Riverside Academy

By 9forgotten

429K 13.7K 1.3K

Spencer is a popular, well known trouble maker around all the public schools in her district. So when she fin... More

Riverside Academy Preview
Chapter 1- How it all started
Chapter 2- The Skate Park
Chapter 3- Last Days
Chapter 4- Welcome to Riverside Academy
Chapter 5- First Day
Chapter 6- The weird New Kid
Chapter 7- "Sleepover" With my roommates
Chapter 8- Becoming more Acquainted
Chapter 9- Teasing Me Again
Chapter 10- Night Walk
Chapter 11- Riverside is...
Chapter 12- Spencer's not around again?
Chapter 13- Sleepover
Chapter 14- What's with this kid?
Chapter 15- Beaches & Boardwalks
Chapter 16- Sunsets and Confessions
Chapter 17- Emergency
Chapter 18- Missing
Chapter 19- Unexpected phone call
Chapter 20- Back Home
Chapter 21- Please Don't Go
Chapter 22- Spencer's Back
Chapter 23- Fighting Demons
Chapter 24- Out to Dinner
Chapter 25- All Secrets Told?
Chapter 26- Road Trip!
Chapter 27- Day 2!
Chapter 28- Day 3!
Chapter 29- Lunch & Into the Night
Chapter 30- Disney World & Surprises
Chapter 31- Unrequited Love
Chapter 32- Homebound
Chapter 33- Back to School
Chapter 34- Dealing with the Aunt & Gifts
Chapter 35- Alexander's Return
Chapter 36- Don't Mess with Me
Chapter 37- She's the Real Deal
Authors Note

Chapter 38- Try & Stop Me

9.5K 324 51
By 9forgotten

Spencers POV

When Joey burst out from her room yelling my name, I knew I wasn’t fighting my Dad for nothing. Of course I used that and went all crazy again and once again got sedated for like the third time this night. As soon as My Dad stepped into my rom, I though eh was going to blow up but no he hugs me and then says ‘Oh yeah, by the way, I’m bring you back home in a couple day’ and thats how this all started. I mean, no he didn’t say it like that, but I went berserk on him, absolutely he just jumped that one me right after being awake for like 10 minutes. Not to mention, he added that Ryan would be moving in since his Dad didn’t want him anymore for whatever reason. Not that I cared at the moment, I’d deal with that later, right now it was fighting to stay here in America. 

I knew our voices could be herd all over the place and I’d been told multiple times I needed to be quiet but I just brushed that aside. I didn’t care if I was making a racket, I didn’t care if it was embarrassing my Dad, I was going to get what I wanted. Call me Daddy’s little girl, call me a prick, call me spoiled, I could care less. He could disown me, I could run away, I could care less. I just wanted one thing, and it was crazy to think about how far I’d go to get it but who cares? 

When I woke up again from being knocked out, it was boring once again and I had even more stupid things jabbed into my arm. I rolled my eye and just pulled them all out again, I didn’t want a dumb IV thing or morphine or things that monitored my stress levels and shit. Per usual, it alerted the people I was awake and the same nurse from yesterday ran in. I just yawned and waved hello as I sat up “Morning Nikki” I greet stretching carefully. 

She sighs and moves the chords “Morning Spencer, how're you feeling?” she asks sitting on the bed. I smiled some and shrugged “My throat hurts from yelling, I’m still pissed as hell but other then that, I’m fine. How’re you?” I asked yawning. She chuckles “I’m doing alright, been dealing with a crazy teen who rips our their IV chords and crap” she muses. I smirk slightly and give her thumbs up “Yeah, well stop sticking stuff in me and then you wont have to panic all the time” I say laughing. 

She swats my head “Shut up Spencer, it’s my job” she says as I try and duck. We’d gotten fairly close, as close as a doctor and patient can get since she kept having to deal with me and my craziness. She knew everything that was going on to, she was nice, young, pretty, understanding, all that fun stuff. “Pfft, go break some rules, live a little” I counter leaning back as I raise the bed up some. “I do have fun and live!” she protests. I laugh “Sure you do Nikki, sure you so” I tease shaking my head.

