Just One Day (Bakudeku)

By Astranger015

510K 19.5K 39.5K

Bakugou gets into some trouble with the law and is forced to do some community service at the local hospital... More

Trouble Maker
Community Service
Mystery Person
Halloween Party
A Bad Day
A Pinky Promise
Phone Number
Thanksgiving Party
Toy Drive
Movie Night
New Years
Some Fun
Eri's Surgery
The Truth
First Date
Story Time
We Need To Talk
Together Again
Together Again (part two)
Prom Night
After Party
Just One Day
A Kept Promise


10.1K 397 663
By Astranger015

Bakugou was currently hanging out in the principal's office. He was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. He had his feet propped up on the desk as he sat there reading a book written by a doctor.

Bakugou was about to turn to the next page but he paused and pressed the book against his chest while looking up at the ceiling. "Hey mouse man?" Bakugou said as he continued to stare up at the ceiling.

"Yes, Bakugou." Nezu said his eyes still focused on his computer screen typing out a response to an email. "How hard do you think it will be to make a cure for a rare sickness?" Nezu stopped typing and looked over at the blonde still staring up at the ceiling.

"Nearly impossible." Nezu said and Bakugou nodded expecting that to be the mans answer. "You know I never questioned it but why are you so interested in becoming a doctor all of a sudden?" Nezu asked and the teen sighed and took his feet off of the desk and sat properly in his chair.

"You know how I told you I have a boyfriend?" Bakugou said and Nezu nodded his head. "Well, he's sick, like really sick if he leaves the hospital he could die..." Bakugou said his voice trailing off at the end as a pained look overcame his face.

"I just want him to get better without having to breakup." Bakugou mumbled with his head hanging low. "Why would you need to breakup with him?" "Because if I don't breakup with him he could fucking die and it will be all my fault, but I love him too fucking much to leave him..." Bakugou said and covered his face with both of his hands.

Nezu watched as the distressed teen started to rub at his eyes trying to stop the tears that dare threaten to come out. Nezu has never seen the teen get this worked up over something other than his parents so he knew that this was something very important to him.

"So you think that if you breakup with this boy you'll essentially be helping him stay safe, correct?" Nezu asked and Bakugou nodded his head in reply. "Who put that idea in your head?" "His mom." "His mom?" Nezu repeated and Bakugou nodded. "Izuku's dad was the one who had the sickness and his mom told me that because they loved each other and wanted to be together so much he risked his life to achieve that. If they were never together that wouldn't have happened and he would still be here." "Katsuki... If they were never together Izuku wouldn't be here." Nezu said making the blonde frown bring his gaze down to the ground as he did so.

"If you ask me I think you two should stay together." Nezu said and Bakugou instantly stood up from his seat and scowled down at the shorter male. "SO WHAT YOU'RE JUST OKAY WITH HIM FUCKING DYING!?" He snarled at the man who just sighed and signaled him to sit back down which Bakugou did.

"Yes, I'm okay with him dying." Nezu said and Bakugou was about to start yelling at him again but Nezu held up his hand and continued what he was about to say. "But it has to be on his own terms." He concluded making Bakugou frown and his eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Nezu sighed and swiveled his chair around so he could give Bakugou his complete and undivided attention. "Okay let's say you two do breakup what would happen to Izuku?" "He would be safe." Bakugou answered and Nezu shook his head.

"Wrong he would be miserable." Nezu said making Bakugou frown slightly as he thought about what he was just told. "Sure he would be safer but that doesn't cover the fact that he will be heartbroken and who knows when he'll get over that. With him being stuck in one place all the time there's only so much he could do to distract himself from it." Nezu explained. Bakugou looked down and clenched his teeth together. His nails scratched against his pants as he closed his hands into fits that now rest on top of his thighs.

"Then how am I supposed to keep him safe?" Bakugou mumbled out making Nezu give him a pitiful look. "Listen kid Izuku is his own person with his own life that only he should be able to control. Every decision he chooses to make will be on him no one else. That's why I told you I'm okay with him dying. If he truly loves you just as much as you love him and he's willing to risk his own life just to be with you I don't see anything wrong with that since it was his choice." Nezu explained and the blonde looked up at him with angered eyes.

"But isn't that selfish of him!? He'll just be leaving me in the end!" Bakugou yelled as he used one of his hands to clutch onto his heart. "What you don't think that breaking up with him is selfish either?" Nezu said and Bakugou bit his lip as he hung his low refusing to let the adult see the tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.

