Held in Captivity

By kshanahan1996

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Ever since the death of their beloved Tang Shen, Oroku Saki or the Shredder has seeked vengeance on his broth... More

Chapter One: The Unusual and Crumby Day
Chapter Two: The Silence
Chapter Three: Take Me Home
Chapter Four: Her
Chapter Five: Race Against Time
Chapter Six: Out of Body Experience
Chapter Seven: The Secret Weapon
Chapter Nine: The Fight
Chapter Ten: The Dream
Chapter Eleven: Time That Was Lost
Chapter Twelve: The Aftermath

Chapter Eight: Tragedy

84 3 0
By kshanahan1996

Hiya folks!

Today is the day! This chapter is going to overlap the episode 'Vengeance is Mine'. If you haven't seen it or just don't remember it, I'd recommend watching it (I had to watch it so I could write this chapter) or you don't have to, whatever. I'll do my best to get some original dialogue from the episode but it won't be perfect. Not to mention I will be adding some parts to make sense to the story. Like Raph being their secret weapon and stuff.



Karai had never been more determined in her life. She was using that same circular knife that she had given Raph to saw her way out. She lost count of how many days she had been working on this. Shredder removed the binds on her wrists, trying to show her that he still had some trust in her. Trust she'd make the 'right' decision. Xever, formally known as Fishface came into the dungeon. Karai quickly hid the knife.

"Well if it isn't the sushi I ordered." she grinned. Fishface didn't say anything, he just growled and slid the bowl into her cell.

"And whatever that is." Karai grunted. "Can't you lay some masago on that for me?"

"This is a dungeon, not a bed in breakfast. You'll eat whatever I bring you!" Fishface snapped.

"You mean whatever Tiger Claw tells you to bring." Karai spat back.

"If Shredder didn't need you, I'd teach you some manners."

"Oh yea? And what does he need me for?"

"Just watch your tongue, girl." Xever growled. He turned around and exited the dungeon. Karai continued to saw at one of the bars on her cell. Finally, it came lose. She jiggled it free, using the bar to break the lock on her cell and the door leading out of the dungeon. Suddenly, she felt a giant paw grab the back of her head.

"Where do you think you're going, child?" Tiger Claw smiled. Karai jumped up, swinging the pole at Tiger Claw's abdomen. With her last swing, Karai went for his face. Tiger Claw grabbed the pole and threw Karai across the room. Karai quickly jumped up again, trying to kick Tiger Claw in the face but failed. He threw her against the floor, knocking her unconscious. Tiger Claw had every intention of severely hurting the young girl. But Shredder arrived and made sure that didn't happen.

"Tiger Claw! Enough! You will not hurt her."

"As you wish, Master."

Karai woke up in a cell with a complete steel door and her hands once again, bound together. Shredder showed up in the doorway.

"Karai, you must understand, everything I've done is for our honor, for our clan. Why do you insist on hurting me?" No answer. Karai faced away from her captor.

"Have you nothing to say to me daughter?" Karai stood up, she slowly turned around and said.......

"I am not, your. DAUGHTER!"

"I raised you, I kept you safe. I am your father. Not that rat! He is nothing to you. He's never loved you."

"He's never gotten the chance because you took me away from him!"

"Do not yell at me!"

"Bite me, Shredder!" Karai barked. Shredder growled, he shut the door and left.


The boys were sitting in the Lair, finishing the last minor details on their plan for saving Karai.

"I still don't understand why we can't just ram through the front doors." Raph growled.

"Because, we have to be smart about this. If we aren't, we're risking her life and our own." Leo responded.

"I'm all for this plan but Leo, what if this doesn't work? What are we gonna do then?"

"I don't know, Raph. I have no intention for this to go wrong." Sensei walked past his sons as they bickered.

"A plan that everyone cannot agree on is doomed to fail. Leonardo, may I speak with you?" Leo nodded and followed his father.

"I do not want you and your brothers doing this if you cannot agree on a stable plan."

