
By NikkiTheKiller110112

63 2 7

This is the story about how I almost got killed by a proxy a few of us were sent to get....he seemed to be ab... More


63 2 7
By NikkiTheKiller110112

   I'm not even sure where I should start with this guess the beginning might be a good spot...this one could be long so I guess I'll go ahead and start.

   Slender had yet another kid for us to get, he said that this kid was a seventeen year old boy named Maxwell Carpenter and that he needed me, Megan, and Lilly to bring him here.

   "I must warn you," Slender said before we left, "He has some mental health issues."

   "Obviously." Megan said, "Why else would you want him here?"

   Slender shook his head, "One of them is really bad panic disorder."

  Lilly shrugged, "So do the three us. I don't see the issue here."

   "You don't understand what I'm telling you." He continued, "Girls, until he knows he's not alone, he will kill anyone he thinks may hurt him...Not for the perpous to kill but out of instinct. You need to observe him and do less  'bringing' and more

'leading' him here."

    "Okay, hold up." I thought for a moment, "So you're saying that, until we find a way to show him that we're the good guys, He'll go into automatic kill mode and we're all dead?"

   "Precicsly." He sounded agitated with our questions, "Now go!"

   We left without another word to Slender, we didn't wanna piss him off too much. He had told us the location to go to, but I wasn't listening. Thankfully Megan was. We had to find his house at the edge of town. Slender also said that we had to get there before someone else. That probably would have been a good bit to listen to but it was too late now.

   We had to sneak our way through town. We've been out on enough kills that the police know who we are. Weaving our way through the allyways and buildings was our best bet on cover...until we got closer to the edge of town. There were a lot less buildings and we were right near the police station.

   "Now what do we do?" Lilly mumbled.

   " we could run like hell." I suggest.

    "No." Megan grins, "I have an idea!" Lilly and I exchange looks and fix our eyes on Megan. Within minutes she had Lilly's pink hair  braided back. It was long enough to cover the outline of the hatchet she was concealing in the back of her hoodie.  After she was done with Lilly she moved on to me. She moved my bangs to cover almost all of my eyes so you couldn't see the scars. My jacket already concealed a ton of different knives, so she didn't have to worry about that

  "Meg," I asked "what about you?" Her sugar skull face would be hard to hide.

   " Don't worry." She said, "I got this." She pulled out a colorful pallet of make-up. It matched the colors in her face. She also pulled out some pale, skin colored concealer and smudged it on her face. "Look like messed up makeup? She asked. 

   "Yeah!" Lilly replied, "That's amazing! We look like a group of emo kids with colored hair." She smiled.

    With our new disguises we began walking again. The cops didn't give us so much as a glance. It took a while but eventually we ended up at the house. The only downside to this is that it that we didn't make it there before whoever Slender warned us about. We heard a boy's yell and then silence. "Damn," I said, "We need to get in there."

    "Nikki remember what father slender said." Lilly warned, "We need to stay out of it and stay hidden."

    Megan nodded, "He told us Maxwell would do most of it himself. We just have to lead him to the mansion."

   I nod and we slowly walk into the house. The door was unlocked. It didn't look like whoever was in there forced their way in. That's when it hit me. He had been reported to the mental institution by his neighbor after Maxwell killed her dog out of fear. That may seem like something small...but that wasn't the first pet of theirs he'd killed.

    We walked further into the house and looked around quietly. There was a boy cowering in a corner. His eyes were a light blue and wide with fear. His hair was black and he looked to be in his late teens. That must be Maxwell. In front of him was a couple of people from the institution. They were trying to calm him down,but the man approaching him with a straight jacket defeated he purpose.

    As the man got closer, Maxwell's breathing got more rapid. Suddenly, he shot up and bolted to a wall in the back of the room. He grabbed a metal bar that looked like a towel rack and pulled hard, revealing a cabinet. Out of the cabinet, he pulled out a large black sword.

    Where the hell did he get it? I have no idea. How the hell did he get it? That's an even bigger mystery. I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty. It was so big and it had a slight curve to it. I was snapped out of my little daze when Megan grabbed my shoulder, "Come on." She whispered, "Lilly has an idea." I follow them to another room.

   "We need to draw his attention to escape points." Lilly said, "Make loud noises. Knock things over. Just don't be seen." We all agreed that that was a good idea.

    The men once again rushed up to Maxwell. He swung his sword at it and made contact with one mans side. Let's just say that the poor dude might as well have been made of butter.

    The other man lunged at Maxwell. He rolled out of the way. The people that work for whatever mental institution these guys came from must be total why would they still be in there???? Anyways, there was an open space that Lilly drew his attention to by smashing a lamp. He ran over to the table and rounded the corner into the hall. I kicked over a glass statue of a dog. I was hoping it would land near the window but it fell the opposite direction and shattered in front of a stairway leading down to a basement.

   Maxwell ran down the flight of stairs and I knew I had screwed up big time. The man followed him down. I slapped myself in the face, "How? How did I F up this badly?"

