Shelby Winchester's Backstory...

By Ziehmer28

56.1K 1.4K 85

What if Dean and Sam had a sister? When Dean, Sam, and there little sister Shelby were kids Shelby was taking... More

Pilot Pt. 1
Pilot Pt. 2
Sister Pt. 1
Sister Pt. 2
Family Ghost Pt. 1
Family Ghost Pt. 2
Sammy! Pt. 1
Sammy Pt. 2
Sammy! Pt. 3
Sammy Pt. 4
Wendigo Pt. 1
Wendigo Pt. 2
Wendigo Pt. 3
Dead In The Water Pt. 1
Dead In The Water Pt. 2
Dead In The Water Pt. 3
Phantom Traveler Pt. 1
Phantom Traveler Pt. 2
phantom traveler Pt. 3
Bloody Mary Pt. 1
Bloody Mary Pt. 2
Bloody Mary Pt. 3
Skin Pt. 1
Skin Pt. 2
Skin Pt. 3
Hook Man Pt. 1
Hook Man Pt. 2
Hook Man Pt. 3
Bugs Pt. 2
Home Pt. 1
Home Pt. 2
Home Pt. 3
Asylum Pt. 1
Asylum Pt. 2
Aslum Pt. 3
Scarcrow Pt.1
Scarecrow Pt. 2
Scarecrow Pt. 3
Faith Pt.1
Faith Pt. 2
Faith Pt. 3
Rout 666 Pt. 1
Route 666 Pt. 2
Route 666 Pt. 3
Nightmare Pt. 1
Nightmare Pt. 2
Nightmare Pt. 3
The Benders Pt. 1
The Benders Pt. 2
The Benders Pt. 3
Shadow Pt. 1
Shadow Pt. 2
Shadow Pt. 3
Hell House Pt. 1
Hell House Pt. 2
Hell House Pt. 3
Something Wicked Pt. 1
Something Wicked Pt. 2
Something Wicked Pt. 3
Dead Man's Blood Pt. 1
Dead Man's Blood Pt. 2
Dead Man's Blood Pt. 3
The Truth and The Consequences Pt. 1
The Lie and The Consequences Pt. 2
Salvation Pt. 1
Salvation Pt. 2
Devil's Trap Pt. 1
Devil's Trap Pt. 2
Devil's Trap Pt. 3
Discontinuing Story.... Sort of?

Bugs Pt. 1

430 16 0
By Ziehmer28


Dean, Sam, and I are in Oklahoma at a bar. Sam is reading a newspaper article about a kid named Dustin while I'm sitting on the car and finishing eating a hot dog. A minute later, Dean comes outside, laughing and waving a wad of cash in the air. “You know, we could get day jobs once in a while” Sam says. “Hunting's our day job” I say “yeah, and the pay is crap” Dean said. “Yeah, but hustling pool, credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean” Sam said.

“Well, let's see honest” Dean holds out one hand “fun and easy” he holds out the other, and gestures that "fun and easy" outweighs "honest". “It's no contest, besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do” Dean said “yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked” Sam said. “Speak for yourself” I say and wipe my hands off “we got a new gig or what” Dean asks, changing the subject.

“Maybe, Oasis Plains, Oklahoma, not far from here. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob” Sam red “huh” Dean asks? Sam is about to speak when I talk behind him. “Human mad cow disease” I say, making Sam and Dean turn and look at me confused that I knew this. “What, this is what happens when I'm alone” I said. Dean shakes his head, putting what I said aside “so mad cow. Wasn't that on Oprah” Dean asked “you watch Oprah” Sam asks? Dean looks embarrassed, can't think of anything to say.

Dean changes the topic “so this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing” Dean asks? “Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years, for the damage to appear. But this guy, Dustin? Sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour. Maybe less” Sam said. “Okay, that's weird” Dean said “no kidding” I say. “Now, it could be a disease or it could be somethin' much nastier” Sam said “all right. Oklahoma” Dean said and gets in the car “man, work, work, work. No time to spend my money” Dean says and we drive off.

We pull up to a Gas and Power Company Building and get out of the car, approaching a guy. “Travis Weaver” Dean asks “yeah, that's right” Travis says and looks up at us “are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty” Dean asks. “Dustin never mentioned nephews or a niece”? “Really, well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest” Dean said. Travis smiled “he did” “listen, we wanted to ask you, what exactly happened out there” I asked?

