RWBY: I Never Miss

By JasonTheRedHood

825 13 17

Follow the story of Floyd Branwen, the son of Summer and Qrow who goes down a dark path. After the death of S... More

Character Bio
Flashback: Blackwell Hit
Author's Note


239 2 6
By JasonTheRedHood

Floyd: It really is nice to have a day to myself every now and then. 

In a cafe in the city of Vale, a casually dressed teen sits enjoying a drink. He has red and black hair, along with a pair of red eyes. This is Floyd Branwen, son of Qrow Branwen and the late Summer Rose. 

Floyd: I mean, I love my family, and I can tolerate my little "job", but it's nice to have some peace every now and then. 

As he finishes his drink, a waitress comes by his table.

Waitress: I see you enjoyed your hot cocoa sir. Would you like another one?

Floyd: Absolutely! Thank you. 

Floyd says this with a kind expression, causing the server to gain one of her own. However, as he finishes his drink, the bell rings and the door opens. An older gentleman in suit like clothing with a black and green color scheme walks in. He has silver hair and is wearing spectacles. He looks around like he's trying to find someone, and notices Floyd rather quickly. He then approaches the young man's table. 

???: Hello there! I was wondering if you'd mind me sitting here, all the other tables are full. 

Floyd takes a look around to confirm, and sure enough, all the tables are full. He turns to the man, who he now notices is carrying a file with some documents in it. 

Floyd: I don't mind at all, sir. However, may I ask your name? 

The man smiles and adjusts his glasses, before giving a reply.

???: I am Professor Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy. I suspect that you may have heard of me?

His eyes light up like lamps at this. 

Floyd: Absolutely! I applied to Beacon this year, and you're a real inspiration sir!

Ozpin: That's good to know, and the application is why I came here. I'd like to speak with you, face to face. 

Floyd is bursting with excitement! However, the mood is about to become more mixed than upbeat. 

Ozpin: The main reason I wanted to speak with you is your night job. If it weren't for that, I would've let you in instantly. Some people, like my assistant Glynda Goodwitch, would decline and report you, but I think there's more to it than meets the eye.

Floyd instantly goes from excited to neutral and nervous.

Floyd: Alright then sir. I assume you'll have questions for me? 

Ozpin: Yes. I'll ask you some questions and you just answer me honestly.

Floyd braces himself, but agrees. 

Floyd: Alright sir, ask away.

Ozpin takes a minute to get himself situated, and then asks the first question. 

Ozpin: Question one. Why did you become Deadshot? 

Floyd: When my mother died, my dad and Uncle Tai couldn't provide for themselves, Ruby, Yang, Me, and the two dogs. Not all of us at once. But at that point, I had learned to use guns so well that my classmates at Signal, bar Yang, were terrified of me. I never missed a shot. I realized just how much being a mercenary and hitman paid, and I decided I'd do it for the good of my family. No financial struggle anymore. 

Ozpin: That's not what I expected, and it's surprisingly noble. So far, I see nothing wrong. Now, question two. Did you enjoy killing your targets? 

Floyd: As a whole, no. In one or two cases, yes. 

Ozpin: Would you mind elaborating? 

Floyd: It was mostly just the hit on Lawrence Blackwell. I got a good look into what he and his security chief were doing, and I would have likely taken them down even without the contract. What his company did to the Faunus. . .I shudder to think of it. 

Ozpin: That's understandable. If I were in your age and your position, I'd feel the same way. Now, the final and riskiest question. 

Floyd braces for what he's about to hear, he's wondering how bad this will be. 

Ozpin: Question. Three. How would Deadshot feel about changing employers? 

Floyd: What do you mean?

Ozpin: Allow me to let you in on a little secret. Not all the work I do is publicized. Despite how much I wish things could all be nonviolent, peaceful, simple, I have to give the order to do dark things. So I am asking if Deadshot would run these Dark Ops for me. He'll be payed handsomely of course, I believe. . .twice his usual rate?

Floyd: You're a madman. You'd be paying me 200,000 lien per mission? 

Ozpin: You get what you pay for. Now then, I think I have my answe-

Floyd looks out the window while Ozpin speaks, and his eyes widen as he sees something that sickens him. 

Floyd: *cold* Professor, I'm gonna need you to hold that thought. I'll be back in a minute.

Ozpin is understandably confused, and follows Floyd outside.

Ozpin: What is the matter? 

Floyd points at what he is seeing.