“Hey, I’m pretty sure our ideas of fun are very different” she argues. I just shrug “Doubtful, I like doing normal things all the time. Getting shot and stabbed isn’t a daily thing at all” I say rolling my eyes. Nikki raised an eyebrow “Really? Because according to your records from England hospitals, getting shot and knifed was a pretty frequent happening when you were a bit younger” she counters. My eyes narrow “Those stupid bastards cant keep a secret” I muttered with a huff. I get whacked across the head again “Watch the language missy” she snips with a smile. 

I scowl but does as she says, going quiet for a few moments “Why is my Dad overreacting about all this? Getting in these fights isn’t something new at all as you apparently now know, so why is he freaking out now?” I wondered aloud. Nikki shrugs “Maybe because he’s scared? I mean, just less then a year ago, you stopped all that. Maybe he’s afraid you might slip back into all that and is pulling you back close to keep an eye over you” she suggests thoughtfully. 

I nodded slightly “Yeah, okay that makes sense but Joey makes me happy. I’d never wanna resort to all that with her around and now he wants to take me away from her? Wouldn’t that technically be like, making me want to resort to violence and stuff again?” I countered with a raised eyebrow. Nikki nods slightly “Yes, that’s what I’d think to but I’m sure he has his reason. Why don’t you try asking him without yelling and just shut up and listen to him rather open your mouth and start cussing your head off. You might be surprised as to what he has to say” she advises standing up. 

My eyes narrow slightly “You know something don’t you?” I ask. She just shrugs “I know what I know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to check on the other patients. Be good missy’ she sats before walking out, the door falling shut behind her quietly. I sighed and looked outside thoughtfully, wondering what was going on through my Dad’s head. Closing my eyes, I just let myself drift off into a world between awake and asleep, letting the day waste away to nothingness. 

In the end, I pretty much slept the day away, always in that half awake half asleep state of mind. Hearing things, smelling things, but not processing anything as I basically dozed all day. When I finally woke up from whatever that was, it was late afternoon and my Dad was sitting next to my bed asleep. I took the chance to just look at him closely, he seemed a lot older and tireder then I remembered. I wondered for a moment how he was doing back home with his business and how he was dealing with Mum’s death. It’d been a couple months now, she’d passed away back in early October and here it was early mid December. 

I watched as his eyes flicked open and met my gaze, our eyes looking for a moment as we just looked at each other. “You’ve got your mothers eyes you know” he says softly. I just look at him weird, wondering where the heck that remark came from but said nothing in return. It was true, I had my Mum’s eyes and my Dad’s hair and both gave me this awesome build. “39 years ago today, I met your the love of my life and then 7 years later, I got married to her” he says looking outside now. I blinked and snatched my phone up form the table side, December 9th 

Today was their anniversary of many things for my parents. When they first met, when they first started dating, when they got married. I smiled faintly and watched my Dad sit there thinking about my Mum for sometime. “Do you miss her Dad?” I asked after sometimes of silence. He nods slightly, turning to me “Very much so, I miss her very much and the idea of losing you to scares me. I can’t lose my two favorite girls in one year.” he says with a small smile.

I return it and hope out of bed, walking over to him and giving him a hug “I’m sorry I caused so much trouble and I’m sorry for hardly ever getting along with Mum. I miss her too even though I didn’t really get along with her. Sorry for getting into a fight at the wedding to and then just walking out” I say with a long sigh. My Dad just laughs softly and hugs me, pulling me into his lap like I was a little kid again “Well, you and Ryan got your feelings out, even if it was during a funeral and disrupting everything. I hope you two will get a long a bit better now”

I just shrugged “Maybe, I still prefer Jasper and Sora over him anyway.” I answered thinking back to when they were still around. 16 was to young for someone to die of something so horrible just as 13 was to young for someone to be getting into gang fights. Sighs pass through our lips at the same time as I get up, moving around the room and stretching some. I wanted these stupid cuts and crap to heal already but I knew it’d take sometime. 

“Look Spencer, the reason I want you to come home is because I need to make sure you wont get into more trouble and bad things” he says with a sigh. I glare at him slightly “And I refuse to leave because I’m perfectly fine. Just because of this one little thing doesn’t mean I’m falling back to old times. I was fighting for an actual reason and that reason is for Joey. She means a lot and I don’t want to leave her” I answered as calm as I could. 