"B-But he would be alive." Bakugou croaked out with his head still hanging low. "Katsuki, there are only two things that this boy is looking forward to the most in life, and that's a future cure for his sickness and being with you." Nezu said while pointing at the blonde who lifted back up his head. "Surviving isn't living. If you break up with him now you'll just be preventing him from living his life the way he wanted which would just make him feel miserable, and I know it will make you miserable as well." Nezu said and just as he finished his sentence the phone on his desk began to ring.

While Nezu went to answer the call Bakugou looked down at his phone and stared at his lock screen which is now a live photo with the beginning of the picture being Izuku with his arms wrapped around the blonde's neck as he kissed his cheek. Bakugou gently pressed the screen and watched as the image began to move.

Izuku pulled away from the boy's cheek giggling as he did so. Bakugou then turned his head to look at the smiling boy, he reached his hand up and pulled Izuku's face close to him connecting their lips in a quick kiss. Smiles were present on both of their faces as they pulled away from one another. The live photo then stopped on the image of them smiling as their foreheads were touching.

'I just want to keep you safe.' Bakugou thought as he stared down at the phone screen. "Bakugou." Nezu said and the blonde looked back up at him. "Can you deliver some textbooks to the library for me?" He asked and Bakugou nodded his head before getting up from his seat. "And think about what I told you while you're at it." Nezu said and Bakugou nodded his head again before walking out the door.

Bakugou walked down the hallway carrying a box full of textbooks as his mind continued to buzz as he thought back on his conversation with principle Nezu.

'Either way, you think about it we're both going to be selfish and make a sacrifice.' Bakugou thought while staring down at the box in his hands. *sigh* 'Maybe I should let Izuku make his own decisions.' He thought as he went to turn down a corner.

"T-That's really all the m-money I have!" Bakugou raised his head when he heard a distressed voice. Down the hall, a short and chubby boy was seating on the ground with his back up against the wall. Standing in front of him stood a shaggy blue-haired teen smirking down evilly at him.

"Oh come on I know you have more than that. Just give it to me now and the nurse won't have to take care of your broken arm." The teen threatened making the boy below him start to sweat and shake out of fear.

"Hey, jackass." Bakugou said making the two teens turn to look at him. "Well if it isn't Katsuki Bakugou."The bluenette said while smiling and walking up to the blonde. "Leave." Bakugou said while looking at the boy on the ground who quickly nodded his head and scurried away.

Once the boy was out of sight Bakugou turned his attention back on to the other teen who was smirking at him. "You know what I can't stand about you?" Shigaraki asked making Bakugou lift his eyebrow up questionably. "That before everyone feared and hated they did everything you said just so you wouldn't hurt them but now you're all buddy-buddy with each other. What gives!?" He sneered while pushing the blonde's shoulder.

"I'm supposed to be the one in charge now but you still have them wrapped around your damn finger! And because of what you wanting a couple of brats to have toys for Christmas!? That fucking pisses me off!" He yelled and shoved the blonde again.

"Ha, I gotta admit though I kinda like that you've gotten soft it's easier to mess with you know." Shigaraki snickered and continued to repeatedly shove Bakugou's shoulder.

"You're an idiot." Bakugou suddenly said making Shigarki stop and glare at him. "Excuse me?" Shigaraki replied with clenched teeth. "You want control yet you're only a real threat to the freshman and they're scared of everyone. No one else fears you like they did me and it's because you're fucking weak. Everyone's already seen that I'm stronger then you and your little kicking me to the ground doesn't mean shit if my back was fucking turned and I had no interest in fighting you. Face it you're just too weak for anyone to take you seriously." Bakugou said and pushed past him making the bluenette stumble back.

"Maybe you can try again when you end up staying back this year." Bakugou said as he continued to walk down the hallway. "Ugh, Bastard!" Shigaraki yelled as he went and grabbed the collar of Bakugou's shirt making the teen stumble back slightly. He then took one hand and grabbed the front of his collar while the other hand was balled up into a fist in the air. Bakugou was about to drop the box he was holding to get ready to counter-attack when he heard someone yell.


The two teens turned their heads to see Aizawa standing at the end of the hallway the cubby boy from earlier was also there but he hid slightly around the corner.

"Oh hey teach." Shigaraki said while letting go of the blonde's shirt and waving with his hand already in the air. "What's going on here?" Aizawa asked while crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the two boys. "Oh, you know just a little... disagreement." Shigaraki said with a smile, side-eyeing Bakugou as he did so.

"Right...Shigaraki come on let's go for a walk." Aizawa said making the bluenette frown and grumble multiple curses under his breath as he walked over to the adult. "As for you." Aizawa said while looking over at the blonde. "*sigh* Just finish whatever you're doing and get back to class." He sighed out. Bakugou nodded his head and turned back around so he could deliver the textbooks to the library.

