Trolls: Music In Life

By Rally9933

27.6K 286 93

After the events of Trolls World Tour, all tribes of Trolls lived in harmony once again. But not all of them... More

A Mysterious Troll
Try The Music
Pop (Pop Village)
Funk (Vibe City)
Country (Lonesome Flats)
Rock (Volcano Rock City)
Smooth Jazz, sort of
Classical (Symphonyville)
Techno (Techno Reef)
Lost (Day 1)
Lost (Day 2)
Lost (Day 3)
Lost (Day 4) & Found
We Can't Help You
Aggie's "True Colors"
The Master Of All Music
I Can


3.4K 29 8
By Rally9933

Hello everyone and Trolls fans. This is my very first Trolls fanfiction, and I'm very excited to share this with you guys. I was..., well, quite a fan of Trolls, but not too much until Trolls World Tour. I never have plans to make my own Trolls fanfiction..., until I have a dream about it when I slept. It was a matter of time that I dreamt about Trolls characters, and I have my OC in it. So, I want to make my dream come true.

I also wanted to present to you my OC. If you already heard of me, my OC is still Aggie, but this story doesn't correlate with the Aggie in any of my stories and any universe. So, this story is about a troll Aggie in an alternate universe where humans or the I Team never existed.

So, I hope you have fun reading this story.


Once upon a time, there are 6 different kinds of trolls, and their ancestors created 6 strings presenting 6 different kinds of music: Techno, Funk, Classical, Country, Hard Rock, and Pop. Life is like one big party, until the Pop Trolls stole the strings to play just Pop music. The other 5 trolls retrieved their own strings, and ran away. The 6 tribes of trolls never live in harmony again.

But one day, a troll name Poppy, queen of the Pop Trolls, and her best friend Branch went on a journey to stop the queen of the Hard Rock Trolls from destroying all the string except for rock. But when the strings were gone, the trolls realized they don't need the strings to make music as it truly came from within themselves.

Life was a one big party once again as all the trolls united and lived in harmony again... Well, not all of them.

What the other trolls didn't know there are another kind of trolls that they thought they never existed or never heard of them at all.

One night, in the deep dark forest, a figure ran and ran as fast as it can. It jumped over high roots and rocks, ducked low branches, and dodged other obstacles that stood in its way. It was starting to rain, and lightning flashed in the sky. The figure then stumbled on a steep hill, and rolled down until it hit down on the ground. The figure was revealed to be followed by a giant spider, and ready to eat.

But before the spider can, the figure threw a small rock onto it, and kicked the spider into the air, landing far away. The figure then got on its feet, and continued running, trying to find a way out of the forest.


The next day, it was a beautiful, wonderful and lovely day... at Pop Village. Now that the trolls lived in harmony once again, the 6 tribes can visit any locations anytime they want within Troll Kingdom. There are some Funk, Country, Classical, Techno, and Rock trolls visit Pop Village to hangout with one another, and also for juveniles to go to school.

While the trolls were doing their own business, Queen Poppy and Branch were taking a stroll around the village with their hands holding together.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Poppy started talking.

"It is..., just like you," Branch answered back as he smiled lovingly at Poppy, which made her blush a little, "So, are you going to do those singing, dancing, and hugging?"

"Whoa, there! You really know what I'm thinking for today, huh?"

"Uh, because that's what we always do everyday?"


Poppy and Branch laughed with each other, until her bracelet is glowing.

"Oh, it's Hug Time already?" Branch guessed, "But Hug Time was 5 minutes ago."

"Oh no. It's not Hug Time, Branch. It's time for me to meet up with the other leaders," Poppy explained, "We came up with a decree that we should meet to help other trolls in need, and solve crisis."

"What kind of crisis?" asked Branch.

"Well, since all trolls are free to visit different places within the kingdom, we have to think of fast transportations without stumbled into obstacles or dangerous stuff," the queen answered.

"Tell me about it. We've stumbled all of those before when we got off to an adventure."

"But now we have to think safety procedures of how to travel fast and safe. Would you come with us, Branch? We need safe experts like you."

Branch chuckled and blushed, "I wish to, Poppy, but actually, I have other plans. I have to fix up some mess after the Rock Trolls destroyed almost everything here."

"Aww, I understand, Branchifer," Poppy playfully poked Branch's nose, "Well, I better get going. I'm gonna be late!"

She ran off before Branch has to say another thing, but he understood that his queen was in a rush, and he started to walk off, until...

"Almost forgot!" Poppy returned to Branch to give him a kiss on the cheek, "Love you. I'll see you later!" She then ran off again.

Branch just watched Poppy ran off with his hand on his cheek where Poppy kissed him, "I love you too," He replied quietly with a smile on his face.

He thought the moment he didn't confess his feelings towards Poppy, he would be stuck in a friendzone with her forever. But, he got what he wanted.

Just then, Branch felt someone elbowed him by his left arm.

"Heya, Branch!"

Branch turned while rubbing his arm, and noticed Hickory, who now still wearing his old clothes as a Yodeler. "Oh, hi Hickory."

"How have you been lately?" Hickory asked.

"Oh, I've been fine. I finally confessed to Poppy what I feel, and, well, you know the rest."

"Yes, I can see that. I was few feet away from you two."

"And I should've known I shouldn't trust you when you helped escape from Lonesome Flats, but since you admitted and regretted of using us, and you apologized, I think Poppy forgave you. And since she forgave you, then I do too," Branch recalled that memory.

"Thank you, Branch. And I promise that our friendship is real," Hickory made a promise with his hand raising.