“I'm not sure. He fell in a sinkhole, I went to the truck to get some rope, and, uh, by the time I got back” Travis stopped. “What did you see” I asked “nothing, just Dustin” Travis said. “No wounds or anything” Sam asks confused “well, he was bleeding from his eyes and his ears, his nose. But that's it” Travis said “so you think it could be this whole mad cow thing” Dean asks? “I don't know, that's what the doctors are sayin'” he said with a shrug.

“But if it was, he would've acted strange beforehand, like dementia, loss of motor control. You ever notice anything like that” Sam asked acting all smart. “No, no way, but then again, if it wasn't some disease, what the hell was it”? “That's a good question” Dean says. “You know, can you tell us where this happened” Sam asked “yeah” he says. After a while later we ended up at the scene of Dustin's death. The sinkhole that Travis talked about what surrounded by police tape. “Huh, what do you think” Dean asks “I don't know. But if that guy, Travis, was right, it happened pretty damn fast” Sam said.

We duck under the police tape and look into the hole with a flashlight. “So, what, some sort of creature chewed on his brain” I asked? “No, there'd be an entry wound. Sounds like this thing worked from the inside” Sam said. “Looks like there's only room for one” Dean said “small space” Sam said and looks at me and I sigh “fine” I said. Dean quick looks up “wait what”? “Oh, don't worry Dean” I say and tie the rope around his waist. “I'll be in an out like a rabbit” I said with a smile.

“Hah, funny” Dean said with a fake smile. I finish tying myself and sit down “don't drop me” I tell them and head down. After about an hour later we are all in the car. Sam is examining a dead beetle in his hand that I had found in the hole. “So you found some beetles. In a hole, in the ground. That's shocking, Shelby” Dean said “there were no tunnels, no tracks. No evidence of any other kind of creature down there” I said “you know, some beetles do eat meat. Now, it's usually dead meat, but” Sam said.

“How many did you find down there” Dean asks “ten” I said “it'd take a whole lot more than that to eat out some dude's brain” Dean said. “Well, maybe there were more” Sam said “I don't know, it sounds like a stretch to me” I say. “Well, we need more information on the area, the neighborhood. Whether something like this has ever happened before” Sam said. As we drive through town, they pass a sign for an open house, decorated with red balloons.

“What” I asked “I know a good place to start” Dean said and I see a sign that says BBQ, “I'm kinda hungry for a little barbeque, how 'bout you” Dean asks “starving” I say in the backseat. Sam looks at Dean “what, we can't talk to the locals” Dean asks? “And the free food's got nothin' to do with it” Sam says to Dean. “And didn't you just eat three hot dogs” Sam asks, looking at me. “Yeah, like two hours ago” I say and Dean looks at me threw the rear view mirror with a smile and I smile back.

We pull over and get out of the car before walking down the street to the open house. “Growin' up in a place like this would freak me out” Dean said “it does” I say “why” Sam asks? “Well, manicured lawns, "How was your day, honey?" I'd blow my brains out” Dean said. “There's nothing wrong with "normal"” Sam said “I'd take our family over normal any day” I said. We approach the house and knock on the door. The homeowner answers. “Welcome” “this the barbeque” Dean asks and Sam and I role our eyes.

“Yeah, not the best weather, but I'm Larry Pike, the developer here. And you are” Larry asked? “Dean, this is Sam and my sister Shelby” Dean said and shook his hand. “Sam, Dean, Shelby good to meet you. So, you three are interested in Oasis Plains” “yes, sir” I said. “Well, come on in” he says and takes us outside to the backyard. There are lots of people walking around, chatting and eating. “You said you were the developer” Sam asks? “Eighteen months ago, I was walking this valley with my survey team. There was nothing here but scrub brush and squirrels. And you know what, we built such a nice place to live that I actually bought into it myself. This is our house. We're the first family in Oasis Plains” Larry said.

We walk over to a lady “this is my wife, Joanie” “hi there” she says and shakes our hands. “This is Sam, Dean, and their younger sister Shelby” Larry said. “Nice to meet you” “tell them how much you love the place, honey. And lie if you have to because I need to sell some houses” Larry said. We all laugh “will you excuse me” he says and leaves. “Don't let his salesman routine scare you. This really is a great place to live” Joanie says.

Suddenly a girl comes up to us, her black hair is pulled back in a tight bun. “Hi, I'm Lynda Bloome, head of sales”. “And Lynda was second to move in. She's a very noisy neighbor, though” Joanie said and leaves. Lynda laughs “she's kidding, of course. I take it you two are interested in becoming homeowners” Lynda says. “Well, I'm gonna go talk to Larry” I said. “I'll come too” Dean said, leaving Sam.

