The Question of a Lifetime {E...

By amethystjewel04

33.6K 717 109

It's Rory's pre-graduation party, and she's not feeling too good. Lorelai has her concerns and thoughts, but... More

5||Graduating Gift
I'm Sorry! Please don't kill me!!


1.1K 30 4
By amethystjewel04

Earlier... Four days ago...

Rosemary was packing her bags furiously, tears strolling down her face. Her roommate walked in and asked her what she was doing.

"I have to leave. You have to hide. Please, I can't let them hurt you too." Rosemary said turning to her.

"What? What are you--?"

Banging and yells started to grow in the distance.

"GO! HIDE!" Rosemary cried as she pushed her friend into the bathroom. Her friend locked the bathroom and then hid in the closet in the bathroom.

The door banged open, crashing into the wall.

Rosemary dived for under the bed, but a man grabbed her. She yelled and screamed and kicked and fought. But it was no use. She had to go with them to save her family and her friends. However, she was stupid enough to drag Stephanie in her mess. Hell, she should've just downed the bottle of brandy than spill her darkest secret, but she did. She whispered the secret in Steph's ear--a loophole to the game they were playing. She was stupid and she knew he was there that night, watching her.

All because of a stupid wrong number three weeks before she turned eighteen.

Rosemary was dragged down the fire exit to the back door and was thrown into the back of the van along with her half packed duffle bag. At least they cared enough to let her have clothes of her own. They then tied up her hands and and legs.

"Ow! Careful! No wonder all of are have no girlfriends, you can't even treat a girl right! Throwing me in the back of van, you all are morons and jerks."

"Shut up!" a guy slapped a piece of duck tape on her mouth and all she could say were muffled sounds.

"That's better. Boss has missed you so much Rosie. He can't wait for you to walk down the aisle in a pretty white dress. The preparations are already in order."

Rosemary cried against the duck tape in protest, her tears falling freely. She didn't want to marry that son of a monkey! She wanted to marry Finn, she loves Finn, but now it won't happen. After hours of driving, Rosemary is carried out of the van. She was sleepy so she didn't pay attention to her surroundings very much.

"I'll make sure you have the best room, my love. Your maid of honor has arrived safely. She will become the nanny for our kids."

He continued to ramble on short sentences, but Rosemary wasn't listening.


When Rosemary woke up groggy and tingly. The must've given her a sedative after that horrid nightmare the first night she was here. Rosemary felt awful, but I guess sense she's been out for a few days it makes sense. She needed the sleep, though. Rosemary always had a hard time sleeping and sometimes be afraid to sleep. She felt the duck tape gone and she could move freely again, but there was this annoying sound coming from somewhere... she sat up quickly and looked around. In one corner of the room was a floor to ceiling cage with a couple canaries, a blue jay, a robin, and a parrot. Rosemary groaned and fell back on the bed. Then she remembered her phone. She had stuffed it down her bra before she started packing, she went in searching for it only to find it gone.

"Looking for this?"

Rosemary looked at the corner across from the birds, by the door and gasped. She scrambled away, pressing her back against the head board. The man that was keeping her prisoner held up her phone before pocketing it.

"I've got to hand it to you. It was a creative spot to hide something from me. But it wasn't that hard to find. A rectangle in your shirt was present when I laid you down. Have you been going to the gym or the spa? Because you look radiant, my love. Almost glowing. But I guess that must be for the excitement for our up coming wedding. Oh and don't worry, it'll be a small gathering. Just like you wanted all those years ago. And I will personally email your friends a live broadcast so that they may join the audience virtually."

"Why-Why are you doing this?"

"I love you, Rosie. And you will be my wife." He got up to leave but then turned to her, "Your friend is safe. Her room is right through that door. I wouldn't try anything if I were you. There are cameras.

Later that afternoon, the mysterious man (Rosemary and Steph's kidnapper/warden) went to give his older brother a visit at work. He went up the elevator to the top floor and walked to the CEO office and found his brother working.

"Hey Robbie, I need a favor."

"What do you want brother?"

