By MysticXWonder

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"sometimes you have to suffer in order for other people to be happy" MediHeal Laboratories have had a secret... More

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4.1K 281 85
By MysticXWonder


Jungkook led me from Namjoon's office and brought me to a stairwell and then, to a large bedroom.

He opened a chest of drawers and wrestled through the mountains of clothes on the inside before sighing in aggravation as he pulled shirt after shirt from the drawer and then the same with the trousers. When he found what he was looking for, he smiled happily and held them out to me.

It was a rather ratty T-shirt that I could already tell would completely drown my figure whereas, on the other hand, the sweatpants looked as though they would fit if I tightened the elastic.

He looked a little embarrassed as he looked away and towards the ceiling. "Jimin's closest in size to you. Umm, they're his bottoms but the top is mine. We'll get you some clothes and," he coughed slightly, "some underwear tomorrow."

He pointed to an en-suite bathroom and said that I could take a shower and clean myself up. I asked if he had any shampoo and he flushed red again but quickly nodded, almost falling as he pulled out a toiletry bag from another drawer.

"Afterwards we're going to train. You can join us, if you'd like?" He leaned back and forth on the ball of his foot and licked his lips anxiously, waiting in anticipation for my answer.

I laughed and patted his arm. "I'll come and watch and," I paused for a second. "Thanks for the clothes?"

If it was even possible, he blushed more and stuttered out a small, "You're welcome."

I grinned smugly but decided not the tease him much longer, scared that he'd turn into a tomato if he went any more red. I folded the clothes over my arm and gave him a little wave as I entered the bathroom. If I hadn't been able to tell that the bedroom was his beforehand, now I was positively certain. The whole bathroom shined as the tiles reflected in the light and all the male products, in the bathroom cupboard, were neatly and precisely organised. I had noticed that Jungkook was a bit of a neat freak and this just solidified my opinion.

I turned on the shower and stripped off the clothes, if you could even call them that anymore, from my body. That blasted fire had destroyed everything. My precious lab coat and uniform were burnt in multiple places and I'd ripped the knees and elbows when I'd dragged myself across the floor, calling out for Taehyung. Although my clothes had got the brunt of the damage, my skin hadn't come through unscathed.

I blushed when I looked in the mirror and realised that my cheeks had been stained with black soot and that my hair was dusted with all sorts of ashes. Jin must have healed my burns but gosh, I looked dreadful. Jungkook probably thought that I looked like a hideous crone.

I eagerly jumped into the water, relaxing as the warmth massaged my aching muscles. Jin had done a good job at healing me nicely but my body was still stiff and needed some tender loving care. I lathered the shampoo in my hands and ferociously rubbed it in. It smelled minty, like Jungkook I realised.

I rummaged through the toiletry bag and sighed when I couldn't find any conditioner. Those knots in my hair were going to be a pain to brush through. Next, I rubbed my skin red raw with some shower gel before wrapping myself in a large, fluffy towel.

As I stepped out from the shower, I felt myself slip on the wet floor tiles and shrieked as I grabbed the wall to hold myself up. The last thing I wanted was to crack my head open; Jin certainly wouldn't appreciate that.

"Hayeon! Are you okay?" I heard Jungkook shout from behind the door.

I laughed in embarrassment and shouted back that I was okay.

"Are you sure?" He asked, his voice closer to the bathroom. If I had to guess, I'd say that he'd pasted his body against the door.

"Yes, Jungkook. I'm fine. I promise."

I heard him sniff but retreat, the creak of the floorboards alerting me of his whereabouts.

I hurriedly changed into the clothes, having to reuse my underwear, to my disgust, and stepped out from the bathroom as I ran my hands through the tangles of my hair. As I had predicted, the T-shirt trailed down to my knees and I had to tie a knot in the front and tuck it into the sweatpants that, surprisingly, fit quite snuggly. The T-shirt also smelt like mint; he must have worn this recently.

"I've got a hairbrush!" He shouted when he saw me coming out of the en-suite, waving a brown comb over his head with a accomplished smile on his face. My face warmed as I realised that he'd been looking for the brush, for me.

"Thank you," I said, instantly wrenching the brush through the mass of knots on the top of my hair. To my absolute horror, I found that the brush wasn't working in the slightest and I bit my lip and tried again with no such luck. It was official- I hated my hair.

I felt Jungkook creep up behind me and when I looked at him, I could see that he was holding in a laugh.

"Stop laughing!" I threatened, my eyes narrowed in annoyance and I brandished the brush like a sword. That only seemed to make the situation funnier and he held his stomach as he wheezed in laughter.

"Give it here," he said, holding out a hand for the brush, a teasing glint in his eye.

"No," I pouted, holding the brush away. "You're making fun of me."

"If you carry on the way you're going, you're going to be as bald as an egg." I huffed as I realised his words held truth and reluctantly handed him the brush.

He sent me a close lipped smile and pointed to the bed. "Sit."

I crossed my arms and sent him a warning glare but followed his command, flopping onto the bed. It didn't feel strange to be sitting on his bed considering I did it almost everyday at the laboratory but, without the intruding cameras and one-way window, there was something alluring about the whole situation.

When I felt the bed dip behind me, I braced myself for the pain of the brush pulling against my scalp but Jungkook was slow and patient. He took a small chunk of hair and ran his fingers through it before reaching for the brush and softly brushing from root to tip. He was surprisingly very delicate and had a soft touch.

"How are you so good at this?" I asked, peering around to look at him. He tutted and turned my head back around, annoyed that I'd messed up his work but answered.

"I don't know really. I suppose my hair is also pretty long."

"Yeah, you need a haircut." That much was true. This boy hadn't had a haircut in more than a year and it was certainly showing. The hair hung wildly at his shoulders and he sort of reminded me of one of those cool, surfer dudes that you see on the cover of magazines.

"Hey! Can I do your hair?" I asked in excitement, bouncing slightly on the bed as I clapped my hands together. I heard Jungkook gulp apprehensively from behind me.

"If you stay still for another five minutes, you can do my hair."

I couldn't help but smile mischievously.

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