Baekhyun Imagines

By ImBBaekHsWife

428K 9.4K 2.8K

Little Baekhyun imagines. More

Baekhyun Imagines
Didn't Know
City Lights
Who Will?
First Love
In love
One Night Stand
Eternal Love
The Day
Why Not Us?
Just Us 2
The Star
Shall We?
Loving You
Knowing Bros
Doggo Love
Heaven Heart
Field Trip
โญ Psycho
โญ Diamond
โญ Ice Queen
โญ Betcha
โญ Stay Up
โญ UN Village
Mother's Day
Dinner Break
Dinner Mate
Father's Day
Only One
Look After
No Body, No Crime
Cover It Up!
On The Run

Play Again

2.5K 81 24
By ImBBaekHsWife

I play this game called 'Brawl Stars' and thought I should just... Hehe... Make a story featuring it.

I'll try to make this understandable as I can since I know that a lot of my pretty Strawberries don't play the game ^^❤️

Enjoy reading!


Today, I caught Baekhyun cheating on me with a teammate from a game he's really addicted at. If I hadn't tried playing the game so I could join him everytime he wants to play, I wouldn't find out everything. He has been cheating on me for two long months now and I couldn't even suspect him for being too good at hiding it. I never thought he would do such thing! Baekhyun playing games during his free time is the most satisfying sight for me, for I could see him enjoying and relaxing and the next thing I knew is that he's doing something behind my back while I'm admiring him?

I heard our apartment password being punched so I quickly sat straight on the couch, trying to look like everything didn't matter. The door opened and Baekhyun walks in, obviously looking tired from work. I wanted to feel bad for him but remembering that he cheated on me, he's probably tired after meeting his lover. My heart broke into peices at the thought but my anger is too much for me to cry over him.

"My Light," he cracks a small tired smile for me while untying his shoe laces. I waited for him to walk into the living room and approach me. "Would you like to have dinner out-"

"I'm breaking up with you."

He was stunned, eyes blinking in pure confusion but after few seconds his expression altered into displeasure. "Y/n, I don't have time for your stupid pranks."

"Stupid pranks." I repeated, nodding my head before turning around and disappearing to the bedroom to grab my luggage and some stapled papers. Going back to the living room, I saw how Baekhyun's face slowly turned pale realizing that I'm indeed serious of breaking up with him. "Stupid prank you say, Baekhyun?" with a smirk, I harshly threw the stapled papers right in front of him, one by one. I stapled them separately for a reason.

His brows were furrowing while picking up the papers, stared at it for few seconds and started fliping through the pages. Then he looks at me, shock taking over his visage when it dawned into him that the papers contained printed screenshots of his conversation with the one he's cheating with. "L-Love, I can explain-" I held a palm up to stop him.

"I don't need explanations, Baekhyun. All of those papers explained everything and I said what I've said, I'm breaking up with you." I walked passed him, pulling my luggage with me. Halfway through, I came into a halt, wanting to say something for the last time. "At first, I blamed myself as to why you could do that. I don't spend time with you and let you play games when we both are free because that's the thing you like doing the most. Then I realize that it was your fault all along. You don't spend time with me and all you do is play because I couldn't say anything when I want to spend time with you." then I continued. Walking away from him, his place, and his life.


I couldn't tell my family that I've ended my relationship with Baekhyun because he cheated on me. They adored him so much and he's the only guy who went through my dad's strictness over choosing whom I should date, meaning he had given his trust to Baekhyun and there will surely be no problems once he asks for my hand in marriage.

He totally wasted every effort he did to have me and I'm sure once my dad finds out that he cheated, he'll have to say goodbye in this world.

Ha, even after breaking my heart I still have the nerve to protect him? I hate how he had the effect on me. As much as I wanted to tell my family about my pain so they could help me cope with it, there's a part of me that didn't want them to despise Baekhyun. Was I hoping that we'd go back to normal and that this is just a dream?

