Book 1 - Back of the Shadows

By OtsanaStories

22.8K 2.4K 213

Book 1 - Completed Can love be found from the lies and manipulation of the past? Sadie has spent the past few... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty Five

563 67 5
By OtsanaStories

A new year and a new life. Ben and Sadie are combining their families and have been looking for a new home for them. Brittany was not too happy that no one told her of their plans, not even the kids said a word. It was only when she saw the listing sign outside Sadie's house that she put the pieces together.


Ben and Sadie found an old farm that was for sale by an Elderly man who was recently widowed. It came with a lot of acreages and a large farmhouse that would hold their entire family. This included Allie. It's a big white house with a large front porch and a huge front yard. It's off the road a bit so it is giving Ben and Sadie the privacy they so desperately desire. A place to disconnect from the world and connect with each other as a family. This was always Sadie's dream. Farmhouse, rolling land, and a place to feel free from the pressures of life.

It's almost Valentine's Day and they are moving into their new home. Ben had to work so Sadie is doing her best to put things away and organize the rooms. They are combining five people into one home.

"Sadie, where are you?" Ben screams through the house.

"Kitchen," She yells as Ben walks through the door. "Hey love, what are you up to?"

"Finally home from work, long day. The kitchen looks great! Are we cooking or ordering out?" Ben asks.

"Ordering out!... Please," She says.

"Got it, Chinese ok?"

"Perfect," he says. "By the way, Valentine's Day is tomorrow."

"I've heard. Do we have any plans?" Sadie responds

"Maybe..." Ben says with a big grin. "Ok, I do have plans for us, but I'd like to keep it a surprise."

"Ok, deal. Any hints? Are we going out? Super dressy or casual? I need something," Sadie asks.

"I'll give you this, casual, dress warm, and you are already beautiful," He says.

Sadie blushes. She doesn't ever think she will get used to the outward display of love that Ben shows her consistently. "Smooth, flattery will get you everywhere."

"Oh yeah?" Ben says as he stalks toward her. She is giggling and moving back towards the living room.

"Yeah... Maybe... Depends," She says between laughs.

"Yeah? On what?" He says.

"How fast you are," She responds quickly then takes off running through the house laughing. Ben Chases her, finally catching her and tackling her to the couch. They are laughing and Ben is holding her close.

"I'll never let you go, you know that?" he smiles at her.

"That's the plan, and the hope," Se says.

Ben leans down and kisses her sweet lips. Just as he feels her pulling him closer to deepen the kiss the voices of being cockblocked... again.

"Oh come on! Guys! Living room? Please tell me you haven't tainted it!" Hudson says.

"Yeah! You have your own room!" Everett adds.

"Super awkward," Gunner completes the trio of comments.

"No, kids nothing happened. Cheese!" Sadie says annoyed.

Ben rolls over groaning. "Ok, kids, homework?"

"Yup, on it! Come on guys dining room table and let's knock this out. I'm feeling an evening of Call of Duty!" Gunnar says giving Hudson a high five.

"Heathens," Everett says, setting herself up at the end of the table.

"Chinese for dinner, you kids good with that?" Ben asks.

Collectively the kids scream YES!

"Awesome, Ok, I'm out," he says to the kids. As he turns he grabs Sadie pulling her close to him and he whispers to her, "We will be resuming the earlier interrupted situation."

"Hush you and go! Love you," She says.

"I love you," he says and finally heads out.

Ben drives into town and on the way he stops by the shelter. He's been keeping tabs on some of the dogs that have been there and they finally have a litter of puppies that are available for adoption. Sweet American bulldog puppies. They had two left, a brother and sister, and once he got there he couldn't decide between the two. So he got both. The wrinkles and little ears got him. He drives and picks up dinner and starts for home. As he pulls into the driveway he starts to get nervous. Brittany was always the one making decisions. Panic starts to flood his mind. Sadie will hate this, he made this decision without her, He can return them... right?

He sits for a few minutes with his head on the steering wheel fighting with himself to go in. A knock at the window causes him to jump up. He looks at his love and see's the concern in her face. He just rolls down the window and tries to find the right words.

"Love are you ok?" Sadie asks.

"Don't be mad, please," he says.

Sadie cocks her head to the side, "Okay?"

Ben finally gains some courage and decides to face the firing squad of anger. He reaches behind him and pulls the puppies out and holds them up for Sadie to see. To his amazement, her concern has turned into full excitement.

"Oh my god, puppies!!!! oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!!! they are adorable!" she says.

"Is this ok? I realize that I didn't talk to you about this and..." Ben starts. He isn't able to finish the sentence as Sadie takes the puppies from him and puts them on the ground sitting next to them and cuddling them.

"They are perfect!" she says.

"Oh god, thank you! I was worried you would be mad," He says with relief.

"Why? We talked about getting a dog," She says giving him comfort.

"But I made the decision without you," He says.

"I am not mad if anything I'm relieved. I wouldn't be able to decide and we would have ended up with half the shelter. I can't wait to show the kids!" She says scooping up the dogs.

Ben laughs and grabs the big box of food and they walk into the house. The kids are in the living room watching tv. When they walk in with the puppies the kids go nuts.

"Oh my god, puppies? Really!" Gunnar says. "What are their names?"

"They are awesome!" Hudson Says.

"Soooo cute!" Everett expresses.

"There is a boy and a girl. What do you think?" Sadie asks.

"What about Elvis for the boy? Sadie, you play his music often. Kind of a cool name," Hudson suggested.

"I like it," Everett agrees.

"I like it! Now the girl?" Sadie questions.

"Piper?" Everett suggested.

"Yeah Piper," Hudson agrees.

