The Surrogate ✔️

By halekook

396K 29.7K 8.5K

Jungkook and Jimin hire Jin, a college student, to be a surrogate as Jimin is unable to have kids. *I will n... More



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By halekook

Some months later

Taehyung sat and observed Jin and Jungkook his mind growing with wonder as he stares at the two. For the first time since being with Jin, he had officially felt like he was a third wheel interfering with a moment he shouldn't be.

He knew it was the twins' birthday party, and both of them were excited to celebrate the kids' birthday. Still, he saw even during cutting the cake how Jungkook's eyes were glued to Seokjin, which causes him to get up from his seat around the table, walking over to where they stood, wrapping his arms around Seokjin and kissing his temple.

Jin turned with a smile on his face and wrapped his arms around Taehyung, "I thought you were going to skip out on the cake."

"I was, knowing that I will have something much sweeter later," he said Jin's lips, but the two were interrupted by the sound of broken glass.

"Shit, sorry," Jungkook mumbled, and Jin pulled away from Taehyung.

"Woah," Yoonji muttered and tried to move towards the glass, but Jin took both her and Yoongi's hand to removed them away from where the broken glass was on the floor, not wanting them to get hurt.

As Jungkook cleaned up the pieces of the glass that had fallen from him, he looks over at Jin, "I will replace it."

"It's fine; make sure all the broken pieces are cleaned up. Get a wet napkin and wipe over the area, too, to remove any fine pieces that maybe there. Taehyung, do you mind helping him, please?"

Taehyung stared at Jin for a moment before he took a deep breath and walked towards the sink to get a napkin and wet it as Seokjin had recommended.


"No, stay right here." Jin held his grip onto Yoonji, who was trying to run over to her father. "Cake." Yoongi pointed to the cake on the table, and Jin looked down at him, "you will have cake once they are done, okay?...... Can you both hurry the kids want cake."

Both Jungkook and Taehyung turned to look at Jin, who was staring at them expectantly. Taehyung was about to say something, but he saw the look Yoongi was giving him, and that was enough to make him swallow his words. Deciding he would reserve his comments for a later time.

After the broken glass was all cleaned up and Jungkook used his barefoot to check the floor thoroughly before the kids were allowed to roam around again, having fun and having a slice of cake each.

The atmosphere, however, was very different for the three adults until Jin called it a night, prompting Jungkook to get ready to go home.

"Jin, can you walk out with me?" Jungkook asked as he got ready to leave after kissing his kids goodbye.

"Sure," Jin got up from where he was sitting, he made Tae aware he would be back as he followed Jungkook out of his house.

Feeling the cold wind brush against his skin, Jin wrapped his arms around himself, gritting his teeth together as he walked with Jungkook to his car who was walking silently next to him.

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" Jin questioned, not wanting to be out in the cold too long as they came to a stop in front of Jungkook's car.

He watched as Jungkook shook his head, and before he could comprehend what was happening, he was pulled into his arms, enclosed in his warm jacket, their body pressed together as their lips connected.

The coldness Jin felt suddenly turned to heat as Jungkook deepen their kiss, his hand grips onto Jungkook's shirt and he pulls away feeling breathless.

Jungkook's intense stare makes him swallow, and he takes a step back, "A-are you crazy?"

"I don't know, am I?" Jungkook questions taking a step towards Jin, who takes a step back.

Jin's heart was beating fast as he stared at the man before him, "I think you should go home."

"Figured you would say that. Have fun tonight, I guess." Jungkook shakes his head and turns towards his car.


"It's fine, Seokjin; I am a big boy, it was a mistake, after all, right?"

"That's not what I was going to say." Jin tries walking towards Jungkook, but he gets into his car and slams the door. He drove out as fast as he could out of Jin's driveway.

Hearing the screeching tires, Taehyung peeps through the window to see Jin with his arms wrapped around him, looking down an empty road.


Taehyung presses his lips against Jin's bare shoulder as the two comes down from their high. Keeping his arms around Jin's waist, he continues giving him soft kisses along his shoulder blades, "tell me it's temporary." he whispers in between kisses as tears fall out his eyes, onto Jin.

Jin could hear the brokenness in Taehyung's voice and turns to face him, "What's wrong? What are you talking about?"

"Your feelings for Jungkook, tell me it's temporary."

Jin's eyes became wide in the darkness of his bedroom. "Please don't lie to me," Taehyung whispers trying his best to hold onto whatever sanity he had.

"I don't know." Jin lets out and tries to pull away from Taehyung, but he kept him in place.

"Stay, please, I want us to talk."

Jin was silent for a moment as he contemplated what he wanted to say, "I am sorry."

"Don't apologize for what you feel, just tell me, what happened? Did I do something?"

It broke Jin's heart, hearing Taehyung ask the question he was asking him, "No, oh gosh no, you are perfect, it's me, I-I am messing things up, I don't know what I am doing anymore."

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I love you-"

"Then why do you have feelings for him?"

"I don't know. I have been asking myself the same question, but if I am honest, it's been hard."

Taehyung took a deep breath and stared down at Jin, "Why?"

"I love you, but at the same time, something within me feels deeply towards him, and I know it's wrong, I have betrayed you and what we have, and worst I am hurting two people I care about."

There was a long moment of silence before Taehyung spoke, which was worry Jin, but he finally spoke, "do I even want to know the extent to where things have gotten between the two of you?"

Taehyung felt Seokjin stiffen in his arms, and that was enough to answer his question.


Jungkook kicked the cover from himself and cursed out loudly in annoyance as his doorbell continued ringing nonstop. He didn't know who was insane enough to be ringing off his doorbell the way they were, but he was ready to give them a piece of his mind.

As he unlocked and swung his front door open, he frowns upon seeing Taehyung standing there.

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk." Taehyung lets out and pushes past him.

All the sleepiness left Jungkook's eyes as he turns to face the man who walked into his home as if he was given an invitation. "About?"


"What about Seokjin?"

"I am going to ask him to marry me, but I figure before I do, I make sure you and I are on the same page, considering your kids will at some point have to live with me."

Jungkook pulls his head back and stares at Taehyung as if he was talking nonsense, "I am sorry, what the fuck did you say?"

"Which part did I lose you at, me asking Seokjin to marry me, or your kids living with me?"


A/N: Flashbacks will take place at the right time, your curious questions will be answered. Next chapter will continue with a well-needed dialogue between Taekook.

The pieces will fall where they need to. 

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