I was just spacing out, thinking of the times I'd have Baekhyun around during the weekends and see him pacing all over the place. I hate to admit it but I miss him and I try not to feel that way by reminding myself that he's a cheater but I still miss everything about him.

A smell of the food my sister is making suddenly filled the whole house. Her eyes widened as she shot up to sit. "I totally forgot I'm cooking! Here, play this for me!" then he thrusted her phone into my hands and dashed towards the kitchen. I was instantly pulled out of my thoughts.

"You peice of- why did you even play in the middle of cooking!" I glanced on the screen and saw a notice saying that I should move her character or it will be on idle so I quickly pressed the screen and dragged the game character towards another one and pressed the other side of the screen to shoot. "Interesting." I spoke after killing one enemy.

When I found out that Baekhyun has been cheating on me with a teammate from a game, I started hating every game the world has to offer. Even those for babies, I despised them too. I never tried playing games again while dwelling on the break up but this one totally got my mind off of Baekhyun as I had my tongue poking out of focus with my fingers swiping across the screen a little harshly. Soon after, the game ended, then announcing that the team where my sister belong had won. Below her name was the word 'Starplayer'.

"Wow, you're the starplayer." I rotated my head to look behind and saw my other sister peeking from the back of the couch.

"What does that mean?"

She rounded the couch and sat beside me. "Meaning you contributed the most to achieve the team's victory," she shrugged her shoulders. Hearing that I am probably the reason why the team won, made me smile. "Why don't you try playing that game? It seemed to have lifted up your mood."

"Okay, I'm gonna try."

And that's how I installed the game 'Brawl Stars' on my phone and carefully followed the instructions about how to play it. Now that I'm more knowledgeable as to how the game works, I find it easy to win and increased my trophies for get more brawlers for a short time.

I enjoyed playing it a lot that I slowly forgot the pain Baekhyun brought to me. Everytime I get reminded of how I found out that he cheated on me, I play the game to distract myself and I've never had such effective distraction compared to eating all the foods in our fridge and cry out my ex's name. He doesn't matter to me now and I don't care if I'll accidentally blurt out to my family that we actually had broken up and he cheated on me, I'll just laugh at him being murdered and my smiling face will be his last sight before leaving this world.

A month playing Brawl Stars, I gained thousands of trophies and a bunch of awesome brawlers that I rarely get defeated.

"Y/n, go and have sunlight at least for few seconds!" my sister walked into my room and proceeded to open the curtains and let the light inside my dark room. "Go out on dates with Baekhyun or whatsoever! It's been a month and you're still fighting?"

"We broke up." I said it as if it never mattered at all while I try to focus playing.

She was frozen, hands stopping mid-air as her head slowly tilted to gaze at me. "Why didn't you tell us? When did you broke up?"

"A month ago."

My sister gasped, "A month ago?!" her hands slumped down on her sides. "What the hell?"

"I know you're fond of him but let him go," I waved a hand to show that she doesn't have to worry about me. "And don't tell dad he cheated on me. You don't want to send him to jail, do we?"

"He what?!" her jaw dropped. "What the heck, Y/n! He cheated on you and you never bothered on talking it out to me? To us?"

"I've cope with the pain, all thanks to Brawl Stars." I clicked my fingers and did a little victory dance after I won the solo showdown. "So don't tell me to go out and have sunlight, it hurts my heart and it reminds me of Baekhyun... Huhu." I faked a cry and dramatically wiped my tears.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "But you still need to go out of your room at least for a second or two."

As soon as the door closed, the strong facade I've been putting up had broke down. I sat on my bed, staring down on my phone sadly. Actually, the break up still hurts but I needed to look like it never affected me and I had gotten over it so those who surrounds me won't worry about me. They had a lot on their plates lately and adding my pain and problem is the last thing I want to do.

I still have a quest on that one event in Brawl Stars, that is winning three games using that one brawler under duo showdown. It's my time to go out and grab some foods but now that I'm reminded of the pain, I think I needed a little bit of time to play.