    I take off down the stairs and search for a place to hide. There wasn't many...I guess they never used the basement. I froze at the bottom of the ststairs and warned Lilly and Megan not to come down. I was screwed, but they didn't have to be. That's when it hit me: what if I convince him I'm an ally and not the enemy?

    Easy right? No. Not only no but hell no. I ducked behind the only box big enough to hide me. Maxwell was standing in front of an unfinished wall. It was basically just support beams in front of concrete. The creature took the chains off of its body and swung them at the beams. The man had pulled out a tazer and Maxwell started backing into the wall. He looked my way and I ducked lower behind the box.

     I heard the sound of clanking metal and Maxwell's panic. He was breathing loudly and rapidly, suddenly I heard him yell, "No! No no no no!" He screamed. I dared look up to see him backed against the wall with his sword raised. The man was slowly creeping closer and closer to him. 

   I was trying to think up a way to get him out of this. I'm no good with plans and of course I needed to make one. I decided that if I started to fight the mental institution employee that Maxwell would see me as an ally and get enough courage to fight. Slender did say he was better at fighting when he knows he's not alone....

    I jumped out from behind the box and took a large serrated knife out of my jacket. Hopefully this wouldn't turn out to be a bust. I threw something that hit the man and caused him to look away from Maxwell. While he was distracted I bolted from behind the box. Maxwell saw me and bagan to panic more. "Shh shh shh, Hey I'm hear to help y-" that's all I could get out before he stopped cowering and hit me. I fell to the ground and he brought his blade down on me. I didn't roll fast enough. The blade cut through the top of my shoulder like butter. Needless to say that hurt like hell and I screamed. "Maxwell I'm here to-"

     "How do you know my name?" He yelled. He was about to bring the sword down again. I could only use one arm at the moment so I was stuck.

   His sword was half way down when I yelled, "Duck!" And pointed behind him with my good arm.

    The man had thrown a piece of what looked to be drywall at him and I managed to pull Maxwell down by his shirt. I gasped in pain, "Hah, saved your life." I tried to sound humorous but the pain of my shoulder made me wince.

    Maxwell didn't say a word but dragged me to a wall on the other side of the room and propped me up. Lilly and Megan had come running down the stairs just in time to see him wedge the sword in between the head and body of the man and force it down with all his strength.

    The head separated from the body and the man crumbled to the ground in a pretty gory heap. Maxwell stared at the body and trembled with adrenaline. His pale blue eyes seemed to be glowing a more cobolt color. "Your eyes glow too huh?" I asked through gritted teeth. "Mine turn a brighter red." The pain in my shoulder was nearly unbearable but I was just trying to calm the poor kid down.

    Maxwell looked at me, "Um, yeah I guess so. Hey, I'm sorry about your shoulder. I can get a little..."

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah. It's all good." I say.

   He glances to the side and notices Lilly and Megan. His eyes started to glow again and he raised his blade. "Who are you?" He demanded.

   "Maxwell!" I yelled. "Put the sword down. They're with me."

   He lowered his sword and Megan and Lilly walked over. "I'm Megan Madness." Megan told him. "And yes I am a sugar skull."

   Maxwell nodded, "Fair enough...I guess. Not the weirdest thing that's happened all day."

   "I'm Lillybear." Lilly said shyly.

   "Hi, Lilly." He said. "And you..." He looked at me, "I nearly killed you and you saved my life yet I don't know your name."

  "I'm Nikki." I said, "and your Maxwell. Yay! No we know everyone's names and we can all be friends!" I say with a hint of sarcasm.

   "Can you guys call me something else?" Maxwell asked, "I really don't like my name."

   Megan shrugged, "You'll have to have a proxy name I guess so why not?"

   "A proxy name?" He asked.

   "Yeah," Lilly said, "Me, Megan and Nikki are some Slender's proxies. You are about to become one."

    "Wait." He paused, "You're talking about the Ticci Toby.. I thought those were myths."

    "Most people do." Megan said, "But we're here. And I'm pretty sure I'm real."

   "So what do you want to be called?" Lilly asked him.

    "I-I don't know." He thought for a while.

    My shoulder hurt like hell and I didn't want to sit there and bleed to death in his basement so I said, "How about Blade? You seem pretty handy with that beautiful sword, so why not?"

      "Blade..." He said to himself, "I like it!"

     "Good!" Megan said, "We need to get back to the mansion."

     Her and Blade helped me up and tried to keep the bleeding in my shoulder controlled while Lilly lead the way to Slender Mansion.

    When we arrived, everyone was waiting for the new comer in the living room. When we entered, we introduced everyone to Blade and he seemed to fit in nicely. Dr. Smiley fixed up my shoulder and we gave Blade a tour of the Mansion and showed him around the woods.

    So all in all everything went pretty smoothly. (Ha! Lilly just told me that my definition of "smoothly" must be really fucked up lol! And Blade said except for the part where I almost got him killed and her almost killed me...but whatever. ) Worse things can happen. This is the end of this story. Hopefully I can get to talking about life in Slender mansion and going on kills. Let's hope that Father Slender doesn't send us to get anymore kids for a while.

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