"I need you to clear this phone for me. Make sure no one can track it. Or call and text it." he placed the phone on his brother's desk.


"Just do it!" he growled at his brother, only to receive an eye roll.

"Geez, you don't have to explode little brother. I'll get it done. When do you need it by?"

"How long will it take you?"

"A week at least."

"Can't you do it today?!" he whined.

 [A/N: Gosh, for some reason his voice is sounding like such a child when he's supposed to be in his mid-twenties, and it annoys me. Sorry, I just needed to say that.]

"I'm busy with the company Roland."

"Fine, whatever."

"Bye Rolo."

"Don't call me that!"

"You're my little brother, I can do whatever I want."

"I'm only twenty months younger than you!"

"Exactly. Now go away I have work to do."


David let Miss Blade into his office, but didn't look up at her as she strutted in wearing rumbled clothing and all professionalism gone like the smeared mascara on her cheeks.

"Not only were you warned once, but twice and now this act. Miss Blade your cousin may have been a good friend of mine, but I made no promises to him. He was even shocked that you lasted as long as you did here, but I find it absolutely horrifying and disgusting that you go after a taken and committed man that just so happens to be a new addition to this family as well as back ground of deep pockets as I'm sure you are very aware of. I believe that it is in your best interest to leave this company and this city. And I'm sure it will be hard to find a job with these two sexual harassment notices. Best to you in the real world. Now get out."

"But sir!"

"Get out!" David snapped at her, looking up from his computer with a glare.

"It's a misunderstanding! He was coming on to me!" She pleaded.

"Really? Because I swear it was you that was naked in his office, not him."

"He threatened me!" She squeaked.

David laughed loudly, "How stupid do you think I am?"

"Sir, I don't--"

"Save it! You are fired! Get out and leave your passes and ID with security on your way out."

"But sir!"

"You are FIRED! Now get OUT!" David yelled, nearly growling. Gad she was exhausting and obliviously annoying.


Later that evening, Rory and Logan were cuddling up on the couch watching The Twilight Zone when both their phones rang. They glanced at each other before picking up their phones.



"WHAT?!" They both exclaimed into their phones.

"What do you mean you have Rosemary's phone?!"

"Okay Aliana, breathe. I need you to breathe."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Aliana, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Did you call Finn? Why not?"

"Aliana listen to me very carefully. You are in the back restroom, correct?"

"Okay, okay. You need to track her phone when he comes back for it. I never would of thought that little Rolo could be such a-- sorry, man but it's the truth."

"There is a stairway on the left, end of the short corridor. I need you to quickly make your way to the top floor where the CEO office is. Tell Mr. Hayden that I sent you and he will have you stay on that floor until the work day ends."

"Well can't you just track it?!"

"It's okay, you'll be okay. He's getting fired for harassment and near hostage situation, man what is wrong with people as of late?" Rory murmured more to herself, but she was clear enough for Alaina and Logan to hear. 

Logan had turned to look at her with confusion and concern, Rory held up her hand as a signal for him to wait.

"Wait what? What do you mean it's after hours." Rory sputtered.

Logan quickly started to talk to Robert about the Hayden Law Firm and to immediately call the police over there.

"Right time difference..." Rory muttered, "Okay. Okay. Um, where are you?"

"Aliana? Aliana?" Rory asked repeatedly after hearing silence. She looked down at her phone and saw her home screen. The call ended.

Rory looked at Logan, scared.

"Logan..." Rory whispered, her worry was skyrocketing.

"Okay, Robert. Thank you. I really appreciate you going down there to check it out." Logan said into his phone and then hung up and Logan brought Rory in close.

"Deep breaths, deep breaths. Everything is going to be okay. Robert is going down there with his security team and the police." Logan explained calmly as he held her, one hand rubbing her back soothingly while the other rested on her hip, his thumb caressing the slight bump in her abdomen.

Rory nodded against his chest. She calmed her self and melted into his embrace, the soothing motion of his hand on her back had her eyes drooping.

"Let's get to bed. We'll be updated tomorrow." Logan kissed the top of her head before gently moving so he could get up and then pick her up to carry her to their bed and go to sleep.

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