"Perfect Everett," Gunnar agrees.

"Elvis and Piper, welcome to the family," Ben says. "Kids dinner is on the table. Let's get it set and eat then we can set up their kennels and walk them before bed,"

"I'll get plates," Gunnar says running to the kitchen.

"Cups!" Hudson says.

"Silverware," Everett says.

"Napkins and love I'll grab us a beer. That's ok with you?" Sadie asks Ben.

"Perfect." He says while he sits at the table.

"Hey Ben, tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I know you are taking mom out, can Victoria come over and hang out with us?" Gunnar asks.

"Yeah, it's fine with me. I'll leave some money for your kids for dinner. You can choose what you want," Ben says.

"Sweet, thanks!" Gunnar says.

Everyone sits down to dinner and the kids are talking about their day and the dogs. Ben sits at one end of the table and Sadie is at the other end. He can't focus on what the kids are talking about specifically as he is staring down the table at his love. If you had asked him a year ago that he would be sitting here with her he would link you are the crazy person. This feels like a dream and he never wants to wake up.

"Ben, are you ok?" Sadie asks, snapping him back to reality.

"Never better love, why?" He says smiling.

"Just looks like something is on your mind." She says.

"Just happy, genuinely happy at this exact moment." He says.

Sadie smiles at him and when she does, it's not just with her lips that curve up to the sky, its her eyes and her face. For someone who protected her feelings and struggles for so long, her eyes give her true feelings away. They hold the universe for Ben.

"Alright kids, help me with the kennels please," Ben says as they clean up from dinner.

They head to the laundry room to set everything up. Everett and Sadie sit on the ground in the kitchen playing with the dogs while the guys are putting the kennels up and putting their food and drink bowls away. They take a moment when it's all done.

"Now they have their place, let's take them for a walk," Ben says. Everyone follows him outside and lets the dogs run in the front yard. They are not going far as they are tiny chubby things. Ben and Sadie stand side by side and she slides her hand in his.

"This was an amazing surprise love," Sadie says.

"I am so glad. We are still going out tomorrow night," He says.

"Good," Sadie says while giving a wink to Ben.

"Kids! Put the dogs away and let's get ready for bed!" Ben yells while looking at Sadie who is laughing.

As everyone settles in for the night, Ben and Sadie lay face to face, well forehead to forehead. Silently thankful for a day like today.

It's Valentine's Day and Ben has been out all day. Sadie is still going around the house putting things away. It's been years since she actually celebrated this day. She chalked it up to annoying romantic crap, but this year, this year is so different. The kids get home from school and they sit around finishing their homework.

"Kids when you are done, take the dogs out for a bit then we need to feed them."

"Yes ma'am," Gunnar says.

"I'm done, I'll clean their bowels and get them ready," Hudson says.

"I'll let them out," Everett says.

"Victoria and I will be right behind you," Gunnar says.

It is starting to get late and Sadie worries that Ben won't make it home in time for whatever he has planned. Just as she is about to call, he walks through the door.

"Hey, I was worried about you, everything ok?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's good. Let me get changed and then it's you and me beautiful. DATE NIGHT!" he says.

Sadie smiles and waits for Ben to finish getting ready. She puts some money in the money cup for the kids to order take out.

"Ready to go?" Ben asks, reaching his hand out to her.

She nods her head and takes his hand as they walk out the door. They wave at the kids and climb into his truck. Ben starts driving to the back part of the land and when they pull up Sadie sees a small picnic area. Blankets, Small candles, small fire pit, and some food and containers that have s' mores.

"Really?!" she says.

"Really, love," Ben responds.

She quickly gets out followed by Ben and takes a seat on the blanket that overlooks a large valley of their property.

"This is absolutely amazing!" She says. Ben sits behind her and she leans into him.

"I am so glad you like it," He says with relief.

"It's perfect." She confirms.

"I honestly can't believe we are sitting here together," says Ben. "If someone told me this is where I'd be a year ago, I'd probably laugh in their face.

"I know how you feel." Sadie agrees. "This all feels like a dream I don't want to wake up from. The kids, the house, the land, the puppies... You."

"I can't wait to make you my wife," Ben boldly says.

"If and when it happens it will be amazing. I don't want you to think that I am expecting the ring, the wedding, and the marriage certificate ok." Sadie states.

"What?" Ben says taken back by the statement.

"I am just saying, I am happy with just us. As long as you commit to me and I commit to you. That's all I need. I don't need big fancy celebrations. This right here with you, this moment is more than I could've ever hoped for.

"You are perfect," Ben says.

"Not perfect, just happy," she says.

Ben leans down and gives her a sweet kiss. Sadie turns and climbs up and straddles him running her fingers through his hair.

"I'll thank you every day for wanting me and this life," Ben says.

"I will always say you are welcome," Sadie laughs.

"Come here!" he says grabbing her face and giving her a deep kiss. Her hands run down his chest and around his back. His hands stay around her face and grip the back of her head. She can feel the excitement and lust in this kiss. It is passionate and needy. Ben pushes her back onto the blanket and he lays between her legs. Taking a moment he stops and looks at her.

"I want you to hear me, love, I will marry you one day. I want you to know that. No matter what you are, my future." Ben states, looking her in the eyes so she can see how serious he is.

Sadie nods her head with tears in her eyes. He is promising her a dream she never imagined. After years of convincing herself that life would never give her someone who wanted her like this, it gave her Ben. They spend the next few hours wrapped in each other's embrace making love under the stars. Thanking each other and the universe for the life given before them.

They lay under the stars under blankets as they watch the small fire burn.

"There is something I have to talk to you about..." Ben says.

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