"I understand, Sensei. But isn't it worth the risk for your own daughter?" Leo asked. Splinter's eyes narrowed and he looked at his son.

"I am not willing to risk your lives. Or my daughters." Sensei turned around and walked away.

"So that's a no go on Save Karai?" Mikey asked.

"No, Sensei's wrong. She's worth it."

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's do this!" Raph smiled. All four boys put their hands in like children at a soccer game.


Leo pulled up to the old, abandoned Church. Donnie hacker into the electricity of the Church and cut the power. Mikey silently snuck up to the rooftop and began his distraction. Leo and Raph went down one of the ladders leading to the sewers.

Crawling out of the water, Leo and Raph took out the FootBots standing guard. Sneaking into the dungeon, they searched the cells.

"Karai?" Leo whispered.

"Leo?" Karai's eyes popped up from behind the steel door.

"Took you long enough." Karai snapped.

"Well, we got tired of waiting for you to escape on your own." Leo flirted.

"Is this a rescue or a romantic comedy? Come on!" Raph growled. Leo's cheeks turned bright red as he picked the lock on the door, then on Karai's handcuffs.

They ran through the halls until Karai stopped.

"How did you get past Tiger Claw?" She asked.

"They didn't!" The giant cat boomed. The three tried to fight and managed to escape. When they got back out to the front of Shredder's lair, Mikey had just climbed down from the rooftop holding his arm.

"Mikey!" Raph yelled. He ran over to his little brother, checking on his arm.

"It's all good. It's not my water ballon throwing arm." Mikey smiled, he then fell onto his big brother, relying on him to stand.

Suddenly, FootBots surrounded them, each of the Hamato siblings pull out weapons, ready to fight.

"Surrender, you're out........you're supposed to be dead." Tiger Claw exclaimed.

"Didn't take." Raph smiled. Donnie pulled up in the ShellRaiser. He rammed into the FootBots and stopped the car, opening the side door for his family to jump in. Karai looked up and saw her greatest enemy on the rooftop.

"Karai! Come on!" Leo screamed, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the ShellRaiser.

Tiger Claw chased after Karai and the brothers on his motorcycle. When he eventually caught up, he dragged Karai onto the roof, Raphael diving for her legs when the giant tiger grabbed her by the neck.

She fought him and managed to knock the cat off his feet and onto the pavement below.


The siblings walked through the turnstiles of the Lair.

"This place isn't half bad." Karai said.

"Well, it's your new home. You should really lay low for a while." Leo said.

"With Shredder after me, what choice do I have?"

"Michelangelo! What happened!?" Splinter snapped.

"What did you boys do! I gave you a direct........." The old rat trailed off when his oldest son stepped to the side, showing Hamato Yoshi's daughter.

"Miwa." he gasped. Karai walked over and hugged her father.

"Father." Karai said. Yoshi hugged his daughter.


Hamato Yoshi talked to his daughter and she had every intention of seeking vengeance for her family. She decided that that night she would.

"Going after Shredder alone is bad idea." Leo said, jumping down in front of his sister.

"Don't try to stop me, Leo." Karai snapped.

"I wanna go with you."

"This isn't your fight." 

"I don't care. Let me help."

Karai smiled evilly. She slammed her powder against her leg and threw it into Leo's face, instantly knocking the ninja unconscious.


When the leader finally woke up, he had already began to panic.

"Guys! Sensei!"

"Leonardo, what's wrong?" Sensei asked.

"Karai, she's going after Shredder." Leo responded.

"Oh no! I fear I told her to much, to quickly. We must find her." Sensei sighed.

"Come on! We can catch up to her in the ShellRaiser!" Donnie shouted.

But by the time they found her, Shredder had her. She was up in the air over a gigantic tub of mutagen.

"Mutating your own cub? I didn't think you were capable of it!" Tiger Claw said.

"I have no intention on mutating her. It's Splinter's loathsome turtles I'm after." Shredder smiled evilly.