Dad just sighs and shakes his head “I know that Spence but I’m bringing you home anyway, please don’t argue with me. I have to go talk to the school and get your records and transfer things. I’ll be back tomorrow to get you and then we can get your things” he says before walking out, leaving no time for me to protest. I growl and punch the wall after he leave, forgetting my hands were still hurt. 

I cursed and looked at my hand, making sure it wasn’t bleeding again or something. Once I decided all was fine, I sat down and sulked by myself. I still hadn’t seen Joey yet and I wanted to but I had no idea what the heck I’d tell her. I’d seem Rose eavesdropping on the argument I had yesterday and figured Joey knew by now. Hell, her freak out last night proved she knew. “THIS SUCKS SHIT!” I scream at the wall before punching it again. 

Nikki runs in a moment later with a slight glare “I swear child! I told you to behave no sit and let me look at your hand!” she barks. I laugh and do as she demands. “I’m sorry, I’m just frustrated and I’m not sure what to do. I’m only a kid” I muttered as I watched her tend to my hand and making sure the stitches hadn’t broken. Honestly, I would've ripped those stitches out if I didn’t know that it hurt like hell if you did that. 

She smile some and shrugs “i know it sucks but just be patient and think things through clearly rather yelling. Now hush and rest since that’s what the rest of this place is doing” she says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and get back into my bed, lying on my back and starring up at the dark celling, far from tired and wide awake. 

The hours tick by and I just lie there, thinking about everything and trying ti think of loopholes or what I wish I could say to everyone. I was as quiet as it could be for a hospital, not many issues were going on tonight. So far anyway, I hoped it stayed that way not just because I liked the quiet but so the staff could kinda rest some. I knew they worked hard at their jobs and it wasn’t always easy. 

More hours clocked by and the doctors and nurses switched out, still nothing interesting happening. When something did, I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or not because tonights disturbance was someone breaking into the hospital after hours. I wasn’t sure who it was or why they were here and while it broke the peace made things a tad more interesting to listen for, I got the feeling it was someone rather unwanted.

However I just lay there and pretended to sleep while listening to people talk in the halls, running all over like chickens with their heads cut off. My door burst open suddenly and light flooded the small space, I didn’t know who was at the doorway and I didn’t move incase it was someone unpleasant. Footsteps walked over to my bed and I herd the distant click of a gun being taken off its safely lock. Well shit, I thought to myself this idiot wants to kill me, what now? I wondered as the footsteps stopped. I could sense a person right next to my bed, hell I could hear their breathing over the racket in the hallway. “I found you” 

My eyes flew open and I threw myself to the floor just as the gun was fired. I could feel the bullet wiz past my ear as I moved. HOLY SHIT I COULD’VE DIED JSUT THEN! my mind screams as I land on the floor. “What the hell are you doing here!?” I shout as I look up from behind the bed to see Alexander standing there. He just grins “The prisons here are easy to breakout of, especially when you’re being transported” he says. Oh right, he was being transported back to wherever. I eye his gun as he just lifts to and points it at me. 

Well, I was in a sticky situation.I didn’t have my knife with me, he had a gun and everyone else was in way to much of a panic. So, naturally, I raised my hands and watched him carefully. “Okay, do you found me. What now?” I asked raising an eyebrow with a sigh smirk. He glares angrily at me “Tell me where Johanna is” he demands. I frown “Why?” I counter. “Just tell me!” he screams. I roll my eyes “No, I’m not telling you” I disagree stubbornly. 

“Mr. Alexander Fisk Dawson, what made you go so mad?” I wondered aloud as I watched his eyes widen slightly. “Don’t call me that!” he snaps. I raised an eyebrow “Call you what? Alexander Fis-“ “Shut up!” he interrupts. I sigh “What’s wrong with Fisk? It’s a cool name actually” I remark with a slight shrug. He huffs but goes quiet for a moment “Fisk is the name of my little brother who died before Johanna came along…he was the best little kid brother…why am I tell you this!?” he growls shaking his head. 