So I chose the duo showdown option and pressed play. I waited for few seconds to find random users to join the showdown. Soon after, the game started and I could see who my pair is.

"Ooh, nice choice of brawler." I nodded, seeing that the brawler he chose matches the one I'm using. "Let's win this showdown... Candy052520?" his username sounded weird.

In the middle of fighting other players, I sent a sticker of my brawler to let my teammate know he/she did a great job and I like what he's doing. I got a smiley sticker as a respond and the word 'SHOWDOWN' followed after. Meaning there were two teams left and one of them is ours. We only have to kill the opposing team and we'll be the winner.

The battle was a little intense as the opposing team's brawlers had higher powers compared to mine and my pair's. But we managed to win and that made me jump on my bed and scream! I mean, they can do better damage than us but we won and small achievements like this can make me feel so happy.

After computing the amount of trophies and star points I got, I saw that Candy052520 wants to play again. I usually quit after the match but I found myself clicking the button and the game loaded. We're teammates again.

We seemed to click with each other so well and won the match once again and again. Since we've been teammates for several times, the play again button never appeared once more. When I had exited the end screen, there was a sign that someone added me as a friend. I clicked on it and saw that it was Candy052520 so I immediately accepted it and not even a minute, he invited me so we could play together, again.

I was browsing for events we could play in when he chatted. He had added me as a friend and we're teammates again so we can freely chat to discuss our plans for the next game.

Hey :)

You were a good teammate.

I just wanted to tell you that.

Thanks! You were awesome too :)

I liked teaming up with you.

Gem grab?


We play together whenever we're both online that it seemed to become my escape when I don't feel good or someone had pissed me off. Now that my sister knew about what happened to my relationship with Baekhyun, she'd bug me to tell her everything and that would ruin my mood. To make myself feel better, I play the game and see Candy052520 online everytime I do. It's like I met him/her so I could have someone to make me feel better.

Hours, days, weeks, we had spent so many games together that sometimes we just invite each other so we could chat and not play at all. That's when I found out that he's actually a guy who played Brawl Stars to cope with the pain of losing someone.

Reminds me of myself.

For the first few conversations, we were talking about the game and how we won and as time pass by it slowly proceeded about ourselves and how our day was. One might think it would be easy if we'd just spill our SNS accounts and get to know each other but we chose to communicate this way. Telling a stranger about your problems and pain without them knowing who you are is the most comforting for me, they'll only do two things: it's either they judge me; or help me cope. No matter what they choose, that won't matter for they'll never know who's behind those ridiculous problems shared to them and I'll never know what they actually think of it as they give advices.

We have decided to form a club where no one can join so we can converse comfortably with just the two of us without inviting each other for a team game. Crazy... But yeah.

I've always been curious about your username.

Why is it IHateHyun?

I just hate someone who's name has Hyun.


I just do?

I see. You don't want to talk about it.

It's fine! ^^

Duo showdown?

He's so considerate everytime he senses that I don't want to share something to him despite sharing almost everything about him to me. I feel bad about that but I'm just not ready to open up the wounds. I haven't even told him about playing Brawl Stars to cope with the pain of letting go my love just like what he did when he lost someone special to him. It shouldn't matter since we don't know each other's names but... I feel like once I tell him everything and he comforts me, I might depend my comfort on him. What if one day he decides to stop playing Brawl Stars, who'll make me feel fine when I'm remided of the pain?

And... I don't want him to comfort me by saying words that will melt my heart. I have a weak spot for those kind of person. I have gotten over Baekhyun but that doesn't mean I'm welcoming new ones to take care of my heart. Maybe... Someday.


It's been two months since Candy052520 and I started playing together and our identities were still hidden from each other. None of us had suggested to reveal our real names so I think it's fine to keep playing and talking in this way. But I suddenly really wanted to know who's behind the username 'Candy052520' and thank him in real life for making my days better and comforting me without him knowing that he's doing it.

