
By DancesWithTheDevil

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(NEEDS SERIOUS EDITING. DON'T TOUCH UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) ____ Sometimes, things just never make sense. Kat i... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine

Chapter twenty-four

79 5 0
By DancesWithTheDevil

As if the music wasn't loud enough already, someone decided to turn it up even louder. At that point I could feel the beats of the playing song vibrate throughout my entire body, I could not only feel my heart beat against my chest but also hear it in my ears. Aaron's hand was tight against mine as we walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple boxes of pizza and two cups of beer. I shook my head when he offered one, barely being able to tell what he was mouthing, but he picked one up anyway. 

We were in his room in a few seconds, the door shut tightly behind us...locked. The music sounded a lot dimmer behind closed doors, I thought as I placed the pizza boxes down on Aaron's bed while he settled the two plastic cups on the nearby bed-side table. He switched on the lights, and then walked over to his window and drew the curtains shut.

"You sure you don't want to dance?" He asked, flipping one of the pizza boxes open.

I shook my head, "No way."

"It's fun," he said.

"It's loud, sweaty, and just messy." I shuddered.

"How many parties have you been to anyway?" He asked after taking a bit of his pizza slice and offering me one.

I took it, pepperoni, my favorite.

"Two? I think. Maybe three. Amy and Jace would have to drag me to these kind of things." I said, then began chewing on the slice.

Delicious. "This is so good."

"I know."

I shifted more comfortably on the bed, crossing my legs Indian style, then took another big bite.

I glanced at Aaron and narrowed my eyes at him. "How many slices have you had so far?"

He grabbed the open box and tuned it so I couldn't see its contents, or rather lack-of its contents. His mouth was full so he held up two fingers. Obviously, I didn't believe him.

I pointed at the cheese and tomato sauce smeared around his mouth.

"I'm a meshy eacher." He tried to say.

"What?" I parented to not understand.

He looked away nervously, swallowing while he was at it. "I'm a messy eater...?"

I raised an eyebrow, then quickly grabbed the box. "Aaron!"


"There's only two pieces left!"

"It was a small sized pizza."

"Don't lie to me, I saw the eight pieces before you opened it. You ate five pieces while I ate one."

"I'm a fast eater, and a growing teen." He shrugged.

"That's not a good excuse, Aaron."

"Shut up, you're not my mom."

"But it's bad for you..."

"I don't care."

"I do!"

He sighed. "Fine. I'll do it only on occasions."

"Deal. I wouldn't be complaining if you ate healthy food like that, but it's pizza."

"You're just saying this 'cause you don't want me to lose my beautiful abs." He rubbed his hand over his shirt, leaving a smear of cheese in its way.

"Not gonna deny it." I said, tilting my head to the side.

He laughed. "You don't have to worry about my healthy, Kat. I'm only eating this way one, because it's summer vacation and I feel free to do whatever I wish. Two, back home Adam has me under a very strict diet. We even have treadmills and other machines for working out."

"Okay, whatever you say." I sighed.

He grinned, and grabbed another slice. I picked one up too, eating it slowly as I thought of Aaron working out...shirtless...

"Kat?" Aaron was waving his hand in my face.


"You were daydreaming again. What were you thinking about?"

"Uh, nothing." I avoided his eyes.

"Do you want a drink?" He asked with a smirk. I bet he knew what I was thinking about...

"No, thanks."

"I can get you soda."

"It's probably already spiked."

"I have one somewhere here, so you don't have to worry about that." He stood from the bed, tipping the pizza boxes, they would've slipped off if he didn't reach out and hold them in place.

"Okay, sure."

He smiled, his eyes twinkling. I struggled to catch my breath and looked away.

My gaze landed on a pile of books on the floor in one of the corners in his room. I got up, wiping my hands on a tissue I conveniently found in my pocket to remove the oils from the pizza. I picked up the first book in the pile, flipped it over, and began reading the blurb on the back.


I turned around, set the book back, and took a big gulp of the soda.

We went back and sat on Aaron's bed again. I put down my drink over the unopened pizza box.

"Can you do this?" I asked. I bent my right leg and placed it on my left thigh, then did the same for my left leg but on my right thigh.

"How the hell did you do that?" He stared at my legs as if they were magic.

"You've never seen anyone do it before?"

"I have, but I always thought it takes a lot more effort than that."

"My mom got into the whole yoga thing last year. I picked up a few things along the way." I explained.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"Only if you're out of shape, I think. It doesn't hurt right now, 'cause I've done it a billion times. Do you want to try?"

He stared at my legs with an exaggerated look of fear on his face.

"It's really not that hard. Here, I'll...guide you." The words felt awkward in my mouth, so I cleared my throat and shifted forward.

We moved the pizza to the side so it wasn't between us anymore. Our knees touched, the rough material of his dark jeans brushing against my bare skin.

"Okay, first thing, you have to straighten your back." I demonstrated, sitting up straighter.

Aaron copied, then waited as I gave him the next step.