I just shrugged “I dunno, you started it. What happened to him?” I asked curiously. His gaze grows dark again “My stupid parents killed him! Got in a stupid car crash with some stupid teens! And then they just went and got another little sibling for me like they could replace him! They acted like nothing ever happened to him!” he screamed. “Car crash?” I wondered aloud. Man this felt rather similar. He snorts “Drunken idiots” comes his short reply. I glare at him “Really? So drunken fools killed your brother and then you turn to drugs? They very thing that killed him!? What kinda logic is that!?” I sneer angrily.  

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! You know nothing! Just die already so I can go kill that stupid little bitch who replaced my brother!” he shouts shooting again. Not expecting any of this and not at all in the best condition, I couldn't move fast enough to avoid the incoming bullets. Before he’d even finished shooting, he was gone and down the hall looking for Joey. As for me, I get hit side and shoulder. No where fatal at least. Biting down the pain, I raced out the room and down the hall. He was pretty easy to find, the only idiot yelling his head off. 

He’d found Joey’s room and was about to enter when I flat out tackled him. We tumbled across the floor, crashing into the wall. Having the apprehend this time, he shakes me off and races into Joeys room, I hot on his heels. Entering a split second after him I watched as he again lifted the killing weapon at Joey who was wide awake now and completely freaking out. Who to tackle? The idiot with the gun or the one to scared to move? 

I opted for the latter decision, diving at Joey and yanking her away from the bed and once again falling on the floor. I winced slightly as she screamed in my ear and holding her arm which was bleeding now. It’s just a small price to pay, get a bunch of stuff ripped form your arm for you life, I’m sorry! I silently told her as I jumped up again and lunged at the maniac, tackling him to the ground again. He decides to punch me in the throat which cut off my air supply for a frightening few seconds but as soon as I recovered, I jumped up and ran right into him. Shoved him right out the partly open window. Grabbing onto it, he pulled himself back in but I kept him up against the glass. Reaching around him, I punched it as hard as I could to get it to break or something but it was kinda hard with someone trying to kill you.

Yelling in anger, he shoots again at me but completely misses and by my count, he was out of bullets so once again he swings his arms at me, catching the side of my head and injured shoulder as I struggle to push him out. Kicking at my legs, kneeing me in the stomach, punching the bullet wounds, clawing my face off, punching me in the throat again, I pulled what I had left and pushed him as hard as I could. The window completely breaking under him and down he fell, however many levels up we were onto the ground below where the cops had just pulled up. 

Finally they’re here, would’ve been nice if they'd arrived sooner “ I muttered to myself as I leaned back and sat on the floor. More police ran into the room and over to us, looking out then at me “Don’t even think about accusing me of killing him or attempt of murder!” I say, not sure if he survived that fall or not. “He came into my room, tried to shoot me in the head then come kill Joey, ask anyone here he was trying to kill us and I was just acting on self defense” I snap swiftly, in between deep breaths of gulping down air. 

I coughed and hunched over, blood pooling from my shoulder and side. Joey was having a full on panic attack near by and the police just standing there like idiots weren't really helping. Thankfully, doctors and nurses rushed in and started to do their thing, calming Joey down and taking me to who knows where. Everything that went on the next few hours passed by in a blur and I remembered pretty much nothing of it. 

I had to go into surgery to get the stupid bullets outta me and that wasn’t fun since I’d been in that creepy place only a couple days before. Whatever sleeping thing they gave me, it wore off way to fast and I was awake near the end of the process but I chose to stick it out and stay awake. I accepted the painkiller stuff for the time being but told them I didn’t want it later when it wore off. I was taken to another room, one shared with Joey who was asleep now due to drugs. 

My Dad was here, the police were looking at the security cameras, the six friends had arrived, all wearing various PJs and looking sleepy as hell. I just fell asleep in the middle of everything, falling to the blackness of nothing. When I came to, it was mid morning of the next day and soft voices were speaking near by. Eyes still shut, I lay there just listening to everything for a moment. I identified our friends speaking with Joey, my Dad and Officer Parker and Nikki next to me checking things. Actually Nikki wasn’t speaking, I could just smell her perfume from where I lay.

