Akame Ga Kill x Male Reader (...

By Angel_Batuza

146K 2.3K 2.1K

(Y/n) was a young boy who lived in the capital. He lived happily with his family that is until he knew what t... More

The Girl with Blue hair
First Job
Sheele's Killer
Second Job
Happy Birthday!
Aftermath Part 2
Aftermath Part 3
Reccoinasance Mission
Halloween Special
Another Chance
Reminiscing the Past
Another Way Part 2
Another Way Part 3
Another Way Part 4
Raging Battle
Thank you for 50k!!
Raging Battle Conclusion
Question for you readers.
No chapter update this weekend
Quick Update
Home part 2
Home part 3
Home ??
No update this week
Girl Talk
(Y/n) vs Veliona
Internal Troubles
New Fanfic
First Chapter of New Fanfic
Short Update

Another Way

2.3K 46 32
By Angel_Batuza

"It won't work"

Esdeath walked down the empty corridor. Those words lingering in her head over and over again.

30 minutes ago

Esdeath: Are you sure of that?

Kurome looked at Esdeath with a hint of sadness and nodded.

Kurome: I can only manipulate bodies of people I have already slain.. I can control up to 8 as well.. But anything like reviving a body that has been slain by something else.. I am not capable of that. If I was then some of the people I cared about would still be here..

Esdeath closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

Esdeath: I see. I apologize for bringing up any bad memories.

She approached Kurome and patted her head gently and began to take her leave.

Kurome: Hey Esdeath, is there someone you want back? Someone you care about?

Said person stopped at the opened door and without turning around spoke.

Esdeath: Something like that.

She said nothing else and began her trek once more.


Esdeath was racking her brains for an answer until instead came an idea in her mind.

Esdeath: The Library yes.. I could find some valuable information there.

She started making her way. Until she stumbled upon a huge door with a lock in the center. She didn't have her key to this part of the castle but she did have her abilities. She quickly forged a key of ice and turned the lock. The door opened with a loud freaking noise followed by a gust of wind brushing past her.

This part of the Castle was accessible to only a few and they had a key for it. Though they never used it for anything as they saw no profit in it. But sucks for them cuz knowledge is a very VERY powerful thing.

Esdeath cleared a table and began looking through thousands of books. Sorting what might have answers and putting back what deemed worthless.

She found her picks and began to rummage through.

With (Y/n)

Normally he'd walk around the Night Raid base until he found something to do. Najenda limiting him to certain missions and forced to partner up was quite annoying. So to say he found the partnering up part to be alright at first but now he just seemed to be quite annoyed at everything.

(Y/n): Could really use some action.. Should go find Esdeath and try to kick her ass..


Esdeath: *Achoo* Damned assassin's.. must be planning something, well whatever. They must have learned their lesson with their last slip up.

Back with (Y/n)

An endless walk it was. Until a certain store got his attention.

(Y/n: What.. Do we have here?

He walked towards the shop. Well smithy so to say and he couldn't help but take a deep breath through his nose to smell the smoke coming from the back of the shop confirming there was someone back there.

He rung the bell that was on the counter and noticed the hammering had stopped but was followed by a muffled grunt.

A man came out the back he had black dirt spots around his face proving he was working on some kind of weapon. If the sweat didn't prove he was working his ass off. The smithy was around 6'2 and had a thick beard and white hair.

Andre: The name is Andre. Andre the Smith.

His voice was quite deep but it didn't daze him.

(Y/n): My name is (Y/n). Andre if I may ask where are you from?

He didn't look like he was from here. Hell he looked nothing like the people or citizens he has seen walking around the empire.

Andre: From a far place. I used to Smith weapons for the ashened one but those days are over.

Ashened one? What the heck was he talking about? What is he? From another world?

(Y/n): Ashened one? Wha- Did ash meet fire and a flame alighteth?

The smithy laughed at this.

Andre: You have no clue. But enough about me. What brings you here to this store?

What brought him here? Well he saw the sign and noticed it was a smithy. He could use this opportunity to upgrade his Katana.

(Y/n): What are you working on back there?

Andre looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

Andre: It's none of your concern.

He wasn't buying it. If he didn't wanna talk it was definitely something worth his attention.

(Y/n): Anyway I can get you to talk?

He raised his eyebrow again and then smiled.