Shredder and his minions waited patiently. Then, they showed.

"I can smell him." Tiger Claw growled. He shot a flare into the air, showing the figure of the giant rat. He jumped down while his sons snuck into the giant warehouse.

Fighting off FootBots and Shredder's henchman. Three out of the four boys got trapped in little cages. Leo climbed up to save Karai.

"Thanks!" She smiled. Shredder jumped up with every intention of knocking Leonardo into the mutagen.

"Leonardo!" Splinter screamed. As Shredder sliced through the chain holding Karai's cage up, Leo jumped off. Karai screamed as she fell into the mutagen.


"Karai! No!"

She pounded on the glass but that soon stopped and what emerged wasn't Karai. It was a snake like mutant. Splinter sliced bots open to get to his daughter but she was unrecognizable and she didn't recognize him. She wrapped her father up in her tail, cutting off circulation to his whole body. One of the FootBots wires short circuited over a can of gasoline causing the whole place to go up in flames.

"My daughter." He grunted.

"Father." She hissed. Releasing her father she spat a brown liquid into Raphael's eyes, causing the toughest turtle to fall onto the ground, holding his eyes shut.

"Sensei, we gotta go!" Leo shouted. Donnie and Mikey helped their brother up and quickly moved him out of the burning warehouse.

When they got to the rooftop, Splinter stared out at the city in front of him in silence. Donnie pulled out a water bottle and dumped it onto the burns on his big brothers eyes. With every pour, the hotheaded turtle grunted or hissed in pain.

Minutes went by and Leo finally saw the opportunity to try talking to his father.

"Easy, Raph." Donnie said.

"Enough! I can see fine now!" Raph growled. Although it wasn't true at all.

"I'm so sorry, Sensei." Leo sighed. Silence. "Sensei?"

"We should go home my sons." Splinter sighed.

The brothers followed their father off of the rooftop.


When they did get home, Splinter stopped before walking into the dojo.

"Raphael, let Donatello check your eyes. Do not give him a hard time, once he is done both of you know when you're tired. Michelangelo, it has been a long day, one hour of TV then go to bed. Leonardo........"

"Yes, Sensei?"

"This is not your fault. This is not any of your faults. It is mine. She is my daughter. I'm sorry you had to see your sister become that." Splinter sighed.

"It's all good, Sensei. She'll come around." Mikey smiled.

"I've always admired your optimism, my boy. I'm going to bed. Sleep well my sons. Training at seven tomorrow morning." Sensei smiled.

"Night, Sensei." The brothers said. Raph followed Donnie into the lab, Mikey slumped down in front of the TV and Leo began to walk to his room.

"Hey Leo!" Mikey yelled.


"You wanna watch Space Heroes?" Leo's face lit up. Mikey knew how hard this was on his big brother. Leo nodded his head, sitting on the floor next to his youngest brother they watched the leaders favorite show. When Raph came out of the lab, he sat down next to Leo and wrapped his arm around his brother.

"I know how you feel, brother." Leo looked over and smiled. Raph didn't look at his older brother. But Leo could see the pain in his brothers green eyes. Donnie came out and sat down next to Mikey. And that's how the next hour went. They watched Space Heroes. No complaining on the hotheads part. No comments on how unrealistic the shows physics were from the smartest. Just giggles from the youngest whenever Captain Ryan would smack his second in command. And the leader smiled too. This had never happened. Never had the four brothers sat down and watched this show together. And it was nice. After everything that just happened, the boys needed each other.


Hiya folks!

Wow! So sad. I've always hated that Karai was mutated so soon. She never got a chance to have a real family.


Thank you so much for reading! It really does mean a lot to me that y'all have stuck around to see this through. But, we are almost at the end. I'd also like to let y'all know that in a few chapters, we're gonna be jumping a few years. Like after the FarmHouse. That way we can see Karai again.

Thanks again for reading!

Stay safe

Stay happy

Stay cool


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