Opening my eyes, I sit up slowly with a yawn “Well, that was one hell of a night” I announce looking around. There was a pause in time before everyone jumped at me, giving me one giant hug. I just laughed some only to get whacked on the back of my head which made me scowl and look around to find who it was. I was surprised to find out it was Joey but there she stood, hands on hips with her famous scowl glare as she looked at me. I smiled some and turned to her “I’m sorry for being reckless, please forgive me?” I say already knowing she was about to scold me. 

She holds her glare for a moment before softening up and hugging me tightly “You gave everyone a huge scare dummy” she informs me softly. I smiled sadly and pulled her up next to me “I know, I’m sorry about that but I’m pretty sure it’s all over now” I say looking over at my Dad as he entered the room, Officer Parker behind him. 

The six and Joey back up and sit down in various places as Officer Trent speaks, Nikki just tending to my wounds. “Alright, well Spencer you are clear. It was confirmed and decided what you did was indeed self defense. Alexander is not dead, just got a nasty cut on his head, has a concussion but is still being taken to jail. That’s all I have to say for my part, have a good and get better you two. See you guys around” he says before waving and walking out. I smiled slightly to myself but it fades as I turn to my Dad.

“I don’t have much to say before I’ll be on my way for a bit. First of, I’m glad you’re okay. Second, we’re still going home” was all he said be fore turning to walk out. I slam my hand down on the bed, making him stop and turn around to give me a funny look. I shake my head “No Dad, you’re going home. I’m not going anywhere. And no, stop, let me speak now” I say holding a hand up as I looked him dead in the eye. 

“I know I did a lot of bad things back then, I was upset and struggling. I admit what I did wasn’t the best nor was it the wisest but Ive learned form all that. I’m better, I’m happier, I like it here because this is where Joey is and she’s really made me realize a lot of things. I’m not still stuck in the stage of being 13 and the first half of my 16th year of being alive. I still miss them and I wish they’d come back but I know that wont ever happen. I wont fall again because I’m smarter now. Just, trust me okay?” I said, knowing I was confusing everyone but my Dad.

“Tell me Spencer, how much do you care for her?” he asks turning and facing me fully. I take a deep breath and think for a moment “A lot. I wouldn’t go put my self in danger for just anyone.” I answered before stopping again for a moment. I thought about everything carefully before speaking again, my Dad just standing there patiently for me to explain. 

“She makes me happy, she makes me realize how dumb I was back then. It’s crazy, I’ll do anything for her. Dad, it’s like when you think or look at Mum before she passed away. You know, all that love and compassion. I know you cared for her so much and I saw it as a kid. You always did everything to try and keep her as happy as you can, always doing sweet things and making her smile. It’s the same. I’d do anything just to see that smile that’s so infectious I can’t help smile back. 

I might be fighting for something that will later prove to be worthless but I don’t care right now, just being with her is fine with me. I’ll fight the demons we face, I’ll slay them all if that’s what it takes. I’ll prove to her crazy protective friends that I wont break her heart. I’ll prove to her family that I’m the only one she needs. I’ll fight the whole world if I have to, I’ll prove my worth over and over. I’ll fight anything and everything to win and keep her heart. 

I can’t fully explain what I feel because it’s a feeling that can’t be explained really. You now what I’m talking about exactly Dad. The one feeling that just cant be explained because it’s so wonderful but so mysterious at the same time. It makes you do crazy things but you just don’t care because it’s all worth it in the end. 

Dad, just let me stay here in America. I’ll come home and visit, hell I’ll just bring her with me. You aren't going to loose me like we lost them.” I say with a tired sigh. “Please don’t take my from the one thing that I’ve finally found, the one thing that makes me so happy and want to be a better person. I know I have my faults and ugly past, we all do. I know all that but I’m moving on, I’ve changed since coming here.” I say looking at him, meeting his dark unreadable eyes. 

“Dad, just let me stay here because no matter what you say, you cant stop the fact that I, Spencer -the troublesome punk idiot- who will fight even you,” I paused and looked over at Joey dead in the eye with a soft, hopelessly in love smile “has fallen. Fallen head over heels, so beyond belief, in love with her” 

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