By joeljoeljoei

111 1 0

The untold love story of a youtuber and a discord admin. More

DAY 1 - 4

111 1 0
By joeljoeljoei

Richie whispers in lewis' ear

He says

imma furry

Lewis then says, Furrys? You're a furry! I have a thing for furry!

then Lewis REDACTED richie quickly while he REDACTED

In their fur suits

He then whispers

Tomorrow, 8pm my place

Richie freaks out and morphs into Marge Simpson

and Lewis morphs into Homer Simpson

then they partied all night long saying 'HOMIE'


Lewis grabs Richie by the ear roughly and says, 'follow the rules, no swearing unless you're level ten' Richie jumps onto the bed scared for his life and screams 'I AM THE ADMIN, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT'. Lewis puts on a bra and REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED with him drowning in the fish tank, they then morph into Louis Shap fans and they both say 'ew, why have we transformed into creeps' then they merge together and have a REDACTED REDACTED a pole REDACTED REDACTED tripod REDACTED REDACTED swimming pool REDACTED kitchen knife in the REDACTED acid rain REDACTED REDACTED.

They then both saw Michael Jackson.

DAY 3:

Richie is in the high-top apartment, he is with Becky and he says, 'wanna play Fifa?', Becky says 'aslong as I can play with your footballs' then Lewis breaks into the apartment in a super Mario costume then transforms into YOSHI and sucks them both into the void.

DAY 4:

Richie whispers in Lewis' ear, "I NEVER REDACTED WAYNE I NEVER REDACTED DRAKE, ALL MY LIFE MAN REDACTED SAKE" as he approaches closer and closer every second, Lewis feels threatened and then says 'what are u on mate' in his cute kinda weird Scottish accent, Richie starts floating around the room and moves objects like Matilda, he then points his long robust finger at Lewis stating the words 'I AM ONIKA MINAJ, I AM ROMAN, OBEY MY RULES' and Lewis freaks out and screams, 'what rules??', he then says 'RULE 1 - VIOLATION OF TOS RESULTS IN BANNING! RULE 2 - NO SHARING OF Homer Simpson, George Memeulous, James Charles. Finally, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbin who both kissed at the end.


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