"That cocky bastard is so full of himself now that the whole fucking school loves him! He needs to be put in his place." Shigaraki growled out to his group of friends. "And how do you expect to do that?" Dabi, a teen with spiky black hair and multiple face and ear piercings along with arm tattoos, asked while playing 8-ball against Toga on his phone. "By hitting him where it hurts most!" "If you mean messing with his friends that's not gonna work. Yeah, they know how to put up a damn fight!" Bubaigawara, a teen with the nickname Twice because of his duel personality disorder had short blonde hair and dark grayish-blue eyes, had said.

"Tch, well there's nothing else that damn bastard cares about." Shigaraki grumbled while leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "What about his boyfriend?" Toga suggested as she knocked one of Dabi's balls out of the way while also getting hers in. "What the hell crazy!" Dabi yelled making the blonde giggle. "Wait babe did you say, boyfriend?" Shigaraki asked while sitting back up in his seat.

"Huh, you didn't know? I heard about it a couple weeks ago. Apparently, he's really cute and he also volunteers at that little hospital Bakugou's always going to. Oh and get this he actually likes this one!" Toga snickered out. "Oh really..." Shigaraki said a wide smile spreading across his face as he leaned back in his seat.

Bakugou parked his motorcycle and walked inside the hospital building."Oh, Bakugou your friend's here." Joy said as she noticed the blonde walk in. Bakugou paused with a look of confusion on his face as he turned his head to look at the nurse. "Friend?" He questioned and she nodded her head. "Yeah, he's in the lounge talking with Midoriya right now." Bakugou nodded his head slowly a confused expression still present on his face as he tried to think of who would come here.

Bakugou's eyes widened once he saw Shigaraki sitting next to Izuku as the greenette laughed at something they were looking at on Shigarki's phone.

"Haha *ahem* hi Kacchan!" Izuku waved to the blonde when he saw him standing by the doorway. Shigaraki looked over at the doorway and locked eyes with the blonde, a smirk grew on his face making Bakugou's blood start to boil.

"Your friend was just showing me-" "Get the fuck away from him." Bakugou growled out while staring daggers at Shigaraki who continued to evilly smile back at him. "Huh?" Izuku said as he tilted his head in confusion and looked from Bakugou to Shigaraki.

"What's wrong Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he looked back at Bakugou. "Yeah Kacchan, what's wrong?" Shigaraki mocked making Bakugou's face scrunch up as he cringed at the sound of someone other than his boyfriend calling him Kacchan.

"Leave. Now." Bakugou said through clenched teeth as he glared at the bluenette. "Awe why are you kicking me out I was just getting to know your little cute new toy." Shigaraki said making Bakugou's scowl deepened as he clenched his fist.

"Toy?" Izuku questioned. "What does he mean?" He asked while looking over at Bakugou for an answer. "Outside. Now." Bakugou said and Shigarki smirked as he got up from his chair and walked over to the door.

"Kacchan?" Izuku said as looked at the boy his face filled with concern. Bakugou smiled slightly at the greenette before walking over to him and kissing his forehead gently. "I'll be right back." He told him before following Shigarki outside.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Bakugou yelled in Shigarki's face once he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Ha, You know he is pretty cute and he must be pretty good if you've kept him around for so long. Do you mind sharing?" Shigarki said with a smirk still plastered on his face. Bakugou's eye twitched as he tightened his grip on the bluenette's shirt.

"Stay the fuck away from him!" Bakugou snarled. "Damn you're pissed, you really do care about this one huh? Fine, I'll leave." Shigarki said and Bakugou let go of his shirt.

"After we finish up our fight from earlier." Shigarki smiled as he began to crack his knuckles. "Tch, We both know who would have won so I'm not gonna waste my time fighting you, especially not here." Bakugou said mumbling the last part quietly to himself.

"Ha, fine then I'll enjoy beating your ass!" Shigarki yelled and swung at Bakugou but the blonde quickly caught the punch. Bakugou was about to block the upcoming knee from Shigarki however he did not expect him to quickly switch attacks and sweep his leg under his foot making the blonde fall backward. A loud painful groan escaped his lips as soon as he made contact with the ground.

Bakugou was about to get up from the ground but Shigarki's foot came crashing down onto his chest slamming him back down to the ground. "Haha, what's wrong Bakugou I thought you were supposed to be the strong one!" Shigarki said as he stomped on the blonde's chest again making the blonde groan in pain.


Bakugou tilted his head back to see behind him and his face went pale seeing Izuku outside and running towards him.

"Oh look who's here!" Shigarki said and harshly kicked Bakugou in his side making the teen grit his teeth in pain while he rolled over clenching onto his side.