After a short tour on the inside Dean, Larry, and I come downstairs, finishing the tour. “You've got three choices, carpet, hardwood, and tile” Larry says. I notice a jar full of bugs on a nearby table. “Whoa, someone likes bugs” I say, making Dean and Larry look over to the jar. “My son, he's into insects. He's very, inquisitive” Larry says and we head outside.

We see Sam talking to Larry's son “Matthew” Larry says and we walk over to Matthew. Matthew actually looked cute. “I am so sorry about my son and his, pet” Larry said and walked off with Matthew as Dean walks over to me. “Remind you of somebody” Dean said to Sam. Sam looks at Matt before looking at Dean again “dad”? “ Dad never treated us like that” Dean said. “Well, Dad never treated you like that and Shelby wasn't even there, you were perfect. He was all over my case, you don't remember” Sam asks? “Well, maybe he had to raise his voice, but sometimes, you were out of line” Dean said.

Sam laughs “right, right, like when I said I'd rather play soccer than learn bowhunting” Sam said. “Bowhunting's an important skill” Dean said “he has a point” I say to Sam. Sam rolls his eyes “whatever. How was your tour” “oh, it was excellent. I'm ready to buy” Dean said, making Sam laugh. “ So you might be onto somethin'. Looks like Dustin Burwash wasn't the first strange death around here” Dean said. “What happened” Sam asked as I look over at Mat.

“About a year ago, before they broke ground, one of Larry's surveyors dropped dead while on the job. Get this severe allergic reaction to bee stings” Dean said “more bugs” Sam said. Dean nods “more bugs”. Sam notices me looking at Matt “you like him, don't you” Sam asks with a smile. I look at Sam and Dean as they look at me “yeah, okay” I say and walk away.

Sam is driving through the neighborhood while Dean looks through our father's journal. “I don't get it, Sam gets to drive and I don't” I asked and Dean sighs loudly “like I said, I'll have a ghost drive before you do” Dean said. “You know, I've heard of killer bees, but killer beetles? What is it that could make different bugs attack” Dean asks, changing the subject. “Well, hauntings sometimes include bug manifestations” Sam said. “Yeah, but I didn't see any evidence of ghost activity” Dean said. “Yeah, me neither” Sam said with a sigh.

“Maybe they're being controlled somehow. You know, by something or someone” I said “you mean, like Willard” Sam asks? “Yeah, bugs instead of rats” Dean said “there are cases of psychic connections between people and animals, elementals, telepaths” Sam said. “Yeah, that whole Timmy-Lassie thing. Larry's kid” Dean said, getting an idea “Matt” I say and Dean looks at me but shakes it off “he's got bugs for pets” Dean finishes.

“He did try to scare the realtor with a tarantula” Sam said “you think he's our Willard” Dean asks? “I don't know, anything's possible, I guess” Dean said and looks out the window “ooh, hey. Pull over here” he says. Sam pulls into the empty driveway of one of the Oasis Plains homes. “What are we doing here” I asked as Dean gets out of the car “it's too late to talk to anybody else” Dean said. “We're gonna squat in an empty house” Sam asked?

“Yes, finally a nice bed and my own room with a shower” I say. “Yeah, and I wanna try the steam shower. Come on” Sam doesn't move “come one” Dean says again. Reluctantly, Sam pulls the car into the garage, and Dean and I close it. We head inside with our bags and I pick the only room that has a bathroom hooked to it. “Called it” I said and close the door behind me as Sam and Dean sigh. I take a long shower before getting out and getting changed.

I hear Sam talk to Dean before it goes silent again. I slip on some black pants and am putting on my tank top as Sam opens the door. “Sorry” Sam said and turns away “no one knocks in this family” I say and finish pulling my tank top down. Sam looks at me worriedly “what happen there” Sam asks. I look down and pull up my shirt a little before letting it dropped. “Was on a case with Dean, was thrown across the room and onto a broken table. One of the legs were broken” I slipped on a shirt to go over my tank top. “Went right threw me” I said and set my hands on my hips before looking at Sam.

“You get hurt a lot” Sam says with a smile “no kidding, so whats up” I asked? “A police call came in on the scanner, someone was found dead three blocks from here” Sam said and I sighed. “At least I got to take a nice shower” I say and grab my jacket and my bag before heading out to the car with Dean and Sam. We pull up to a house full of cops and an ambulance.

