
By hiiiillllloooo

57 14 0

Katrina isn't popular. Some would say non existent even. But that'll change this year. There will be bullies... More

Chpt 1 Invisible?
Chpt 2 fearless?
Chpt 3 fire away
Chpt 5 Strong

Chpt 4 Home

12 3 0
By hiiiillllloooo

Katrina's p.o.v

Liam and I still go to the same school so it's not like I never see him, we walk past each other almost every class. He has a new girlfriend named Stephanie.
She seems nice and she is never mean to me or anything, I really like her. Except she has a younger brother. Named Cameron. Who just happens to be the "coolest" kid in my year. He's not a problem, to me anyway as he doesn't even know my name. Except Steph wants to change that. She is dumbfounded that someone wouldn't want to know me, and I mean I'm flattered but, Cameron isn't the type of person I want to be known to.

And before you think it, no I do not have a crush on him. Not only is he mean and annoying but he is also related to my brothers girlfriend so it's just weird.

But of course Steph is always at our place so Cameron knows who i am, yet he still disregards me and doesn't seem to care that I am also a living being. But hey I'm sure he's like that with everyone. He doesn't have a heart and it shows.

So at the moment school is even more draining than usual, because for once Cameron decided to interact with me.

"Hey Katrina!" Gosh I hate my name, I mean it could be worse but it just sounds too old, and it's too long and boring.
"It's Kat." Simple but affective
"Whatever, so Steph is going round to see your brother tonight and I'm coming with because I don't have a house key so just, act like we are friends in front of Liam yeah."
"Sure whatever." I started to put in my headphones,
"You know I don't see it,"
"See what?"
"You and Liam, you're nothing alike." Finally Someone agrees with me, we are absolutely nothing alike so people should stop comparing us. But why out of all the people that could have finally agreed was it Cameron.
"Thanks, I agree."
Of course he did not mean it as a compliment.
"I mean how could some one like you be related to someone like Liam, who is perfect in every way whereas you, well you aren't even easy to look at. Hey at least that's something you're better at than him, being hideously ugly to the extent of repulsion."
I just walked away. What's the point in staying. It wasn't even because I was being the bigger person, I just didn't feel like crying in front of the most popular people in our school and I knew that if he made a few more comments like that I would be close to breaking.

I put all the books in my bag that I had homework for, zipped it up and headed to liam's locker. We always walk home together.

I saw him stood with Steph hand in hand. They were such a cute couple and I really do like Stephanie, she's like my sister. It's just a pity such a nice girl has such an awful bother of a brother.

"Hey kit, Steph's coming over, is that alright?" I mean I don't know why I would say no she's right there but hey at least he asked?
"Of course she's always welcome, since when do you ask though?"
"Well her parents aren't home and her brother doesn't have a key so he's gonna hang with us for a bit too, and I know your not particularly a social person."
"No it's fine, I mean I can handle social ness if you're there."
"Alrighty here's cam, let's go." Steph said as she started walking with her fingers intertwined with my brothers.
Liam must have seen me looking at their hands as he slung his arm comfortingly over my shoulder and we all started walking, Cameron behind us walking with some mates until they all went seperate ways and he was alone walking behind us.

"So Cameron how's school?" Liam hated it when people weren't involved in the conversation, although his questions were never very riveting.
"Yeah s'alright."

This was gonna be a long "hang out"
We got home and all sat in the living room, Liam insisted on playing a bunch of board games. Which usually I would be the first to say yes but, I was always teamed with Cameron if it was a team game and it was torturous.

But at the end of the day wherever I am as long as I'm with Liam he'll make this feel like home.

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