The mighty rose. male read...

By insanewolfie0

21.7K 298 256

after your mother summer rose died you couldn't stop training it was a regular thing for you and you swore to... More

An invitation to beacon academy
A demonstration of strength
Lending a hand
The Cat's out of the bag
Best day ever

First day of learning

2.9K 46 32
By insanewolfie0

(No pov)

It was a nice calm morning the birds were singing the wind brushing past the trees then Ruby blew a whistle is Weiss's ear

(Pov Weiss)

Ruby: good morning team rwby!

Weiss: what in the world is wrong with you?

Ruby: now that you're awake we can begin the first order of business

Weiss: excuse me?

Yang: decorating!

Blake: we still need to unpack and clean

I saw that y/n wasn't here

Weiss: where's your brother he should be here helping us

Ruby: well he went to class already

Weiss: when?

Yang: about an hour ago

Ruby blew the whistle in my ear again

(Pov you)

I walked into the doors of my first class professor ports class

Port: ah y/n you're rather early

Y/n: the others are unpacking right now so it's just me

Port: what about you didn't you bring anything along with you?

Y/n: just my suit

Port: oh and I see you're not wearing school attire

Y/n: such clothing restricts my movements it's only an obstacle for fighting


Port: monsters, demons, prowlers of the night yes the creatures of Grimm have many names but I merely refer to them as prey and you shall too upon graduating From the prestigious academy now as I was saying

Port talked mainly about his childhood which was his way of teaching us because he had a few encounters with Grimm and had different ways to kill or stop the beast which I would say is useful to most but my strength is more than enough to destroy those vermin

While talking Ruby was goofing off not paying attention doodling on paper and sleeping and I could see Weiss's visible anger on her face

Port: now who's thinks they can represent these qualities of a huntsman or huntress

Me and Weiss raised our hands

Port: then go get your equipment Ms Schnee and Mr Rose

I walked down to the area where Port was

Port: don't you need your weapon?

Y/n: such a tool is only a burden in battle if it were to break or lose it at the moment of truth it would be pointless to keep fighting if you rely on that weapon I rely on my strength alone to destroy these pest

Port: well said my boy now stand here

Infront of me was a cage and when Weiss returned he opened it up and a boartusk came rolling and me but the moment it made contact with me it fell back and one of its tusk broke off

Y/n: is that all you have? Pathetic beast you're nothing but a disease a plague on the world on I will be the one to cleanse it

I grabbed the Grimm by the head and crushed it turning it into dust

Port: a true display of power Mr Rose now Ms Schnee please take the stage

Yang: go on Weiss

Blake: fight well

Ruby: represent team rwby!

Weiss: Ruby I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: oh sorry

I was already irritated with Weiss's attitude on the first day words of encouragement and she bashes Ruby for it

Port: alright let the second match begin

He opened the cage and a boartusk came out

It ran at her and she dodged and sliced at it doing no damage

Port: weren't expecting that were you?

Ruby: hang in there Weiss

She charged at the Grimm but only got her sword stuck in its tusk

Port: bold approach I like it

Ruby: c'mon Weiss show it who's boss

Weiss stupidly looked away at Ruby and the boartusk threw her back and her sword behind itself

Port: what will you do without your weapon?

She dodged another attack and took that time to run and grab her sword

Ruby: Weiss go for its belly there's no armor underneath

Weiss: stop telling me what to do!

The boartusk started it's spinning attack and Weiss stopped it with a glyph and used another to propel herself at it stabbing it in the stomach

Port: bravo it appears we are in the presence of a true huntress and huntsman in training I'm afraid that all the time we have for today be sure to cover the assigned readings and stay vigilant class dismissed

Weiss glared at Ruby and walked off

Jaune: sheesh what's with her?

After the bell rang Ruby ran after Weiss I followed to make sure nothing physical happened but out of sight

Ruby: Weiss

Weiss: what?

Ruby: what's wrong with you?

Weiss: what's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader and all you've been is a nuisance

Ruby: what's did I do?

Weiss: that's it you've done nothing to earn your position back in the forest you acted like a child and only continued to do so your brother and I had to step in to save you

Ruby: Weiss where's this coming from? What happened to all the talk about working together I thought you believed in acting as a team

Weiss: not a team led by you I've studied and trained and frankly I deserve better ozpin made a mistake

Weiss walked away and Ruby looked down in defeat until she turned around and saw ozpin

Ozpin: hmm now that didn't seem to go very well

Ruby: is she right? Did you make a mistake?

Y/n: no he didn't

Ruby: y/n?! I didn't see you there

Y/n: because I was hiding to hear what Weiss had to say and frankly those aren't very good reasons to want to have a different leader

Ruby: but...

Y/n: no buts. listen it's only the first day she had no right to say anything when it's only just that the first day besides dad told me about mom being a leader and he said she was childish at times but always was there when she needed to be and acted like a leader so don't let someone talk you down get back up and keep striving to be a better person

Ozpin: excellent speech y/n and he's right I've made more mistakes than any man, woman or child but picking you as leader is not one of them

This made Ruby happy and though I did not show it I was happy on the inside

Y/n: I will talk to Weiss about this and change her attitude

Ruby: don't threaten her

Y/n: I didn't say I would I said I would talk to her

I went to find Weiss and I found her on a bench outside so I went up to her

Weiss: what is it ru... Oh it you y/n listen I'm sorry but...

