have enough money. When he finally released his grip, he pulled out a key and opened the door for me. At first, I was hesitating to accept this man's offer but still hopped into his car, praying this wasn't kidnapping or something that will lead to harassment.

Am I paranoid? Well, yes.

"Seatbelt," he said as he started the engine. I put on the seatbelt and we drove off.

"So, where do you live?" He asked, his eyes focused on the road.

"2254 Greenville Street" I answered while looking at the window. The streets were quiet which is understandable because it's pretty late now. I suddenly feel sleepy so I closed my eyes and tried to relax.

Maybe if I sleep a bit this trip will go faster

"Hmmm. I didn't know we're neighbors" he said after a few silences that made my eyes open wide and my jaw drop.

"So you're the guy who moved next door?" I asked looking at him. I saw him smile and I swear that perfect smile can brighten up every people's day.

"Yap" he emphasizes the 'p' in the word, making a popping sound.
He then nods and say, "I bought the house last month and I just moved last week because my friend and I needed to switch branches." I nod and look back on the window once again.

Silence once again creeps in and I can almost hear his breathing and heart beat.

"Who did you talk to earlier on the phone? You seemed frustrated and-" I stopped and covered my mouth. "Oh gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to ask such stupid question. It's none of my business and I shouldn't have asked you that. I'm so sorry. I can be weird sometimes and ask-" I said as if I'm rapping because of how fast I spoke whenever I get nervous. He cuts me off and shook his head.

"Hey breathe" he laughs, "And no please, don't be sorry. I appreciate your concern but don't worry. It's just because of some busy schedules and problems at work. Thanks for caring though." He said with a smile and wink. I found it cute though because he can't wink.

"What are you doing there by the way? I saw you there sitting alone" he said after a few awkward silences. I appreciate that he's trying to have some little chat but it's not helping my anxiousness as I mentally scold myself on accepting this man's offer of a ride.

"I just talked to my boyfriend and he's on the hospital right now because he had to take care of his mother." I answered, looking back at the window. I saw him nod in the corner of eye.

"Oh, I hope his mom gets well soon."


"Can I ask what your name is? You look so familiar and I'm hoping I met you before."

"Keisha. My name's Keisha. And no, we never met before." I said shaking my head. He nods and chewed on his bottom lips.

I was about to ask him the same question when he suddenly stops in front of my house

"Your house's nice" he said looking out in the window on my side. I nod and say, "Thank you"

I grabbed my purse that was placed down beside my feet and began to unbuckle my seatbelt.

I turn around to face him, "Well, nice meeting you Mr.--"

"Michael. You can call me Michael." He said and smiled.

I nod and hopped out of his car. "Thank you, Michael" I said before turning into my heels and walks in my front gate.

I heard his car drove away and I quickly grabbed the keys from my purse and unlock the door.

When I finally step in, I suddenly feel lonely. My brother used to live here with me. I know I'm going to miss my brother. The fun times we had. Well, it's not like his far away now. In fact, they moved just two houses away from here. I just miss my little brother here with me.

I gently remove my heels off of my feet and place them on the side. I'm not actually used in wearing heels so when I wear them for a long time my feet will hurt. I still can't believe I ran that far without tripping. I just wear them on special occasions and on work.

Luckily, it's my day off tomorrow so it means "No work, No heels" day for me!

I lazily walk upstairs and into my bedroom. I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of Mickey Mouse pajamas. I yawn as I open my bathroom door and step inside.

I blink a few times and slap my palm against my forehead when I noticed that I'm still wearing his coat. Well I can give it to him by tomorrow since we're just neighbors. I got back to my bedroom and gently put down his coat on the bed.

To be honest, he smells good... like gooood!

I walk back to my bathroom, brush my teeth and took off my clothes, tossing them aside. I took a shower and closed my eyes, letting the warm water sprinkle my entire body.

Suddenly, a face of familiar man pops up in my mind that made my eyes shoot open.

Michael. Hair, face, name, all familiar. Have I met him before? But he said we haven't met before so maybe we really haven't met before. Or we just forgot about it?

Wait... what the hell?!

Why am I thinking about him?

I shook my head and continue to bath myself. After a few minutes, I grabbed the white towel that was place near the sink and dry myself off.

I get dressed and lazily walk outside the bathroom and crawl into my bed.

I don't have work tomorrow so I can sleep for as long as I want.


A/N: please excuse any typos or errors. I'm not good at English sorry.

By the way, for those of you who got confused in this part

"Oh ate, you know I'm not a baby anymore, right?" he asks as he pulls away and hold my hand. I nod in response.

"Of course I'm happy and I'm so, so proud of you. I just...I'm going to miss my bunso." I said forcing out a smile. I may be overreacting but I will really miss him.

The word ate and bunso is actually a Filipino word. And you will know in the middle of the story why they can talk in Filipino language.

Ate, which is pronounced as (ah-teh) means elder sister or older female sibling.

Bunso, which is pronounced as (bun-so) not (ban-soh) means youngest child in the family.


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