π…πŽπ‘ππˆπƒπƒπ„π ( BEASTARS...


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π…πŽπ‘ππˆπƒπƒπ„π |❝ 𝙄 𝙙𝙀𝙣'𝙩 𝙠𝙣𝙀𝙬 π™žπ™› 𝙄 π™‘π™€π™«π™š π™π™šπ™§, 𝙀𝙧 π™žπ™› 𝙄 π™‘π™€π™«π™š π™©π™π™š 𝙃𝙐𝙉𝙏... More



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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟔

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

The cold reality that Legosi refused to believed seemed to be chasing after him. No matter how much he moved his feet, no matter how fast he lunged himself forward there was nothing in front of him. No trace left behind of the [h/c] haired girl he wished to both see and touch again.


He spoke to himself, refusing to accept that she could be gone until someone had told it to him. Until he was face to face with her dead body there was always going to be hope that she's still there. And, if not, he'd just blame himself for everything that's happened.

After all, to him, if he had just been faster in trying to catch her she would be with him. If he had just lunged forward instead of slowly pushing himself into a sprint she'd be there in his arms. Everything was because of him. There was no doubt that the familiar deer would think the same as well.

'It's all- it's all my fault!'

Anger bubbled up inside the carnivore. And, for a moment, he had to stop and look at his reflection in a small window. His eyes turned the ruby hue that they had the night he assaulted the human. The night that seemed to start everything that happened between the two of them.

'There's no way I...'

The reflection that stared back at him wasn't himself. It wasn't the Legosi that had shared all the good and bad times with everyone in the drama club. This wasn't the man in which he wished to be either, in fact it seemed like the opposite.

This only leading to his brain beginning to work against him. Could this possibly be the same thing that Gouhin was warning him about? Getting so worked up over [F/n] was normal, but why exactly was he getting worked up? Was it really because she was in danger...or just because he wasn't able to carve her skin with his own teeth first.

'I don't want this...t-this isn't, this isn't me'

As if two sides began fighting one another the two parts of the wolfs brain went at each other. One speaking to him with compassion, telling him that he truly is in love with this girl. Pushing forward is just what he needs to do. He needs to fight for it.

While his logical side told him the opposite. That this wasn't love and was just his instincts acting up. Anyone would want to get their hands on a human after all. Their blood is rumored to be divine. Something that you wouldn't be able to buy at the black market so easily. That's the only reason that he wants her, and that's the only reason he needs.

His thoughts being interrupted by the sound of his phone blaring through the quiet streets. The wolfs predatory eyes turned back to normal before pulling out said object. Seeing that the person calling him was none other than the future 'Beastar' himself.

'How did Louis get my number?'

Trying his best to ignore the obvious questions he held, the wolf answered the phone. Fear plaguing his mind the moment he did so. Almost as if in that split second while the phone was ringing he forgot all about [F/n] and how she was nowhere to be found.


"Legosi, you stupid wolf, where are you?"

Said male's ears immediately twitched at the harsh tone that was being given to him. It wasn't just one of a parental figure but genuine anger seemed to be held within it as well. Like the simply words he spoke were somehow forming into threats towards him.

"A-At the hotel...w-"

"Give the phone to [F/n] this instant."

In all honesty, Legosi didn't really know what he was expecting. Louis didn't like him, that much both of them had made clear to one another, so there would be no reason for him to call. Checking up on the wolf wasn't something that he had to do. There's no way he'd take the time out of his day to check on someone he disliked.

The obvious reason was the girl, that much he should've known. But hearing her name from his mouth, especially after loosing track of her, just made the male freeze. Not knowing what he was meant to do nor say. He had already told a white lie once and surely he could do it again. Though he wasn't sure that Louis was going to allow the call to end without her voice being heard.


"Oh, sorry. S-She isn't...she isn't here r-right now"

"Then, pray tell, where IS she? Surely you're keeping track of her"

It was horrifying how, unconsciously, the deer had taken a stab at the male's heart. Without even knowing it he pointed out the single thing that the wolf had been worried about. The one thing that he wasn't able to do. Well, two, if counting the fact that he also couldn't keep the girl safe when she wasn't with him.

"O-Out! With...Aoba, she and Aoba went to get a few drinks for us"

"Aoba huh?"

A small weight seemed to lift off of Legosi. The male had believed him, as far as he knew, and that would be the end of it. His body was already moving again to look for the girl. Making sure his footsteps were light enough for Louis not to hear on the other side of the phone.

"I'll call him then, goodbye Legosi"

And just like that the clocked started ticking all over again. Of course it wasn't just him that Louis had suddenly gotten the number of. Taking the time to get everyone's who had left the campus. Possibly checking on everyone else but inevitably just being the girl.

