Be my hero - Supercorp Fanfic...

By just_jakob

139K 3.5K 892

Never before she felt like this, felt safe in someone's arms. She didn't understand what these feelings mean... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 30

2.5K 60 1
By just_jakob

Kara fells like her head would explode. Lena was already up and made her some breakfast and tea. She is watching her from the kitchen table.

How is she?

As I said, she had a long night. I think she's slowly waking up again.

"Darling, are you alright?"

"Is my head exploding?"

Laughing, Lena goes over to her and gives her a glass with water. She helps her to sit up and Kara leans her head against her.

"You're just drunk my love."


"Yeah," Lena grins and kisses her forehead.

"Please... never give me that stuff again..."

"Why not, you had pretty much fun last night."

"Oh Rao... I can't even remember last night! What did I do?"

"You were hitting on me with these really bad pickup lines, it was really cute."

"Oh no..."

"And you saved me from this jerk that didn't want to accept my no."

"What did he do to you?!"

"Nothing, my hero came and saved me," She smiles at her.

"My head hurts so much..."

"Are you hungry?"

"Not much..."

"At least drink the tea, I mixed something to make you sober again. Maybe you want to eat when it starts to work and you should take a shower," She helps her up to sit down at the table.

"Thanks Lena... Are you coming with me?"

"Coming with you?"

"Under the shower."

"Oh.. Su..sure," She blushes and pushes the tea cup to Kara.

After finishing the tea, Kara felt already a little bit better. She takes Lena's hand and pulls her to the bathroom.

"Lena? You would need to undress yourself to get under the shower."

"Yes, sorry."

Kara grins and lays her arms around Lena's neck.

"Am I distracting you?"

"Kinda," Her gaze wanders Kara half naked body down.

Laughing, Kara kiss her cheek and pulls Lena's shirt over her head.

"Come on beautiful," She throws her underwear on the ground and steps into the shower.

Lena stared at her for a few more seconds before she was able to join her. Careful, she strokes over her back. Smiling, Kara turns around to face her.

"Hay you."

"Hay," She tries to focus on Kara's eyes.

After Kara press a kiss on her lips, she turns around again and lets the water fall down her face.

Lena's hands stroke again over Kara's back. Hesitant, she presses a kiss on Kara's neck. She gets a little bit shy, when Kara leaned against her to signal her that she can go on.

She never initiated something herself.

Careful, she brushes Kara's hair away and keeps kissing her neck.

"Don't stop," She whispers and leans more against her.

. . .

"Hay Alex, what's up?"

"Just checking on you."

"I'm better again."

"Good, just making sure you remember game night?"

"Of course, your house at 6pm because of Ruby, right?"

"Yes, see you two later!"

They end the call.

"Who was that?," Lena gets out of the bathroom and tries to get her hair dry again.

"Just Alex," Kara answers with her mouth full of food.

"I see you got hungry?"

Kara grins at her: "I wonder why, maybe because of our shower that felt like I'm in heaven."

Lena blushes and sits down next to her. Still grinning, Kara brushes her hair behind her ear and presses a kiss on her cheek.

"I love you."

On time at 6pm they stand in front of Sam and Alex house. Lena cuddles on Kara's arm.

"You ok?"

"Yes, I just want to feel you near me."

They sit down with their friends in their living room.

"Can we mix the teams this time?," Winn asks, a little bit annoyed that Kara and Alex are already making plans to humiliate their friends.

"What? No!"

"Come on babe, you two are always a team. Let's team up and beat her together."


"What? Alex! No!"

"You can team up with Lena."


"But?," Lena looks at her and raises an eyebrow.

"We are always a team..."

Alex gets up to sit down next to her fiancé.

"Traitor," Kara pouts.

"Sorry Kara, but I won't risk to ruin my night later."

"Eww mum!"

A big smile appears on Alex lips, she still wasn't used to Ruby calling her mum. But it makes her proud that she saw her as her mum.

"Kara darling, come over here."

Finally, they figured out their teams:
Sam-Alex, Kara-Lena, J'onn-Ruby and James-Winn.

James always looks over to Kara and Lena, which are cuddling and flirting all the time.

"Oh I called my friend and he said that you two can have your wedding at his place. Here he send me some pictures but you can go there and he would show you everything," Lena gives Sam her phone.

"This place is beautiful Lena!"

"And he said that he could organize some waiter if you want. He has a niece who works at a restaurant and she and some friends would do that."

"Thanks Lena, that's so nice of you."

Kara's gaze wanders over to James. I told you she's not evil.

"Did you heard that Supergirl is back?," Winn says excited.

Lena looks over to Kara and rises questioning an eyebrow.

"She saved this school bus full of kids," Winn continues.

"When was that?," Ruby turns to him excited and the two start their discussion.

Kara gets up to get some food out of the fridge. She stands in front of it when Lena approaches her and hugs her from behind and buries her face in her hair.

"Hay you," Smiling, Kara intertwines their hands and takes out some left overs.

"Are you sure that you can just take that?"

"Alex always does the same."

She tries to turn around, but Lena won't let go of her.

"Lee, can you let go."

She just nods, but still won't move. After a few more minutes she let's go of her again and let Kara turn around.

"What was that with Supergirl? I thought you wanted a little break?"

"Yeah, but I couldn't let these innocent kids die," She starts to eat.

"Typical Kara," Lena smiles, "But you could've told me."

"Sorry," Kara looks at her with a soft smile, "Let's get back."

"Wait," Lena takes her hand and presses a kiss on Kara's cheek, "I love you Kara."

"And I love you."

Lena cuddles into her arms with a big happy smile on her face.

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