Shigarki walked over to Izuku and smiled at the greenette who's worried eyes were focused on Bakugou who was currently writhing in pain. "Hey, cutie." Shigarki said gaining the greenette's attention. "Jerk why are fighting with Kacchan!" Izuku asked while glaring up at the teen.

"To put that damn bastard in his place obviously! And the most effective way of doing that is going after something he cares about!" Shigaraki said and suddenly grabbed Izuku's shirt collar lifting him up from the ground ever so slightly.

"Let go of me!" Izuku cried out while trying to pry the teen's hands off him. "Haha, I wonder what your precious Kacchan is gonna do now." Shigaraki mocked and turned his head hoping to see a scared Bakugou on his knees begging for him to not do anything to his boyfriend.

"Let. Go. Of. Him." Shigarki froze his blood running cold as he could feel the murderous intent emanating from the blonde. He quickly let go of the greenette and backed away from him. He nervously watched as Bakugou walked over to the other boy.

"Kacchan are you-" "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! GET BACK INSIDE!" Bakugou yelled making both Izuku and Shigarki flinch. "B-But Kacchan-" NOW!" Bakugou screamed again and started pushing the teen to the door. Izuku suddenly felt someone behind him grab his hand so he turned his head and saw a panicked stricken nurse Joy.

She tightened her grip on the boy's hand and started dragging him back inside the hospital. "Jesus Christ Izuku! I turn my back around for one minute and I see you're outside! Your mom's going to fucking kill me!" She exclaimed while pushing the teen inside of the building.

Once Bakugou saw Izuku back inside he turned around bringing his attention back to the bluenette who started trembling when the two of them locked eyes.

Bakugou walked over to him his looming/threatening presence made Shigarki feel small and helpless. "If you ever come near Izuku again you're dead." Bakugou threatened making Shigarki vigorously nodded his head before quickly running away from the intimidating blonde.

Once Shigarki was gone Bakugou ran back inside of the building to check on Izuku. He found the boy sitting on the floor his back pressed against the main desk as nurse Joy was busy sticking a needle in his shoulder.

"Kacchan! Are you okay!?" Izuku asked when the blonde walked inside. "Idiot! I should be asking you that! What the hell were you thinking!?" Bakugou yelled as he crouched down in front of the greenette. "Sorry..." Izuku mumbled out his eyes shifting downward to avoid the blondes angered stare as he apologized. "*sigh* Please don't do that ever again." Bakugou sighed out softly while dropping his head down and pressing it against Izuku's shoulder. "I won't." Izuku mumbled as he kissed the top of the blonde's head.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Bakugou asked as he lifted his head back up. Izuku nodded his head and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine! I just feel a little diz...zy." He said and suddenly fell on his side.

"Izuku!?" Bakugou yelled and nurse Joy quickly pushed the teen away from him as she went to check the boy. "He's still breathing but his heart is picking up. He's probably about to have a seizure." Joy said and quickly pushed the boy slightly away from the desk so he won't be able to hit it. "What!? But he said he doesn't get those!" Bakugou yelled. "Yeah well, what else do you think would have happened after he went outside!" Joy yelled as she quickly began to call for a doctor while also telling another nurse to go and get a stretcher.

"Izuku!" Bakugou called out when he saw the boy's eyes open. His heart immediately sank however when he saw the boy start to shake as his legs and arms jerked around every now and then.

The seizure only lasted for fifteen seconds but for Bakugou it felt like an eternity of watching the boy he loves suffering. Once the fifteen seconds had passed Izuku's eyes closed again as he was now out cold. Just then the doctor came along with the nurse with a stretcher. They quickly put the young teen on the stretcher and rushed off.

Nurse Joy was about to join them but she looked over at Bakugou and sighed at the teen's grief-stricken face. "Bakugou." She said gently while placing her hand on his shoulder. "I think you should go home for today." She said and he nodded his head slowly, still looking at the direction they had rushed off with Izuku. "Don't worry I won't tell his mom that he went out because of you." She said unaware that the boy's body had stiffened.

"*sigh* See you tomorrow." She said and rushed off down the corridor. Bakugou stayed sitting on the floor staring down the hallway before looking up at the ceiling as if searching for an answer.

"I know you love Izuku, I loved Hisashi but being together was never going to work. Sooner or later you guys are going to want to be closer and spend more time together outside of the hospital that's what we wanted and that's why he's not here anymore... I don't want the same fate for our son."

"Surviving isn't living. If you break up with him now you'll just be preventing him from living his life the way he wanted which would just make him feel miserable, and I know it will make you miserable as well."

"What should I do..."


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