If that was in fact that case that meant that no matter who Legosi lied and said the girl was with he'd just call them. Saying that she was all by herself somewhere was a definite 'no go' in the situation as well. The only hope he had left was the call the Eagle directly before the deer had the chance to. Maybe then he would be able to stop his fate a little more.

"Eh? Lego-"

"Aoba! Did Louis call you?"

The male was quick to pick up on shuffling on the other side of the phone. But even so he heard no one else speaking to him. Surely, if he was with the others like before, the bustling black market would've been heard in the background. But now it seemed awfully quiet.

Not only that but he didn't hear Bill's boastful voice either. Knowing all too well that the male should've been filled with a high spirit after eating meat. The proof of that being how pumped he got by a simply wallet. If something so small was able to get him all ready to go then meat would do the same tenfold.

"Louis? Yeah I had to pause his call when I saw yours-"

"You didn't tell him I was calling right? P-Please tell me you didn't"

"Legosi, what's up with you? And no I didn't tell him I just said to hold on. Why do you sound so frantic?"

He knew deep down that Aoba wasn't going to understand. The wolf hadn't seen him nor [F/n] talk to one another aside from today. The emotions that he formed for her were the primary things that were keeping him going. Pushing him to find her and make sure that she was safe.

If the eagle didn't feel them then he'd have no reason to worry about it. It's exactly how he felt about Bill. He neither loved or hated Bill, which meant he also didn't worry about his safety. Where the tiger was right now didn't matter to him. It was probably the furthest thought in his mind.

"I...It's nothing just stall Louis will you?"

"Stall him? Legosi you aren't making any sen-"

"It doesn't need to! J-Just do it, I..I need to do something"

And just like that the carnivore ended the call. Praying that the male on the other side would do as he said without a hiccup. He wasn't the type to ask for much so he didn't understand why the male wouldn't do it. Though there was a small chance considering who they were talking about.

Louis the red deer, there was a small thought that plagued the male's mind. That he would be able to see right through Aoba's words that he stalled for time with. That he'd demand to speak to the girl that was beside him.

Even worse, Legosi feared that Aoba would end up telling Louis the full truth. All about how they ended up at the black market and were about to eat someone before both the human and wolf fled. But that was only a small possibility. The consequences that would befall him and the other two carnivores would surely be enough to stop him from acting so rash.

"The subway, it's near here right?"

Legosi questioned aloud. His eyes moving around hastily as he continued running. Wanting to try and search the open area's before having to go deeper into the black market. If she had somehow made it out of there then he'd be alright and wouldn't need to put himself in danger.

His nose twitched a bit at the sudden, yet familiar, scent that lingered in the air. The same bird that he had just been speaking with was near him. This only making the male's stress go down a bit more knowing that the phone he was using to speak with Louis with was there as well.

"What would he say? '[F/n] left with Bill'? Then he'd just call him. He can't say anything about her not being there either since Louis wouldn't allow that"

More stress was beginning to billow inside of Legosi. The mere thought of being found out made him anxious. In fact, he was more worried that on the phone Aoba didn't seem just as worried as he did. If anything that happened that night got found out who knows what could end up happening.

"No- that doesn't matter. I just...I just need to find her"

He tried his best to push away the stress with determination. Looking forward was just what he needed to do. The deer wasn't that important, or at least that's what he told himself, fore the girl was still out there and alone. The gods above only know what could be happening to her while he was there running around like he was feral.


"Legosi, you're here?"

After being face to face with Aoba the wolf then realized that his thoughts were indeed correct. Neither of the other carnivores that were with them were there are the moment. The male was standing there all by his lonesome though now joined by Legosi.

"What happened? W-Why are you here...?"

"Well after you and [F/n] ran off I...I thought about all the great Herbivore friends I had,"

Legosi forced his body to pause while his 'friend' explained everything that happened with him. Though he was in a rush to search for the [e/c] eyed girl this was happening in the very moment. Nothing good would come if he chose to ignore Aoba, only to run around some more and meet up with him again later.

"And it's just...I-I'm sorry, Legosi. I should've never gone along with it and I didn't eat it, the finger I mean"


Legosi wasn't entirely sure what to say in the situation. Happy enough that his friend had seen what was wrong with what happened, but at the end of the day it didn't help anything. It didn't help the fact that both him and [F/n] ran off from them. And it certainly didn't help that the girl still wasn't with him.

"Oh, and don't worry Legosi,"

Moving his gaze back towards Aoba he saw the male smiling at him. A weight of its own lifted off the birds chest after telling the wolf how he felt. 

"I apologized to [F/n] too-"

"Y-You saw her!? W-Where...where is she Aoba, I need to-"

"Why are you freaking out again? Also why did you need me to stall Louis, all he wanted was to talk to [F/n]"

That's right, it was like Legosi had completely forgotten about the whole deer situation. About how he lied with the male without a second thought. But before he could speak another voice broke through the silence.

"Okay Aoba, you can have your phone back now."

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