"So, where's your brother? The little one?" the dark-colored Pop troll asked.

"Oh, you mean Dickory?" The yodeler said, "Well, he moved back home, but I wanna stay here for a while... to try other kinds of music. I still love yodeling, but what's wrong to try other ones, right?"

"Well, I guess the Queen of Pop won't mind you staying here."

Suddenly, while Branch and Hickory walked near the forest, they heard rustling sounds, and something stumbled into a bush.


Branch and Hickory were startled by the grunt, and it must be a person, not a thing or animal.

"Who goes there?!" Branch shouted as the bush started to shiver, "I'm warning you! I have a weapon here, and I'm not afraid to use it!" He took out a sharp stake from his pocket.

"Seriously? Did you have bring that along with you?" Hickory wondered, but returned to the mysterious figure hiding in a bush, "But can you tell us who you are?"

"Please. D-d-don't hurt me," the figure in the bush stammered.

"We won't hurt you unless you show yourself," Branch demanded, but the figure kept shivering in the bush.

Branch and Hickory slowly and quietly approached the shivering, and when they opened the bush, the saw a female grey troll with black hair that worn down and white dress.

"You're... a troll," Branched scanned the mysterious trolls

"Please, I mean no harm. Don't hurt me, please," the female troll covered her face with her arms, and shivered in fear.

"It's okay," Hickory said to calm her down, and turned to Branch, "Come on, let's help her out."

Branch and Hickory helped the grey troll out of the bush as they out her back on her feet.

"Hello there, little lady. Who are you, and what are you doing here?" Hickory asked while brushing off the leaves from the grey troll's dress.

"Where did you come from?" Branch added.

"I am not from here. I'm... I'm lost. I'm just seeking for help... from a leader of any tribe of the trolls," the female troll answered.

"What do you need help from them?" asked Branch

"It's... it's complicated," the grey troll was scared to explain, especially to the new trolls she just met, "I... I really need to talk to any of them."

Though this is urgent for this new troll to talk to the leaders, Branch remembered that Poppy and the rest of the troll leaders were having a meeting, and he doesn't like to disturb them.

"Do we haven to? They are having a meeting right now," Branch told the yodeler.

"We don't know what else to do to help this young troll. We need Poppy and the other leaders," Hickory replied.

"I'll go tell the others. Just keep an eye on her," Branch said as he ran off to tell the other trolls, while Hickory guided the grey troll to the Pop Village.


Meanwhile, the troll leaders were having a meeting in a tall pod at the third branch of a high tree. The leaders are still discussing a fast-transportating solution for all trolls to travel in different places of the Troll Kingdom.

"Okay, so hot-air balloon was kinda slow to travel," Poppy said as she experienced it before, "But better than nothing, right?"

"My tour bus is not enough for most trolls," Barb added as she slouched, and put her feet on the table, "Besides, my tour bus is just for Rock trolls. My bus is a mess. You don't want to see what's inside for other trolls."

"And we can't use Vibe City as transportation all the time," King Quincy replied, "Every once in a while, Vibe City needs to rest from travelling."

"So, any suggestion of transportation?" King Trollex waited for a suggestion from the other leaders.

Suddenly, someone knocked on their door as it brought to the leaders' attention.

"I'll get it," Poppy volunteered as she opened the door, and found one of her best friends, "Oh, Biggie!"

"Hi, Queen Poppy," Biggie waved his hand nervously, but he also noticed the other troll leaders behind her, "And I see that you're busy, I'll come back later."

"Biggie, wait," Poppy halted him, "It's okay. What do you want?"

"You see, Poppy," Biggie was a little nervous again to share this news, but he exhaled to report, "Branch and Hickory found a lost troll, and she said she's not from here."

"Well, it might be obvious that she might be one of any of us," Delta Dawn said, expecting that the lost troll might be a Country Troll one of her kind.

"Actually, she looks a lot like us Pop trolls, but she said she's not," the big blue troll explained.

"Then, she might be a Hard Rock troll," Barn guessed that the troll might be one of her kind.

"No, she's not either."

"So, she's neither Funk, Techno, Country or Classical?" Queen Essence asked.

But Biggie still answer no by shaking his head.

"That doesn't make any sense. If she's not a troll of any of our kinds, then where did she come from, and who is she?" Poppy wondered.

"I don't know, but she won't say anything until she wanted to meet you guys in person. She's pretty shy," Biggie answered

"Alright, Biggie. Just make her feel comfortable while waiting. We'll be coming down," Poppy said as Biggie nodded before leaving, and the Pop queen slowly closed the door.

She looked back her fellow leaders if they agreed to help this lost troll.

"I think we should skip this transportation meeting," Quincy suggested, "We need to help this troll."

"And as leaders, it's our duty to help a fellow troll," Trollzart added.

"Right. Come on, everyone!" Poppy said as she opened the door, and all of the leaders left their meeting to help this new troll.


Oh my gosh! I can't believe I made my first very own Trolls fanfiction.

I love that most of the troll characters have more screen time than in a movie.

So, just to be clear, this Trolls story of mine doesn't correlate with the Aggie in the universe I made in every story, like Angry Birds, Hotel Transylvania, My Little Pony, Tinkerbell, Finding Dory, Cars, Planes, etc. No. This Trolls story is NOT a continuation or related to Aggie's adventure as a winged human from a human world who travel different dimensions to find new friends. So, this troll Aggie is an alternate universe version of the original, and it's not connected to the stories I previously and currently wrote.

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