Reading VA: Reading Vampire A...

By Jess-Roza

73.8K 1.9K 60

Set in Spirit Bound. Starts the morning after Dimitri is released but before Church and 'love fades'. The gan... More

Author's Note
Reading VA: Reading Frostbite
Author's Note 2
Inspired by you (an Author's note)


2.5K 76 3
By Jess-Roza

"A couple weeks passed after that, and I soon forgot the Anna thing as life at the Academy wrapped around me." No one dare interrupt zmey as he read. "The shock of our return had worn off a little, and we began to fall into a semi-comfortable routine. My days revolved around church, lunch with Lissa, and whatever sort of social life I could scrape together outside of that. Denied any real free time, I didn't have too hard a time staying out of the spotlight, although I did manage to steal a little attention here and there, despite my noble speech about 'coasting through the middle'. I couldn't help it." No, she couldn't, she had had me focused on her already. "I liked flirting," and with me before we realised that was what we were doing because it hadn't been in her typical way. "I liked groups, and I liked making smartass comments in class.
"Her new, incognito role attracted attention simply because it was so different than before we left, back when she'd been so active with royals. Most people let that go, accepting that the Dragomir princess was fading off the social radar and content to run with Natalie and her group." Abe continued on, uninterrupted for the most part. "A routine also developed with Dimitri and me. Mason had been right about him being antisocial."

Not when it came to my Roza. I was going to have to adapt to a life in the limelight if Rose truly did end up with Lissa to guard. Ugh, that made me slightly uncomfortable but whatever, she was worth it.

"Dimitri didn't hang out much with other guardians, though it was clear they all respected him. And the more I worked with him, the more I respected him too, though I didn't really understand his training methods. They didn't seem very badass."

They weren't badass at that stage. But they were vital so she'd be ready for the badass training.

I tuned back in on, "Three weeks after my return to the Academy, I walked into the gym before school one day and found him sprawled on a mat, reading a Louis L'Amour book." Uh oh. This day I remembered extremely well. "Someone had brought in a portable CD player, and while that cheered me up at first, the song coming from it did not: "When Doves Cry" by Prince."

Abe paused to let the others comment. And muse and speculate over the link between my life and the song. Especially with Roza weaselling her way into my heart.

Eventually Abe took back the spotlight. The room quieted. "It was embarrassing to know the title, but one of our former housemates had been obsessed with the '80's." So that's how she had all that material and knowledge to tease me with. ""Whoa, Dimitri," I said, tossing my bag on the floor. "I realise this is actually a current hit in Eastern Europe right now, but do you think we could maybe listen to something that wasn't recorded before I was born?"
"Only his eyes flicked toward me; the rest of his posture remained the same. "What does it matter to you?""

Y-ouch! That had been harsh of me. I'll be the first to admit to that.

""I'm the one who's going to be listening to it. You'll be outside running."
"I made a face as I set my foot up on one of the bars and stretched my hamstrings. All things considered, Dimitri had a good-natured tolerance for my snarkiness." I actually enjoyed it if or until it turned blatantly disrespectful. "So long as I didn't slack in my training, he didn't mind my running commentary."

Of course. It lightened and made my day. Or evening.

Abe continued reading the interaction. I, along with the entire group gathered realised just how teasing and flirty it sounded. It sounded that way because it had been and we'd never realised because it had been a professional topic.

"He looked at me and didn't blink. "You run."
"I repressed the urge to throw something at him. When I finished my stretches, he told me he'd run with me. That was a first. Maybe running would give me some insight into his killer reputation." Abe continued reading how the rest of that training played out. A few questions were asked about what I'd found amusing. I answered them.

Then came Natalie and Victor's first test of Lissa's powers, the mind games, started. Well, restarted. The fox incident. Abe let murmurs and disgusted comments interrupt his reading. That incident had my protective instincts regarding Rose at all-time high. I'd always been attached to my Roza, but this was a potent example where it was strengthened.

"Someone finally realised I was there and ordered Dimitri to take me away, no matter how much I begged them to let me stay with Lissa. He walked me back to the novice's dorm. He didn't speak until we were almost there. "You know something. Something about what happened. Is this what you meant when you told Headmistress Kirova that Lissa was in danger?"" She'd always been an open book to me, even if I was a tad slow at understanding sometimes.
""I don't know anything. It's just some sick joke."
""Do you have any idea who'd do it? Or why?"" That brought about grumbles from those who knew. But spoilers weren't given.
"I considered this. Before we'd left, it could have been any number of people. That was the way it was when you were popular. People loved you, people hated you. But now? Lissa had faded off to a certain extent. The only person who really and truly despised her was Mia, but Mia seemed to fight her battles with words, not actions. And even if she did decide to do something more aggressive, why do this? She didn't seem like the type. There were a million other ways to get back at a person." Abe and a few others applauded Roza's logic. Mia and Rose just had a right good laugh over past grievances.
""No." I told him. "No clue."
""Rose, if you know something, tell me. We're on the same side. We both want to protect her. This is serious."
"I spun around, taking my anger over the fox out on him.
""Yeah, it is serious. It's all serious. And you have me doing laps every day when I should be learning to fight and defend her! If you want to help her, teach me something! Teach me how to fight.""

I'd never forgotten that line. Or her voice and face, her determination when she'd ranted at me. I never wanted to be in her bad books.

""I already know how to run away."
"I didn't realise until that moment how badly I wanted to learn, how I wanted to prove myself to him, to Lissa, and to everyone else. The fox incident had made me feel powerless," just as her disappearing from the lodge had made me feel because I didn't have the power to track her and find her, "and I didn't like that." We definitely thought along the same lines. "I wanted to do something, anything.
"Dimitri watched my outburst calmly, with no change in his expression. When I finished, he simply beckoned me forward like I hadn't said anything." She'd said everything. ""Come on. You're late for practice.""

"Yet another dramatic end!" Christian pointed out with a laugh. Yawns went around the room.
"Let's get some sleep. We've still got a lot more reading to do," noted Abe as he set the book down. Having first dog-eared the start of chapter eight.
"What time is our wake-up call?" enquired Roza.
"Whenever Nadia wakes?" suggested Mama. "Around four?" Murmurs of agreement circled the group. It was currently eleven and the dhampirs knew how to handle surviving on a few hours sleep, the Moroi weren't as used to it but agreed to the challenge.

After "good night"s, the group dispersed. Roza and I returned to my room.
"Now, that playful punishment of yours?" I growled lustfully into my darling Roza's ear while hugging her from behind.
"Absolutely!" she giggled. Before I could respond or react, my love spun in my arms. My love's lips met mine and I got lost in them.

Maybe I didn't have as much control as I'd thought. And, since meeting my Roza, I'd come to accept I had almost none, that it was a façade. Let's just say we didn't get much proper sleep. Not that we were going to complain when, for so long, we'd fought the need to be that close.

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