"Bend your knee like this...Yeah, like that, but try not to kick me in the face please."

He laughed, "No promises."

I shook my head. "That's not a guaranteed answer, Aaron. Now try to get this leg over here."

I tugged at the material of Aaron's jeans, guiding his right leg over his left thigh.

"That's not hard."

"Yeah, now get this one of there." I said, pointing at his other leg.

"Easy." He lifted his leg and tugged it over his thigh.

It slipped.


"Shut up." He muttered.

"Try again."

It might've been twenty tries later when he said, "I give up."

"Don't. But we can have a break."

We finished the last box of pizza, and I downed the last of my soda.

"Are you sure you don't want a bear?"

"I'm sure."

"Just a sip?"

I snorted. "You're trying to get me drunk?"

"No! Just...loosen up a bit. Have some fun."

"I am having fun. With you."

He smiled softly, then shifted forward so he was sitting beside me. I slid down from leaning against his bed's headboard, and layed on my side. He slid down as well and placed an arm over my side to push me closer to his chest. I snuggled up to him, burying my face into his chest and inhaling his scent.

His fingers played with my hair, twirling it around. He tugged a bit too hard at times, but I didn't mind.


I pulled back a bit. He titled my chin up, held my face there for a few seconds before grazing his lips against mine, painfully slow. I felt him move away but I pressed my lips harder against his before he could create any significant distance between us.

"Kat." He whispered.

"What?" I looked at his face, my eyes memorizing every inch of it.

There was a loud bang from downstairs that made me edge a away from Aaron a few inches.

There was a moment then...When we kissed. It was like I forgot there was loud music in the house, like there weren't a bunch of people partying right underneath us. As if time froze around us, it was just us.


I hesitated, then moved my hand and pressed it against Aaron's chest. I felt his heart beat underneath my hand, thud, thud, thud.

I kissed his again. But this time I could hear the trashy music and drunk laughter, I tasted the pepperoni in his mouth. My hand trailed up to his face, up to his hair, my fingers lost in his mop of dark hair.

"I'm glad you didn't drink that cup." I breathed after pulling back for a second.

"Why?" He smiled, his lower lip caught between his teeth.

My fingers found the skin on his face again, my thumb traced his lips, causing him to let go of his bottom lip.

I moved my hand back to his chest to feel his heart again.

"Because, I hate beer-breath."

He laughed softly, my hand moving along with his chest slowly.

"Can we try something?"


I gave him a blank stare. "No."

His hand trailed down to my waist, "What, then?"

"Well...I was thinking, we could..." I took a deep breath. It was hard to think with his hand on my waist like that. "I want to take you somewhere in my dreams."

"You mean in the dreams?" His eyes widened slightly.

"Yeah...but where should we go?"

"Can I choose?"

"Of course," I smiled.

"So...right now?"

"What else could we be doing?" I asked.

"Nothing cooler than what we're about to." He grinned.

"But going into my dreams requires sleep, and I don't know when I should be home..."

"Stay the night."

I laughed, "I don't think so."

"Your parents trust me," he pointed out.

"Yeah, but they were there when you slept over last time."

"Ask them, I don't think they'd mind."

I sighed and found my phone, "It's only ten PM. I don't have to-"

"I'm not walking you home at one in the morning, and who knows how long we'll stay. Call."

I sighed again and called my mom.

"Hey, honey. How's the party?"

"Great, mom..."

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

Aaron nudged me with his foot and mouthed 'Ask her'.

"Can I stay the night?" I blurted.

"I don't know, is it okay with Aaron? And is there going to be an adult there?"

"Yeah, it's okay with him. And his older brother is going to be here."

"Okay, but no funny business. I trust you both. Hand Aaron the phone, your father wants to have a talk with him."

I groaned."What? How come this didn't happen he came over?"

"We were in the other room."

"Knew this would happen..." I muttered. I passed Aaron my phone with a 'Told you so' expression.

I watched as he answered a few questions, then laughed as his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Yes, alright...Goodnight to you too, sir." He gave me back my phone with a weak smile.

"That was awkward," He commented.

"I warned you, I could've just avoided this whole awkward situation."

"Whatever, I get to keep you for a night, again. It was worth it."

I tried not to blush, but that's a lot more difficult to do than it seems.

"Now, the hard part is how we're going to sleep..." I said.

"You're right, I'm not sleepy at all." He said.

Very helpful.

"We could read a really boring book?" He suggested.

"Do you have a boring book?"

"No. My books are all awesome." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Get off."

"What? Why? What did I do?"

"Nothing." I laughed at his expression. "I just want to pull back the blankets and turn off the lights."

"You're evil."

I gave him what I thought was the most evil laugh I could ever muster.

"That goes very well with my argument, and poorly with yours." But he laughed anyway. I must've sounded funny and not evil at all.

"Seriously. Move."

We got off and moved the pizza boxes and my empty soda can off the bed. "Do you want to change? I have a few baggy t-shirts."