Floyd: That is the matter.

Ozpin follows the pointing finger and sees a woman and her daughter. Upon closer view, the child is shaking, afraid, and flinching at every moment. Clear signs of trauma and abuse.

Floyd: That kid is no more than seven years old. I'm not standing by.

Floyd is expecting a retort from Ozpin as he walks over to them, but he doesn't get one. He reaches the two, and starts with a simple question. 

Floyd: Afternoon Ma'am. May I ask your name? 

???: I'm Michelle Torres. 

Floyd: Ah. Thank you Michelle. And what is your name, little one?

???: Zoe Torres. 

Michelle glares at Zoe, her mannerisms scream "DRUNK". She hits her daughter, evidently used to doing this, but seemingly forgetting WHY she's hitting her. Alcohol will do that, evidently.

Michelle: Is that how you address someone?

The girl is in tears in shaking. 

Zoe: I'm Zoe Torres, sir. 

Michelle: Better.

Floyd is boiling in rage, and Ozpin is silently cheering for Floyd, yet hoping he doesn't break. 

Floyd: Ma'am. Why did you just hit your daughter?

Michelle is flabbergasted, as she forgot someone was around to see it, due to being drunk. She decides to try to take it out on Zoe again.

Michelle: Look at what you made me do!

She reels back her hand and swings, and Zoe braces. However, Zoe is confused when she isn't struck and instead hears someone else yelp in pain. She uncovers her eyes and looks up to see something she never thought she would. Someone standing up to her drunken devil of a mother. 

Michelle: What?! Why are you holding my wrist?! OW! Please let go, it hurts!!

Floyd: And I'm sure it hurt Zoe when you struck her. Now here's what's gonna happen. The VPD headquarters and legal office is two blocks away. We're going to walk in there, and your going to relinquish custody of Zoe. I will then adopt her myself, and be a REAL parent. And you will agree, because you'll be locked up on child abuse charges if you don't.

Zoe is crying tears of joy at this point, that someone can finally help her and free her from her hell. She runs over and hugs his leg, since he is much taller than her. 

Zoe: Thank you so much sir! 

Floyd: You don't have to call me sir. But in a few hours, you could call me dad. 

Unknown to them, Ozpin has reached them. 

Ozpin: Floyd, you never cease to amaze and impress me. Well, let us get going, me being there will make the process considerably quicker. Also Floyd, what you did with Zoe was enough to convince me. In two months. . .Welcome to Beacon. Now, let's get this adoption process done, shall we?

Time-skip Of A Few Hours

Inside the VPD building, Michelle has long since stormed away, leaving Floyd and Ozpin to complete the paperwork. Zoe sits in a chair nearby, and is so happy to have a new family. An officer of the VPD prints the final signatures, and files the paperwork.

VPD Officer: Well, it's all taken care of. Her name and guardianship have been changed. Mr. Branwen, I do hope you enjoy life with your new daughter. 

Floyd: You can bet on it officer. I've helped raise my little sister, and I've always wanted to be a father. Oh, thank you for helping me with this Professor Ozpin. 

The officer walks back inside before Ozpin replies.

Ozpin: No. Thank YOU. I had already planned my questions as a test of character, but this situation proved you to be genuine, and you exceeded even Qrow's expectations. Also, tell your sister Yang I look forward to seeing her at Beacon. She got in as well. And on one final note, I understand that little Zoe won't want to leave your side, so you can bring her to Beacon with you.

Floyd: Thank you. Yeah, Qrow found out I was Deadshot a while back, but he understood why I did it. I'll pass on the news to Yang. And thank you so much for letting me bring her!

As Ozpin leaves, Floyd walks over to Zoe who's now his new daughter. A part of Floyd is nervous to tell the rest of the family, but most of him is just happy, happy that he saved a child and happy that the child is now his.  

Floyd: Everything's taken care of Zoe! You ready to head home?

Zoe: Yes! But. . .now you're my daddy? 

Floyd's heart melts and he gets a warm smile on his face. 

Floyd: Yes. I'm your dad now.

Zoe: Yay!!

Floyd: Ready to meet the rest of the family?

Zoe: There's more?!

Floyd: Yes! You get to meet your two aunts, your grandpa, his brother, and our dogs. Speaking of them, I have to call them. Could you stay quiet while I'm on the scroll? I want it to be a surprise when I bring you home. 

Zoe: Ok daddy! 