And maybe... I've had a little crush on him?

His words, even without trying, they're so heart-melting and I find comfort in them. Whenever I tell him that I didn't have a good day or someone had pissed me off, he'd tell me words that may soothe me and next thing I know, I'm feeling great again. I don't know how that happened but the comfort and the feeling of trust that he gave me were enough for me to like him... As someone else and not just a teammate.

This is the first time I haven't touched Brawl Stars for almost a day due to hectic work. I thought of Candy052520 that he might think my inactivity means I'm mad. We lose that one duo showdown because he hasn't moved for seconds and got idled so that unabled him to control his brawler and messed the game. I wasn't mad about that and was about to tell him when something in work went wrong, I immediately left the app and haven't had the chance to use my phone since then.

As soon as I got on a bus ride home, the first thing I did was to open the game and check the messages sent in our club.

I have something to tell you.

I hope you won't feel uncomfortable and you'd still play with me.

You kinda remind me of the person I lost.

Because of that... I grew fond of you.

And developed some feelings.

Please don't feel uncomfortable :(


Are you mad?

Can we meet?

My eyes blinked, lips parting slightly as I remained staring on the string of messages. He once told me he lived somewhere in the city but I didn't pay enough attention to the probability of bumping into him because I thought we'd be just mere game teammates, I never thought of having a crush on him. Telling me if we can meet made me suddenly feel... Insecure? What if I accidentally bump into him and he won't like me? What if he'd think I'm ugly that's why my ex cheated on me?

Just when I was about to reply, the bus came into an abrupt stop that my body was thrown ahead. I glanced and saw the driver saying sorry for that with some passengers from the bus stop getting in. I exited the app and decided that I will just reply once I got home.

Right after putting my phone back inside my bag, I lifted my gaze up only to freeze on my seat when I saw the person standing by the aisle and staring at me with his eyes sad and mouth agape as if he can't believe what he just saw. Few months ago, whenever I see something that reminds me of Baekhyun, I'd feel hurt and would cry because I miss him. Right now, anger would just fill my heart everytime I'm reminded that a Byun Baekhyun exists in this world and a gorgeous man like him is a cheater.

I rolled my eyes at him, casting them outside the window so I wouldn't have a glimpse of him.

"There's a vacant seat next to the lady, Sir." the driver told him. Baekhyun flinched like he was pulled out from his reverie. I glanced to the side and that's when I realized that the driver meant was the seat next to me.

He stared back at the driver and said: "I-I'm fine."

I never laid my eyes on him ever since but I could feel him staring at me all throughout the ride. Wow, I can't believe he's now considerate and never tried to approach me knowing he's the last person I ever wanted to see. He was never considerate of my feelings, failing to know what I really want to do with him during our time together. That's why all he did was to play.

His eyes were rather apologetic as it stilled on me. It's like he's saying sorry through them, an apologetic look that is not for what he did but because he is yet to do another mistake. Since we're not a couple anymore, it shouldn't matter to me. If that look means he's saying sorry because he's going to cheat again then he shouldn't look at me like that but to the girl he cheated with while dating me instead.

Once I reached home, I slumped myself down on the couch and opened Brawl Stars so I could reply to Candy052520. Seeing Baekhyun and the anger only helped me on building up my courage and overcoming the fear of being rejected, he likes me too so everything will surely go in my way.

Hi :) sorry for the late reply. Work was hectic.

I'm not mad at you though lol. This is just a game, nothing serious.

And I think I like you too...

I'd love to see the person who comforted me while I'm dealing with something painful and helped me increase my tropies hehehe.

He was offline, I'll surely can't receive any response from him right now so I thought I should just change into a comfortable set of clothes and fix dinner for me and my sisters. It did took my mind off of waiting for his response but I check every minute to see if he's already online.

Hours passed and I still haven't heard anything from him. As we ate, I had my phone in my hand.