Lucky for us it's raining, joy, and there are only two umbrellas so I had to share one with Sam. We got out of the car and approach Larry, who is finishing talking to someone on the phone. Lynda's body is being carried out in a body bag on a stretcher. “Hello, you're, uh, back early” Larry said “yeah, we just drove in, wanted to take another look at the neighborhood” Dean said. “What's goin' on” I asked?

“You guys met, uh, Lynda Bloome at the barbeque” Larry asked, looking at the dead body. “The realtor” Sam said “well, she, uh, passed away last night” Larry said, bringing a shock exasperation on all of out faces. “What happened” Dean asked “I'm still tryin' to find out. Identified the body for the police. Look, I-I'm sorry, this isn't a good time now, excuse me” Larry said and left.

“You know what we have to do, right” I asked them “yeah, get in that house” “see if we got a bug problem” Dean said. After a few minuets we climb over the fence, up the side of the house, and through Lyndia's bedroom window. There's glass all over the ground and an outline of her dead body is drawn on the carpet. “This looks like the place” I said and we walk over to another part of the house. Dean picks up a towel, and drops it when he sees it is covered in dead spiders. “Spiders, from your Spider Boy” Dean asks looking at me.

“Matt, maybe” Sam says and I sigh “great, I like a guy and they end up being a killer with bugs” I say. We got back in the car and drive off until we pull up at the curb. Across the street, Matt gets off a school bus and begins walking. “Isn't his house that way” Dean asks, pointing to the opposite direction. “Yup” Sam says and we get out of the car and begin following Matt. We find him in the woods, examining a grasshopper. “Hey, Matt, remember me” Sam says to him.

Matt looks up “what are you doin' out here” Matt asks a little freaked out. “Well, we wanna talk to you” Dean says. “You're not here to buy a house, are you” Matt says and Dean shakes his head. “W-wait, you're not serial killers” Matt asked and we can't help but laugh. “No, your safe” I said. “So, Matt, you sure know a lot about insects” Dean said “so” Matt said confused. “Did you hear what happened to Lynda, the realtor” Sam asked. “I hear she died this morning” Matt said “mm, that's right, spider bites” Dean said.

I sigh and roll my eyes at him “Matt, you tried to scare her with a spider” Sam said. “Wait, you think I had something to do with that” Matt asked “no, they do, but you tell us” I said. “That tarantula was a joke. Anyway, that wouldn't explain the bee attack or the gas company guy” Matt said. “You know about those” Sam asked “there is somethin' going on here. I don't know what... but something's happening with the insects. Let me show you something” Matt said.

Matt picks up his backpack and we fallow him to another area. “So, if you knew about all this bug stuff, why not tell your dad? Maybe he could clear everybody out” Dean asked? “Believe me, I've tried, but, uh, Larry doesn't listen to me” Matt said. “Why not” I asked “mostly? He's too disappointed in his freak son” Matt said. “I hear you” Sam says and Dean looks at him annoyed. “Matt, how old are you” I asked “20” he says “well, have you thought about doing anything, college maybe” Sam asked?

Matt laughs a little “you'll be able to get out of that house and away from your dad” Sam said. “What kind of advice is that, kid should stick with his family” Dean said. “What did you do” Matt asks me “why not ask us” Dean asks? “From what I hear, sounds like he went to college” Matt says and nods to Sam. “And you staid home” he says, nodding to Dean. “What about you” Matt asked me and I looked at the ground before looking foreword.

“A lot different then ether of those two” I said which seemed to make him smile a little. A few moments later we reach a large clearing. The sounds of hundreds of different insects can be heard among the trees. “I've been keeping track of insect populations. It's, um, part of an AP science class” Matt said. “You two are like peas in a pod” Dean said and Sam ignores him. “What's been happening” I asked him as we stop. “A lot, I mean, from bees to earthworms, beetles, you name it. It's like they're congregating here” Matt said.

“Why” Sam asks “I don't know” Matt says. “What's that” Sam asks and points to a dark patch of grass a few feet away. Curious, we walk over to it and discover hundreds of worms. Dean steps on some of them, and they fall into the ground, creating a hole. He crouches down and uses a stick to poke around in the hole. “There's somethin' down there” Dean says. He puts the stick down and puts his hand into the hole. With a disgusted expression, he feels something inside the hole. He brings his hand back up, and we all look horrified. Covered in dirt and worms, is a human skull.

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