His heart melting again, he pulls out his scroll and selects a contact, reading "Rose/Xiao-Long". The call gets picked up after the second ring. It's Yang that answers. 

Yang: Hello? Yang Xiao Long speaking. 

Floyd: Hey Yang! It's Floyd.

Yang: Hey bro! What can I do you for?

Floyd: Can you get me Uncle Tai please? I need to talk to him. 

Yang: Sure! *background* Hey dad! Floyd's on the phone, he needs to talk to you!

Tai comes to the phone and answers. 

Tai: How's my favorite nephew doing? 

Floyd: If my memory serves me right, I'm your ONLY nephew. 

Tai: All the more reason to like you! You usually don't call like this, what's the deal?

Floyd: I know I was supposed to be staying in mainland Vale for a few more days, but plans have changed. I got some BIG news today, and I'll be back to Patch by tonight. I'll need you to get everyone together for it, Qrow included. Since it's about 11:00 AM now, I should be back by six tonight. Also, don't ask me what the news is. It's a surprise. 

Tai: Alright. Since you'll be back around dinner time and everyone will be hungry, I'll order some pizza for us all. 

Floyd: You won't hear me argue with that choice! I'll see you guys tonight. 

Tai: See you later, kid.

Floyd ends the call, and realizes he has some time to kill before the flight back to Patch. He then gets an idea.

Floyd: Hey Zoe. 

Zoe looks up at him. 

Floyd: How about we go shopping for you before we go home?

Zoe: Yay! Thank you daddy!

Floyd is so happy at this, and he and Zoe go off to go shopping. Roughly two hours later, they are done with the shopping and Floyd has retreived his luggage from the hotel he'd been staying at. 

Floyd: Ok. Need to make a note of how much I got for Zoe. Ten or so outfits worth of clothes and a teddy  bear. I also went and got myself  a new ring.

Floyd: Alright, that's all for today. We're off to the airport. Ever been on a airship before Zoe?

Zoe: No. What's it like? 

Floyd chuckles a bit at that.

Floyd: You'll like it. The flights are pretty smooth, unless you get motion sick, and you get to see the ground from high up. 

Zoe: That sounds fun!

Floyd: Well, come on then. We have a flight to catch. 

Floyd and Zoe then reach the airport and check the screens, seeing that there's a flight leaving for Patch in fifteen minutes that's only half full. They then get to the flight, and board it with about ten minutes left. 

Floyd: Now for the first few minutes, hang on. Also, the flight will be a bit long, but you've got me!

Zoe has her new happy face on, that has rarely faltered since her adoption. However, Floyd has some questions for his new daughter that she may not like to hear. He waits until they're in the air. Before he can ask however, Zoe notices the view. She gets starry eyes and goes a bit hyper.

Zoe: It's so pretty! Do you see this often daddy? 

Floyd: I do Zoe. It always cheers me up, to see something like this. But, I have a few questions for you. About what it was like before I found you. 

Zoe looks a little shaken, but realizes she doesn't have to fear her new dad. She nods her head. 

Floyd: Why did your mom do what she did? I could never imagine doing that, even if my kid said they hated me. 

Zoe: She was very mad. She was mad that old daddy left. She said he left because of me. 

Zoe is now sad and nearly crying, but Floyd picks her up and he makes that all goes away. 

Floyd: Don't worry Zoe, you don't have to deal with it anymore. And it wasn't your fault. Just remember that I'm here. 

Floyd holds on to his daughter and hugs her tight, comforting her for the rest of the flight.

Timeskip of Three Hours

The airship touches down in Patch, and Zoe and Floyd disembark. Floyd pulls Zoe aside to tell her something. 

Floyd: Ok Zoe! We're home in Patch. But, when we go home, we have to do things very specifically, alright?

Zoe: What do you mean daddy? 

Floyd: We're gonna surprise the rest of the family, they don't know about you yet. My bedroom is on the first floor of the house, so we're gonna sneak around to it and open the window. I'll help you climb in. From there, You'll stay hidden in my room, while I go in normally. I'll come get you in about a half an hour. Also, the rest of the family is gonna love you, but since we're gonna make it a surprise, they will be a little hesitant at first. Will you be ok? 

Zoe: I know love doesn't come right away daddy. At least, not for people that aren't you.

Floyd: Great! Follow me.

The two then sneak around to Floyd's window, and he lets Zoe in. He then goes around to the front door, and checks his scroll for the time. 

Floyd: 5:45. Well, things will be quicker this way.