"Yah, are you listening?" my sister poked my cheek using a finger but I still ignored her, biting my spoon anxiously. "Can you at least put your phone down? What's so important-" she was about to peek to see what I'm up to but I was quicker, scooting away from her reach and locked my phone.

"You're acting strange, are you meeting someone new?" H sat back on her seat while giving me a suspicious look.

"Why would you meet someone new?" my other sister J asked. "Baekhyun will be mad." oh right, I forgot that she doesn't have any idea about what happened to us.

"They broke up," H answered nonchalantly, taking another spoonful of her food. J's eyes bulged as her head slowly rotated to meet my gaze. I just shrugged at her though, as if I had seen things coming that it never affected me. "It's been three months."

"And why the hell did you kept it from me? I thought we're sisters?" J frowns. "Today, I've lost two siblings." she placed a hand on her chest and closed her eyes for a sad dramatic pose.

H and J started figthing again. Well they always do silly fights and I could just watch them, chuckling at the words they throw at each other. Listening to them fighting made the time seemed to run quickly and the next thing I knew, we're done eating and they're both doing the dishes while I proceeded to the living room to see if Candy052520 had responded.

Sorry for taking so long to respond. Something came up.

And I was thinking what to reply after seeing that you like me too ☺️

You lived somewhere in the city, right?

Are you familiar with City Lights?

I was stunned. City Lights was the restaurant where Baekhyun and I met and became our most favorite, memories of us meeting and falling in love in that certain place made it beautiful. Those maybe all in the past and the thought of Baekhyun meant nothing to me now but that doesn't mean I want to be in the place that will remind me of him. Just when I was about to say no to his idea, another message came up.

The place... Is just special to me.

Is it weird for it to be our meeting place?

Not at all ^^

So when are we meeting?

This weekend?



The meeting day came faster than I thought. I was nervous, checking myself at the mirror for the nth time since I've changed into my dress. What if I looked ridiculous in it and embarrass both my date and myself?

Silly, but we've decided to meet wearing something that may represent the last brawler we used before this day. Good thing I had this dress that could at least match the brawler I chose last night.

"I'm leaving!" I yelled as I made my way towards the door.

"Wait!" H came running to me. "This will complete the look." she went to my side and tiptoed while reaching out to clip something in my hair. I'm sure it's the hair clip that I forgot to put on. I left the house with both of my sisters wishing me a good luck while having their hands as I walk away.

Taking deep breaths, I stood still in front of City Lights. My heart is racing for some reasons: I'm anxious if Candy052520 will like me; and I'm not ready to make new memories in the same place where Baekhyun and I started, it's ridiculous and it won't set my heart in peace knowing that I'm making new memories with a new person in the place where I met a cheater.

He's a different person, he's not Baekhyun. I sighed, nodding my head before walking into the restaurant.

There weren't a lot of customers for today so it will be easier for me to spot my date but since I don't know how he looked like and what outfit he wore for today's revelation, I was lost as if I'm new to this place just like how I met my ex. This is why I don't like this place! I went into the game to inform him that I've arrived and so I could tell him that I don't want to be here.

I'm here at City Lights.

I'm wearing a blue dress that represents Piper ☺️

Not even a minute after I sent the last message, someone spoke from behind me. "IHateHyun?"

It must be him! I breathed out for the last time before curling my lips for a smile and turn around, expecting to see him but... BAEKHYUN?!

I couldn't find the right words that I stuttered as I asked, "What are you doing here?" then I tried looking behind him incase he's blocking my sight of the real person I'm meeting.

Baekhyun looked down for a second before bringing his eyes up in attempt to meet mine. "It's me, Candy052520."

That made me pause, lips parting a bit. I couldn't sink the situation in my head while I remained staring at him. "What?" I was so speechless, that's the only word I could mutter. "How..."