"That would be great," I said, stifling a yawn.

He rummaged through his clothes and threw me a ginormous t-shirt. "Why do you even own a shirt this big?"

"Adam thought it would be funny to pretend he forgot my size."

I laughed.

"Are you standing with the enemy?" He asked.

"Only on this. I wish I could see the look on your face."

"Change." He said, then turned to look away.

I obeyed. I took of my shirt first, then slipped on the baggy t-shirt. The sleeves fell beneath my elbows, the end of the t-shirt reached up to my mid thighs. I took my shorts off after that, just incase Aaron decided to peek.

I wasn't sure if I would mind or not if he did...

I shook my head at the thought and pulled my hair back and tied it in a knot. Then I snuggled back in bed as Aaron found his own pajamas.

"Are you seriously taking that long to pick your pajamas?" I asked when I felt he was taking too long.

"I'm looking for these specific...aha! Found it."

He walked over and I wasn't sure if I should laugh or not. "Are you wearing pizza patterned boxers?"

"Yep." He declared proudly.

"Oh god..."

"I know, I bet you wish you were a man to wear these."

"Not really."

He chuckled, switched off the lights, then dived under the sheets. But not before I caught a beautiful angle of his abs. He definitely works out.

"How come you eat so much and still have so much muscle?" I asked.

"Wanna touch?" He grabbed my hand and pressed it against his arms.

"Aaron!" I blushed, pulling my hand back.

He shrugged. "You enjoyed it while it lasted."

I did.

Then I yawned.

"Someone's already sleepy."

"You're a boring person."

"Haha, so mean."

"I thought I was evil."

"You are."

"Shut up and let me sleep." I said, my eyes feeling heavy.

"But I'm not sleepy!"

"Not my fault." I closed my eyes ans snuggled tightly against the sheets, my head comfortably on Aaron's pillow.

His pillow, blankets...it all smelt just like him.

"Night." I whispered.

"Good night, Katarina."

I drifted to sleep with a small smile on my lips.



Aaron's voice sounded so excited, I was genuinely curious to see over what. My eyes opened.

"I found walking gummy bears!"

"Eff you, Aaron."


We were standing on top of a mountain, it seemed. I felt the clouds around us, the windy breeze cold as ice, and the greenery below us was mind blowingly beautiful.

And right there, a few feet away from where we were standing (decked out in winter clothing), were walking gummy bears. 

"Aaron, what the hell?"

"What? Don't they look adorable?" His face was (still attractively) red from the cold wind. His dark hair peeked out of the hood of his furry coat. Damn...

"Can we eat them?" I asked, eyeing a red gummy bear.

He gaped at me. "No! They have feelings too, and they're alive! How could you want to kill them? Look at them!"

"They look yummy."

"No, no eating the gummy bears. But we can eat the edible snow."

I scrunched my nose up in disgust and shook my head. No way.

He shrugged and bent down to scoop some of the snow from the mountain earth. He took a bite and moaned. A really attractive sound, just a note. "This is so good."

"It tastes like snow, ew." I said.

"No, it tastes like candy. Try it. C'mon."

I shrugged. Bending down, I scooped the snow off the ground and licked it as a test before biting a small chunk out of it. 

"It tastes like vanilla slushies." I said, taking another bite.

"Hey," he took another bite. "It does!"

I laughed. "You look and sound like a child."

He grinned before removing all emotion off his face. "This better?"

"Yep. Now you look like a douche."

He shook his head. "If I didn't like you so much, I'd insult you. But I'm nice to the people I like."

I rolled my eyes. "How much do you like me?"

"Like...I like you more than I like my friends?"

His friends were assholes, no one liked them.


"Okay, wait, I have a better one...I like you more than I like my parents."

"You hate your parents."


I shook my head. "You suck at being romantic."

"I don't. All the girls I've dated before you say I'm the best at romance."

"See, that's proof." I pointed out.

"Shit." He said, after realizing what he said. "Okay, yeah, I suck."

I gave him a smug smile, accompanied with a nod.

"But you still like me, a lot."

"Blah blah. This conversation's getting boring." I said.

"Okay, so what do we do now?" He asked, grinning as if he won a contest.

"I don't know, we can do anything."

"Skydive? Surf? Tightrope dancing?" He asked.

"I said anything, didn't I?"

He lay on his back, facing the colorful sky. "I still can't believe all this. I mean, it could all be an illusion, or something."

I concentrated then a few seconds later I heard Aaron yelp in surprise.

"How did you do that?" He asked, referring to the snowball that landed on the right side of his face. 

"It couldn't have been me, I'm on your left." I teased. 

"You controlled a snowball to land on my face?!"



"To prove to you that  this isn't an illusion or whatever."


I grinned. "So what do you want to do?"

"Wake up."

I turned to him with a frown. "Seriously?"

"No, are you kidding? I'm having so much fun."

"Wanna kill zombies?" I asked.

His eyes widened. 

"Hell yeah."

Good music on the side>>>

 You're welcome xp

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