Uh oh.. That's where it started.. That smile.. That Damned smile..

Andre: There IS something you could do for me and if you manage to get this material for me.. Hell I will not only induldge your curiousness.. But I will reward it with the very object itself.

Material? What kind of material? Whatever it was he hoped it had to do with ice. He REALLY had a bone to pick.

(Y/n): I see.. what kind of material? Is it in a cold area? If so I think I know exactly where to get it.

Ok he REALLY had a bone to pick..

Andre: Oh no no my friend. Quite the opposite. A hot normal material. A feather of sorts.

A feather? He needed a feather for a weapon?

(Y/n): A feather?

Andre nodded his head and went to the back to retrieve an item. He came back out with a wrapped envelope.

Andre: I have sent many others.. And they have not returned.

(Y/n) nodded to himself. Because good thing he wasn't "Others".

Andre unwrapped the envelope and spread it open on the counter.

He began giving the details to him.

2 hours later with Esdeath

She slammed a book and threw another one.

Esdeath: Nothing. Nothing. NOTHING!!!

She began destroying books one by one.

Esdeath: All these books and non offer what I am searching for!!! This is useless! Useless! Useless! USELESS!!!

She brought down both her hands on the table she was reading on causing it to break in half from the strength behind her blow. She took deep ragged breaths.

Esdeath: This.. Isn't fair..

Suddenly.. as if a God gave her this miracle. A miracle for her someone who was cold as ice and found joy in killing others. Her eyes looked at the book she was about to destroy. But the title got her attention.

Esdeath: A Fire that burns forever..?

She looked at the cover and saw a fire the shape of a phoenix. She slowly grabbed a stool that luckily didn't suffer her wrath and began to read.

Esdeath: A very dangerous danger beast.. Hunted for Generations but returning over and over again..

She kept on reading.

Esdeath: It is said that the blood of this creature had incredible healing capabilities..


She kept on reading.

Esdeath: Proven 500 years ago when a man that was once deceased.. Was brought back to life the moment some of the creatures blood was placed in his mouth!!!!

She stood up breathing heavily and heart pounding unlike anything before.

Esdeath: The creature was last seen in the- The last part was worn out.

No.. Nononono..

She was so close.. So very close she was NOT going to stop here. She began to look closer at the worn out part and she could start to see some letters..

Esdeath: H E A V E N S P E A K

She suddenly realized.. A phoenix tends to fly and rarely ever lands. If she were a phoenix what would be a good place to hide and not be seen by anyone where it roam the sky with no worries. It says it was last seen in Heavens Peak but if it was last seen there.. Where would it go to next? Would it still be there? No, she would have no doubts. If she went an didn't find it there she could track it she WOULD track it and succeed.

She must get ready for the journey. She would have to leave the capital but this was much more important to her. The Emperor would understand.

She smirked and quickly turned to eh big door.

With (Y/n)

(Y/n): ...

Najenda eyed him.

Najenda: No.

He expected that answer but this was important to him he needed to go.

(Y/n): Najenda.. Please I have to do this!

Her answer was unchanged.

(Y/n): Fine but whether you like it or not I WILL go. I just thought I would ask since it seemed rude to just up and dissappear. But then I remember who the hell it was I am.

He turned around and was stopped by a large man with bison like horns and blue hair.

Susano: Lady Najenda said that you won't be going you must listen to her.

(Y/n)'s hand twitched.

(Y/n): Move.. I am not asking you.

He didn't budge. They had no idea how important this was to him.

2 hours before now

(Y/n): What.. Did you just say..?

Andre looked at the boys surprised expression.

Andre: I said I need a feather from the phoenix. But you can help yourself to it's blood I heard it had amazing healing capabilities or could maybe bring someone back to life.

Bring someone back.. to life? Was that even possible? Could.. could he?

(Y/n): Tell me EVERYTHING you know and I will get you as many feathers as you need me to.

This gave the smithy a smile.

Andre: Hope you can back those words up.


(Y/n) was slowly reaching for his blade until a pain from his neck stopped him from pulling it out and instead hold the cut that Akame had made a long time ago.

(Yn): What the..?

He quickly shook it off and let out a loud sigh.

(Y/n): How can I convince you to allow me to depart? Whatever thing that smithy is offering to me it's hard to pass up. Hell it might give me an edge in combat against Esdeath.