Floyd then walks up to the door, prepared to have the conversation and all that. He gives three knocks, and the door opens. 

Tai: Well, if it isn't my awesome nephew! Glad you came back home early, Ruby was starting to miss you already. 

Floyd: That's my little sis alright. So, is everyone here?

Tai: I've got everyone here. Ruby and Yang weren't expecting to see Qrow, but they really weren't expecting you to say you had big news. Also, I took the liberty to order us all our favorite kind of pizza, since it's around that time of night and I have a feeling we'll be talking for a while. 

Floyd: Well, you thought right. I'll get inside and talk to the others. 

Floyd steps into the house, wondering where the rest are, when he hears a voice getting closer, fast. 


And similarly to her greeting to Uncle Qrow, she latches on to his arm and starts talking. 

Ruby: I'm so glad your back! Did you miss me? Did you miss me?! 

Floyd:*smirking* Nope. 

Qrow hears this from another room. 

Qrow: That's my line! 

Floyd: I'm your son, it's only natural I pick up on your tricks!

Qrow: Fair enough.

By this point Ruby has detached, but Yang has entered, and gives him a bone breaking hug. 

Yang: Floyd! I'm glad you came back today!

Floyd, who is struggling to breath, says:

Floyd: I won't be back for long if you hold this tight Yang. 

Yang: Oh sorry! Anyway, come sit down. I heard you have "big news". 

Floyd: Yes, and some of it involves you.

Everyone perks up at this. They all walk into the dining room and sit down at the table, but Floyd makes sure he has an empty chair on his left. Now, Zwei and Lilith enter the scene. 

Floyd: Lilith! How's my girl doing? 

Lilith barks twice and wags her tail, she's happy to see her owner back home. Once everyone is settled in and enjoying their dinner, Qrow breaks the tension and speaks. 

Qrow: So, this big news. Mind spilling it? 

Floyd: Oh, right. First, I ran into Professor Ozpin this morning. 

Ruby: YOU DID?!?! 

Qrow: Ruby, calm. 

Ruby: Sorry. 

Floyd: I was in a cafe in Vale having some Cocoa when he walked in. I guess he knew I'd be in the area somehow, because he came straight for me at my table. I received some news from him. Yang and I have been accepted in Beacon Academy, and he said he looks forward to seeing us their in two months. 

Yang: YES!!!

Floyd: However, the big news doesn't end here. For this next part, I need all of you to close your eyes while I go get it. And that includes you Ruby, I know that if you get one peek you'll go ballistic, so keep those silver eyes shut. Understood? 

All: Yes. 

Floyd: Thank you. I'll be right back. 

Floyd then goes to his room gives a little knock on the door, and out comes little Zoe. Floyd puts a finger to his lips, indicating that Zoe needs to be quiet. 

Zoe: *Quietly* Is it time daddy?

Floyd: *nods and talks quietly* It's time. Also, I know your hungry, so I'll give you some of my Pizza we got for dinner. Follow me.

The two then walk back into the dining room, where everyone still has their eyes closed. 

Floyd: Alright. . .open your eyes. 

At first they were confused, but that was because they went to look at his hands, and didn't see Zoe standing beside him. Then they saw her. Their eyes went wide and they looked to Floyd for an answer.

Floyd: Guys, meet the newest member of the family. Zoe Branwen.

Ruby: Oh.

Yang: My. 

Qrow: Fucking.

Tai: God.

All: You adopted a kid?!

Floyd: Yes. I adopted her this morning. To put it truthfully but sensitively, Zoe here was in a very bad place in her life. When I saw her and her circumstances, I knew what I had to do. So, she's now my daughter. That gives Yang a new cousin, it makes Ruby an aunt, Tai is now a great-uncle, and Qrow is her Grandfather. Please, she's seven years old and those years have been hard for her, help me make her life good like ours.

Qrow, Ruby, and Yang are all about to speak, but Tai shushes them. 

Tai: When you put it that way, I understand. Zoe.

Zoe looks at the blonde haired huntsman, wondering what he will say.

Tai: Welcome to the family.

At hearing this Zoe freezes, then falls to the floor and starts crying. In an instant, Floyd has moved faster than Ruby could and is right next to her. 

Floyd: Zoe, what's wrong?! Are you ok?!

Zoe: I'm just so happy daddy. 

Everyone else looks on in approval and joy, as Floyd and Zoe hug each other, as newfound father and daughter.

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