"I was just... Trying to live my life after you left. But I couldn't, I just can't so I tried distracting myself by playing this game." he lowered his head once again and started sniffing. "Y/n-ah, p-please comeback to me again. I didn't mean to do that I promise I won't do that again." Baekhyun slumped down on his knees, sobbing as he held both of my hands. I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't think straight, heck I don't even know what to say.

"Did you know?"

He looks up confusedly, his eyes bore the question he couldn't ask through his voice.

"Did you know if it was me?"

Baekhyun sniffed, "I didn't know but when you told me the reason of your username, I had a hunch that it woukd be you." he bites his bottom lip for a second. "After we broke up, I'm the only most hated person who has the word 'Hyun' in its name."

I remember his friends trying to contact me, only to tell me how they hated Baekhyun for what he did and apologized to me for not doing anything about it. They even unfollowed him on their social media accounts and deleted their pictures with him. He indeed was the most hated. I can't imagine him living on his own and couldn't interact with his friends.

If I wasn't this easy for him, and I never fell in love with him again, I would say he deserved those. But a sad, lonely, and crying Baekhyun is my biggest weakness. I could do everything not to see that sight again.

"I'll give you one last chance."

He gasped with his eyes widening. "I will do everything! I'm really desperate just to have you back." he started pressing small kisses on the back of my hands. "I love you, I love you so, so much!"


"Argh!" I groaned, then playfully giggling as I stretched my leg out so I could place a foot right on Baekhyun's face who was seated on the couch just across me. "I told you to let me kill other brawlers because it was a part of my quest that I have to finish!"

"I'm sorry! I was trying to lower down their health so you could kill them easily!" he shook his head to push my feet aside without taking his eyes off the phone screen. "Get him!"

Soon after, the match ended and the game displayed our team's victory and the list of quests I've done. It made so happy that I jumped at Baekhyun with my arms spread to hug him. He fell back on the couch to the impact while I straddled his hips with my head resting right on one side of his shoulder.

I wasn't just happy because we've won the match, we always win when we play together. I'm happy that we're back in each other's arms and we could spend time together now that I could catch up with him and we play the same game.

I'm glad I pressed the 'play again' button.

"Brawl Stars was a better game than the one I'm playing before." Baekhyun said, I sat up while squinting my eyes on him knowingly. My hands slowly went up to wrap themselves around his neck.

It turns out that he was just used by the girl he cheated with back then to rank herself up (or I don't know what you call that) on the game, knowing that Baekhyun is skilled and can help whoever teams up with him. She dumped him after getting what she wanted. That piece of shit, she really had to ruin a relationship for that when she could just nicely ask she wanted help.

But hey, this is a better set-up. We play together instead of just himself.

"Oh, so you found a better game, it brought us back together so I hope it won't be the one parting us too, again." I smiled, one that could tell he's doomed as my hands slightly tightened I could feel how he gulped under my palms. "You know what will happen to you if you'd do the same mistake, right?"

"I promised I won't do that again! I have you back now and I'll never mess this chance you've given."

I loosened my hands and ascended them to his jawline before leaning down to meet his lips with a sweet kiss. We'd be interupted by our own giggles and smiles in between but made sure to return each kisses as if we're making up to the times we weren't having them.

His lips met the sensitive skin of my neck. "Baekhyunie..."

"I think we've been on our phones for too long, the radiation isn't good for us. Let's do something different." and by his hands travelling inside my shirt (his shirt actually) I could already tell what kind of something different he means. Well, he was right on that radiation part so we should really do something that doesn't involve our phones.


Hahshshshs! Have I mentioned that some of my one-shots came from some random and ridiculous happenings I see around me? I don't usually press the 'play again' button after the match and after I tried to do so, this story came into my mind lol 😂

Just sharing! Those who read Cover It Up! will get this. As I was playing Brawl Stars, after the match (I was using my account which was named 'Baekhyunie') I found out that one of my teammate was named 'Jian'.

I was as (jokingly) triggered like how CIU! Y/n would be triggered at the thought of her lol!

Anyway! I hoped you liked this! I'm sorry for making you guys wait.



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