He wanted to beat her with his own power but he had to find a way to sway her.

Najenda: and what might this item be? Have you seen it? Used it?

She threw him some questions to which he had no answers to.

(Y/n): I have not seen it not have I used it but.. If I return with the asked material he will not only show me it he will award me with said object.

Najenda eyed him suspiciously.

Najenda: You have another reason. A more personal reason. It is not my place to ask but why do you need this material so badly?

Why? Well of course to bring someone important back to him. To give her a second chance. To do what he failed to do the first time. He owed her this much. He owed her everything.

He brought down his head as shadows covered his eyes. His hands began to shake.

(Y/n): I.. Just need to do this. If you let me do this. If you allow me to do this.. I swear I will be obedient as can be. I'll shine your shoes hell I will call you Master if that's what you want. But please allow me to do this.

He had his eyes shut tight. He couldn't find any other way to ask nicely.

Najenda seemed to be deep in thought. She didn't want to allow it. No but.. something was telling her to let him go. This seemed to be very important to him more than anything. She hasn't seen him this desperate before.

Najenda: Mmm.. I will allow you to go. How long will you be?

She didn't see it but inside him there was a huge relief.

(Y/n): I'll be gone for sometime but the sooner I go the faster I can get this done. I will be careful I promise this time and if all works out I'll be bringing something worth all of this.

Najenda sighed and rubbed her forehead.

Najenda: Very well. So you will be going alone?

He nodded.

Najenda: You do know I am against it but this seems like something too important to you. This will be the last time I ever send you off on a side mission alone or any mission alone to be exact. At least it doesn't involve Esdeath..


She sneezed again.

Esdeath: I am either getting a cold or those damn assassin's are up to something.

With (Y/n)

He had a packed up some things for the long trip. But if he went by what Andre said he could be there in a span of 3 days.

(Y/n): ....

He looked at a certain object on the other bed. He left it there for awhile.. He couldn't bare to use it.

(Y/n): Well.. I'll need you for now.. So please lend me your strength..

He wrapped the object in a cloth and strapped it on his back.

He heard knocking on his door and decided to open it.

Lubbock and Tatsumi: Yo!

(Y/n) gave a rare smile to his only guy friends he's ever had.

(Y/n): Come to see me off?

They both nodded.

Lubbock: Heard you're going on a sick adventure of kickassitude and baddassery. Also heard it was without us.

(Y/n) flinched the last part seemed to sound sad.

(Y/n): Sorry sorry.. But this is something I have to do alone. Once I am back I'll see to it all three of us go on a mission together. We still have a job here to do in the Capital. Don't worry I am not running because when I come back I'll be wracking up success after success so I am just giving you a heads start.

Tatsumi and Lubbock grinned.

Tatsumi: Well then.. Challenge accepted. But don't take too long. Place is going to feel empty without you here.

Lubbock handed (y/n) a sort of charm.

Lubbock: It may not be much but hey maybe it'll help you out in someway.

The charm was of a shield. (Y/n) decided to pin it on to his shirt.

(Y/n): Thank you Lubbock. I'll take good care of it.

With all said and done the three split up and went their separate ways.

Upon reaching the front door he saw Akame with a pink apron on and her hair in a single down pony tail. (Like in anime when she was cooking)

Akame: Before you go I.. I thought maybe you might want this.

She pulled both hands from her back and pushed them forwards. She was holding something the smell of it was almost irresistible.

(Y/n): Akame.. you didn't have to..

She shook her head furiously. It was unbefitting of her but he could see a pink hue on her cheeks.

Akame: I- it's no big deal I have cooked for you guys before so take it.

He smiled at her another smile. He found himself smiling a little too much. But everyone here did care about him. Even if he was a little difficult. Ok maybe a lot difficult.

(Y/n): Thank you Akame.. This means a lot to me.

Before she could say anything he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into an embrace.

Akame was sort of out of it but without realizing found herself hugging back enjoying this moment as much as she could. Until he began to break it off but she didn't allow it.

Akame: Just.. for 2 more minutes.

(Y/n) was surprised by this but agreed nontheless as he hugged her again.

He started remembering the kiss they shared.. well the accidental kiss they shared.. His cheeks began to get red but they would go unnoticed.

Akame: Try not to be too long. If you go missing I'll have no other choice but to come find you and drag you back here.

They both broke free from the hug.