Y/n: be quiet and listen to what I have to say

She tried getting up but I looked at her and she say back down

Y/n: what day is it?

Weiss: it's Monda...

Y/n: I meant what day of school is it?

Weiss: the first?

Y/n: exactly the first we just started and you're already throwing a temper tantrum

Weiss: I am no...

She stopped talking when my aura began showing itself

Y/n: you are listen Ruby acts childish yes but so did my mom

Weiss: really?

Y/n: yes she did but she learned her importance of her role as leader and when she needed to she acted like one so give it time and you'll see that my sister can do what she did all those years ago


Summer: guys look!

Summer was balancing a pencil on her nose

Raven: you act childish sometimes you know that?

Summer: well can't act serious all the time can we?

Qrow: she has a point sis we need to learn to have a time to relax

Tai: c'mon Rav let's relax and maybe you an me could look at the sta...


Raven smack Tai over the hear with her hand as summer and qrow laughed

Raven: *smirk*

Summer: *gasp* you actually smile

Raven: I can smile same as everyone else

Qrow: yeah but you never showed it

Summer: I say we celebrate that smile with a party!

Everyone laughed and enjoyed going to Vale to grab a bite to eat

*Flashback over*

Weiss: she really cared for her team didn't she?

Y/n: it was basically and is her family so yeah she cared and Ruby will turn out like her most likely so give it time and be a teammate and be there for her

Weiss: thank you y/n

Y/n: hmm

Weiss: you know you should smile sometime it's feels great

I left and went back to the dorm along with Weiss and began my meditation

Weiss: hey Ruby I always wanted bunk beds as a kid

Y/n: .... *Smirk*

(Next day)

We were in Goodwitch's class on fighting and jaune was going against Cardin and losing

Cardin: this is the part where you lose

Jaune: over my dead *oof*

Cardin kneed jaune in his happy place

Goodwitch: thats enough students as you can see Mr arks aura is in the red in a tournament style duel this would indicate the jaune is no longer fit for battle and the official may call the match Mr ark it's been weeks now please try to look at your scroll during combat gauging your aura would help you decide when its appropriate to attack or move to a defensive strategy we wouldn't you want to be gobbled up by a beowolf now would we?

Cardin: speak for yourself

Goodwitch: remember the Vytal festival is a few months away now we have time for one more fight who would like to go

I raised my hand

Goodwitch: Mr Rose who would you like to challenge?

Y/n: Team crdl

Goodwitch: who from team crdl

Y/n: all of them

A lot of whispers were going here and there

Goodwitch: Mr Rose that would be unfair

Y/n: in battle "fair" isn't a factor it's getting the job done

Goodwitch: fine the rest of team crdl come up

After they got up I stared them down and they stared back

Cardin: I'm gonna send you crying home to your mommy weakling

Both Ruby and Yang stiffened up after hearing that

Blake: what's wrong?

Ruby pointed towards me

Ruby: that

My aura was radiating from every part of my body

Cardin: what's wrong is your mommy de....

I had a ki ball at his stomach and it enveloped him as he screamed in agony and everyone was in shock I threw him up and it exploded sending him down with no aura and very shallow breathing

The rest of team crdl ran away from me

Goodwitch: y-y/n w-wins


Nora: so there we were surrounded by Ursa

Ren: it was beowolves

Nora: dozens of them!

Ren: two of them

Nora: and ren and I made beowolf rugs that day making a lot of lien

Ren: she's been having this dream for a while now

Jaune was looking down just playing  with his food

Pryhra: jaune are you ok?

Jaune: yeah why?

Ruby: its just you seem a little not ok

Jaune: guys I'm fine seriously look

He put on a fake smile

I heard laughing and saw cardin picking  on a bunny faunus 

Pryhra: cardins been picking  on you since the first week of school 

Jaune: who cardin? Naw he just like to mess around you know practical jokes

Y/n: what he's doing  right now says otherwise

Ruby: he's a bully

Jaune: name one time hes bullied me

We all told him the times cardin has bullied him

Jaune: I didn't land far from the school

Pryhra: jaune  if you ever need help you can just ask

I looked over and saw cardin grabbing her ear and gripping it hard

Y/n: I've had enough of this

I walked over to cardin

Cardin: what a freak

Sky: um cardin look

He pointed  towards me walking to them

Cardin: y/n buddy I was just messing  around and

All the windows in the cafeteria shattered when I punched him in the gut

Y/n: get lost

They did just that

Y/n: are you alright?

Velvet: yes thank you my name is velvet

Y/n: y/n and if they bully you again just find me

Velvet: thank you

She left and I looked  over at the two teams in disappointment

(Pov ruby)

Ruby: oh

Weiss: what?

Yang: his face

Blake: yeah its the same

Ruby: no its a look of disappointment

Weiss: how can you tell

Yang: from living with him

(Pov you)

I went back to the dorm and started  meditating  to get my mind off that


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