(Y/n): Oh go? Is that so? You think you can take me?

She smirked at the taunt.

Akame: I think we both know I can and more.

And more? Is Akame being cocky? What the hell?

(Y/n): Only time will tell.

They both began to walk off without saying anything else.

He finally made it out the door and began his hopefully short trek. He had them waiting for him so he couldn't make this a long one.

A figure was standing by the trees watching him walk off.

(Y/n) looked over and saw an orangette with a lollipop in her mouth. He didn't know why but decided to walk over.

Chelsea: Going off?

He nodded at her.

Chelsea: I see.. How long will you be?

(Y/n): I should arrive there in three days. That's IF I take the corresponding way and everything goes well then an extra day to do what I must well.. I am not sure but give or take I'll try to do everything in a week.

She nodded. A week wasn't so bad but she didn't like him going by himself.

Chelsea: Is umm.. There anyway I can come along?

(Y/n): No.

Plain and simple it kinda stung but she was expecting it.

Chelsea: I understand. But do be careful and try not to come all injured and stuff. There's only so much treatment one person can take.

She got him there it kinda made him smirk.

(Y/n): Well if I do get hurt at least I know someone who's willing to patch me back up.

Chelsea was surprised by this she almost choked on her lollipop.

Chelsea: Y-yea but don't get your hopes up I charge a fee after 3 treatments.

He chuckled a bit. He didn't know it but to Chelsea a chuckle coming from him was music to her ears. She made him chuckle. SHE made him chuckle.

(Y/n): I'll see you when I get back. By the time return you should have your prosthetic. Be sure to keep up your training. I..

He swallowed down a lump.

(Y/n): Sorry I couldn't get to you in time.. If I did you'd still have your other arm.

Another surprise she wasn't expecting. She didn't respond so he took it as she didn't know what to say and left it at that.

Chelsea watched him walk away and she placed her left hand where her right used to be.

She smiled and began to walk away before whispering something.

Chelsea: It wasn't your fault.. Dumbass..

Up ahead (Y/n) saw a pink and yellow blob approaching. In his mind they may have just returned from a mission.

Leone: Sup you look like you're going somewhere. I'll keep it short. Get there. Come back. Do not have me beat your ass if you show up as bad as you did last time.

She sounded serious.. Man first Akame now Leone..

Mine: Do listen to her. You had all of us scared half to death. You go and do what you need to do but know that I have my sights on you locked and loaded when you return.

Both (Y/n) and and Leone looked at her in surprise.

Mines: It means I will shoot you if you die. Not saying you're going to but you tend to come back half dead most of the time. Just be freaking careful.

She began to walk away leaving a dumbfounded (Y/n) to rethink his past choices.

Leone: Just.. Be careful everyone here cares about you. I am sure you'll be successful in whatever it is you're about to do. Once you get back let's all have a nice dinner together.

She gave him a warm smile which he returned.

(Y/n): Yea.. I'd like that..

The thought of another member joining in on that made it even better.

She patted his back making him stumble forward.

Leone: See ya later bud.

He watched as her figure disappeared from view and returned to his own walk.

With Esdeath

She has packed some stuff and was in a carriage to take her to the outskirts of the empire once there she would board another carriage and so on and so forth.

Esdeath: With Budo here things should be alright.

She looked at the book in hand and smiled evily but smiled non the less.

Esdeath: Disposing of you and getting some of your blood will be nothing but easy for me. Once I have my sister back I will make sure to do what I couldn't before.

Surprisingly enough she wasn't the only one thinking this. A certain boy had the same thought process as her.

Esdeath/(Y/n): I will protect you this time.

3482 words NOT counting this bit I am writing right now of course. Well another chapter another day. I hope you all enjoy it and have fun reading this. Now to for a quick update.

I plan on going back to old chapters and fixing any misspelling mistakes I have made. So if you see update after update on this story please do not mistake it for a chapter release haha..

This chapter could have been done yesterday if work didn't pull the oled "Ha you thought you'd leave early? NOT TODAY" and had me working till late.. But with the bit of time I had I decided to get a start on this chapter and finish it today.

Next chapter will be released next Thursday or Friday or hell maybe on this weekend depending if I am not too busy and stuff but yes I will leave you all for now and I hope you enjoy!


Well.. I'll incorporate that in the next chapter.. not very Authorly of me.. haha...

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